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War, the Long War: A Just Crusade
"It is a principle incorporated into the settled policy of America, that as peace is better than war, war is better than tribute."
-- James Madison (letter to the [Muslim] Dey of Algiers, August 1816) Reference: Madison, III, page 17
"The sun hangs low on the horizon." -- GB (2009)
Countdown until Obama leaves Office
The 2016 Presidential Election begins in
 Is in ! 
"Elections Are Not Won by Who Voted.  They are Lost by Who Did Not" ~ rfh
"If you were a liberal 20 years ago, without changing your positions on any issues, today you would be a conservative." -- KD, 2010

"Beware lest in your anxiety to avoid war you obtain a master." -- Demosthenes (384-322 BC)
9.11 fading? Listen: small speaker icon
"Si vis pacem, para bellum." - Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus (c. 378-395) "If you wish for peace, prepare for war."

Also see: o'quotes and o'related videos

Monday, January 31, 2011

Calif. ALERT" Coming to a Classroom Near You! LGBT (SB48)

Throughout history, when ever groups are designated for special treatment ...they've usually ended up getting it!  -- rfh
From: Traditional Values Coalition Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 Subject: Robert - Must Read!! Coming to a Classroom Near You!!

Ready for your kids or grandkids to learn about "gay history?"
Homosexual legislators and their sympathetic allies are ready with their most extensive grab for special rights ever and the environment of California's school children and the education they receive are their latest targets in the battle for their hearts and minds.

This vicious attack on California's classrooms and on our children has come in the form of Senate Bill 48, a blatant homosexual education and teaching bill aimed at forcing students to accept the homosexual, bisexual and transgender lifestyle as normal. And it would turn every school teacher into a promoter of the homosexual lifestyle in the classroom! This new bill would actually force them to portray homosexuality in a positive manner.

2The terms "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender" will be added to the list of categories in the state's content standards
...and will be covered in ALL textbooks and instructional materials!!
The homosexuals behind the bill admit it. Their arrogance shows a clear disdain for the family and traditional moral values. Just read these statements they have made:

"Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) people should not be pushed into the closet when it comes to what students learn about history," said the leader of the group sponsoring SB 48.3

Senator Mark Leno said: "Most textbooks don't include any historical information about the LGBT movement…we aren't teaching students about historical LGBT figures or the LGBT equal rights movement."

The brainchild behind SB 48 is none other than homosexual Senator Mark Leno of San Francisco; the same man who has devoted his entire service in the legislature thus far trying to make homosexual marriage legal.

SB 48 would radically change the nature of our California education. Some of the dangerous and offensive provisions of the bill include:
  • Forcing teachers and educators to give classroom instruction that does not "reflect adversely" on homosexuality, bisexuality or transgender. This means teachers would be forced to positively promote the homosexual lifestyle!
  • The State Board of Education or any school board would be prohibited from adopting textbooks that "reflect adversely" on homosexuality, bisexuality and transgender. Again, this means textbooks that are now to be used must portray these sexual lifestyles in a positive manner. They must also include teachings about homosexual leaders and portray the "gay rights" movement just like the civil rights struggle of the 1950's and 1960's.
  • Forces ALL school boards to use only instructional materials that include homosexuality, bisexuality and transgender. The bill says they must "accurately portray" them. You can bet that homosexual groups will have the final say as to what is "accurate" and what is not!!
5And now that they have Jerry Brown in the Governor's office, the homosexual lobby is fabulously confident Brown will sign anything they send him. They no longer have to wonder if Arnold Schwarzenegger will 4sign or veto their bills. There are even more reasons to be alarmed about this bill. SB 48 will affect the content standards for instructional materials that the State Board of Education has adopted. We can almost assuredly expect them to remove the current terms "male" and "female" and replace them with the vague term "gender." Here are a few examples of likely changes… Concerning Male & Female Roles Current standards require equal portrayal. Instructional materials "must refer to or illustrate both sexes approximately evenly, in both number and degree of importance." SB 48 would mean that for every heterosexual male or female covered in materials there must be an equal number of homosexual, bisexual or transgender people covered!! When discussing occupations, the current standards require that "men and women should be presented equally." One of the occupations listed as an example is "parenting." SB 48 would mean that for every piece of material depicting male and female parents there must also be depictions of homosexual couples as parents!! This is especially true since another provision in the content standards state: "Both sexes should be portrayed in nurturing roles with their families." You can count on homosexual men and women being promoted as alternative, loving families!! Concerning Ethnic & Cultural Groups Current content standards state: "Instructional materials containing references to, or illustrations of, people must portray accurately…the roles and contributions of a fair proportion of diverse ethnic groups, especially those groups referenced in [statute section 60040[b]]." What groups will be added to Section 60040 under SB 48?                    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender!! What this means is whenever students are taught about the influence of Asian Americans on California's railroad system, or of Mexican American's contributions through the California missions, etc…they will also be taught of a new "cultural group." That group will be the homosexual community! Students will be taught about promiscuous homosexual politician Harvey Milk or that sports figures like Billie Jean King or Martina Navratilova are lesbians.  The accomplishments of such sports figures made in their sport won't be of importanceit will be their sexuality that students will hear about!!!


