• Please tune in and spread the word! In fact, you can help us and your whole parish -- by asking your pastor to place in the parish bulletin an announcement about our TV shows. Thanks in advance!
From: Priests for Life Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 Subject: Redefining the Abortion Debate: Fr. Frank Pavone
The abortion industry has been having hard times lately, all of their own doing. As I have often said, they do our work for us, because the evil in which they are engaged is offensive to most of our fellow citizens. But it is hidden, and that's why it's tolerated.
In the early 1990's I collaborated with Mark Crutcher in the book Lime 5, documenting malpractice and sexual abuse in legal abortion clinics. Then I helped Mark publicize the results of hundreds of taped phone calls that exposed Planned Parenthood's willingness to cover up statutory rape. Now my friend Lila Rose, whom I have encouraged over the years in her undercover work, continues to reveal more of Planned Parenthood's evils.
I have been saying for years that the abortion industry will destroy itself, because no lie can live forever. You cannot practice vice virtuously. If you kill children, there is no doubt that you are doing other evils.
• Priests for Life is doing everything possible to help the clergy understand these evils, and to let their people know, as well as to lobby Congress to defund Planned Parenthood. Please watch for my "Action Alerts" so that you can know what to do as well.
• On another matter, one of the best ways for us to be connected, if you want to get quick updates on where I am, what I am doing, and what articles, videos, and other items I'm encouraging you to see, then follow me on Twitter. I know that many of you have Twitter accounts, and you can follow me @frfrankpavone.
• I also invite you to view and comment on my latest YouTube Video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDMWaoTtEEs where I congratulate our full-time pastoral associate Marie Smith on receiving the Life Prizes Award in January 2011. Learn more about her work, which operates under the umbrella of Gospel of Life/Priests for Life at www.pncius.org.
• Lastly, the New York City Council is trying to force harsh regulations and free speech restrictions on pro-life pregnancy centers in NYC in Bill 371. This could come to a vote very soon. Pro-lifers are working hard to fight this bill and desperately need your help. Please sign the petition opposing NYC Bill 371 and share with your friends. More information is found at www.savethelifecenters.com. We encourage everyone to sign the petition, but we especially need more people who live and work in New York City to sign.
Blessings and prayers,
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director
Praise for our work
Dear Kevin (Burke), a few years ago I met Dr. Alveda King. I mentioned to her how I had lost a child to an abortion. She passed my information on to you and you e-mailed me informing me about "Redeeming a Father's Heart" and going on a Rachel's Vineyard retreat. I took your advice and bought your book, and went on a Rachel's Vineyard retreat. The retreat was very healing, and I want to thank you for recommending it to me. I am now the Director of a [pro-life pregnancy resource center]. I was informed you were coming to speak, so I signed up right away. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate you taking time a few years ago to help me. I never thought I would be the Director of a pregnancy center or speaking about my testimony publicly.
'Redefining the Abortion Debate' By Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life
Public opinion about abortion in America can best be described as ambivalent: uncomfortable with unrestricted abortion, yet unwilling to ban it totally.
Another word for public opinion on abortion is "stalemate." It has not moved much over the years since Roe vs. Wade. One time it did move was when partial-birth abortion was being debated publicly in the late 90's. People were more willing to identify with the pro-life position during and after that debate, because the debate focused on abortion itself, rather than on abstract issues of freedom and choice.
And it is only in the specific arena of partial-birth abortion that our nation has succeeded, at any time since Roe vs. Wade, in actually prohibiting an abortion procedure in many states and on a federal level, and have that prohibition upheld by the highest court in the land.
When the question is, "Should we allow abortion?", the debate is unwieldy and ambiguous, catching people in a seemingly endless and wearisome maze of arguments and counterarguments. But when the question is, "Should we allow a child to be pierced in the skull with scissors while still alive and partially delivered?", the public comes much more quickly to a consensus. And that consensus in turn affects their view of the overall abortion question.
Now it's time for Act 2.
The most common abortion procedure performed after the first trimester of pregnancy is the "D and E" (Dilation and Evacuation), a procedure which is legal throughout the nation, and which the Supreme Court itself described in this way: "The doctor grips a fetal part with the forceps and pulls it back through the cervix, continuing to pull even after meeting resistance from the cervix. The friction causes the fetus to tear apart. For example, a leg might be ripped off the fetus as it is pulled through the cervix and out of the woman. The process of evacuating the fetus piece by piece continues until it has been completely removed." (Gonzales vs. Carhart, April 18, 2007)
In the early 1990's I collaborated with Mark Crutcher in the book Lime 5, documenting malpractice and sexual abuse in legal abortion clinics. Then I helped Mark publicize the results of hundreds of taped phone calls that exposed Planned Parenthood's willingness to cover up statutory rape. Now my friend Lila Rose, whom I have encouraged over the years in her undercover work, continues to reveal more of Planned Parenthood's evils.
