"Obama's already on one knee to Islam.
It shouldn't take much to get him down on two."
It shouldn't take much to get him down on two."
"American Islamophobia" (Pat Condell) video source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ff3Qg6B_WY | "The taste of multiculturalism" (Pat Condell) video source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SReDcW0fokE (4m5s) |
From: ConservativeActionAlerts Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 Subject: Islam to Take Over US Court System
Are you personally Sharia compliant? Are you ready for Radical Islam Law to be an intricate part of our United States Justice and Court system?
In some towns in America, it has already happened! Islam is already CHANGING the way YOU live here in the United States of America! It goes much, much deeper than building a mosque near Ground Zero! You see, there are many things that your Muslim friends will NOT tell you.
There is a fundamental contradiction between being a devout Muslim and respecting the U.S. Constitution and its guarantees of various freedoms. All true Muslims believe Sharia Law is God's law, and, per verse 5:48 of the Qur'an, it is their duty to impose the Qur'an and to rule over us! The bottom line: Instituting worldwide Sharia Law is a "religious duty!"
Our U.S. Constitution, thought-out by our Founding Forefathers, is very much an open, and sometimes secretive, attack by the radical forces of Islam! A resurgent Islam is threatening us not only abroad, but INSIDE the borders of America. Sharia, the fundamentalist Islamic law, is responsible for much of the world's totalitarianism. Sharia relies on the Qur'an, Hadith, and other Islamic texts to punish offenders, too often with sentences that remind people of the barbaric 7th Century.
To understand jihadists, it is necessary to comprehend the verses that jihadists use to justify their war against us. Qur'an 5:51 calls on Muslims not to take Jews and Christians as allies because then they "will belong to them." Verse 9:5 states that Muslims "... may kill the idol worshipers," while verse 5:60 refers to Jews and Christians as "pigs and monkeys."
Barack Obama is a friend of Sharia Law!
Barack Obama, and most liberals, sees religions as "traditions" that have no current bearing on life. To them, Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all one and the same. For this reason, the liberals believe that Islamic terror has nothing to do with the Qur'an which teaches world domination by force.
U.S. Congressman Sandy Adams (R-FL), along with 54 cosponsors --- all Republican, has introduced H.R. 973. Last week, the House Committee on the Judiciary referred the legislation to the House Subcommittee on the U.S. Constitution. We must get behind this bill with every effort we can muster up. Our entire judicial system is at stake here. Shortly, Sharia Law may be accepted in YOUR courtroom. Already, several U.S. towns have accepted the use of Sharia Law in their courts! This is outrageous.
We must implore every Congressman to vote for this legislation which, in reality, saves the very fundamental fiber of this great country. The bill states: "In any court created by or under Article III of the Constitution of the United States, no justice, judge, or other judicial official shall decide any issue in a case before that court in whole or in part on the authority of foreign law, except to the extent the Constitution or an Act of Congress requires the consideration of that foreign law." In short, this bill OPPOSES the use of foreign law in the United States of America! And I know that you really do agree with that stance, don't you?
Sharia is political at its very core. The Qur'an says a Muslim must not alter or ignore ANY part of its very clear and direct message, or they will burn in a fiery torment forever. This is a religious fervor, not necessarily a political ideology. Sharia Law includes a highly specific mandatory POLITICAL PLAN for the whole society. Sharia Law says there is NO separation between the political and the religious in Islam!
Sharia and Islam constitute a totalitarian means of ruling society in EVERY level, including ritual worship, transactions and contracts, morals and matters, beliefs and punishments, the servitude of women, and much more.
You've hear many people say that Islam is a "religion of peace." I urge you: DON'T BUY INTO THAT, FOR EVEN ONE MINUTE!
Not one single word comes from the mouth of Mr. Obama about the terrible persecution of Buddhists, Christians, Hindus and other religious minorities in Muslim nations. However, he is a true "champion" of the rights of Muslims not only in the United States but around the world. The U.S. State Department under Obama has already set up special Internet sites in Arabic that give instructions on how to use social networking to topple oppressive governments. The results have already been seen in Egypt where Christians face almost daily attacks. Although championing "democracy," Barack Obama has not been a champion of secular democracy.
We must insure that Sharia Law does not penetrate our own judicial system!
In some towns in America, it has already happened! Islam is already CHANGING the way YOU live here in the United States of America! It goes much, much deeper than building a mosque near Ground Zero! You see, there are many things that your Muslim friends will NOT tell you.
There is a fundamental contradiction between being a devout Muslim and respecting the U.S. Constitution and its guarantees of various freedoms. All true Muslims believe Sharia Law is God's law, and, per verse 5:48 of the Qur'an, it is their duty to impose the Qur'an and to rule over us! The bottom line: Instituting worldwide Sharia Law is a "religious duty!"
Our U.S. Constitution, thought-out by our Founding Forefathers, is very much an open, and sometimes secretive, attack by the radical forces of Islam! A resurgent Islam is threatening us not only abroad, but INSIDE the borders of America. Sharia, the fundamentalist Islamic law, is responsible for much of the world's totalitarianism. Sharia relies on the Qur'an, Hadith, and other Islamic texts to punish offenders, too often with sentences that remind people of the barbaric 7th Century.
To understand jihadists, it is necessary to comprehend the verses that jihadists use to justify their war against us. Qur'an 5:51 calls on Muslims not to take Jews and Christians as allies because then they "will belong to them." Verse 9:5 states that Muslims "... may kill the idol worshipers," while verse 5:60 refers to Jews and Christians as "pigs and monkeys."
