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"It is a principle incorporated into the settled policy of America, that as peace is better than war, war is better than tribute."
-- James Madison (letter to the [Muslim] Dey of Algiers, August 1816) Reference: Madison, III, page 17
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"Elections Are Not Won by Who Voted.  They are Lost by Who Did Not" ~ rfh
"If you were a liberal 20 years ago, without changing your positions on any issues, today you would be a conservative." -- KD, 2010

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Monday, October 31, 2011

o'regulator - "enabling acts" & executive orders: thousands of new rules, regs, laws, procedures

"Worst.  President.  Ever."
With unemployment at 9.2%, the Obama Administration added over $9.5 billion in new regulations in one month.

Heritage Action reported, via American Thinker:
Posted on The Gateway Pundit by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, August 23, 2011
While Congress was focused on increasing the debt limit and giving Americans the impression that they were actually working towards reducing our debt (which didn’t happen), President Obama and his administration quietly piled on $9.5 billion worth of regulations to job creators…in just one month!
“While Washington and Americans have been focused on the debt ceiling, the Obama administration has continued to roll our more crushing red tape,” a spokesperson for Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) said.
The new regulatory costs include 229 new rules and the finalization of an additional 379 rules, the majority of which came from (no surprise) the EPA, the new healthcare takeover law, and the Dodd-Frank financial takeover law.
So as President Obama and his liberal allies complained that enough wasn’t being done to stimulate job growth during the debt debate, we find out that they were actually working to make it even harder to create jobs. The President has also indicated – for the Nth time – that he will now “pivot” towards creating jobs.

"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws."
   -- Tacitus, Roman senator and historian (A.D. c.56-c.115)
source: Teogatha Law, Liberty Quotes at:

4200 New Regulations in Obama Pipeline - so far...
Bob Beauprezby Bob Beauprez, 25Aug11
     Way back in January President Obama ordered "a government-wide review of the rules already on the books to remove outdated regulations that stifle job creation and make our economy less competitive."  
From that statement alone, you might conclude that Obama already knew that finding needless, burdensome regulation in the 81,000 pages of the federal register would be easy pickings.  
     More than seven months later, the Administration has announced the results of that exhaustive review.  By the White House's own undoubtedly inflated estimate, the net benefit will barely be worth one-tenth of one penny of every dollar of expense caused by compliance with federal regulation.  
     Cass Sunstein, the Regulation Czar, says the regulation relief he announced yesterday will save business $10 billion over five years.  But, the latest analysis by the Small Business Administration (SBA) calculates that compliance with federal regulation costs a staggering $1.75 trillion annually - and, that is a 2008 pre-Obama Administration estimate.  
     That does not include the 75 new major rules generated by Obama in just his first 26 months at an additional burden of $40 billion according to a study by the Heritage Foundation.  
     Worse, still to come are the impending clean air rules from the EPA, new derivative rules, net neutrality rules, the new CAFE fuel mandates, and the avalanche of rules mandated by ObamaCare and the Dodd-Frank legislation.  
     The government admits there are 4200 new rules or revisions already in the pipeline.
     Sunstein's announcement is like finding a man drowning under Niagara Falls and "saving" him by removing a cup of water.  It is further evidence of the complete detachment from reality by this Administration, and an insult to the intelligence of working people and employers alike to pretend that this is the sum total of outdated, duplicitous, needless regulation that in Obama's own words, "stifles job creation."  
     But, then should we have expected anything different from the Administration that the Wall Street Journal says has "turned a regulatory firehose" on American business?  

Bob Beauprez is a former Member of Congress and is currently the editor-in-chief of A Line of Sight, an online policy resource.  Prior to serving in Congress, Mr. Beauprez was a dairy farmer and community banker.  He and his wife Claudia reside in Lafayette, Colorado.  You may contact him at:
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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Obama's legacy - The Affirmative Action President (by Matt Patterson, WP Th.28Aug11)

From: drude Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 Subject: Obama's legacy
Amazing that the Wash. Post would actually print this.  Amazing! 

