The history between the Obama White House and the day in day out U.S. border officers has been rather adversarial from the outset, but it appears the president is going after those sworn to protect out borders even more so with a series of complaint hotlines that illegals can use to make complaints against border officials they feel did not fully comply with the new Obama amnesty plan. That's right, those who are breaking the law by entering the United States illegally now have a way to bully and intimidate those who are trying to uphold the law – all courtesy of one Barack Obama.
Check out this excerpt from a just this morning Washington Times report:
The Homeland Security Department has set up hotlines for illegal immigrants who believe their rights under President Obama's amnesty policy have been violated.
…Border Patrol agents said the complaint lines amount to a slap in the face to those who put their lives on the line to enforce the law. Why the increasingly aggressive push from the Obama White House to allow millions into the United States regardless of whether or not they are doing so legally? Border agents are now working in fear of doing there job – a job that is no longer attempting to secure the United States border, but a job that has been transformed into simply securing illegals with safe passage into America. One of the reasons why was covered here last week:
D.C. Whispers: Valerie Jarrett Leads Invasion To Take Texas - According to Capitol Hill sources, de facto president Valerie Jarrett wants Texas and its 38 electoral votes – badly. More troubling is she has apparently been working very hard to make the state turn blue in the very near future, a result that would finalize far left control of the United States in every national election to follow. Jarrett is doing so with a combination of hundreds of thousands of recent immigrants flooding the state, combined with billions of dollars in federal giveaways like Obamacare that will unofficially pledge those new votes to the increasingly far left/progressive/globalist Democratic Party.
While America looks to such things as deflated footballs and ISIS terror, Valerie Jarrett is finalizing control of the nation. LINK
I support safe and legal immigration. I myself like so many others, am a product of immigration. These policies though by the Obama administration are neither safe nor legal but appear to be more of an invasion plan by which those currently in power intend to irreversibly alter America's landscape after which little of what she once was will remain. Too many now entering the United States are doing so not to become an American, but rather to try and take it over. If that sentiment seems too harsh or confrontational to you, I would simply ask that you learn more of organization such as La Raza, which has had a place within the Obama administration since 2009 and is an organization Barack Obama has and continues to meet with personally.
Here is but one of many anti-American (and quite racist) quotes from this group: Before the world, before all of North America, before all our brothers in the bronze continent, we are a nation, we are a union of free pueblos, we are Aztlan. For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada."
That closing two-sentence motto is chilling to everyone who values equal rights for all. It says:
"For The Race everything. Outside The Race, nothing." LINK
For The Race everything. Outside The Race, nothing – keep that statement in mind and then look at the following image:
That is Cecilia Muñoz to Barack Obama's left, Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council. Prior to her position at the White House, Cecilia Muñoz was Senior Vice President for the Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation at the National Council of La Raza – The Race. On the right is of course Valerie Jarrett. It was Jarrett who brought Muñoz to the White House.
The above image is from a recent La Raza anti-United States demonstration. Below is Barack Obama literally embracing current La Raza president, Janet Murguia:
Since 2009, the Obama administration has allocated tens of millions of dollars to "The Race" which La Raza then uses to fund their anti-American agenda. What a tangled web indeed…
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