article source: If you think Cap & Trade is an American problem, think again - it is EVERYBODY'S problem ... because the environmental tyrants are making it everybody's problem.
We know Barack Obama wants to redistribute the wealth of Americans ... we heard him say it on Chicago public radio. We heard him say it to Joe the Plumber. And we heard him say it to the NAACP. Every action he has taken while in office has been to inhibit individual success and redistribute success for the "collective good."
But here is something you may not have realized: Obama is not only taking the middle class's money and giving it to minority classes in America. He is sending America's working class "wealth" to the third world in the form of carbon credit payments to the emerging nations. Why? To transform the third world into a modern industrial megaplex as he converts America into...Detroit.
When Obama is finished with the United States, it will resemble a third world country in terms of wealth. And the human capital-rich emerging nations will have a piece of our success because we will have sent all our money there to support Cap & Trade regulations.
Even before the global warming summit in Cancun began in December, 2010, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC) Working Group III co-chair Ottmar Edenhofer said the conference had "almost nothing to do with the environmental policy." Its real purpose "is redistributing the world's wealth and natural resources."
The American Power Act is the climate lobby's latest Robin Hood scheme. Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) are pushing the Act, which would give international offset credits to countries that reduce deforestation. It also calls for the Secretary of Agriculture and the EPA to create a program "to provide assistance to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation in developing countries, in accordance with this title."
More than 1,000 scientists have openly challenged the IPCC - and the environmentalists don't like it.
Scientists have already debunked global warming theories, but media sympathizers and a powerful climate lobby have done everything they can to ignore or discredit those who have dared speak the truth.
Ellen Goodman of the Boston Globe wrote that those who deny global warming "are now on a par with Holocaust deniers."
We know Barack Obama wants to redistribute the wealth of Americans ... we heard him say it on Chicago public radio. We heard him say it to Joe the Plumber. And we heard him say it to the NAACP. Every action he has taken while in office has been to inhibit individual success and redistribute success for the "collective good."
When Obama is finished with the United States, it will resemble a third world country in terms of wealth. And the human capital-rich emerging nations will have a piece of our success because we will have sent all our money there to support Cap & Trade regulations.
Even before the global warming summit in Cancun began in December, 2010, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC) Working Group III co-chair Ottmar Edenhofer said the conference had "almost nothing to do with the environmental policy." Its real purpose "is redistributing the world's wealth and natural resources."
The American Power Act is the climate lobby's latest Robin Hood scheme. Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) are pushing the Act, which would give international offset credits to countries that reduce deforestation. It also calls for the Secretary of Agriculture and the EPA to create a program "to provide assistance to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation in developing countries, in accordance with this title."
More than 1,000 scientists have openly challenged the IPCC - and the environmentalists don't like it.
Scientists have already debunked global warming theories, but media sympathizers and a powerful climate lobby have done everything they can to ignore or discredit those who have dared speak the truth.
Ellen Goodman of the Boston Globe wrote that those who deny global warming "are now on a par with Holocaust deniers."
Swedish climatologist Dr. Hans Jelbring accused climate cons of relying on inadequate computer models to blame CO2 and innocent citizens for global warming, to generate funding, gain attention and influence public policy.
"If this is what science has become," he added, "I, as a scientist, am ashamed."
John P. Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, supports international wealth redistribution and believes should be distributed from countries in the global "North" to countries in the "South."
John P. Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, supports international wealth redistribution and believes should be distributed from countries in the global "North" to countries in the "South."
He said, "It's important that we have a global agreement on how we are going to limit the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases going forward, and an agreement that will include the tropical forests, that will include ways to transfer some of the revenues from carbon taxes or carbon emission permits in the North to pay for reduced deforestation in the South."
In a college textbook he co-wrote, Holdren said the United States must set an example for the world by undergoing "de-development" and wealth must be redistributed "...with and among nations." (This is the same textbook in which he advocated mass sterilizations and abortions. Holdren believes HUMANS are the problem with the world. If you are going to have the nerve to actually BE ALIVE, then you must pay the price for that by giving up your earnings to others).
Luckily for Holdren, he hooked up with a President who shares these views and now they are both in a position to make their vision a reality---while you and I pay for it.
Luckily for Holdren, he hooked up with a President who shares these views and now they are both in a position to make their vision a reality---while you and I pay for it.
Al Gore has become a billionaire off the global warming hoax - but you don't see him giving away his income to you, me, or anyone else on the planet.
Christine Stewart, former environmental minister of Canada said, "Climate change (provides) the greatest chance to bring out justice and equality in the world. No matter if the science is all phony, there are still collateral environmental benefits."
And that, right there, is the truth behind the global warming hoax - it is a mechanism through which the Left can enact their vision of social change.
And, again---you and I are going to pay for it.
Japan has postponed plans for a national emissions trading scheme after powerful business groups warned they would lose jobs competing against rivals in other countries with fewer emissions regulations. That explains why the nation which gave us the Kyoto Protocol has just rejected the Kyoto Protocol.
Barack Obama's environmental policies are not going to enhance the world - they are going to destroy the United States and send our money to the elitists who are drumming up this phony science to profit the emerging nations.
According to AccuWeather, this past winter was the coldest on record since 1985 for nearly the entire eastern half of the United States - but global warming supporters say - you guessed it - it's VERY COLD because GLOBAL WARMING IS CAUSING IT TO BE COLD.
And that, right there, is the truth behind the global warming hoax - it is a mechanism through which the Left can enact their vision of social change.
And, again---you and I are going to pay for it.
Japan has postponed plans for a national emissions trading scheme after powerful business groups warned they would lose jobs competing against rivals in other countries with fewer emissions regulations. That explains why the nation which gave us the Kyoto Protocol has just rejected the Kyoto Protocol.
Barack Obama's environmental policies are not going to enhance the world - they are going to destroy the United States and send our money to the elitists who are drumming up this phony science to profit the emerging nations.
According to AccuWeather, this past winter was the coldest on record since 1985 for nearly the entire eastern half of the United States - but global warming supporters say - you guessed it - it's VERY COLD because GLOBAL WARMING IS CAUSING IT TO BE COLD.
An Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on adrenalin, and their buddy in the White House, Barack Obama, are joining with assertive global warming activists to continue their sloppy science myth of climate change---and make us the bad guy who has to pay for their lies.
Obama is offended by our free market system and our "over" development. Cap & Trade is one way he can make us "pay" for our economic freedom.
The climate change believers will do whatever they can from their elitist perches and private jets to take control of your wealth. The global warming lie needs to stop - NOW. Please help the CDFE expose the deception and protect American citizens from Obama's global collectivist policies.
Sincerely, Ron Arnold: Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise Action Fund at or SEND your donation to: Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise Action Fund, Dept Code - 5788, 12500 NE 10th Place, Bellevue, WA 98005 (Paid for by Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise Action Fund ...a lobby organization. Contributions are not tax deductible.)
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Sincerely, Ron Arnold: Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise Action Fund at or SEND your donation to: Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise Action Fund, Dept Code - 5788, 12500 NE 10th Place, Bellevue, WA 98005 (Paid for by Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise Action Fund ...a lobby organization. Contributions are not tax deductible.)
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