Wednesday, October 31, 2012

o'watched'em die - Vote him out of office before more are killed by his incompetence & lying!

But he quicky found time to post a picture of himself in the 'situation room' wearing his chartreuse socks trying to imitate a president saving the northeast after the hurricane! - rfh

Obama Watched Attack on Benghazi and Did Nothing to Help Them source:
     It seems that every day there is new information that is coming to light in the September 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  In the latest news update, sources are saying that President Barack Obama watched much of the attack on a live broadcast as it was taking place and just sat there doing nothing to help the Americans.
     When you hear the latest information on how Obama failed to act to save the Americans, it could be seen to lend a little more credibility to the conspiracy theory that the attack was actually a pre-arranged kidnapping attempt set up by Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood.  They were supposed to kidnap Ambassador Stevens so that Obama could exchange him for the Blind Sheik just before the election to make Obama look like a hero and allow the Muslim Brotherhood to get their Blind Sheik back.
     Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, Retired Army, has told several news media that his sources that he trusts informed him that Obama was in the White House during the time of the attacks and that he watched it unfold in real time.  Shaffer told Fox News :
     "This was in the middle of the business day in Washington, so everybody at the White House, CIA, Pentagon, everybody was watching this go down."
     "According to my sources, yes, [President Obama] was one of those in the White House Situation Room in real-time watching this."
     Other than placing drones overhead to watch the massacre of four Americans, the President did not issue any orders to send in anyone to help protect them.  According to new information contained in the video below, there is evidence that the attack was prolonged and that some of those killed had managed to stay alive for the first six hours of the ordeal.  Six hours was plenty of time for Obama to have sent a strike team to Benghazi to help defend the Ambassador and others, but he did nothing but watch.
     Col. David Hunt, who serves as a military analyst for Fox News said that this was the fourth embassy to be attacked in a twenty-four hour period and that everyone in Washington was closely watching what was happening.  He also said that had Obama given an order that U.S. warplanes could have reached the compound within twenty minutes and that a Delta Force strike team could have been at the sight within two hours.
     Considering that some survived for six hours before being killed forces the question of why Obama did not try to save them.  His impotence to act reminded me of another spineless Democrat some 33 years ago.  When 52 Americans were taken hostage in in Tehran, Iran and held for 444 days, then President Jimmy Carter did nothing to free them.
     I have a close friend who was in special forces at the time.  For over a year, he and his squad of commandos sat on a ship off the coast of Iran waiting for orders to rescue the hostages.  He told me that they knew where the hostages were kept every day and they could easily have gone in and freed them without loss of American lives, but Carter never gave the order.  He also told me that everyone there knew the helicopter rescue mission Carter did launch was certain to fail and that it was done (and those on the helicopters were sacrificed) just to help silence the mounting criticism Carter was getting from all of America.  My friend said that every single military personnel involved with the Tehran hostage situation had no respect for Carter and called him a coward.
     In the case of Obama and Benghazi, was he a coward afraid to attack his so-called Muslim friends who were killing fellow Americans?  Why didn't he do something to help them?  Help could have arrived in time to save the four Americans, but Obama sat there and watched them die.  Was it because the attack was supposed to be a kidnapping that went wrong when the former Navy SEALS fought back?  Then he has the gall to tell the families of the victims that he's sorry for their loss, an apology that the father of one and mother of another both say was empty and meaningless.
     To sit by and do nothing to help our countries representatives in a dangerous situation, to me is not only cowardice but could be considered an accessory to the fact which in turn would make him a traitor to the United States.  But since he has qualified as a traitor on other occasions and nothing's ever been done, he'll probably walk away from this unscathed and unpunished.
     If I had one wish right now, I think I would wish I was the U.S. Attorney General.  Then I would use the full power of the Justice Department to bring a mile long list of charges against a man who isn't even legally eligible to hold the office.  If I was unable to secure a death penalty for his high crime of treason on multiple accounts, I would definitely make sure that he was locked away in one of the darkest and nastiest prisons in the country and never let him see the light of day.  Yep, that's what I would wish for.

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