Sunday, June 17, 2012

o'illegal's kids next door: Sad & Disgusting

Hitler: The Rise of Evil (2h51m36s)
For an overt comparison, start at the 5m35s mark: Hitler addresses the Reichstag and forces his "enabling acts" upon the people while their representatives collapse all resistance, capitulate
Adolf Hitler Orders Enabling Act, 1933
(click photo, play at 5m35s mark
[9m21s clip]
CBC TV 2003)
He is seeking his 'Reichstag' moment before Nov. 6th. -- rfh

   o'illegal and his puppet masters exposed themselves again for what they really are not...Americans.  His "enabling act" "grant of an amnesty path" to 800,00 to 1,000,000+ illegals is but a stepping stone to his "'living document' is outdated concept of governance."   (OBTW, Americans call that document our Constitution.
     The 'wanna'be der leader's "We have to have a domestic security force, just as .. strong as the military.." junta is in its formative stages (consider TSA & VIPR's expanding "Hande Hoch!" control over you.)
     Some liberal TV pundits compared his "amnesty" orders to those of Abraham Lincoln's 'emancipation declaration.'  As wiser observers have noted, President Lincoln was operating under the Congressionally approved "War Powers Act" operating under and pursuant to the Constitution. 
     This is not an argument on the merits of allowing criminals, albeit of their choosing or not, to remain in the United States.  It is not about their being eligible for tax paid benefits, school/hiring preferences, retained Mexican citizenship, invading the job market, importing/supplanting cultures, nor the sympathetic nature of liberal arguments. ...No it is not!
     What is at issue?
     Congress members' capitulation of their responsibilities both as our representatives and as defenders of our Constitution.  And, it is of no less of importance (this instance, immigration) than when he, "the little dictator", circumvented Congress on other matters ...while openly bragging that he would abrogate Congress!  There are historical precedences, for e.g. The Reichstag, 1933.
     Are United States Senators and Representatives completely neutered?  Are Governors and Attorneys General powerless?  Is our Supreme Court truly blind?  Are our Sheriff's ineffectual?
    Are you?
 As Joseph Goebbels wrote shortly after the passage of the Enabling Act:
"The authority of the Führer has now been wholly established.  
Votes are no longer taken.
  The Führer decides.
 All this is going much faster than we had dared to hope."
If you watch the video segment above, start at the 5m35s mark, it is self explanatory.
watch the clip at
filmography: & at IMdb

Obama: A domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution
by Joseph Curl, The Washington Times, Sunday, June 17, 2012
article source:
An excerpt from the WT article:
     "Mr. Obama is looking to shore up his support, even if that means violating his oath to protect the Constitution.  Continuing his nonstop campaign of division — black against white, rich against poor, straight against gay, religious against secular, race against race — the president is seeking to build whatever loose coalition of support he can.  Forget bipartisanship; a coalition of the middle, Mr. Obama's sole path to victory, he thinks, is to stir up so much discontent within different strata that he can win re-election.
     Of course, the liberals who whined about President George W. Bush's signing statements haven't made a peep about Mr. Obama's Napoleonic power grab.
Read or print the full article at:
From: bdh Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 Subject: Sad and Disgusting
THIS IS PURE B....S...! -- bdh
     We say,  "If you  don't like it here please leave.... go find another country to disrespect."  ..  It's always so awful to see this.
With Memorial Day around the corner.   Please remember who has fought and died for your rights for freedom..  We are losing it daily with a swipe of a pen.......... 
     We must get back to values, morals, personal boundaries, how about just some manners and respect... 
Who is brave enough to tell your children that this behavior is wrong.............. 

IN God We Trust........
Sad and Disgusting

     We are not far from the end folks.  We can't take much more political correctness.  This picture was taken at the AZ state capitol .. .  The news will not show it and the Capitol Police and Homeland Security would not let Americans or any of the Veterans that were there do anything about it.  My husband and his friends were threatened with arrest and were told they would be booked under federal charges if they did anything.  I am sending this to you so that you in turn can start Emailing it to everyone on your list.  It is totally uncalled for and people need to see it.  This is not about politics and rhetoric, it is about a direct threat to our country. Those of you that don't live in Arizona will maybe get a chance to see the other side of what the news is telling you.  If this offends you greatly, then I have truly accomplished what I set out to do. I understand that sometimes we don't see eye to eye on certain things, but that is the right our forefathers fought for.  I am an American before anything else.  For those of you who choose to dismiss this: If you believe that this is okay I believe you are a traitor to this country and everything it stands for.  I am not a racist and I am not a Nazi, this has nothing to do with race, it has to do with respect to the country that is continually taking you in and turning a blind eye to your agenda.  Homeland Security was designed to identify and defend America from Terrorist acts yet yesterday it let illegal and legal citizens of this country desecrate the Flag.  People were spitting on it, stomping on it and burning it with cigarettes.  One soldier who had just returned from Iraq tried to grab the flag and was thrown to the ground by the Capitol Police and Homeland Security.  It amazes me how many people will stand against the American People while prospering from our system and our government.  To those of you that will forward this to your friends I applaud you for the courage to stand up for the country in which you live.

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