Tuesday, November 17, 2009

o'care - 51 Votes From Destruction! (Remember, they fear 2010 & 2012 ..Vote!)

Remember, you can use the "Contact the Government - Be Heard" links at http://harrold.org/rfhextra/contact_the_us_government.html  to get fax, phone, email, and mail information for Congress & the WH.  

I don't think you can count on the Republicans in Congress to save us from without your help.  The looney left and their puppet leader need to hear directly from you personally.   If you want the Democrats (read socialist marxist progressive liberal communazi's) in Washington to run rough shod over you and other Americans, do nothing.  If you want to help save our economy and American way of life, then BE HEARD ...pick up a phone ...send some faxes ...write some letters!  ...ask friends and other citizens to do the same!   Remember that in the case of o'care, the life you save might be your own.  And Pro-Life bills & amendments save innocents ... as you once were.  o'who? and the his new found cronies in D.C. are dancing to the same old tune ...and it's on America's grave.  -- rfh

From: kd Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009

     On an early morning talk show this morning a guest stated that what Obama is trying to convey in his bowing and scraping to world leaders is that the United States and its citizens are not superior or above the rest of the world.  That we are nothing special and if anything less than the worlds equal.  A complete disdain of the Constitution, our Republic and a continued progression toward his unconcealed desire for the US to be swallowed up in his idea of world order and global government for all.  ..KD

From:Patriot@FaxDC.com Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 Subject: 51 Votes From Destruction!



DANGER! All that's needed is only 51 votes of the 100 members of the U.S. Senate, and America will be no more!

You see, the balance of freedom is monotonously teetering on a narrow pivot of only 51 Senators. If the left-wing conspirators can muster the needed 51 votes from the 100 members of the Senate, then the Obama National Health-Care Scheme will quickly be delivered to the Oval Office where Barrack Hussein Obama waits with dripping pen in hand to sign it into law.

And if that's not enough, once the pen touches the paper, the world will change and not for the better!

But there is just one small catch, the Obama National Health-Care Scheme is actually an international welfare plan. Secret polices are now being formulated across the world. Once the Obama National Health-Care Scheme is enforce the world's sick will pilgrimage to every U.S. Hospital. They will limp, hobble, crawl and wheel across our borders, through our deserts and from all corners of the world, to plunder the U.S. Government's free treatment for all!

In short, is this the harvesting of our organs? Or the draining of our national medical resources? Of Course it is! Will the international diseased nomads use up our Blood-Bank Reserves? Unfortunately, yes. There will be no limit to the world's demands! The worlds diseased will insist on free treatment while the Washington bleeding heart dolts will give your provisions to everyone but you! Our hospitals will become an international disease fest!


Here's the deal, the international moochers will line up, waiting their turn to disembowel the American medical system.

Never satisfied, the international diseased vagabonds will unceremoniously decide if they will either return home or luxuriate in America, sumptuously gorging on heaping plates of government benefits such as: free welfare, free housing, free education for the children they are planning to make. In addition, and worst of all; Mr. Obama will guarantee the American Taxpayer will pick up the tab, that is, pay for it all! The international free medical benefit festivities for the parasitical world will be insatiable!

The consuming nomads will engorge on the few remaining morsels of the U.S. Constitution until our freedom is all used up. Continuing until there is noting left but an angry multitude of disenfranchised U.S. Citizens wondering why our Government loved everyone except them.

All that will remain of the Republic will be a few entrails of Liberty, just enough so the Washington oligarchy can continue to rule while fleecing the poor Citizens who pay the bills.

51 Senators will decide if America lives or dies!

"The moral and constitutional obligations of our representatives in Washington are to protect our liberty, not coddle the world, precipitating no-win wars, while bringing bankruptcy and economic turmoil to our people." Congressional Representative - Ron Paul

SECRET PLANS REVEALED! Two secret plans have been discovered by an operative of the FaxDC Army.


