related, "America's Final Solution":
GBTV article source:
Posted on 'The Blaze' May 7, 2012 by
Erica Ritz
Customs Officials Intercept 17,000 Pills Filled With Powdered Baby Flesh From China
Customs Officials Intercept 17,000 Pills Filled With Powdered Baby Flesh From China
Since last August, customs officials in South Korea say they have intercepted between 17,000 and 17,500 pills filled with finely-ground human baby flesh, which is said to be both a stamina-enhancer and medical panacea in parts of Asia.
The Daily Mail explains:
The grim trade is being run from China where corrupt medical staff are said to be tipping off medical companies when babies are aborted or delivered still-born.
The tiny corpses are then bought, stored in household refrigerators in homes of those involved in the trade before they are removed and taken to clinics where they are placed in medical drying microwaves.
Once the skin is tinder dry, it is pummeled into powder and then processed into capsules along with herbs to disguise the true ingredients from health investigators and customs officers.
While many are shocked and disgusted at the practice, it seems as though officials in South Korea are equally concerned about the sanitary concerns associated with ingesting human remains.
"It was confirmed those capsules contain materials harmful to the human body, such as super bacteria. We need to take tougher measures to protect public health," the BBC quotes an official as saying in the Korea Times.
The allegations that human flesh capsules were being trafficked from north-east China into South Korea emerged last year in a South Korean television documentary, but China's ministry spokesman insists the country has "strict management of disposal of infant and foetal remains as well as placentas."
Similarly, the smugglers have claimed ignorance of what the pills truly contained, saying they thought they were ordinary "stamina boosters."
Neither China's Food and Drug Administration nor its health ministry responded to questions Monday, according to the Telegraph, but the paper reports: "The capsules were all confiscated but no one has been punished because the amount was deemed small and they weren't intended for sale."
Even more horrifying, if possible, some are reporting that it may not have only been aborted or stillborn babies used in the pills it's possible that some were born and left to die in China's "dying rooms" before being ground for the capsules, because they were born into families that already had one child.
Reports say the South Koreans are unwilling to press the issue for fear of creating a diplomatic rift with China, instead preferring to let Chinese officials investigate and take any necessary action.
The Marketing of Aborted Babies (Trafficking in Body Parts) "..20/20's focus on the money trail is like pointing out that smoke from the ovens at Auschwitz violated Germany's Clean Air Act."
Update: Baby parts marketing: 20/20 and the House Hearing
(Congressional hearing, ABC TV, Planned Parenthood facilities, Gloria Feldt, abortion industry, black market, businessmen, National Abortion Federation, prostitutes, profit-driven, scandal, socialists, sleaze, chopped up, dismembered, researchers, pharmaceutical companies and universities, political agenda, Commerce Committee, price lists, brochures and advertising materials for baby parts, pro-aborts, internal abortion industry records, harvesting parts, witness tampering and obstruction of justice, criminal)
View an actual copy of a baby body parts order (.pdf format)
"..We are sympathetic to the explanation offered by the ABC producer who told us after the show that the network could not broadcast footage of dismembered babies, baggies full of tiny human eyes or any other accurate footage of the "commodity" being sold by the baby parts merchants."
Sources: Life Dynamics & Fetal Tissue, Body Parts for Sale & News Article src: MCJ Online & Sold As Health Food? and Harrold's 'The Big Lie'
Update: Baby parts marketing: 20/20 and the House Hearing
(Congressional hearing, ABC TV, Planned Parenthood facilities, Gloria Feldt, abortion industry, black market, businessmen, National Abortion Federation, prostitutes, profit-driven, scandal, socialists, sleaze, chopped up, dismembered, researchers, pharmaceutical companies and universities, political agenda, Commerce Committee, price lists, brochures and advertising materials for baby parts, pro-aborts, internal abortion industry records, harvesting parts, witness tampering and obstruction of justice, criminal)
View an actual copy of a baby body parts order (.pdf format)
"..We are sympathetic to the explanation offered by the ABC producer who told us after the show that the network could not broadcast footage of dismembered babies, baggies full of tiny human eyes or any other accurate footage of the "commodity" being sold by the baby parts merchants."
Sources: Life Dynamics & Fetal Tissue, Body Parts for Sale & News Article src: MCJ Online & Sold As Health Food? and Harrold's 'The Big Lie'
Fetal Body Parts
Please, Consider and Remember:
Fetal Body Parts
View documents and price list from companies that provide fetal
body parts and researchers that request them:Brochure from "Opening Lines", a company that provides fetal bodyparts
"Opening Lines" Company price list for fetal body parts
#1 "Confidential Protocol" form used to order fetal body parts
Outside the arenas of law, medicine, religion and politics, throughout all of civilization, there are certain 'Universal Truths'. Virulent responses by abortion apologists generating controversy over sites such as the The Army of God or the ' Nuremberg Files' (alt) (mirror) & hysterical ranting against religious
pro-life positions typify Pro-Death's neo-socialist propaganda rhetoric, and "quisling-like" intolerance and rabid fear of truth. [see the ACLU/PP v. ACLA anti-free speech lawsuit + a Pro-Life View of same.] It is the norm for abortion-related violence to be ignored or down-played by main stream media. All-the-while, abortion-mill$, their doctor$, nurse$ & staff, medical supplier$, hospital$ serving them, and other provider$ of selective death silently avoid publicity. Reminiscent of the secrecy surrounding Nazi Death Camps (WARNING exteme images) during the World War II era, they fear the stench of death that surrounds their barbarious acts will target and expose the true nature of their organized fleecing practice$ to public scrutiny.