I have been saying for years that the abortion industry will destroy itself, because no lie can live forever. You cannot practice vice virtuously. If you kill children, there is no doubt that you are doing other evils.
• Priests for Life is doing everything possible to help the clergy understand these evils, and to let their people know, as well as to lobby Congress to defund Planned Parenthood. Please watch for my "Action Alerts" so that you can know what to do as well.
• On another matter, one of the best ways for us to be connected, if you want to get quick updates on where I am, what I am doing, and what articles, videos, and other items I'm encouraging you to see, then follow me on Twitter. I know that many of you have Twitter accounts, and you can follow me @frfrankpavone.
• I also invite you to view and comment on my latest YouTube Video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDMWaoTtEEs where I congratulate our full-time pastoral associate Marie Smith on receiving the Life Prizes Award in January 2011. Learn more about her work, which operates under the umbrella of Gospel of Life/Priests for Life at www.pncius.org.
• Lastly, the New York City Council is trying to force harsh regulations and free speech restrictions on pro-life pregnancy centers in NYC in Bill 371. This could come to a vote very soon. Pro-lifers are working hard to fight this bill and desperately need your help. Please sign the petition opposing NYC Bill 371 and share with your friends. More information is found at www.savethelifecenters.com. We encourage everyone to sign the petition, but we especially need more people who live and work in New York City to sign.
Blessings and prayers,
Praise for our work
Dear Kevin (Burke), a few years ago I met Dr. Alveda King. I mentioned to her how I had lost a child to an abortion. She passed my information on to you and you e-mailed me informing me about "Redeeming a Father's Heart" and going on a Rachel's Vineyard retreat. I took your advice and bought your book, and went on a Rachel's Vineyard retreat. The retreat was very healing, and I want to thank you for recommending it to me. I am now the Director of a [pro-life pregnancy resource center]. I was informed you were coming to speak, so I signed up right away. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate you taking time a few years ago to help me. I never thought I would be the Director of a pregnancy center or speaking about my testimony publicly.
'Redefining the Abortion Debate' By Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life
Public opinion about abortion in America can best be described as ambivalent: uncomfortable with unrestricted abortion, yet unwilling to ban it totally.
Another word for public opinion on abortion is "stalemate." It has not moved much over the years since Roe vs. Wade. One time it did move was when partial-birth abortion was being debated publicly in the late 90's. People were more willing to identify with the pro-life position during and after that debate, because the debate focused on abortion itself, rather than on abstract issues of freedom and choice.
And it is only in the specific arena of partial-birth abortion that our nation has succeeded, at any time since Roe vs. Wade, in actually prohibiting an abortion procedure in many states and on a federal level, and have that prohibition upheld by the highest court in the land.
When the question is, "Should we allow abortion?", the debate is unwieldy and ambiguous, catching people in a seemingly endless and wearisome maze of arguments and counterarguments. But when the question is, "Should we allow a child to be pierced in the skull with scissors while still alive and partially delivered?", the public comes much more quickly to a consensus. And that consensus in turn affects their view of the overall abortion question.
Now it's time for Act 2.
The most common abortion procedure performed after the first trimester of pregnancy is the "D and E" (Dilation and Evacuation), a procedure which is legal throughout the nation, and which the Supreme Court itself described in this way: "The doctor grips a fetal part with the forceps and pulls it back through the cervix, continuing to pull even after meeting resistance from the cervix. The friction causes the fetus to tear apart. For example, a leg might be ripped off the fetus as it is pulled through the cervix and out of the woman. The process of evacuating the fetus piece by piece continues until it has been completely removed." (Gonzales vs. Carhart, April 18, 2007)
Now is the time to ask the American public, whether pro-life or pro-choice, a simple question: Should dismemberment of a living child in the womb be permitted? Let's go beyond the all-encompassing question of "Should abortion be allowed?" and ask, "Should this specific procedure, in which a child's arms and legs are ripped off, and head crushed, be allowed?" As we saw in the partial-birth abortion debate, we will see again that many people who consider themselves "pro-choice" and who would want abortion to be generally available will nevertheless oppose this specific procedure and even work with us to prohibit it by law. It is time to mobilize that segment of the public.
Every abortion is wrong, no matter what method is used; every child must be protected. We do not in any way retreat from that principle and goal. But helping people focus on one procedure at a time is a quicker way to get there. See http://StopDandE.com for more info.