The Washington Post, August 18, 2011
Obama: The Affirmative Action President
by Matt Patterson (columnist - Washington Post, New York Post, San Francisco Examiner)
     Years from now, historians may regard the 2008 election of Barack Obama as an inscrutable and disturbing phenomenon, a baffling breed of mass hysteria akin perhaps to the witch craze of the Middle Ages.  How, they will wonder, did a man so devoid of professional accomplishment beguile so many into thinking he could manage the world's largest economy, direct the world's most powerful military, execute the world's most consequential job?
     Imagine a future historian examining Obama's pre-presidential life: ushered into and through the Ivy League despite unremarkable grades and test scores along the way; a cushy non-job as a "community organizer"; a brief career as a state legislator devoid of legislative achievement (and in fact nearly devoid of his attention, so often did he vote "present") ; and finally an unaccomplished single term in the United States Senate, the entirety of which was devoted to his presidential ambitions.  He left no academic legacy in academia, authored no signature legislation as a legislator.
     And then there is the matter of his troubling associations: the white-hating, America-loathing preacher who for decades served as Obama's "spiritual mentor"; a real-life, actual terrorist who served as Obama's colleague and political sponsor.  It is easy to imagine a future historian looking at it all and asking: how on Earth was such a man elected president?
     Not content to wait for history, the incomparable Norman Podhoretz addressed the question recently in the Wall Street Journal:     "To be sure, no white candidate who had close associations with an outspoken hater of America like Jeremiah Wright and an unrepentant terrorist like Bill Ayers, would have lasted a single day.  But because Mr. Obama was black, and therefore entitled in the eyes of liberaldom to have hung out with protesters against various American injustices, even if they were a bit extreme, he was given a pass."
     Let that sink in: Obama was given a pass -- held to a lower standard -- because of the color of his skin.  Podhoretz continues:
     "And in any case, what did such ancient history matter when he was also so articulate and elegant and (as he himself had said) "non-threatening," all of which gave him a fighting chance to become the first black president and thereby to lay the curse of racism to rest?"
     Podhoretz puts his finger, I think, on the animating pulse of the Obama phenomenon -- affirmative action.  Not in the legal sense, of course.  But certainly in the motivating sentiment behind all affirmative action laws and regulations, which are designed primarily to make white people, and especially white liberals, feel good about themselves.
     Unfortunately, minorities often suffer so that whites can pat themselves on the back.  Liberals routinely admit minorities to schools for which they are not qualified, yet take no responsibility for the inevitable poor performance and high drop-out rates which follow.  Liberals don't care if these minority students fail; liberals aren't around to witness the emotional devastation and deflated self esteem resulting from the racist policy that is affirmative action. Yes, racist.
     Holding someone to a separate standard merely because of the color of his skin -- that's affirmative action in a nutshell, and if that isn't racism, then nothing is.  And that is what America did to Obama.
     True, Obama himself was never troubled by his lack of achievements, but why would he be?  As many have noted, Obama was told he was good enough for Columbia despite undistinguished grades at Occidental; he was told he was good enough for the US Senate despite a mediocre record in Illinois; he was told he was good enough to be president despite no record at all in the Senate.  All his life, every step of the way, Obama was told he was good enough for the next step, in spite of ample evidence to the contrary.  What could this breed if not the sort of empty narcissism on display every time Obama speaks?
     In 2008, many who agreed that he lacked executive qualifications nonetheless raved about Obama's oratory skills, intellect, and cool character.  Those people -- conservatives included -- ought now to be deeply embarrassed.  The man thinks and speaks in the hoariest of clichés, and that's when he has his teleprompter in front of him; when the prompter is absent he can barely think or speak at all.  Not one original idea has ever issued from his mouth -- it's all warmed-over Marxism of the kind that has failed over and over again for 100 years.     And what about his character?  Obama is constantly blaming anything and everything else for his troubles.  Bush did it; it was bad luck; I inherited this mess.  It is embarrassing to see a president so willing to advertise his own powerlessness, so comfortable with his own incompetence.  But really, what were we to expect?  The man has never been responsible for anything, so how do we expect him to act responsibly?
     In short: our president is a small and small-minded man, with neither the temperament nor the intellect to handle his job.
  When you understand that, and only when you understand that, will the current erosion of liberty and prosperity make sense.  It could not have gone otherwise with such a man in the Oval Office.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

o'trash: "American Spring" [NR, language: video 6m47s] + Desecration of Our Flag [video 48s] + Soviet Survivor [video 3m19s]