The Obama National Health-Care Scheme will cover illegal aliens, but the secret, the media does not want you to know is: illegal aliens will come here for only 1 or 2 months, receive free treatment, turn themselves into I.C.E. and get a free airplane ticket home!

All they have to do is sneak into America, (as tens of millions before them have) and the Obama National Health-Care Scheme will treat them for free, provide full benefits at no charge and then the U.S. taxpayer will pay to send them home in the name of repatriation! America will be one giant revolving door for the diseased of the world!

Washington's power to distribute free benefits to the world will eviscerate our freedom!

"Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty." Ronald Reagan

illegal aliens have the option to pay into the Obama National Health-Care Scheme, but if they don't pay, there is no penalty! They will still receive free medical benefits without paying one-red-cent of premium! The U.S. Citizen, on the other hand, has no such option. We The People will be ordered to pay and pay and pay, without any choice, option or limits. What this does is make illegal aliens a protected class! Illegal aliens will enjoy a special class of persons protected under the U.S. Constitution much like the disabled War Veteran or the blind, deaf or the quadriplegic Citizen.

Know this,
Citizens will be ordered to pay while illegal aliens get off Scott free!

Take a closer look, whores, prostitutes and pimps are nothing more than the Washington spume, which has dreamed up this Obama National Health-Care Scheme being rapacious of the American people! The Washington fat-cats have been purchased, packaged and placed in power!

"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" Patrick Henry

Ask yourself this. Where in the world can you go and receive free medical at the caliber and quality that America has now? NO-WHERE! However,
illegal aliens are free decide to pay or not pay and still get free medical benefits, meanwhile you are sitting in jail because you missed your monthly $ 700.00 payment to the Obama National Health-Care Scheme!

ALL this is hinged upon only 51 members of the Senate! Mark my words, the members of the Senate will be beat, threatened and blackmailed into the betrayal of our nation by the Obama National Health-Care Syndicate.

Thank You Patriot! Your friends at FaxDC.com

NOTE: Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who supports saving America and Protecting our Middle Class. Thank you!

FaxDC is doing something about this looting of America, but we cannot do it alone. Now listen up, for only $57.00 we will send 1,000 faxes to Senate, you got it! That is 10 blistering hot faxes to all 100 Senators! 10 faxes to every Senator! I am that miffed! I hope you are miffed too!  Minuteman Steve says. "The Obama Thugs are not going to get away with this! We The People have had enough!"  Are you with me? I am going to send 10 faxes for you to each 100 Senators and tell them HELL NO we don't want the Obama National Health-Care Scheme.  That's' right, you heard me, Here it is again for some of you who can't believe what you just read.  Get this, FaxDC will send 10 HOT, Blistering faxes to each of the 100 Senators For only $ 57.00. You heard me right. That will be a total of 1,000 faxes!  Just think of it! Every Senator will receive 10 faxes from you! There are 100 Senators being sent 10 faxes each totaling 1,000 faxes for only $ 57.00!  Why spend $ 57.00 on a Friday night like a drunken sailor when you can torment Washington with 1,000 faxes! God knows America needs the help!  Minuteman Steve says: "Why the hell not, you can get drunk some other time!"  Get your buddies together, pass the hat, then go to FaxDC.com and order HOT, Blistering, Searing faxes for only $ 57.00, then party hardy knowing you have done your Patriotic duty!  Do It NOW, go to www.FaxDC.com and read our stuff!  Are you a frog on a log, or a toad on the road? Be a Minuteman; suck it up and save America!  Go to: www.faxdc.com/healthcare.htm and take care of business!  DO NOT BE SILENCED BY ANYONE STAND UP! MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!  To Send a pink slip to Congress, click here: http://faxdc.com/pinkslip.htm Fax Specials, click here: http://faxdc.com/flagbearer.htm To view the Ultimate Protest Package, click here: http://faxdc.com/ultimateprotestpackage.htm
Be part of the FaxDC.com Army and subscribe to the Auto-Fax Program $ 25.00 per month at: http://www.faxdc.com/friends.htm

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