Friday, January 29, 2010

o'marxist - "I do solemnly swear..." "State of Disunion"

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." --Article II, Section I, U.S. Constitution

Not since 1860 has the Union been at such odds with the fundamental rights of the States and the People.

Obama's effort to endow the central government with absolute authority follows his Socialist political playbook, Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."

Obama was elected just weeks after an economic collapse which can be tied directly to Leftist economic policies.

His effort to "Reclaim America" involves taxing and borrowing more than a trillion dollars from the private sector, sifting it through the bureaucracies of his political appointees, then "investing" it into the public sector to grow government and pay off his special interest constituencies and other benefactors.

He is plundering private sector resources under the pretense of private sector "job creation."
He has attempted, with some success, to nationalize, by way of regulation, coercion or "investment," the major industrial and service segments of the economy -- including energy, banking, investment, education, insurance, automotive and real estate -- and he has supplanted free enterprise with Socialism.

He is endeavoring to nationalize our nation's largest single economic sector, health care, and he laughs off any suggestion that there is no constitutional authority for such folly. Moreover, the House version creates 111 new oversight bureaucracies. (1)

He has attempted to advance his domestic agenda on a global scale under the guise of "climate change."

Further, Obama's national security failures present even greater peril to life and liberty.
Coddling Islamic extremists, bowing to Saudi kings, apologizing to the world, politicizing terrorist interrogation methods at Gitmo, treating terrorism as "criminal activity" and moving the trial of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to New York, using Operation Enduring Freedom as campaign fodder and setting a timeframe for withdrawal from Afghanistan -- these and many more grossly errant policy decisions served only to hinder and demoralize us and our allies while empowering and emboldening our enemies, thus enabling jihadi attacks against our uniformed Patriots abroad, and even domestically, such as the murder of 12 soldiers, one civilian, and an unborn baby at Ft. Hood.

Of course, there were other ridiculous gaffes, like the one at his last public press conference (six months ago), when he offered his impromptu assessment of the arrest of his friend, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, by claiming that the Cambridge Police "acted stupidly." His subsequent "beer summit" was a forced and feeble attempt at damage control.

And then there was the Nobel Peace Prize, a ridiculous Euro-leftist albatross of an award that was bestowed upon Obama just days after he ascended to the presidency.

Were it not for the threat of unbridled laughter, Obama's SOTU address might also reflect on some of the most egregious prevarications from his brief tenure.

On his plans for massive government expansion: "Not because I believe in bigger government -- I don't."

On his grand Socialist schemes: "I've never bought into these Malthusian, woe, Chicken Little, the earth is falling -- I tend to be pretty optimistic."

On the so-called "stimulus package" (i.e., record debt): "Less than one month after taking office, we enacted the most sweeping recovery package in history, and we did so without any of the earmarks, pork-barrel projects that are usually accompanying these big -- these big bills."
On bailouts for behemoth auto producers: "Let me be clear. The United States government has no interest in running GM. We have no intention of running GM."

On his friends at ACORN: "You know, it's -- frankly, it's not really something I've followed closely. I didn't even know that ACORN was getting a whole lot of federal money."

On blame shifting: "You haven't seen me out there blaming the Republicans."

On taxes: "I will tax just the rich. I want to give a tax cut to the middle class."

On the cost of ObamaCare: "It won't add to the deficit. And I mean it! ... It's designed to lower it!"

And how about this one: "I have not said I am in favor of a single-payer system."

On the transparency of his health care "reform" deliberations: "It's going to be on C-SPAN."

On jobs (record unemployment): "My administration has created or saved... [ad nauseam]." (2)

On the political influence of grassroots Tea Party participants: "Those people waving their little tea bags around..."

Clearly, Obama has underestimated the influence of those who support America's First Principles.

In addition, he has also grossly misread his mandate as the heir of the once-noble Democratic Party.

When asked about the rising rejection of his "vision" for America, Obama responded, "I think the assumption was if I just focus on policy, if I just focus on this provision or that law or if we're making a good rational decision here, then people will get it."

In other words, "The people are just too dumb to get it."

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