Evans Law of Inadequate Paranoia: "No matter how bad you think something is, when you look into it, it's always worse." -- M. Stanton Evans
Been there, done that. And it's still worse! "Special Gun Controls for Border States" & "U.S. Threatened by Assault Weapons" >> W.H. and liberal left wing extremist Commie Marxist Socialists' spittle!
The BATFE allegedly used taxpayer money to buy weapons, deliberately let'em walk into Mexico transported by criminals, to be used to murder Mexican citizens and one or more U.S. law enforcement officers.
U.S. Customs (DHS/ICE/CBE) must've been blind, co-conspirators, or duped by a fellow Treasury Agency (+ the FBI & DEA) ..at the highest levels no less than Assistant Commissioners, Assistant Secretaries, the AG, U.S. Attorneys' Offices & the White House itself (though probably 'insulating', by 'word-of-mouth', the President from being vulnerable to direct testimony and culpability.)
Field U.S. Attorneys (AUSAs) & up wouldn't dare to 'fart' without prior permission from the Criminal Division in Washington, D.C., all-the-while internally documenting, on paper, their dealings to 'cover their butts', while the AG held hands with State & the Executive Branch as they all violated local, state, federal and International laws, regulations, procedures, treaties, delegated & cross-designated authorty, mutual agreements and undertandings. And, they intentionally violated the soveriengty of another nation. The "approved" large amounts of funding for such a 'fubar' operation would have to have been authorized at the BATFE Headquarters, D.C., Main Treasury, and the DOJ itself. None of which would be sanctioned without approval, tacit or not, from the President of the United States ...or who ever was acting under his authority and supervision. Note: Leading up to, and during the entire covert episode, the President, his leftist mouthpieces in Congress, and liberal media, were all touting the duplicitous idea that gun sales in U.S. border area firearms stores were fermenting armed criminal activity. Little did we know (though many of us suspected) that the criminals wore badges of honor ...sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States, from all enemies ...foreign and domestic! -- rfh
U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman, wants to see a special prosecutor appointed to investigate ATF's Fast and Furious.
Rep. Issa calls for a
Special Prosecutor for
Fast and Furious! |
Rep. Issa said on Tuesday, "We'd like to have a true special prosecutor, particularly when it's obvious if Eric Holder didn't know (about Fast and Furious), it's because he didn't want to know or because he wasn't doing his job. That creates a clear pattern of we'd like to know who did know and why they didn't brief the attorney general."
"One of the questions is, why wouldn't you have known? When was it appropriate for you to be briefed on this and who was keeping it from you?...Where do you spend your days and why aren't you briefed on something like this?"
During his May testimony, Attorney General Eric Holder was asked when he first became aware he responded: "I'm not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks."
Rep. Issa remains skeptical about current administration officials not knowing about this operation in advance. We support Rep. Issa's calling for a special prosecutor. Please fax every Member of Congress to call for a special prosecutor; and for the resignation of Eric Holder! Be sure to fax today!
There is also brand new, damaging evidence against the ATF in secretly recorded conversations with a primary gun dealer. Apparently, some additional evidence was WITHHELD during the investigation of the murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
The tapes were recorded in mid-March, this year, by the primary gun dealer cooperating with ATF in its Fast and Furious Operation. Andre Howard, owner of Lone Wolf Trading Company in Glendale, Arizona, has talked with the lead case ATF agent Hope MacAllister. Of course the tapes have been turned over to the Congressional investigation committee, as well as the Inspector General.
The damaging revelations refer to a third weapon which was recovered at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Court records originally only mentioned TWO weapons, which were both sold to suspects who were under ATF's watch as part of Fast and Furious.
Law enforcement sources and others close to the Congressional investigation say the Justice Department's Inspector General obtained the audio tapes several months ago as part of its investigation into Fast and Furious. Then, the sources say for some reason the Inspector General passed the tapes along to the U.S. Attorney's General Office in Arizona; also a subject in the investigation.
It is very unclear as to why the Inspector General, who is supposed to investigate independently, would turn over evidence to an entity that is itself under investigation.
In the audiotapes, ATF Agent MacAllister tells Howard that a THIRD WEAPON recovered at the Brian Terry murder scene last December is an SKS assault rifle. Of course it is very unclear as to why a weapon would be MISSING from the evidence disclosed at the crime scene under FBI jurisdiction.
This NEW evidence incriminates the hierarchy of the Department of Justice, which oversees the ATF, for trying to hide the TRUTH from the American people!
These admissions make the case for the RESIGNATION of Attorney General Eric Holder! NOW!
America needs an independent counsel to see if President Obama was in the direct line of fire for this murderous injustice! Time will tell! This extraordinary cover-up by the Department of Justice shows the culpability of the Attorney General. We need a Special Prosecutor appointed by Congress to get to the bottom of this!
Eric Holder MUST resign!
Now, the family of deceased Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry is demanding real answers! And Eric Holder cannot deliver!