1. Keep TVC on the Front Lines of Battle by Giving Today.  Click Here!
TVC needs your continued financial help as we fight SB 48's attacks. This will require us to mail to much larger lists of people, conduct meetings with legislators in Sacramento, meet with other groups and churches.

We need you to send them letters against SB 48!  Now is the time to write them! Email or Fax them in!!

To find your State Senator directly click this link and then enter your zip code:

For State Senator's websites, to find local contact numbers, faxes and emails please go to:

Spreading the word is crucial! We must alert as many others as possible.  Every parent and grandparent should be told of this bill!

Forward this email and ask your friends and family to join our email list!  They will need to sign up to get our alerts on SB 48!!
And don't forget…help TVC remain a voice for the family! We really do need your financial help. We rely solely on churches and individuals like you! Our work at the State Capitol could not happen without your continued financial help!

Life v death - Pro-Life News Report 2/1/11 #5072

From: Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 Subject: Pro-Life News Report 2/1/11 #5072
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit
Current Headlines
Top Stories
Judge Declares Pro-Abortion ObamaCare Unconstitutional
Abortion Industry Forced to Suspend Centers Employing Gosnell
• Bill Banning Tax-Funded Abortions Attacked Over Rape Issues
New DC Late-Term Abortion Biz Injects Babies, Abandons Women

More Pro-Life News
ABC News Publishes, Removes Story Attacking GOP on Rape, Abortion
Jon Huntsman May Launch Pro-Life Republican Presidential Bid

Georgia Lawmaker Promotes Fetal Pain-Based Abortion Ban
Carleton University Upholds Ban on Pro-Life Student Group
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Weighing Parental Consent Abortion Law
Baltimore to Appeal Decision Supporting Pregnancy Centers
New York Times Blasted for Attacking Pro-Life Abortion Laws
Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson Doomed in 2012 by Obamacare Vote
Florida Senator Nelson Could Face Strong 2012 Field

---> is proud to welcome new political reporter/blogger Andrew Bair.
Comments or questions? Email us at  Copyright 2003-2010 All rights reserved.  For information on advertising or reprinting news from, email us.

values - We All Need Clarity (

From: "" Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 Subject: We All Need Clarity

Part of evangelization .. a significant part .. is being clear.  It means nothing to wax eloquent on a given point if no one really "gets" what you mean.  It is also a very bad practice for Church leaders to deliberately muddy the waters with nuanced language and phrases. What's needed is a little clarity.

Please watch this episode of The Vortex and pass it along to as many friends and family as you can.

GOD Bless you and your loved ones,

Michael Voris ~ senior executive producer,

o'illegal - Legislation addressing 14 Amendment (

Immigration and Birthright Citizenship Bills Proposed in South Dakota
Written by CAA National on January 31, 2011
     A record number of immigration bills being introduced in state legislatures across the country -- over 600 just in January 2011.  Count South Dakota in too.
     Three bills have been introduced in the state's Legislature to address undocumented immigrants. 
     All are patterned after measures already proposed or passed in other states.
     One is similar to an Arizona law being challenged in court.  It would direct law officers enforcing other laws to make reasonable attempts to ask about a suspect's immigration status if there is reason to believe that person is in the U.S. without documents.   
It also would make it illegal to transport or conceal an undocumented immigrant.
     Another bill would penalize anyone who knowingly employs, transports or conceals an undocumented immigrant.
     The third measure would challenge the automatic U.S. citizenship granted to children of undocumented immigrants.  It is intended to encourage Congress to propose a change in the 14th Amendment.
© 2010 Conservative Action Alerts: 1002 Lititz Pike Suite 237 Lititz, PA 17543-9328

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Life v death - Pro-Life News Report 1/27/11 #5069

From: Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 Subject: Pro-Life News Report 1/27/11 #5069
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit
Current Headlines
Top Stories
Aborting the Future: Obama Ignores Pro-Life Issues in SOTU
Senate Republican Leader Makes Move for Repealing Obamacare
• Practitioner Loses License, Killed Woman in Failed Abortion
New Study Denying Abortion-Mental Health Link Contains Flaws

More Pro-Life News
Troubled Maryland Abortion Practitioner Faces Formal Charges
Catholic Bishops Support Bills to End Tax-Funded Abortions

ABC, CBS, NBC, New York Times All Ignore March for Life
Washington Health Dept Pays for Secret Abortions With Tax Dollars
Alaska Choose Life License Plate Would Join 26 Other States
Oregon Report Shows Assisted Suicide Deaths Increase Again
France Senate Defeats Bill to Legalize Euthanasia
Pro-Life Allen to Challenge Pro-Abortion Webb in Virginia
Wyoming House Defeats Bill for Pre-Abortion Ultrasound

---> Is your pro-life group or pregnancy center looking for an affordable speaker?  Need a speaker for a conference, convention, church presentation or on short notice?  Consider Editor Steven Ertelt.  Email us for details.

