Monday, March 12, 2012

o'anti-American energy - 'Obama wants oil from US enemies, not friendly Canada' (by Christopher Collins,, Sa.10Mar12)

By Christopher Collins, Paulding County Republican Examiner

     (Paulding County, Georgia) Today, the Paulding County Republican Examiner was alerted to a talk show host based in Canada, Ezra Levant, who hosts a show called The Source and does so for Canada's Sun News on his research about Obama and the Keystone Pipeline dilemma.
     Mr. Levant took a comprehensive look at Obama's policy over the Keystone Pipeline. Two things, among several, were pointed out in his presentation that can be viewed here.
     On the subject of the Keystone XL Pipelinf, Mr. Levant stated that Obama is lying.
     One of the points he raised concerned Obama promise while running for President in 2008 in which Obama stated, "I will eliminate foreign oil imports in 10 years" in which Mr. Levant stated, "He lied."
     The second point in his report pertains to concerns raised about the "pristine, environmentally sensitive area" through which the pipeline will pass. This environmental issue has been the most debated as if the Keystone pipeline were to be granted, it would ruin this environmentally sensitive area.
     The problem is; it isn't true. What has not been shown are the thousands of miles of pipelines, some of them very old and they use older technology than the proposed Keystone pipeline that presently runs through the Ogallala Aquifer.
     If that wasn't enough, today, Obama states on his re-election website, "I have made protecting the environment a priority, moving us toward energy independence, investing in clean energy jobs, and taking steps to improve the quality of our air and water. As of November 2010, my policies have helped create hundreds of thousands of jobs in the clean energy industry."
     Obama further says, "Rather than accept congressional Republicans' arbitrary and rushed deadline to study the health, safety, and environmental consequences of the Keystone XL pipeline, the President rejected the project's application."
     In today's national news, the Democrats in Congress are once again increasingly putting pressure on Wall Street speculators to pull back from the oil markets, effectively blaming them for the unseasonable spike in oil and gas prices. The real reasons are not necessarily because of Wall Street, which democrats have always blamed for rising oil prices. The real reason lies with not telling the whole story, the use of politics, and pushing a democrat agenda, the environmental issue.
     The Democrats concern of the environment appears to be a false play in politics as reasoned by a professor in Nebraska. Professor Jim Goeke, a Hydro-geologist at the University of Nebraska put it this way, "A leak of the Keystone XL Pipeline would not affect the majority of the Ogallala Aquifer ... those who think that a leaking pipeline will destroy the aquifer in Nebraska need to understand that it would be localized to an area of 10's or 100's of feet around the pipeline. When people say the whole Ogallala Aquifer is at risk, THEY'RE WRONG."
     Two days ago, American Petroleum Institute President and CEO Jack Gerard said, "The U.S. cannot control unrest in the Middle East, international supply disruptions, or rising worldwide demand, but it can increase world supply of crude oil by developing more of our own ample oil resources."  And today, Mr. Gerard replied to Fox News, that he blamed high prices on Obama's "weak energy policy" at a Republican-held House hearing on Wednesday.  He said more drilling could put "downward pressure" on prices.
While Paulding County and the nations residents continue to pay for higher gas prices at the pump, the Canadians feel that Obama will continue to accept foreign oil from the Middle East and other non-friendly countries while putting Canada on notice that the pipeline is not worth it.
Canadian Talk Show host: 'Obama wants oil from US enemies, not friendly Canada'
Credits:  (Photo by Brad Vest/Getty Images)
Related topics
Keystone XL Pipeline | March 10, 2012

1 comment:

  1. That's a good point that there are older pipelines around that are never scrutinized like Keystone XL. It's eventually going to happen: Somebodies going to buy our oil.

    Ezra's a national hero up here. He's funny, committed, articulate. Watch 'The Source' on YouTube sometime.


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