From: MinutemanHQ Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2011 Subject: How to Send Illegals Home - LEAVE Act
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Tell Congress To Pass HR 1196 - The "Loophole Elimination and Verification Enforcement" Act ALERT: Can we finally WIN the war against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION that we've been fighting so hard for so many years? YES, thanks to legislation that's just been introduced in Congress: the "Loophole Elimination and Verification Enforcement Act," or "LEAVE Act." NOW WE CAN FINALLY PUT A STOP TO THAT! But we need YOUR HELP to make sure it happens! The LEAVE Act takes an enforcement first approach to solve the problems caused by ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION by removing the incentives and loopholes in our current laws that encourage illegal aliens to come to the United States to live and work, and if they entered legally, to overstay their visas. In addition, this sweeping legislation gives law enforcement the tools they need to protect our nation and communities. The LEAVE Act also ends birthright citizenship, excludes illegals from receiving in-state college tuition, requires the completion of the border fence, and mandates the hiring of 8,000 new Border Patrol agents by 2015. There's just no denying it: it is CRITICAL for America's national security, sovereignty and prosperity that we reduce our nation's illegal immigrant population, NOW. With this new legislation, we can FINALLY GET THAT DONE? But we need YOUR HELP to get this passed QUICKLY! The official purpose of the LEAVE Act is "to prohibit all activities that assist, encourage, direct, or induce an alien to reside in or remain in the United States or to attempt to reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that the alien is not authorized to be present in the United States." This is one of the best pieces of legislation against illegal immigration to be introduced in a long time. Our friends at NumbersUSA have publicized a rundown on all of the specific things that the LEAVE Act would do, including:
THIS is the kind of common-sense bill that not only SHOULD pass -- it MUST pass! WE MUST CONTACT CONGRESS NOW and convince them to PASS THIS BILL -- or this problem will only get WORSE! Will YOU help us to finally put an END to ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION in America -- before it's too late? If you're like me, you're sick and tired of politicians coddling the illegal immigration lobby, and giving LIP SERVICE to ending this problem instead of actually DOING something about it. Well, now we can MAKE them do something about it. This is a bill that is finally putting serious action behind all the talk, and really aiming for our goals of border security and legal immigration enforcement! WILL YOU HELP US? Will YOU join the fight to FORCE Congress to finally pass legislation that can STOP the illegal immigration crisis in our country? Please, TAKE ACTION NOW! Thank you! For America, Carmen Mercer, Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project We MUST force Congress to hear our voices -- we MUST continue to sound the alarm about the crisis facing America. With YOUR help, we can do that. We can also do even more: launch national ad campaigns, get on to radio and television talk shows and news shows to support this legislation? the list is LONG, but we can't do it without YOU -- Thank you! For more information go to To donate by check, please send to: Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project, P.O. Box 1310, Herndon, VA 20172 -- Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project is a project of the Declaration Alliance -- a public policy and issues advocacy organization that aggressively addresses the intensifying assaults that the American Republic continues to endure -- at home, and abroad. Declaration Alliance is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit, tax exempt organization. Plus:Are you prepared for Obama to grant over 20 MILLION illegals (including dangerous criminals) American citizenship? You better be – or you better be prepared to ACT NOW to stop it. Because TODAY, Obama is holding meetings that could determine if each and every illegal alien will be granted amnesty! Right now, Washington is buzzing with the rumors that Obama is planning to circumvent Congress enacting stroke-of-the-pen AMNESTY for ALL illegal aliens in the United States via Executive Orders and Administrative Directives! Obama will once more defy the majority of Americans and DICTATE his narcissistic brand of tyrannical "democratic socialism" that I like to call OBAMALISM – doing the exact opposite of what the people demand. This is an overt violation of the Constitution!I urge you today to fill out the electronic CITIZENS INJUNCTION FORM – right away! Please, do it now. This is extremely urgent. Your CITIZENS INJUNCTION FORM will DEMAND that Congress stop Barack Obama from sneaking his amnesty plans past Congress. |
bcc'd "red diaper babies" & RINOs
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