Comments or questions? Email us at  Copyright 2003-2010 All rights reserved.  For information on advertising or reprinting news from, email us.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

oil prices - "1,354 Years in the Making" $8/gal gas? (infomercial:

$220 per barrel of oil equals $8+ per gallon of gasoline! (in the U.S.)

     The video below was produced before the current (Jan/Feb 2011) mid-East turmoil Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Lebanon, etc.  
     I only post the video for its description of a possible "worse case?" energy crisis scenario not for the purpose of promoting Mr. King's financial advice service of which I am not familiar.  
     It concerns me that the current leader of the 'Executive Branch' of our government has been closing down or restricting new domestic oil and coal development and selling our uranium ore to foreign entities, e.g. Russia all the while giving "lip service" and bowing to leaders among the "keywords" listed below which appear to be who are really driving our current government's energy policy.
     Other questionable actions:  closing or redesignating public lands in order to limit or ban mining or drilling, forcing oil wells to be capped in the Gulf, limiting new offshore exploration & drilling by U.S. companies,  limiting new mainland & Alaska drilling, while, at the same time, keeping mum on our 'strategic oil reserves' status ...yet o'who? is funding foreign governments' oil exploration & production even in U.S. waters!!!   These energy actions beg for explanations.  -- rfh

linked from:
The destruction of Babylon, the new war that could rocket oil prices to $220 per barrel.
Speaker on subject: Byron King, a Geologist and worked for a major international oil company.

video source:
 reposted from: YouTube post by YahwehsShofar on December 31, 2010, keywords:  Oil Wars, oil, Chokepoints, Mystery Babylon, Muslim, Suni Muslim, Shia Muslim, Islam, Jihad, Saudi Arabia, Mecca, Gate of Tears, Strait of Hormuz, OPEC crisis, Iranian Revolution, River Euphartes, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Persian Empire, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, North Africa, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Hezbllah, Medes, rams horn, Ararat, Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Minni, Ashkenaz, Sixth trumpet, Bible Prophecy
related: Gas Prices, Diesel Prices, Alternative Fuel, Gasoline Prices, Diesel Fuel, Gas Economy

Friday, January 28, 2011

values - "The Beauty of Mathematics" (video 3m02s)

From: jrp Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 Subject: The Beauty of Mathematics
The Beauty of Mathematics...
Click your mouse here:  Mathematics

American Values - Reagan vs Oblama (video 6m29s)

From: kd Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 Subject: Reagan vs Oblama BCC: "Red-Diaper Babies"
"Does this not say it all?" -- KD
Reagan vs Obama

Thursday, January 27, 2011

o'who? - No Birth Certificate? (HI)

From: kd Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 Subject: No Birth Certificate????
No Birth Total BS but the Communists/Socialists/Marxists/Progressives always have a fallback position.  The bottom line, whether he is a citizen or not, there is NO birth certificate..KD
                              BACKTRACK: Now Hawaii won't release birth info... 
Hawaii law bars release of Obama birth info

osama laughter - Moscow Airport Suicide Bomber

Would TSA Have Stopped Moscow Bombing?
Want to receive stories like this every day? Subscribe to our free Deal Alert newsletter!
Following Monday's bombing of Moscow's Domodedovo airport, the inevitable question quickly became: Could it happen here? A suicide bomber simply walked into the arrivals hall, a public area, and blew himself up, killing 35 people and injuring 168. There was nothing complicated about the plan, no circumvention of metal detectors or other security technology, and really no time for anyone to recognize that a suspicious and potentially dangerous person was in the area.
More troubling, the general consensus among TSA watchers seems to be that, no, the TSA probably wouldn't have stopped the attack either, despite implementing a $212 million program designed to identify suspicious persons based on their behavior. Called SPOT, which stands for Screening of Passengers by Observation Techniques, the program has screeners look for tiny behavioral clues in the faces of passersby. Screeners receive four days of training for the program, which focuses on "micro-expressions" to identify potential threats. But according to ABC News, critics say the program is ineffective."I see the classified results and it gives me great concern," says Rep. John Mica, Chairman of the House Transportation Committee. "I saw what happened [in Moscow] and I have even more concern." Mica tells ABC News that the program is "not capable of detecting what took place in Moscow."
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has expressed similar concern over the program's effectiveness. According to ABC, a May 2010 report from the GAO "found ... that at least 17 known terrorists traveled through at least 23 U.S. airports in the SPOT program without being detected."
The creator of SPOT is Dr. Paul Ekman, a retired psychology professor at the University of California. He tells ABC, "Micro-expressions, the wonderful thing about them, is they're universal. There are seven different emotions and it doesn't matter your language or your culture, if you have one of those emotions it is going to appear in your face and if you're trying to conceal it, it may well leak out in a micro-expression." The TSA says SPOT is based in science and has been used in other arenas for decades. The agnecy also says SPOT has resulted in 1,700 arrests, though none for terrorism charges.
Others say there is no hard evidence that validates SPOT's effectiveness. "The scientific research shows that it's very hard to detect whether somebody's up to no good just by looking at their behavior,"  Dr. Maria Hartwig, an expert in the psychology of deception and its detection at John Jay College in New York, tells ABC. "There is no scientific support for this system as of now."
But in the case of the Moscow bombing, SPOT, or any behavioral detection system, may not have had the time to recognize the bomber. If anything, the Moscow attack shows that we have long taken for granted the fact that large, crowded areas in our airports are almost completely unsecured and vulnerable to attack. And aside from the security we have—police patrols, bomb-sniffing dogs, and the TSA's SPOT screeners—there is little we can do. This, of course, highlights the need for an effective behavioral detection program, and amplifies concerns that SPOT is not up to snuff.
"Right now," says Rep. Mica, "I don't believe SPOT gives us the protection that we should have."