Historically, killing children has been one of the most heinous crimes imaginable, behaviour more animalistic than human. It is ironic that many ethnic, racial, & religious groups [exception] who in times recent, marked for death, suffered unspeakable terrors, harbour 'Dr. Mengeles' among themselves, support or vote for prostituted politicians, government sponsored & tax paid abortion mills, or lobby for laws that they or their forebearers fell victim to during World War II when it was called 'Crimes Against Humanity', as in that war, our Civil War, Negro Slavery, or genocide as in Armenia 1915, Communist Tyranny (test your knowledge), the Nanjing Massacre or simply Mass Genocide. May it be said to those peoples: Please, think before propagandizing in media, using your money (or tax funds) publicizing, joining or financing pro-death advocacy organizations, buying or promoting products from or using any services of abortion related or profiteering companies. And, to churches and religous groups, if you truely sanctify life, cleanse yourselves, find and dis-associate from those whose activities further desensitizes us individually and as a nation. Afraid of public advocacy? Privately, in the voting booth, you have a strong weapon. Vote for Pro-Life candidates.
You may not agree that what is 'creeping and crawling' into our society in the guise of 'gun-control means crime-control', or that Orwellian like 'Big Brother' intrusions into the sanctity of our homes and family, and 'cradle-to-grave' neo-socialism indicate that our country is in decline. Regardless; these numbers must be disturbing, even to 'Pro-Death' activists. You might find disconcerting or out of place, some of the music or sounds that play during the loading of this page. During another holocaust , in the not to distant past, people entered into evil places, often greeted by music at the entrances. Normality, selective death as routine, is what abortionists want you to accept, just as those past criminal killers did who organized daily routines which led to certain death in those Nazi camps. Abortionists hide their true purpose behind false rhetoric and euphamisms such as "reproductive health" and "reproductive freedom." These hollow mantras are to decieve and beguile. To conceal and hide from examination the baby killers' real motive$.
Today, national socialist activist propaganda [cloaked as democratic liberalism] often targets so-called "hate-mongers", either as a group or individually. This propaganda seemingly targets only those right-of-center particularly targetting Pro-Life advocates as though they are 'anarchists' and the propagandist$ attack with rabid zeal anyone who 'has the audacity' to publicly question the "reproductive rights" bias of socialists who endeavor to keep hidden from the public, their victims, and the light-of-day the true motive of abortionist$, money. However; there is a courageous few, like The Christian Gallery News Service - Abortion Cams, Operation Rescue's Abortion Death Camps, and Partial Birth Abortions, who help to expose the butcher$' evil to all who aren't cowering behind pro-death neo-socialist rhetoric. Media regularly "accuses" defenders of life as being "right wing extremists" in print, audio, and video news. It rarely, if ever, shows the 'death mills' and the horrid results of the atrocities committed within them.
Today's purveyors of death, exchange life for money, their apologists, the profiteer$-in-death, their lobbyists and political lackey bootlicker$ show not the least pretense of having any 'cause' being devoid of any value for life having a purpose in which they consider to be a venial sin at most, greed. All of the Democratic candidates for the Presidential election in 2007/2008 were advocates of "baby killing" as were all in 2004. They promoted abortion to "Anglo" English speaking audiences while at the same time they omitted references to abortion in materials dessiminated among the Spanish-American community. Yet another example of the "Big Lie" pro-death propaganda techniques used by politician$ funded by abortion mill apologists$. Please read my commentary of July 4, 2003 in which the goals of this site are explained further.
Today's purveyors of death, exchange life for money, their apologists, the profiteer$-in-death, their lobbyists and political lackey bootlicker$ show not the least pretense of having any 'cause' being devoid of any value for life having a purpose in which they consider to be a venial sin at most, greed. All of the Democratic candidates for the Presidential election in 2007/2008 were advocates of "baby killing" as were all in 2004. They promoted abortion to "Anglo" English speaking audiences while at the same time they omitted references to abortion in materials dessiminated among the Spanish-American community. Yet another example of the "Big Lie" pro-death propaganda techniques used by politician$ funded by abortion mill apologists$. Please read my commentary of July 4, 2003 in which the goals of this site are explained further.
Some of the 'forgotten' millions shown in WWII or among the links on America's Final Solution may have been of your own. Whenever you vote, hopefully information on this page will go with you into ballot booths, that you will remember both the past and the present day holocausts so you will vote for candidates who will help save our children from the hidden shameful and unspeakable horrors being suffered at this very moment by so many many innocents in America's Death Camps during their terror filled, angonizingly slow, painful, cruel and tortured deaths in the hands of evil, money grubbing, ghouls wielding instruments of death even now while you are reading this.
Save a baby. Please, on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, Vote Life. -- rfh
Save a baby. Please, on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, Vote Life. -- rfh
Aug 28, 2011 – Obama's Pro-Abortion Record: The List Goes On and On..
Jan 30, 2012 – President Barack Obama's Pro-Abortion Record: A Pro-Life Compilation. by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 11/7/10