An internal ATF email dated the day after Terry's death reveals the quick decision to not disclose the source of weapons found at the murder scene: "...this way we do not divulge our current case (Fast and Furious) or the Border Patrol shooting case ."
Agent Terry, killed on Dec. 21 near Rio Rico, Arizona, was murdered by drug cartel gunmen--using weapons smuggled across the US-Mexican border under the auspices of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms(BATF). This is under the "watch" of Attorney General Eric Holder. THIS MUST BE STOPPED---and NOW!
"While the cartels shoot up half of Mexico, and terrorize the other half, it seems they've been getting a helping hand from those geniuses in Washington, whose 'law enforcement' agencies knowingly allowed sophisticated firearms to be smuggled across the border, into Mexico," as BATF special agent John Dodson told the House Oversight Committee:
Justin Raimondo, writes: "'This is not a matter of some weapons that had gotten away from us or allowing a few to walk so that we could follow them to a much larger significant target. Allowing loads of weapons that we knew to be destined for criminals was the plan. This was the mandate.
"'ATF is supposed to be the guardians--the sheep dogs that protect against the wolves that prey upon us--especially along our southern border. But rather than meet the wolf head on, we sharpened his teeth, added number to his claws, all the while we sat idly by watching, tracking, and noting as he became a more efficient and effective predator.'
"This goes way beyond mere 'blowback'--the CIA's terminology for actions that produce unintended and unpleasant consequences. Because it's hard to fathom exactly what was intended--unless it was the desire to sow chaos in Mexico and create a new threat to US citizens in the border states."
Raimondo goes on to write, "Governments don't allow such large weapons shipments to pass over their borders to foreign customers without having some foreign policy objective in mind--and, when it comes to the empire-builders in Washington what other purpose could it be than the expansion of the imperial frontiers?"
Quite frankly, the ATF Agents are the ones who are "telling" on Eric Holder!
Mr. Holder---do you have no shame?!
Patriotic Americans can see through the sham of what Eric Holder has thrown out to the public. He is the very culprit in this DOJ COVER-UP!!
Just as we predicted almost three months ago, ATF Acting Director Ken Melson is the "official scapegoat" for the ATF Fast and Furious debacle.
He was moved from this job at the Bureau. ATF Special Agents in Charge announced during a conference call that he was being "reassigned."
Kenneth Melson's "lateral move" as acting head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is a political SCAM of the highest order; when, in fact, the one responsible should resign---Attorney General Eric Holder. Or maybe his boss---President Obama!
Contrary to his pleadings of innocence, he really did know what was going on! He has fraudulently misled the American people. He knew all about "Fast and Furious" selling of weapons to Mexican drug cartels. Yet, he pled innocence; even when federal agents were killed by Fast and Furious guns at the crime scenes.
Please help us to alert the United States Congress to the fact that Eric Holder should RESIGN!
We need to urge Congress to call for a Special Prosecutor so we can get to the very bottom of this sham!
The Attorney General wants to make the public appear that he is acting in response to the Fast and Furious scandal, by replacing and reassigning the acting ATF Director. This scandal is under current investigation in both houses of Congress; and the finger tends to point to Eric Holder, in that he probably knew, all along, about the illegal activities of the ATF. Over one dozen crimes in the United States have weapons traced back to the Fast and Furious weapons trade to the drug cartels in Mexico!
Quite frankly, Eric Holder is not only "covering himself,"but very possibly "covering" his boss--President Obama!
This "reassignment" - especially since Acting ATF Director Melson gave some damaging testimony a couple of months ago--- does nothing to reassure the public that the ATF knows what they are doing.
What federal agent will be next to be murdered because of an o'ill-conceived plan?
Instead of Melson being the "fall guy," Eric Holder is the one who is responsible! In reality, "the buck stops" at the door of the White House!
Under normal conditions, Melson might have been fired by Holder. But Melson testified before a special July 4th congressional investigation. He complained that the Justice Department had misled him about his right to testify without Department of Justice supervision.
So, who is to blame for the over 2,000 guns that were sold during the operation?
President Obama is using this mistake (in his own administration and where the buck ultimately stops with him!) to say that guns should be MORE controlled! He is using his own faulty and DEADLY strategy to say that additional gun control must happen now! (When it was his fault---and the fault of Eric Holder---all the time!).
Will you please call for the resignation of Eric Holder as Attorney General because his lack of leadership has caused the murder of federal agents due to Fast and Furious!! Support Rep. Issa's call for a special prosecutor!
Please help the family of Agent Terry to find answers and CLOSURE from his death! This closure can begin with the RESIGNATION of Attorney General Eric Holder! Please fax today!
Respectfully, Tony Adkins, Conservative Action Alerts at:
P. S. Eric Holder cannot be trusted to tell us the
absolute TRUTH about Operation Fast and Furious. Please do whatever you can to ask for his
RESIGNATION so that we can get the entire truth about this administration debacle! What did the president really know?
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