o'tax'n spend - Nice to have a 747

From: jpl Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2011 Subject: Nice to have a 747

Remember 2012 is another election year for presidential candidates!!!
Begin forwarded message:

Well, I guess we won't have to pick up the tab for Barry, et al to get to Merry old England for the Prince's wedding.   He'll probably fly back to Hawaii for a round of golf instead.
Nice to have a 747
     Andrew Malcolm says Obama will spend Monday night flying across the Pacific and United States after his latest vacation, 11 days in Hawaii.  It will be his first trip of 2011 aboard Air Force One.
Last year Obama flew in Air Force One 172 times, almost every other day.
     White House officials have been telling reporters in recent days that the Democrat doesn't intend to hang around the White House quite so much in 2011.  They explain he wants to get out more around the country because, as everyone knows, that midterm election shellacking on Nov. 2 had nothing to do with his healthcare bill, over-spending or other policies, and everything to do with Obama's not adequately explaining himself to his countrymen and women.
     And with only 673 days remaining in Obama's neverending presidential campaign, the incumbent's travel pace will not likely slacken.
     At an Air Force-estimated cost of $181,757 per flight hour (not to mention the additional travel costs of Marine One, Secret Service, logistics and local police overtime), that's a lot of frequent flier dollars going into Obama's carbon footprint.
     We are privy to some of these numbers thanks to CBS' Mark Knoller, a bearded national treasure trove of presidential stats.  According to Knoller's copious notes, during the last year, Obama made 65 domestic trips over 104 days, and six trips to eight countries over 22 days.  Not counting six vacation trips over 32 days.
     He took 196 helicopter trips, signed 203 pieces of legislation and squeezed in 29 rounds of left-handed golf.
     Obama last year gave 491 speeches, remarks or statements.  That's more talking than goes on in some entire families, at least from fatherly mouths.
     In fact, even including the 24 days of 2010 that we never saw Obama in public, his speaking works out to about one official utterance every 11 waking hours.  Aides indicate the "Real Good Talker" believes we need more.
     As Obama so often says, "Please be seated."
related:  Obama spends nearly half his presidency outside Washington, plans to travel more
related:  Vacationer-in-Chief Spends $1.75 Million to Visit Hawaiian Chums
Obama has spent over $100 million taxpayer dollars flying around in Air Force One, and probably another $100 million on his entourage. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

war - A History Reminder: General VoNguyen Giap

From: thy Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 Subject: A REMINDER IN HISTORY
General Giap was a brilliant, highly respected leader of the North Vietnam military. The following quote is from his memoirs currently found in the Vietnam war memorial in Hanoi:
     'What we still don't understand is why you Americans stopped the bombing of Hanoi . You had us on the ropes.  If you had pressed us a little harder, just for another day or two, we were ready to surrender! It was the same at the battle of TET. You defeated us!  We knew it, and we thought you knew it.  But we were elated to notice your media was helping us.  They were causing more disruption in America than we could in the battlefields.  We were ready to surrender.  You had won!'
     General Giap has published his memoirs and confirmed what most Americans knew. The Vietnam war was not lost in Vietnam -- it was lost at home.  The same slippery slope, sponsored by the US media,  is currently underway.  It exposes the  enormous power of a Biased Media to cut out the heart and will of the American public.
A truism worthy of note: ... Do not fear the enemy,  for they can take only your life.
Fear the media, for they will destroy your honor.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

religion, Christianity - creation: Genesis Trailer (video)

"Relativity teaches us the connection between the different descriptions of one and the same reality." -- Albert Einstein
"For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night." -- Psalm 90:4
Einstein's Theory of Relativity asserts that time can be perceived as moving differently when viewed from different frames of reference. Physical experiments have supported the equations behind the theory. The Genesis Code asks: could relativity reconcile the difference perspectives God and Man on the timeline of Creation?

