Friday, May 13, 2011

o'illegal amnesty - Mocks Border Control

From: Jim Robb - NumbersUSA Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Subject: Obama Mocks Border Control
Obama Flew to El Paso & Mocked and Belittled Those Who Favor Tighter Borders
Again! Pres. Obama Promises New Push For Amnesty for Illegal Aliens (If you don't want this, Help Us!)
Select Always Allow Immages from NumbersUSA to see this graph     On Tu.10May11, in El Paso, Texas, the president made a speech about border security and the need to liberalize our immigration system.  According to Obama, America needs even higher immigration!
     (Note to the White House: Before the next immigration speech, please ask some of the 22 million Americans who can't find full time work if we need more immigrant labor!)
     The El Paso speech was reported in practically every newspaper as being an obvious attempt to court Hispanic voters for his reelection.  
     According to his speech, border security has now been effectively achieved.  Well, that's news to the GAO, which says that illegal aliens can only be stopped along 129 miles of our nearly 2,000 mile long border with Mexico and along only 2 miles of our nearly 4,000 mile long border with Canada!
     Obama didn't stop at misleading and exaggerated statements about progress on the border. NO -- the president felt it necessary to MOCK and BELITTLE people like you and me who demand more steps be taken to secure that border.
     Here's a quote from the Associated Press article published yesterday about the speech:
"Maybe they need a moat," Obama said mockingly to laughter from the crowd. "Maybe they'll want alligators in the moat"
     Since enough progress has been made on the border -- says Obama -- Congress should proceed to, what else, pass a mass amnesty for 11 to 18 million illegal aliens already here. Unbelievable!  Then, Obama went on to give a new argument for amnesty: It will help America's middle class! What do you think about that? Will it help you and your family?
     In tight coordination with the White House, yesterday Sen. Dick Durbin (D, IL) said he would re-introduce the detested and dangerous DREAM Act, which would amnesty just about every illegal alien under age 30 and allow them to amnesty their adult relatives -- with no enforcement provisions whatsoever!!
     So, as Ronald Reagan used to say, "There you go again!" Always back to amnesty. Always back to the DREAM Act. Always the misleading claims about the border.
     Please, read this carefully -- Don't Let Him Win!!
     We need millions of faxes and thousands of phone calls going up to Congress and to the White House to pop this balloon. This costs money. A lot of money!
     Did you know that only 7% of our members EVER make a financial contribution. Those few have to pay for everyone else.
     If you have not yet made a donation to help send our faxes, please hit that red button now.
     We're so close to getting full floor votes on several positive immigration-related bills -- from Rep. Goodlatte's bill to end the visa lottery to Rep. Carter's bill to mandate the use of E-Verify -- that we cannot afford to let the pro-amnesty forces in Congress make up any ground. We need to keep sending faxes and we need to keep knocking on Congressman's doors and we can't do this without your help.
     There are four ways to give:
1) On-line credit card (we take all major cards);
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4) Call (877) 885-7733 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.

Enable Images in Order to View GraphicDon't Ever Give Up!, Jim Robb

Vice President, Operations of NumbersUSA
P. S. IMPORTANT: If you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute.   We only ask for help from those able to help. -- Numbers USA, 1601 N. Kent Street, Suite 1100, Arlington, VA 22209

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