Words simply cannot express our disgust. While millions of Americans were grieving and praying for the victims and their families, the left immediately and shamelessly went to work to exploit the massacre in Arizona to silence critics of the radical Obama agenda and save ObamaCare from the ash-heap of history.
Barack Obama's former Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, once said that one should never let a good crisis go to waste... but the shameless exploitation of this horrendous event by leftists in the media and the halls of Congress simply goes too far... even by liberals' standards... IT'S BEYOND SICK.
And their sickening message is crystal-clear: If you oppose ObamaCare... if you oppose the radical, liberty-stealing, Obama agenda... YOU ARE TO BLAME... if you're a patriotic American and believe you have the right to engage in civil political discourse, this horrendous massacre is YOUR FAULT because opposition to ANY aspect of the radical Obama agenda is, BY DEFINITION, "hateful" and "incites violence" ... so you'd better sit down and shut up.
The message is as ridiculous as it is shameless, because the left is desperate. The left knows that the days of Obama's government-run health care scheme are numbered and so the left has thrown all bounds of decency out the window when it comes to silencing patriotic Americans. Anything goes because YOU MUST BE SILENCED IF OBAMACARE IS TO BE SAVED.
So, what are patriotic Americans to do in response to this ham-handed attempt to muzzle them as their liberties are being suppressed in such a bold and egregious manner?
First and foremost, those of us who are so inclined, must continue to pray for the victims of this horrible massacre and their families; but, more importantly, we must continue the fight and send a clear message to our elected officials and the leftist establishment that these ham-handed attempts to demonize patriotic Americans will not be tolerated and will not work.
Our elected officials must be made to understand, in no uncertain terms, that patriotic Americans will not be intimidated or bullied into SILENCE. They must be made to understand that our resolve is stronger than ever. They must be made to understand that patriotic Americans still want ObamaCare repealed and the radical Obama agenda stopped.
Firing an opening salvo, The New York Times (in a not-so-veiled reference to the pending vote to repeal ObamaCare) attempted to put forth a self-fulfilling prophecy: "The fallout seemed to hold the potential to upend the effort by Republicans to keep their agenda front and center in the new Congress and to alter the political narrative in other ways."
But then, by Monday, the vitriol intensified and The Times clarified its position in an editorial. After begrudged admitting that it was "facile" and "mistaken" to attribute this senseless massacre "DIRECTLY to Republicans or Tea Party members," [Emphasis Ours] The Times went on to state that "it is legitimate to hold Republicans and particularly their most virulent supporters in the media responsible...."
And The New York Times is not alone. A literal chorus of leftist elites in Washington and the media started beating the drums and, rather ironically, called for an end to the "vitriol" ... not the "vitriol" that THEY were spewing, but rather, the "vitriol" that they FALSELY, CALLOUSLY and VICIOUSLY claimed YOU were spewing.
The message was clear; if patriotic Americans like you had simply kept your traps shut... if you had shown common decency by NOT opposing the radical Obama agenda... this horrible event would have never happened. It's ALL YOUR FAULT.
Of course the implications were more than FALSE... they were DISGUSTING.
Gary Bauer with American Values stated it best: "The smear campaign against conservatives in the wake of the shooting spree is beyond disgusting. It is a part of the ongoing campaign to demonize, delegitimize and ultimately silence millions of Americans who want constitutional government, lower taxes, less power concentrated in Washington, life to be protected and marriage to remain the union of one man and one woman."
Damn The Truth, Full Speed Ahead.
And then, the vitriol intensified even more. To hell with the facts. Who cares about the truth? After all, when it comes to propaganda campaigns, facts and truth can be pesky things:
Of course, these attacks were short on both facts and truth, and as the facts slowly came to light, they revealed a picture that was very different from the one that Olbermann, Krugman and others were painting.
An ex-classmate actually described Loughner as "left-wing" and a "pothead." It is now being reported that Loughner listed Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto as two of his favorite books and that he wrote on his now scrubbed FaceBook page that his heroes were "Barack Obama, Saul Alinsky, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Huo (sic) Chavez, Noam Chomsky, Mao Tse-tung, Joseph Stalin, and Yassir Arafat" and that "Obama and the Progressives will overcome the tyrrany (sic) of big business and the racist Tea Party."
Of course, if you're expecting Keith Olbermann and Paul Krugman to issue apologies, correct the record, stop the propaganda, and tone down THEIR rhetoric, don't hold your breath.
It won't happen because such an admonishment would run counter to the left's goal of blaming this tragedy on decent Americans like you and shaming patriotic Americans like you into SILENCE when it comes to repealing ObamaCare and stopping the radical Obama agenda.
They spoke before they knew the facts and, now that they know the facts, they still won't stop assassinating the character of decent, hard-working Americans because, truth be told, the left knows that the days of ObamaCare are numbered and this concerted effort to exploit this tragedy to demonize patriotic Americans, like you, is the last weapon in their arsenal. Damn the truth... full speed ahead.
It's nothing more than a desperate attempt to shut you up, and YOU CAN thwart their plans. The left wants your SILENCE... the left desperately needs your silence... it's the one thing you must not give them. If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.
There's More To Come.
Why is there more to come? Because spewing vitriol is Standard Operating Procedure for the extreme left. As the father of the radical activism, Saul Alinsky, once stated, "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon" and "If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside."
Stated another way: If at first you don't succeed, lie, lie, lie again.
Bauer points out the blatant and ongoing hypocrisy in this strategy: "To blame conservatives for the action of this assassin is to engage in exactly the kind of 'hate speech' the left claims it wants to end. In fact, it has been the political left that has regularly tried to demonize millions of Americans who hold conservative views."
Of course not. It hasn't happened. It won't happen and that's no accident. Remember the attempted bombing in Times Square last year?
Marc A. Thiessen, a former speech writer for former-President George W. Bush makes the following observation: "After the attempted car bombing in Times Square last year, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg publicly speculated that the attack had been carried out by 'somebody with a political agenda that doesn't like the health-care bill or something.' At the Nation, columnist Robert Dreyfuss wrote that 'a member of some squirrelly branch of the Tea Party, anti-government far right' was probably behind the bombing. Countless others in the left-wing blogosphere joined the 'blame the Tea Party' chorus - until it was disclosed that the perpetrator of the attack was not a Tea Party supporter but a Taliban-trained Islamic radical. Whoops."
Is there more to come? You'd better believe it.
Now Is Not The Time To Give Up The Fight.
When it comes to the "WHY," radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh has some words of wisdom on that score: "Nothing is beneath the American left. We on the right, ladies and gentlemen, have led the charge against Congress and the professional political class for noble and obvious reasons. I can't speak for others who do what I do but I'm not gonna be silenced by this."
And why should we be SILENT at a time when the left is desperate? The radical Obama agenda is tumbling down and the only weapon the left has left to stop the inevitable is YOUR SILENCE.
As for the "WHAT," Limbaugh again: "Thomas Jefferson said, 'All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.' The fact of the matter is it is our right and our duty to continue to criticize the very people who have put the fate of our country in peril, and it is. So I would say to all who do what I do; hold your heads high."
Yes... we're going to hold our heads up high... we're going to keep up the fight... we're not giving in... we're not giving up a solitary inch... and WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED.
When it comes to repealing ObamaCare and the rest of the radical Obama agenda we must speak LOUDER than ever... and dismantle it piece by piece... and brick by brick... that's the message that our elected officials must hear from patriotic Americans, like you, right here and right now.
The American people will NOT be bullied and intimidated by leftist propaganda and innuendos. The American people will not be SILENCED. The American people want ObamaCare repealed... PERIOD.
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