From: The Patriots Fund Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011Subject: Video: Genesis Trailer
     The Genesis Code's updated newsletter has a great link that talks about the potential solution to the conflict between science and faith. I hope all conservatives will take the time to watch it and forward it to their friends.
     Scott Greenlee; President, The Patriots Fund
Genesis Code Movie
New Genesis Code Trailer Released
These week, The Genesis Code team released a brand-new trailer for the film that focuses on the movie's exploration of the fight between science and faith. Click below to watch:

The Genesis Code Director Cast in New Spiderman Movie
     Congratulations to The Genesis Code director C. Thomas Howell on his recently announced casting in the upcoming Spiderman movie. Howell, best known for his roles as "Ponyboy" in The Outsiders and "Robert" in Red Dawn, is slated to play "Ray" in the Spiderman reboot.
     But he's not the only big star in The Genesis Code. The film also features two Academy Award winners: Louise Fletcher (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) and Ernest Borgnine (Marty) star as the grandparents of hockey star Blake Truman.
     Several other familiar faces make an appearance in the film. Catherine Hicks, star of the television series 7th Heaven, portrays academic adviser Myra Hicks. Lance Henriksen, famous for his roles in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Terminator, and Aliens, plays Dr. Hoffer.
     And of course, The Genesis Code features Fred Thompson in the role of Judge Hardin. Thompson, also famous for his work on television in Law & Order, is perhaps better known from his 2008 presidential run and time as a U.S. Senator. To check out our full, star-studded cast, click here.

The Genesis Code in the Headlines:
Des Moines Register: "Film on reconciling conflict between science and faith to premiere in Johnston next week."
"The first state to voice its preference for the 2012 GOP presidential nominee will also be the first state to view a $5 million Focus on the Family-approved dramatic film that focuses on reconciling the Book of Genesis with science's explanation for the origins of the universe. The Iowa Christian Alliance Education Fund and The Patriots Fund will host the nationwide release of "The Genesis Code" on Wed., Jan. 26 at 7:30 p.m. at Carmike Wynnsong 16 Cinema in Johnston. --  Click here for more.
"Groundbreaking New Film "The Genesis Code" to have red carpet screening in Iowa before nationwide release in February." "Iowa is an important early Presidential caucus state. And now, in advance of The Genesis Code nationwide release in February, Iowa will host the first in the nation Red Carpet VIP screening of this groundbreaking new film. Iowa caucus-goers and grassroots VIPs will be treated to a sneak peek of the movie, a new dramatic film that reconciles the Biblical account of Genesis with the scientific account of the origins of the universe. "
VIDEO: Official Trailer VIDEO: Official Extended Web Trailer VIDEO: Science v. Faith Synopsis VIDEO: "The Genesis Code" Review by Dr. Ted Baehr, Movie Guide Stay tuned to this newsletter to find out what's happening with The Genesis Code and to learn more about the science behind the movie.

o'satire - "Barack Obama Translations" audios

"How do you tell a Communist?  Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin.  And how do you tell an anti-Communist?  It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."
-- Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) 40th US President

reposted from: "Barack Obama Translations" at
Keeper of the Nazi Documents (3:15, 3 MB)
Creator: Radio Crack
Source Material: Unknown/Various

 "Is this his 'master plan'?"

"Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges."  ("The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.")
-- Cornelius Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
    Source: Annales, 1st century A.D.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

quotes, presidential - 20th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (

From: "American Minute"  Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 Subject: American Minute - Jan. 20 - 20th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
American Minute with Bill Federer, January 20
Declaration of Independence:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

     The 20th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1933, changed the date of Presidential Inaugurations from March 4th to JANUARY 20th.
Franklin Roosevelt stated in his Inaugural Address, 1945:
"Almighty God has blessed our land."
Harry S Truman, 1949:
"We believe that all men are created equal because they are created in the image of God."
Dwight Eisenhower, 1953:
"This is the work that awaits us all, to be done with bravery, with charity, and with prayer to Almighty God."
John F. Kennedy, 1961:
"The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God."
Lyndon B. Johnson, 1965:
"The judgment of God is harshest on those who are most favored."
Richard Nixon, 1969:
"As all are born equal in dignity before God, all are born equal in dignity before man."
Gerald Ford, 1974:
"To do what is right as God gives me to see the right."
Jimmy Carter, 1977:
"What does the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God."
Ronald Reagan, 1981:
"With God's help, we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us. And after all, why shouldn't we believe that? We are Americans."
George W. Bush
"..our rights were derived from God, .." 
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, [..omitted..] endowed [..omitted..] with certain 'inalienable' [..wrong word..] rights: [..omitted..] life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

** added by rfh

o'scamcare - House Votes to Repeal Obamacare 245-189

From:  Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 Subject: House Votes to Repeal Obamacare 245-189
House Votes to Repeal Obamacare
     The House of Representatives voted 245-189 vote to repeal President Obama's health care plan passed by Congress last year, with 3 Democrats joining the majority.  This vote is seen as the first step in Republican efforts to repeal and defund the program.  To fully repeal the program the Senate must pass the repeal legislation, followed by President Obama's approval.
This e-mail was sent by:, 4152 West Blue Heron Blvd., Ste. 1114, Riviera Beach, FL 33404 USA

o'who? - Obama at Half-time (video 8m24s)