Barack Obama, and most liberals, sees religions as "traditions" that have no current bearing on life. To them, Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all one and the same. For this reason, the liberals believe that Islamic terror has nothing to do with the Qur'an which teaches world domination by force.
U.S. Congressman Sandy Adams (R-FL), along with 54 cosponsors --- all Republican, has introduced H.R. 973. Last week, the House Committee on the Judiciary referred the legislation to the House Subcommittee on the U.S. Constitution. We must get behind this bill with every effort we can muster up. Our entire judicial system is at stake here. Shortly, Sharia Law may be accepted in YOUR courtroom. Already, several U.S. towns have accepted the use of Sharia Law in their courts! This is outrageous.
We must implore every Congressman to vote for this legislation which, in reality, saves the very fundamental fiber of this great country. The bill states: "In any court created by or under Article III of the Constitution of the United States, no justice, judge, or other judicial official shall decide any issue in a case before that court in whole or in part on the authority of foreign law, except to the extent the Constitution or an Act of Congress requires the consideration of that foreign law." In short, this bill OPPOSES the use of foreign law in the United States of America! And I know that you really do agree with that stance, don't you?
Sharia is political at its very core. The Qur'an says a Muslim must not alter or ignore ANY part of its very clear and direct message, or they will burn in a fiery torment forever. This is a religious fervor, not necessarily a political ideology. Sharia Law includes a highly specific mandatory POLITICAL PLAN for the whole society. Sharia Law says there is NO separation between the political and the religious in Islam!
Sharia and Islam constitute a totalitarian means of ruling society in EVERY level, including ritual worship, transactions and contracts, morals and matters, beliefs and punishments, the servitude of women, and much more.
You've hear many people say that Islam is a "religion of peace." I urge you: DON'T BUY INTO THAT, FOR EVEN ONE MINUTE!
Not one single word comes from the mouth of Mr. Obama about the terrible persecution of Buddhists, Christians, Hindus and other religious minorities in Muslim nations. However, he is a true "champion" of the rights of Muslims not only in the United States but around the world. The U.S. State Department under Obama has already set up special Internet sites in Arabic that give instructions on how to use social networking to topple oppressive governments. The results have already been seen in Egypt where Christians face almost daily attacks. Although championing "democracy," Barack Obama has not been a champion of secular democracy.
We must insure that Sharia Law does not penetrate our own judicial system!
Freedoms we so cherish under the United States Constitution are under threat! Devout Muslims are called upon to impose Islamic (Sharia) law, and to take over the world for Islam. This means there is no religious or life-style alternative. This means that homosexuals must be stoned to death and women are regulated to second-class citizens with servitude to men. |
This is much more than just a "holy war." Sharia Law wants Muslims to take over every aspect of everyone's life, globally.
Unfortunately, not too many Americans (except you) understand the very real danger that we face --- and face now. Will you help us today to inform those who are "in limbo" and have already been "brain-washed" by the liberals, under the horrific disguise of "religious freedom?"
This week's Senate Committee hearing, supposedly entitled "Protecting the Civil Rights of American Muslims," under the leadership of U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-MI), was quite tame compared to an earlier House hearing by Rep. Peter King (R-NY) on "Islamic radicalization."
U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) expressed his concern: "I've been to Iraq and Afghanistan enough to know that the biggest victims of radical Islam are fellow Muslims."
Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-AZ) said that he was "a bit perplexed by the focus of today's hearing," noting that "If we're concerned about the most egregious hate crimes," crimes against Jews and Christians far outnumber those against American Muslims. "Political correctness cannot stand in the way of stopping those who would do us harm," he added.
You see, the interest of Sharia Law is about not stopping until they overtake each and every government on this planet! We must send out an important warning! We must keep this radical religious indoctrination form becoming a part of our court system. Once this infiltrates the court system, it is extremely hard to correct all the collateral damages.
Sharia Law seeks to regulate all manner of behavior in the secular sphere --- political, economic, legal, military and social. Shariah is a COMPULSORY system that Muslims are obligated to install. The world is required to adopt Sharia Law. The failure to do so is considered an eternal damnable offence against Allah. Those who truly embrace Sharia --- it is virtually impossible to maintain peaceful coexistence with the Western civilization and Western culture. Sharia Law is against all freedoms. It even encourages its followers to LIE for the sake of ensnarling the "infidel" --- YOU!
Those who support Sharia Law and the establishment of a global Islamic state are supporting objectives that are incompatible with the United States Constitution, and the civil rights that our Constitution guarantees.
Quite frankly, Shariah's pursuit in the United States is tantamount to sedition. I'm sorry, but I know this isn't "politically correct," but I also know that you share the exact same concerns about the future of America that I do. I cannot thank you enough for standing with Conservative Action Alerts as we expose Shariah Law for what it really is: AGAINST OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION!
And that's why we cannot permit it to enter our court system. That's why I need you to help us fax every single Member of Congress to help pass this legislation that will ban the use of foreign law in our court system. Thank you for your concern.
We need to demand the United States Congress to STOP this madness! Your alarm must be faxed to your Congressman today. Please fax and donate.
Sincerely, Tony Adkins, Spokesperson, Conservative Action Alerts
P. S. Under the disguise of being supposedly "politically correct," Congress has "walked on eggshells" with the Muslim people. Please help us to expose the true nature and global goals of Sharia Law. We must not let it infiltrate our U.S. courts! Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of U.S. Congress to support H.R. 973, to prevent the misuse of foreign law in United States federal courts, including Sharia Law! Don't let our Justice System be "railroaded" by radical foreign religious laws.
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