Monday, July 18, 2011

o'tax'n spend - Glenn Beck on Obama's tax hike policy (Mo.18Jul11)

     Question:  Should people who pay no taxes be allowed to vote on issues involving taxes?
     If you were to pay no taxes, how would you vote on issues involving raising taxes all-the-while knowing that someone else will pay your way?  Go figure ...
     And, while you're waiting for your "Obama Check" consider that the federal government spends $5.00 for every $3.00 it takes in.  To cover the balance, the Fed prints phony money worth about as much as the proverbial $3.00 bill while raising the debt limit to allow it to print and spend still more of what it doesn't have!
      Many Americans actually pay $1 out of ever $2 earned to some form of tax while ~50% of people pay no taxes!  Estimates are that 70% actual tax rates are in the U.S. future without drastic reductions in government spending.  Do you have to pay your bills?  Do you have to balance your check books?   Does your credit card companies, mortgage company, creditors allow you to raise your credit limit at will?  Talk is cheap but your bills aren't.  Remember in November 2012!  -- rfh

Glenn shreds Obama's tax hike policy
     What's the biggest tax loophole around?  Almost 50% of Americans pay no taxes.  So even though Obama says they aren't, the wealthy are paying far more than their 'fair share' of taxes.
       The reality is that the top 1% of taxpayers paid more than the ENTIRE BOTTOM 95% of taxpayers.   But that's only the beginning of the nonsense - Glenn absolutely destroys the Obama tax hike argument on radio today. WATCH
    The talks on raising the debt ceiling have stalled as President Obama continues to call for increased taxes on the wealthy – a policy the GOP has refused to agree to – in order to reduce the deficit.
    "I have recommended that we don't play around with the debt ceiling, but I think that's exactly what is happening now. The debt ceiling is being played around, and I want you to think of this logically with me. And if I'm wrong, please explain how because I can't find anybody that will show me how this is wrong," Glenn said.
    What games are being played? How about the President insisting that tax hikes are needed in order to start cutting the deficit.
    "The truth is you can't solve our deficit without cutting spending. But you also can't solve it without asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share, or without taking on loopholes that give special interests and big corporations tax breaks that middle class Americans don't get," President Obama said.
    Glenn, Stu, and Pat pointed out that while the President calls for the rich to start paying even more, 49% of the population pays no taxes! "When you have 50% of Americans not paying their fair tax, somebody is paying their fair share, in fact, quite a bit more than their fair share and that is the wealthiest Americans. 1% of the country pay 40% of the tax burden," Pat explained. "And then you'll say, well, yeah, but they have all the wealth. No, they have about 24% of the wealth. So they are still paying more than their fair share."
     Glenn said that while some examples could be shown of wealthy individuals who just inherited their money, the vast majority have earned it through hard work. "What they're trying to do is close the door on anybody who can come up through the ranks. I was poor. This is the American opportunity. You are poor; you can make it. But this system is now rigged to close the door on anybody that is not already Bill Gates or Warren Buffett."
     "Does he think that it's fair that they're paying more than their fair share? Does he think that oil companies, because they are paying more than all the other companies, they are paying more just because they're oil companies, does he find that fair? This is a man who will target anyone," Glenn said.
Congresswoman says Americans too stupid to understand debt ceiling - but struggles to explain it
     There's no shortage of idiotic arguments being made as the debt ceiling battle heats up. You may recall last week the President said Americans are too stupid to understand the debt ceiling argument. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky has doubled down on that argument, and she also apparently knows a thing or two about stupidity. Schakowsky simultaneously argued that Social Security was fully funded until 2037, but if nothing is done on the debt ceiling Social Security checks won't go out this month. Huh? Glenn has the audio and reaction on radio. WATCH
Know The Original Argument: The real shame in Schakowsky's comments is that many Americans will have no idea how to defend against them. Glenn is starting a challenge in the coming days that we want you to be a part of that will hit on education, faith and history. It will prepare you to win the argument every time. Get more details about the upcoming challenge HERE - and if you haven't already, get The Original Argument HERE.
Gold hits another record: $1600 an ounce: So much for that Congressional investigation into Glenn Beck on the 'scam' that is buying Gold. It hit another record today – DETAILS

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