From: thy Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 Subject: OBAMA AT HALFTIME
Educate someone......send this to them.
Two year into President Obama's term, Bill looks at how far short the rhetoric and promises of 2009 have fallen in 2011.
posted on Youtube by BillWhittleChannel | January 11, 2011
comment posted:'
"great video - some missing points - caving in to Russia on missle shield and start, weak on iran, slow on oil spill ... the many golf rounds, the excessive amount of parties... there's just so much"

o'who? - Hawaiian Governor Can't Find Obama's Birth Certificate

From: Western Journalism Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 Subject: Hawaiian Governor Can't Find Obama's Birth Certificate
Posted on by Caleb on January 19, 2011
     Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie suggested in an interview published today that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.
     Abercrombie told the Honolulu Star Advertiser he was searching within the Hawaii Department of Health to find definitive vital records that would prove Obama was born in Hawaii, because the continuing eligibility controversy could hurt the president's chances of re-election in 2012.
     Donalyn Dela Cruz, Abercrombie's spokeswoman in Honolulu, ignored again today another in a series of repeated requests made by WND for an interview with the governor.
     Toward the end of the interview, the newspaper asked Abercrombie: "You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding birthers and your plan to release more information regarding President Barack Obama?s birth certificate. How is that coming?"
     In his response, Abercrombie acknowledged the birth certificate issue will have "political implications" for the next presidential election "that we simply cannot have."
Read More: By Jerome R. Corsi, WND

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

o'mam - Offensive Yodeling in Austria

I thought this was a joke, first! -- rfh
From: kd Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Subject: Offensive Yodeling
To all you red-neck cowboys and especially you Eddy Arnold (for those that remember) and that song "Cattle Call",  how insensitive can you get.....KD
Judge Rules That Yodeling 'Offends Muslims'...
Austria: Judge Rules That Yodeling Offends Muslims
by Elad Benari

It seems as though in Austria, the popular yodel is an insult to Muslims.
     An Austrian court has recently fined a citizen for yodeling while mowing his lawn, according to a report in The Kronen Zeitung newspaper.
     The citizen, 63-year-old Helmut G., was told by the court that his yodeling offended his next-door Muslim neighbors, who accused him of trying to mock and imitate the call of the Muezzin.
     In Muslim tradition, the Muezzin is the chosen person at a mosque who leads the call to prayer at Friday services and the five daily times for prayer from one of the mosque's minarets.
     The yodel is a song which is sung with an extended note which rapidly and repeatedly changes in pitch and makes a high-low-high-low sound.  Developed in the Central Alps as a method of communication between alpine mountaineers or between alpine villages, the yodel later became part of the region's traditional lore and musical expression.  The technique is used in many cultures throughout the world and Austria is one of the countries where it is most popular.
     Unfortunately for Helmut G., his neighbors were in the middle of a prayer when he started to yodel.  The Kronen Zeitung reported that he was fined 800 Euros after judges ruled that he could have tried to offend his neighbors and ridicule their belief.
     Helmut G. clarified that "It was not my intention to imitate or insult them.  I simply started to yodel a few tunes because I was in such a good mood."

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Mar 11, 2008 - "My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.  I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it." -- B. Hussein Obama

animated burning question

sound or narration
Pledge of Allegiance

Gov't Off Our Backs
o'KGB?: "Remember..comrade, one day it will be your mission to destroy those bourgeoisie capitalist freedoms." small video camera image
o'mam: 'The Prettiest Sound On Earth At Sunset' is the Muslim call to prayer. small video camera image
o'anti-colonialist: imperfect..flawed..colonial small video camera image
o'Marxist: 'I sought out..the Marxist professors..' small video camera image
o'cap'n tax: 'Under my plan, energy costs will necessarily skyrocket..'
2008: o'bamacide's 'Culture of Death' "The first thing I'd do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act."
o'who?: 'We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation..' small video camera image
ø'commie: 'It's not surprising..they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion..' small video camera image
o'bamacide: 'doesn't want his daughters punished with a baby..mistake' (773)
2008: '..5 days away..fundamentally transforming the U.S. of America..' small video camera image
2008: 'Judge me by..whom I surround myself.'
2009: "Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance." Hussein Obama, Cairo, Egypt, June 4, 2009 small video camera image
2010: 'I am a muslim."
2012: 'If I had a son, he'd look like..' small video camera image
2012: o'stand down 'What difference does it make?, phony scandals, real dead peoplesmall symbol of a sound speaker
2013: 'Catholics and Protestants are divisive..'
o'der führer: '..reject..'voices' that warn of tyranny.'
2014: o'der leader 'That's the Good Thing as a President, I Can Do Whatever I Want.'

"The Rise and The Fall of Great Civilizations - From Apathy to Dependence to Slavery"
by 'The Corsons', John and Janice Corson (John is a member of the American Conservative Union and the Federalist Society.)