• This column can be found online at http://www.priestsforlife.org/columns/3423-redefining-the-abortion-debate
• Listen to this column at http://www.priestsforlife.org/audio/audio.aspx?audio=602678-redefining-abortion-debate
• Comments on this column? Go to http://www.AskFrFrank.com
• Fr. Frank's columns are podcast. See http://www.PriestsForLife.org/Podcast
• Let me also provide you with the upcoming schedules for our own TV shows and Radio programming: (All Times Eastern)
• Kevin Burke will be interviewed live on the topic of Men and Abortion on WLCR AM 1040 (EWTN Affiliate) in Louisville KY on February 18, 2011 from 7:30am-8:30am ET.
• Defending Life: Watch on EWTN every Thursday at 11:00pm and every Saturday at 2:30 am. Listen on EWTN Radio every Friday at 1am, Saturday at 6:30pm and Sunday at 5am. For more information or to listen online go to www.ewtn.com. This week's episode: Fr. Frank preaches inside the US Capitol
• Defendiendo La Vida: View on EWTN every Saturday at 11pm ET and every Sunday at 5:30am ET. This week's topics: The Silent No More Awareness Campaign and The Pro-Life Movement Among the Youth
• Gospel of Life: Watch on Catholic Familyland: Sunday at 1am, Monday at 9am, Wednesday at 3:30am and Thursday at 11:30pm. Watch on the National Religious Broadcasters network (NRB), Wednesday at 6pm. The NRB Network is on DIRECTV, channel 378.
• Hear us on EWTN radio on Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo. Fr. Frank Pavone is her guest every Wednesday from 9:35-10am and Janet Morana is her guest every Friday from 9:10-9:30am. For radio station information and to listen to the live show on the internet, go to www.avemariaradio.net .
• Fr. Victor Salomón is the guest on Radio Jesus, 93.9 FM, Bronx, NY, every 3rd Saturday of the Month from 1-2pm. You can also listen on-line at www.misionerosdejesus.org .
• Please tune in and spread the word! In fact, you can help us and your whole parish -- by asking your pastor to place in the parish bulletin an announcement about our TV shows. Thanks in advance!
Priests For Life, PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314 -- Phone: 888-PFL-3448 or 718-980-4400 and Fax: 718-980-6515 -- Email: mail@priestsforlife.org & www.PriestsForLife.org
Every abortion is wrong, no matter what method is used; every child must be protected. We do not in any way retreat from that principle and goal. But helping people focus on one procedure at a time is a quicker way to get there. See http://StopDandE.com for more info.
• This column can be found online at http://www.priestsforlife.org/columns/3423-redefining-the-abortion-debate
• Listen to this column at http://www.priestsforlife.org/audio/audio.aspx?audio=602678-redefining-abortion-debate
• Comments on this column? Go to http://www.AskFrFrank.com
• Fr. Frank's columns are podcast. See http://www.PriestsForLife.org/Podcast
• Let me also provide you with the upcoming schedules for our own TV shows and Radio programming: (All Times Eastern)
• Kevin Burke will be interviewed live on the topic of Men and Abortion on WLCR AM 1040 (EWTN Affiliate) in Louisville KY on February 18, 2011 from 7:30am-8:30am ET.
• Defending Life: Watch on EWTN every Thursday at 11:00pm and every Saturday at 2:30 am. Listen on EWTN Radio every Friday at 1am, Saturday at 6:30pm and Sunday at 5am. For more information or to listen online go to www.ewtn.com. This week's episode: Fr. Frank preaches inside the US Capitol
• Defendiendo La Vida: View on EWTN every Saturday at 11pm ET and every Sunday at 5:30am ET. This week's topics: The Silent No More Awareness Campaign and The Pro-Life Movement Among the Youth
• Gospel of Life: Watch on Catholic Familyland: Sunday at 1am, Monday at 9am, Wednesday at 3:30am and Thursday at 11:30pm. Watch on the National Religious Broadcasters network (NRB), Wednesday at 6pm. The NRB Network is on DIRECTV, channel 378.
• Hear us on EWTN radio on Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo. Fr. Frank Pavone is her guest every Wednesday from 9:35-10am and Janet Morana is her guest every Friday from 9:10-9:30am. For radio station information and to listen to the live show on the internet, go to www.avemariaradio.net .
• Fr. Victor Salomón is the guest on Radio Jesus, 93.9 FM, Bronx, NY, every 3rd Saturday of the Month from 1-2pm. You can also listen on-line at www.misionerosdejesus.org .
• Please tune in and spread the word! In fact, you can help us and your whole parish -- by asking your pastor to place in the parish bulletin an announcement about our TV shows. Thanks in advance!
Priests For Life, PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314 -- Phone: 888-PFL-3448 or 718-980-4400 and Fax: 718-980-6515 -- Email: mail@priestsforlife.org & www.PriestsForLife.org
related: America's Final Solution http://773.harrold.org
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