From: Life & Liberty PAC Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 Subject: Impeach Obama
Obama Executive Branch Openly Denigrates the Constitution, Defies We the People, Defies the Judicial and Congressional Branches, Refuses to Halt March To Marxism!
As recently argued in the 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals, America is navigating uncharted waters in the Obama assault upon our Constitution and ordered liberty! We have no historical or legal precedent for the audacious denigration we are suffering upon our lawful institutions of responsible self-government by the Obama regime.
It is simply a fact that NO controlling legal authority has made a determination in these vital matters. If in the first instance Obama was never eligible under the Constitution to serve as president, then he sits in the Oval Office unlawfully and must be removed either by the Courts or by Congress. Further, if found ineligible, Obama has then never been a lawful president and full impeachment proceedings would cease to apply; he would thereby be compelled to resign or be removed from office as a usurper.
Unless Congress begins formal investigation proceedings NOW, Obama may never be properly vetted and determined to be Constitutionally qualified or not to hold office. He is actively and aggressively running for re-election – and the lawfulness of his first term could become a pale historical question against the Constitutional damage wrought by toleration of a second unlawful term.
As Gary Kreep of the U.S. Justice Foundation just argued before the federal Appellate Justices, "Nobody is willing to take on this issue…" even though "John McCain was the subject of Congressional deliberation and analysis on whether he was eligible – and a ruling was issued. Why McCain and not Obama?"
- Obama attacks Libya without consulting Congress – Obama Administration surrenders sovereign US war-making to foreign powers and international authorities
- ObamaCare ruled unconstitutional and ordered to halt by Federal Court –Obama Administration states it will implement regardless of Federal Courts
- Congress determines Cap & Trade unconstitutional and refuses to pass –Obama Administration orders EPA to enact provisions regardless of Congress
- Oil Drilling Moratorium declared unconstitutional, ban lifted by Federal Court – Obama Administration continues to prevent drilling regardless of Federal Courts
- Defense of Marriage Act overwhelmingly passed by the 104th Congress and signed into law by former President Bill Clinton – Obama Administration announces unilaterally its Department of Justice it will no longer enforce the law
- Arizona SB 1070 Immigration Enforcement Act overwhelmingly passed by AZ Legislature – Obama Justice Department brings unconstitutional lawsuit against Arizona state
- LTC Terrance Lakin, US Army seeks confirmation of lawful orders from CinC, is court martialed, sentenced to Leavenworth Prison – Obama and DOJ stonewall all proof of presidential eligibility under U.S. Constitution
It is now clear the Obama Administration is actively working to overthrow the Constitutional protections granted by our Founding Fathers through the separation of powers. There can be no denying this Administration is in complete contempt of the U.S. Constitution, and in active defiance of the expressed Will of the People, and the Judicial and Congressional branches of the government – in effect replacing the Rule of Law with the seedbed of tyranny.
- Central head = the law-making or legislative function with two eyes – the House and the Senate – and these must both see reasonably eye-to-eye on any piece of legislation before it can become law.
- Left head = the Administrative or Executive Department with all authority centered in a single strong President, operating within a clearly defined framework of limited power.
- Right head = the Judiciary which was assigned the task of acting as an objective guardian of the Constitution and an interpreter of its principles as originally designed by the Founders.
- Left Wing = the problem-solving wing attached to the Executive; sensitive to the perceived needs of the people, whose appointees devise elaborate plans to solve these problems.
- Right wing = attached to the Congress; has the responsibility of conserving the nation's resources and the people's freedom. One function is to assess the proposed programs of the left wing to determine propriety, affordability and the effect upon freedom these proposals might have.
The genius, according to Skousen, of the American system is not only the separation of powers but the fact that all three branches operate through a central system. The Founders carefully integrated these three departments so that each was coordinated with the others and could not function independently: crafting "Coordination without Consolidation." Balance is essential, for if both wings fulfill their assigned duties the American eagle will fly straight and high. However, if either wing becomes overbearing or distorted, the American eagle of governance will drift toward anarchy or tyranny.
Unfortunately, through its repeated lawlessness and anti-republicanism, the Obama Administration has willfully desecrated the Constitutional balance established by our Forefathers. This defiance of the Rule of Law has withered the system of checks and balances and established a despotic Executive branch. The "imperial" presidency with its "czars" and unaccountable bureaucracy is so powerful that neither Congress nor the Judiciary seems able to stop our inevitable slide into Socialism, or even a full dictatorship. Today, the Left wing and Executive branch completely dwarf the other departments that were intended to hold presidential power balanced and in check.
If we are to stop the relentless march to Marxism and a complete dictatorship headed by Obama and his Leftist revolutionaries, CONGRESS MUST IMPEACH NOW! We cannot afford to give Obama even one more day to further illicitly consolidate power. WE MUST ACT NOW!
Sincerely For Life, Mary Lewis, Chair --
To send a check, please mail to: Life & Liberty Political Action Committee, P.O. Box 131327, Houston, TX 77219-1327 -- Life & Liberty PAC is a federal political action committee dedicated to advancing the principles of ordered liberty and responsible self-government. We pledge a firm and abiding commitment to support those who stand in defense of our unalienable rights, endowed us by our Creator God and enshrined in our nation's Founding institutions of justice. Thank you for keeping faith and joining with us, for God & Country – Life & Liberty!
bcc'd "red diaper babies" & RINOs
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