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related: (Greek: Chrysi Avgi, Hrisi Avgi, Χρυσή Αυγή, Golden Dawn, Greece)
GBTV article source:
After Greek Neo-Nazi Party Gains Ground, Beck Warns Americans to Heed History
With a surge of support securing the Neo-Nazi party unprecedented parliamentary wins in Greece, and the ousting of Nicolas Sarkozy in lieu of a full-fledged Socialist president in France, recent developments across the eurozone might indicate that history is poised to repeat itself. Reviewing this disturbingly familiar pattern, Glenn Beck explained to viewers on Monday that Mitt Romney must hold fast and heed the lessons from history, lest America go down that same road.
Beck explained that the situation in Greece was likely a direct result of something he calls the "Bubba effect." To refresh your memory on what this theory entails, envision a scenario where, in the wake of an Islamic terror attack and subsequent government ineptitude — particularly as regards national security and immigration — an everyman, or, "Bubba," pushed to the brink, shoots someone who appears to be Muslim. Citizens rally to Bubba's defense, blaming the government, not the murderer, for causing the problem in the first place. When citizens' frustration with government reaches critical mass, a contingent can all too easily use that as an excuse to lash out. As we examine the situation in Greece below, it seems the Bubba effect may have already arrived.
One component leading to the unrest across the eurozone has been the enactment of austerity measures. Billed as an answer to the European sovereign debt crisis, austerity measures focus on achieving reduced levels of spending primarily through cutting public services and programs. This is done so that taxes need not increase to compensate for deficits. Needless to say, whenever public and social services are cut, those who champion said programs, particularly on the left, are bound to pose strong resistance. Such has been the case across europe, specifically Greece. With the exit of Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is perhaps the only pro-austerity leader left in Europe.
Vowing to "rid this country of the stench" — a.k.a. immigrants — Golden Dawn's insignia is entirely too reminiscent of the swastika and its adherents, reportedly clad in black, are often seen physically abusing and intimidating immigrants across the country. Needless to say, Greece's immigrant community is understandably concerned and opponents are preoccupied with how best to marginalize the Neo-Nazi group that has now gained legitimacy in the halls of government.
Michaloliakos, who is also no fan of the media, said the day of "national revolution by the Greeks has begun against those who are selling us out and looting the sweat of the Greek people."
It might also be worth noting that "Golden Dawn" takes its name from a "magical order" of Freemasons who practiced in the late 19th and early 20th century Britain. The order has been cited one of the greatest influences on Western occultism.
Watch below to see how Golden Dawn conducts itself, which, is much how you would imagine Nazis would.
Interestingly, The Christian Science Monitor points out an ironic fact — that the economic policies of Nazi Germany were in fact eerily similar to Communist
ones. This is perhaps best illustrated in a TIME Magazine profile that named Adolf Hitler its 1934 Man of the Year. Below is an excerpt that explains the anti-Capitalist bent of the Nazi party.
"Most cruel joke of all, however, has been played by Hitler & Co. on those German capitalists and small businessmen who once backed National Socialism as a means of saving Germany's bourgeois economic structure from radicalism. The Nazi credo that the individual belongs to the state also applies to business. Some businesses have been confiscated outright, on other what amounts to a capital tax has been levied. Profits have been strictly controlled. Some idea of the increasing Governmental control and interference in business could be deduced from the fact that 80% of all building and 50% of all industrial orders in Germany originated last year with the Government. Hard-pressed for food- stuffs as well as funds, the Nazi regime has taken over large estates and in many instances collectivized agriculture, a procedure fundamentally similar to Russian Communism."Now ponder the following chart that clearly depicts the rise of Nazism from 1924 to 1932 and its correlation to poverty and unemployment.
According to Beck, the situation in Greece appears to be the ripe for the onset of a Bubba effect of its own. With a similar theme laying the groundwork for Adolf Hitler some 70-plus years ago, government inefficacy is, again, instigating the populace to take measures it normally would not. Fed-up with poverty, austerity measures, immigration and a host of other problems, citizens of Greece now look for someone to blame. That frustration and anger is then leveraged and exploited by radical elements of society to gain ground and, ultimately, real positions of authority.
Today, 20% of all Greek political parties comprise either Fascists or Communists. Beck reminded viewers that it only took 30% to elect Hitler.
Beck, who believes the Greeks have simply reached a saturation level and no longer trust their government, are vulnerable enough to succumb to the message of parties like Golden Dawn. Michaloliakos began by attacking the banks for "stealing" from citizens and then added fuel to the fire when he blamed illegal immigrants for exacerbating the problem by living off the country's resources without contribution in return. Beck warned viewers to observe carefully as events unfold in Greece as that is where America is likely headed if the country stays on its current trajectory. That same type of worldview, according to Beck, will resonate with Americans in the years ahead.
Tying into the Nazi's odd parliamentary gains in Greece, the first Socialist president since Francois Mitterrand — Francois Hollande — recently won the French presidential election. And he certainly did so with no help from the country's wealthy, whom he openly loathes. With promises that he would dispense with austerity and instead pour millions into creating new civil service jobs, as well as raise taxes on the wealthy from 41% to to 75%, Hollande eked out a victory against pro-U.S. Sarkozy. Due to his vow to discard austerity, German Chancellor Angela Merkel actually considered stepping in to campaign for the French incumbent.
The Socialist, who has never actually held a national government position, has also made headlines by stating "my real enemy is the world of finance."
President Obama, meanwhile, telephoned Hollande to congratulate him on his victory and invite the French Socialist to the White House later this month. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said in a statement that the president "indicated that he looks forward to working closely with Mr. Hollande and his government on a range of shared economic and security challenges."
It's worth noting that France's business owners have been in preparations to flee the country and Jean-Philippe Delsol, of France's economic and fiscal research institute IREF, wrote that it is not only the wealthy who have sought to take flight. The New York Times, translating for Delsol, reports that between 2006 and 2010 approximately 350,000 French citizens had formally registered their residency abroad, bringing the total to 1,471,622.
[...]Mr. Delsol said most young people setting up there were fleeing the constraints they endured in France. "They want to get hired easily and to hire others in order to create businesses without the fear that they will never be able to lay anyone off," he wrote. France would always conserve its rich past, its culture and its cooking, he wrote. "But do we want to live in the world's museum?"
…and so might go the rest of Europe.
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