Obama's "American Spring" street organizers are dispectable trash.  They have but one agenda ...destroy America.  While o'who? jaunts around the country spending your tax money on his 're-election' campaign tour, America is being attacked in our streets by the likes of his filth.  Anyone who votes for 'The One' in 2012 will be voting to bankrupt and destroy our Nation! -- rfh
Vulgar Language (Obama's 'flea party')
A citizen journalist was taking pictures of the destruction the "Occupy Dayton" protest caused to public property when he was approached by a group of demonstrators.  A protester became very hostile, attacked a veteran for his service, and said that he was proud of his (white) race.

(Language Warning) "Occupy San Diego" Protesters Use American Flag as Chew Toy
posted on MRC TV ( by Stephen Gutowski on Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Former Soviet Citizen Confronts Socialists at Occupy Wall Street (Language Warning)
  • socialists 
  • Soviet Union

    A man who was born and lived for decades in the soviet union confronts a couple of socialists at the occupy wall street protest.




  • According to the socialists North Korea is, in fact, a workers paradise. (h/t JWF)

  • Senator Zell Miller (An American Patriot)

    Play A Speaker GIF Image. The Gary OwenPlay A Speaker GIF Image. "7 Days in May," (1964): General Scott on Patriotism Play A Speaker GIF Image. "Yankee Doodle" (Lyrics)
    Charlton Heston: "Winning the Cultural War" 16Feb99, Austin Hall, Harvard Law SchoolA Speaker GIF Image.

    "For ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise." [2 Cor 11:19] Psalm 109:8
    "[W]e ought to deprecate the hazard attending ardent and susceptible minds, from being too strongly, and too early prepossessed in favor of other political systems, before they are capable of appreciating their own."
    -- George Washington, letter to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, 1795
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    Prepare - "A Suggested Survival List" By Chuck Baldwin, Th.20Oct11

