From: Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 Subject: Tea Party - Support Our Troops
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Remember when the Washington scoundrels told America 'if the budget won't be approved, the Military won't be paid?' To that we said BALDERDASH!
It turns out; the Commander and Chief demand the U.S. Defense Department to review all U.S. military missions worldwide and seek ways to cut $400 billion from their budget. All the while starting a war in Libya which no one approved, no one knows why, and irresponsibly bypassed Congress. Muammar Gaddafi, once friend now has a price on his head, yet the White House refuses to justify why? But don't worry, Obama called the U.N. asking for 'permission' to deploy the U.S. Military on Libya. Does this sound like someone who puts our Military first?
Let me explain, our military forces are told to serve in wars dreamed up by confused and disoriented Washington pontiffs, all the while U.S. G.I.'s are used as pawns in a bollix budget game in Washington!
How dare they hold the paychecks of our heroes as bargaining chips and tell the world America might have to let our Military families starve. How did this happen? Because, much of our Nation is on an 'out of control' spending binge, led by dithering political hacks. As the Washington budget irremediable calamity unfolds it becomes painfully clear Mr. Obama is demanding our budget to be balanced on the backs of Military men and women, who by their oath, cannot speak out and will face court martial if they did.
In short, the Washington glut-masters revel in their spending orgy, soaking in taxpayer dollars all the while enjoying a drunken gala of spending overdose! NOW, these power saturated pontiffs dare to plunder the pittance earned by our heroes, thereby forcing many G.I.s into a sacrificed vigil.
It is not enough for our men and women in uniform to lose arms and legs, be thousands of miles away from their loved ones, too far to hear their cries of help as the paychecks, support and Military budget is consumed by ever fattening bureaucrats. These severe reductions, at this magnitude, will undermine the ability of our military to perform the kind of heroic operations regularly expected of them.
Now is the time to demand the Military budget be exempted from ALL budgetary discussions and the Obama cutting block! It's time to protect our finest from the budget debacle lead by the misadventures of a washed up and impotent autocratic machine.
Washington's fat idea is to keep Military programs below inflation, slashing over $400 billion dollars from the budget over to the year 2023. Not only that, but ramping-down overseas operations.
"They're going to have to plan a build down," Gordon Adams said. Adams oversaw the defense budget under the Clinton administration.
To add injury to insult, the Defense Department already has slashed $400 billion by smart budget management. Yet, $330 billion is still on the table! Washington is eyeing cuts to weapons programs, such as, the cancelation of the Army's Future Combat Systems program, the Air Force's Next-Generation Bomber and more programs are still on the chopping block.
It's true! Orders are being given to the Pentagon to slash $400 billion of additional cuts, but get this, without compromising our national security! All I can say is: O.M.G.!
Rep. Buck McKeon stated: "I have grave concerns about the White House announcing a $400 billion cut to national security spending while our troops are fighting in three different theaters," McKeon went on to say: "Additionally, assigning a specific number to national security cuts prior to the completion of a comprehensive review of our military's roles and missions seems to be putting the cart before the horse."
Even some 'so called Conservatives,' think defense programs should be on the table in any deficit reduction plan and have made a 2012 budget proposal to say exactly that!
Former Senate Budget Chairman Pete Domenici, R-N.M., and former Clinton White House budget director Alice Rivlin, intends to freeze defense programs at fiscal 2011 levels. They claim it will save taxpayers $1.1 trillion through the year 2020, but at what price?
Co-chairs of the National Fiscal Commission, Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles, are calling for defense budget reductions, of $100 billion through 2015.
Todd Harrison, a senior fellow for defense budget studies at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, said in an interview, "If you really want to get to significant budget savings, you have to start addressing some of those strategic questions about what you want DoD to be able to do in the future,"
Mackenzie Eaglen, a defense analyst at the Heritage Foundation. "Mission sets cannot continue to grow while budgets precipitously decline without a serious discussion about American foreign policy"
Many in the Pentagon are cautioning Representatives that cutting must have its limits! Too many and too deep cuts mean exposing America to potential harm.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates" Suggestions to cut defense by this or that large number have largely become exercises in simple math, divorced from serious considerations of capabilities, risk, and the level of resources needed to protect this country's security and vital interests around the world,"
Geoff Morrell Pentagon spokesman said "missions the country is willing to have the military forgo."
Obama has called for reducing the deficit by $4 trillion which translates into $3 trillion in cuts and $1 trillion in new revenues over the next 10 years. Believe it or not, it seems Washington would rather make deep and harsh cuts into the Military, which only accounts for one-fifth of federal government spending, than cut into the other four-fifths of the federal budget.
Why is that?
Stop the Washington scallywags from gulping down Military dollars and jeopardizing the safety of America with cheap budget tricks. We must tell Washington to stop making the Military the scapegoat for Washington's fiscal misdeeds. 'We The People' are grateful for our Military pulling the trigger on Osama bin Laden
This is nothing more than short-changing and skinning our Military because the liberal socialist cabal thinks they can get away with it! We won't let them!
The Military must get paid no matter what! Our heroes must never be the 'sacrificial lambs' to the Fat-Cat Washington cabal, Washington is just not worthy! 'We The People' must send a clear message to the Washington rapscallions to keep their dirty little fingers off the wallets of our men and women in uniform!
Instead of reducing the Military budget, Washington should be increasing it!
We must keep pressure on Washington and protect our Military from a budget scalping!
Yes! We shall fight the reduction of Military Programs! We shall NOT go quietly into the night! We will fight it on the floor of the House of Representatives! We will fight it on the floor of the Senate!
Hey! Shall 'We The People' turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the shrieks of our Men and Women in uniform as they serve thousands of miles away, only to learn their families will go broke as well?!
Oh, don't get me wrong, petitions are good, marches and rallies are working, BUT sending RED HOT FAXES into the belly of the beast takes intestinal fortitude!
It is now your turn to shake up the Washington varlets!
How dare Washington threaten the Paychecks of our Military simply because of negligence of tax bloated bureaucrats! They want to balance the budget on the backs of our beloved men and women in the Military! The Tea Party says: NEVER!
Will you stop Washington from picking the pockets of our brave men and women in uniform? As for me and my house, I say yes, count on me. From Your Friends At:
It is your turn to save America. The Tea Party needs your help. Give today, because tomorrow may be the day after we lost America.
Support the continued work of the Tea Party on behalf of our beloved nation.
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