2nd Amendment: Safety and Training small books icons movie or video sound or narration Games/Diversions Reference and Reading small books icons movie or video
"Arm your self with the ballot, while you still have arms." -- rfh
773The 2012 Presidential Election:but not for many children! Read Facts as to Why not? & See contributor$ who benefit.
3 Images of Change: Hitler, Obama, Lenin Communism What is it?

Undercover FBI
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Alan Keyes:

Right Then,
Right Now

au contraire

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Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta.
Do me justice, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy.
- Psalms 43 KJV, 42 Douay Rheims

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"The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control."
E.W. Jackson (R-Va)

May 18, 2013
    Alan Keyes, "He must be stopped or the United States will cease to exist."..."We are in the midst of the greatest crisis this nation has ever seen...chaos, and civil alleged usurper...destroying our borders...infanticide...this is insanity...we are claiming that a bankrupt government can save a bankrupt banking system...this is insanity.." (19Feb09)    
Alan Keyes:
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Right Then & Right Now

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BE HEARD: Contact Congress & the President -- Phone & Fax Numbers

Obamacare equals abortion and euthanasia
Ronald Reagan on We the people declare Independence from obama
"It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones."
-- Calvin Coolidge (1873-1933) 30th US President

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trust no one...not even yourself We're from the government and are here to help you. ...not even yourself
A Speaker GIF Image. My Sentiments: Soon, What We All (Are?) Will Be Doing. (benddown.wav, 47kb) A Speaker GIF Image.
Badges? speaker gif  (89kb) Voice of: Alfonso Bedoya Evans Law of Inadequate Paranoia: "No matter how bad you think something is, when you look into it, it's always worse." -- M. Stanton Evans, author "Black Listed by History, The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy" (published 2007) source: Glenn Beck TV show, Th.24Jun10 interview ( of Occupy protesters arrested counter
Tea Party Arrests=0

Now the U.S. Owes $175+ Trillion Dollars! (25Sep17) Up daily since o'tax'n spend was elected!

"The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money."
-- Alexis de Tocqueville [Alexis Charles Henri Maurice Clerel, le Comte de Tocqueville] (1805-1859) French historian
The U.S. Deficit in 2007 was $9,007,653,372,262.48
The federal government has accumulated more new debt -- $3.22 trillion ($3,220,103,625,307.29) — during the tenure of the 111th Congress than it did during the first 100 Congresses combined, according to official debt figures published by the U.S. Treasury." -- By Terence P. Jeffrey, (Read The Full Story)
Click Here for videos, graphs, movie & U.S. National Debt totals.
3 years ago: The Debt ~ $125T+! Then Obama:  Up $22T+ in only 3 years! $22T to $26T+ by 2015!  Since November 2011 to January 2013 he has added $2 Trillion to the deficit!  States' Unfunded: $3.2T+! • (Dec10) From Jan'09 the deficit: $10.2T→$14.6T up $4.3T/42%! -- Federal unfunded liabilities total $84 trillion .. equal to 5.7 percent of the present value of all future GDP, which translates into about 31 percent of the long run federal revenue estimate,” the report states.  “Thus federal revenues would have to rise immediately and permanently to 24.1 percent of GDP to cover the fiscal imbalance.” (source:
Federal obligations exceed world GDP! Is the US Gov't Bankrupt?Unfunded a myth?
Deficit: $ national debt Totals Source: http://www.usdebtclock.orgUnfunded Liabilities: $ 107,599,889,000,000 (25Sep17)
Many Americans actually pay $1 out of ever $2 earned to some form of tax while ~50% of people pay no taxes!  Do you pay your bills?  The Fed takes $3 in and spends $5.  Debt per citizen: $51,985 - Debt per taxpayer: $142,513! (13Dec12)
Also, see the blog videos below at
What were you doing in the last hour while the U.S. Gov't spent $188 Million Dollars of our money!  (Every Hour, Every Day!) (Apr11)   In 8 years, President Bush added $5 trillion to the national debt; President Obama, according to a revised Dec11 GAO report, added $4T+ to the U.S. deficit in 2011 alone!  The GAO estimates the deficit, including o'scamcare & mandates, may grow from $15T+ to over $26T+!  UPDATE: A little-noticed event occurred at approximately midnight on Monday, October 31, 2011.  The National Debt exceeded the GDP!  Imagine what these numbers are going to be now that Obama is reelected! (src)
A trillion seconds pass in 31,688 years.  At $1/sec it would take 41,194 years just to pay off o'tax'n spend's new Feb12-Feb13 added debt - 538,696 years to pay only the national debt or 4,404,632 years to settle the debt+unfunded liabilities!

