Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Life - Re: U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein responding to your message

Dear Senator Feinstein,
     Thank you for your informative response.
     If abortion was excluded from funding of Planned Parenthood's activities then I could agree with your personal position on the matter; however, as one who believes that the killing of babies is wrong, except in the rare circumstances in which the mother's life is really endangered, I must agree (albeit in a backward sense) with Josef Stalin: "One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic." in that babies are murdered one-at-a-time.  Abortion is a tragedy.  It is America's Final Solution baby (person) at a time. 
    I am not Jewish and will never fully comprehend what Jews must feel toward the Holocaust but having lived in Europe during the time of Hungary's occupation by the Soviets and having been schooled with refugees from there (shot at while escaping), and having visited Nazi death camps, and knowing a little of my father's opening gates of a death camp toward the end of WWII to rescue those still alive, I have since that time feared the horrors of state sponsored mass murder. 
    For these reasons, and for having experienced the dilemma of a 'life of the mother' situation, it is impossible for me to understand the logic of 'supporting family planning' when that euphamism conceals the wholesale slaughter of human beings ...especially for monied reasons.
    'Family Planning' should mean being educated to take responsibility for one's lifestyle decisions, to be weaned from the 'nanny state, welfare mentality', and to be responsible to prevent pregnancy before what our current President flippantly calls what he referred to as "...making a mistake."  If a woman elects to allow herself to become pregnant, she and her male partner should shoulder the joint responsibility to have the child and either raise it properly or allow a wanting family to provide a good home and life for the child.  It would in the long run be cheaper for the State to support the family and for the child, obviously good.
     There are rare circumstances in which termination at the earliest moments after conception must be considered; however, to allow unfettered, wholesale slaughter of innocents for 'family planning', for population control (e.g. 25% of all Negroes aborted since '73), for 'maintaining a life style', or to save the parent(s) from responsible parenthood is absurd on its face.
    I would think that those whose own Forebearers suffered the horrible atrocities of state sponsored terrorism would have the depth of understanding to agree that They were not simply a "statistic."
    Sincerely, a voting constituent.
    Robert Harrold, El Centro, California
P.S.  I welcome a response from you that I may share with others before the next election.
bcc'd others
including "red diaper babies"
[note: Planned Parenthood Direct Contribution to Senator Feinstein (D-CA) in 2010 was: (source:]
Feinstein, Dianne (D-CA)$2,500
Public funds account for roughly a third of Planned Parenthood’s $1 billion annual budget.   Thus, it would appear that approximately that at a minumum $833 was tax paid into Feinsteins personal campaign account.  One could assume that this is but a minuscule representation of the direct and indirect 'pay-ola' funneled to Senator Feinsteins campaign war chest.  And, note that Sen. Feinstein, being a so called 'representative of the people', denigrates the issue of "baby killing" as only being "of personal significance for many people" disregarding the inhumanity of elective abortions ...relegating it to an individual matter not one of greater significance.  Further, What is the one word that she "by choice" selectively omits from her response?  It is easy for her to "roll over the 90% 'tax paid' funding to avoid the obvious that which goes 'unmentioned ...the 'unmentionable' 10%?  Her reference to a "bipartisan" agreement signed into law by "o'bamacide" was committed during the tenure of a Democratically controlled House & Senate.  It is without comment that Senator Feinstein has a 100% lifetime rating from Planned Parenthood who, per 'The American Life League' reported: (as of 23 February 2011) that Planned Parenthood Federation of America recently posted on its web site its so-called service numbers for 2009.  This document, dated February 2011, shows that Planned Parenthood committed 332,278 surgical and medical abortions in 2009 — more than in any previous year!  
     To the credit of Senator Feinstein, whether the response to my prolife message from her was a computer generated auto-response or not, at least she responded unlike the "red diaper baby" Congressman Bob Filer (D-CA 51st) and unlike Senator Boxer (both of whom apparently 'choose' to ignore their constituents.) -- rfh
---- Original Message -----
From: To: Robert Harrold Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Subject: U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein responding to your message

Dear Mr. Harrold:
Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns regarding federal funding provided to Planned Parenthood.  I appreciate the time you took to write and welcome the opportunity to respond.
Since my election to the Senate, I have supported Planned Parenthood because I believe the preventive health and contraceptive services it provides are essential for many people who cannot access care anywhere else.  I believe comprehensive family planning services can reduce unplanned pregnancies by providing education, counseling, and contraception. 
Ending funding to Planned Parenthood would have left millions of Americans without health services.  90% of Planned Parenthood services are preventive.  This includes family planning, contraception, breast and pelvic exams, cancer and sexually transmitted infection screenings, annual exams, and prenatal and well baby care.  In 2010 in California, Planned Parenthood administered over 84,000 Pap tests and nearly 170,000 breast exams.
The funding bill for fiscal year 2011 passed by the House of Representatives (H.R. 1) would have excluded Planned Parenthood from receiving any federal funds.  On March 9, I voted against H.R. 1, which was ultimately rejected by the Senate. 
On April 14, 2011, I voted in favor of a bill to fund the government through the end of fiscal year 2011, which was signed into law by the President on April 15, 2011 (Public Law 112-010).  This bipartisan agreement allows Planned Parenthood to continue receiving federal funding.
While we may disagree on this issue, I recognize that this is a topic of great personal significance for many people, and I will keep your comments in mind as I continue to review legislation on this topic in the future.
Again, thank you for writing.  If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact my Washington D.C. office at (202) 224-3841.  
Best regards.  Sincerely yours, Dianne Feinstein, United States Senator
Further information about my position on issues of concern to California and the Nation are available at my website,  You can also receive electronic e-mail updates by subscribing to my e-mail list. Click here to sign up.  Feel free to checkout my YouTube Page.

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