"Over the last four years our national debt has risen nearly $6 trillion, and just last week the debt topped an astounding $16 trillion.  To put that in perspective, $16 trillion is enough money to fund the US military, along with the military of every NATO country combined… for the next sixteen years!  Government spending is projected to hit $3.8 trillion this year alone.  Even after every tax dollar paid by Americans has been counted, the government will still overspend by another $1.13 trillion.  Every single second of the day our government spends over $12,000.  So in the time it takes you to read this article, roughly five minutes, our government has spent $3.6 million.  It take four seconds for the government to spend what the average American earns in an entire year."  (source: by Tim Phillips 17Sep12 at
    "Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself.  They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that is good." -- George Washington
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." (Ecclesiastes 10:2)
Bishop Sheen Audio Library small animated speaker "For ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise." [2 Cor 11:19] Psalm 109:8
"[W]e ought to deprecate the hazard attending ardent and susceptible minds, from being too strongly, and too early prepossessed in favor of other political systems, before they are capable of appreciating their own." -- George Washington, letter to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, 1795
small animated speaker Fulton Sheen's "Talk to American Soldiers - The Centurions of Rome 'West Point' (alt src)
Bishop Sheen Radio small animated speaker
President Obama Job disapproval/approval (daily, interactive)
ElectionProjection dot com election results
+ Pre-6Nov12 Polls
Who Won Who Lost
(punctuation optional)
Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11
     It has been suggested that o'who?, the clown, and 'those who surround him' are not the bumbling fools they appear to be.  Nor are they one of the 'Three Stooges' but rather are shrewd implementation/drivers and fellow-travelers of policies designed to disarm the citizenry & collapse the American economy.  Why?  o'nocchio's grandiose scheme to "fundamentally transform America" is more than simple campaign rhetoric as can be seen by his use of "enabling acts" to circumvent the Constitution of the United States.  As Ollie used to say, "Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into."



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It's a race against time.

"You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for independence." -- Charles Austin Beard (1874-1948)

2nd, Founding, Traditional American Values, & ProLife Quotes:

Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers

"If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary." -- James Madison, The Federalist No. 51, Independent Journal, Wednesday, February 6, 1788
Anti-Federalists and Federalists Papers
The Federalist Papers
Maintained by "Silent Calvin"
The Constitution Society
The Anti-Federalists' Papers
Maintained by Jon Roland of the Constitution Society at:
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When Men Were

When Men Were Men - "Scots Wha Hae" Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 Listen to the poem A Speaker GIF Image. "Scots Wha Hae"

Values:   "Scots Wha Hae"  1] poem lyrics..text of "Bruce before Bannockburn" also known as "Scots wha hae", written by Robert Burns
Robert Burns b.1759-d.1796, 8May1794, The Morning Chronicle)  1] "Supposed to be addressed by Bruce to his soldiers before the Battle of Bannockburn against Edward II."
Listen A Speaker GIF Image. to the poem "Scots Wha Hae" read by Doug Robertson [3m55s],  Music by Steve McDonald from 'Bannockburn' [Stone of Destiny]" (.mp3, 3.7MB)
• alternate A Speaker GIF Image. ScotWha2.ram Stream in Real Audio (rm, 3m55s) re [ Robert Bruce's March to Bannockburn, Robert I, the Bruce (1274-1329) also know as Robert the Bruce, "The Hammer of the Scots" ] plus A Speaker GIF Image. "Scots, wha hae Wi' Wallace Bled," (midi, Scottish Songs) & .midi sequenced with lyrics [src] ***
and A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae (bagpipes) by the 48th Highlanders of Canada (7MB, .mp3, 3m14s)
and A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae, bagpipes solo (1.3MB, .mp3, 1m22s)
and A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae (2.7MB, .mp3, 3m4s; 'The Corries' ["Battle songs of Scotland", sung by Ronnie Browne solo] & A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae with pipes (4.3MB, .mp3, 4m29s)
Material published on Harrold's blog is collected from email forwards, public articles, and my opines or those submitted by users.  I try to avoid copyrighted material.  If anything on this site has been copyrighted by you, please contact me so it can be removed or give you credit. -- Robert Harrold small envelope • cite info:
"As a nation we have been asleep for years.  Lulled by affluence and self-indulgent apathy, our collective awareness has grown dim.  This has created an opening for our enemies, one that may ultimately prove fatal.  This is the truth and what we do, or don't do, will determine the consequences, for better or worse.  It is time to decide." --
The Manhattan Declaration

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El Centro, California, United States
mailto: Robert Harrold formerly dba AERC, El Centro, CA, US 92243

Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta, ab homine iniquo et doloso erue me.
Do me justice, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy; rescue me from the deceitful and unjust man.
- Psalm 43 KJV, 42 Douay Rheims  (

There are certain universal truths.  There is right and wrong.  Life is, choice Isn't.  The 2nd Amendment is for you and me, not the government.

"We failed to react appropriately to them and, instead, displayed weakness.  And, the weak are always beaten."  ~~ Vladimir Putin

"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - George Orwell on a BBC broadcast, April 4, 1942

"An armed society is a polite society." -- Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988) American writer

Before you sign anything, ask an Indian first.
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