    From: Chuck Baldwin at Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 Subject:  A Suggested Survival List by Chuck Baldwin, Th.20Oct11
    "A Suggested Survival List" By Chuck Baldwin, Thursday, October 20, 2011
         It's once again time for my annual survival list column.  One does not have to be a prophet to know that we are on the precipice of some potentially catastrophic -- or at the very least, challenging -- days.  In fact, most of us are already in challenging days, and some are already enduring catastrophic events.  That is, if one would call being out of work, losing one's home, facing life-threatening medical conditions without any prospect of medical insurance, several families being forced to live in one house due to homes being foreclosed, etc., catastrophic.
         The potential for an escalation of cataclysmic events, however, is very real.  Only a "blooming idiot" would call someone who attempts to prepare for "the day of adversity" a Chicken Little now.  Anyone who does not see the storm clouds on the horizon isn't paying attention.
         For example, can one imagine what would happen if terrorists nuked a major American city or cities?  (Once again, I encourage readers to watch the CBS TV series "Jericho" to get an idea of how quickly  life, and even civilization, could change.)   Imagine if there was another 9/11-type event.  What would happen if some form of Zimbabwe-style inflation hit the US?  What would happen if anything disrupted the distribution of Welfare checks, or food to local grocers?  Imagine a Hurricane Katrina-style natural disaster in your town. I think people everywhere are beginning to awaken to just how vulnerable we all really are.
         As a result, people from virtually every walk of life have asked my thoughts on how they should prepare.  Therefore, I will, again, attempt to share with my readers some of the counsel I have given these folks.
         First, a disclaimer.  I am not an economist; I am not a survival expert; I am not a firearms expert; I am not an attorney; I am not a physician.  In fact, I am not an expert in anything!  For several years, however, I have tried to learn from others.  I am an avid reader.  My work has allowed me to travel extensively.  I have had the privilege of sitting at the feet of -- and learning from -- many of America's most learned, most trained, and most qualified "experts" in a variety of fields.  What I write today, I have learned from others.  I've formed my own opinions and priorities, of course, but everything I'm sharing has been said, or written about, before.  But if I can share something in today's column that will help someone be better prepared for the days to come, then my goal will have been achieved.
         Analyze your living conditions. Where do you live?  Do you live in an urban or rural environment?  Is it a big city or small town?  Do you live in an apartment or condominium?  How close are your neighbors?  Do you even know your neighbors?  Would you trust them if the electricity was off and they were hungry?   Could you grow your own food if you had to?  How easily could you secure your home?  If you live in a cold weather environment, how long could you stay warm without electricity? 
         These are the kinds of questions you need to ask yourself now.
         Over the past several decades, masses of people have migrated into large metropolitan areas.  More people currently live in urban areas than at any time in American history.  While this may be well and good for times of prosperity, it is an absolute nightmare during any kind of disaster.  Does anyone remember what New Orleans looked like after Hurricane Katrina came through?  Can anyone recall what happened in downtown Los Angeles during the 1992 riots?  Needless to say, any inner-city environment could become a powder keg almost instantaneously, given the right (or wrong) circumstances.   And the bigger the city, the bigger the potential problems.
             If you live in the inner city, I suggest you consider moving to a more rural location.  Obviously, now is a very good time to buy property (especially rural property), but the downside is, selling property is not as favorable.  If you can afford it, now is a great time to buy a "safe house" outside the city.  If you are fortunate enough to have family or some true friends nearby, you may want to put your heads--and some resources--together in preparation for serious upheaval.  Obviously, a team of prepared people is much better than being alone.
         If you must stay in your urban location, have some commonsense plans in hand in the event of a major disaster.  Get to know your neighbors: find out whom you can trust and whom you can't.  Keep some extra gasoline on hand, in case you need to get in your car quickly and leave.  Have several exit routes planned ahead of time, in case roads are blocked.  Have a "bug-out" bag containing essential ingredients to live on for 3 to 4 days.  If leaving is not an option, have a plan to secure your home as best you can.  You'll need to think about things such as food, water, medicine, warmth, self-defense, etc.   But at this point, to do nothing is absolute lunacy!
         Most readers probably know that my entire family and I made the decision last year to move 2,600 miles from our home of 35 years in the Florida panhandle to the Flathead Valley of Montana, which is located about 75 miles south of the Canadian border just west of the Rocky Mountains.  We've been here a year now (including dealing with one of the harshest winters in recent memory here, according to locals), and I can tell readers without equivocation or hesitation that we are so glad we made this move.  We (including our womenfolk, southern girls all) absolutely love it here -- all the difficulties and trials associated with such a life-changing move notwithstanding.   In  fact, I've never lived in a place I love so much!
         If readers want to learn more about what prompted our move to Montana, please peruse the information on this web page:
    During a major disaster, food will quickly disappear.  Living for over 3 decades on the Gulf Coast, I can tell you with absolute certainty that whenever disaster strikes (usually an approaching hurricane, for those folks), food and provisions at the store sell completely out in a matter of a few hours.  People panic, and within hours, you cannot find food, bottled water, ice, generators, batteries, candles, etc.   In a matter of hours, every gas station in the area will be completely out of gas. Not days. Hours!
         Furthermore, almost all disasters include a complete loss of electricity.  The water supply is compromised. Bottled water becomes more valuable than bank accounts.  Dehydration becomes a very real and present danger.  I remember witnessing a man offer an ice vendor $100 for an extra bag of ice during Hurricane Ivan.  My wife and I went 2 weeks (14 days) without electricity in the aftermath of that hurricane.  Believe me, I got a taste of just how precious bottled water, ice, batteries, generators, fuel, etc., can become.
         I suggest you have a supply of food and water to last at least two weeks.  A month would be better. Many survival experts insist that a three-month supply is the minimum. Personally, I can live a long time on tuna fish or peanut butter.  You can purchase MREs from a variety of sources, as well as "camp-style" packaged food from many sporting goods stores. Of course, bottled water is available everywhere during normal times.  Stock up! Distilled water will store longer than spring water.  Plus, I suggest you have some water purification tablets or a Katadyn water filter on hand.  [Also see: Berkey Water Filters -- rfh] And, if you are able, prepare to grow  your own food.  In cold weather climates such as we have here in Montana, people quickly learn how to construct and utilize green houses in which to grow food.  Canning food is another very helpful hedge against deprivation. If your parents and grandparents were like mine, this was standard operating procedure.
         Get a generator.  Keep a supply of fuel on hand.  Stay stocked up on batteries, candles, portable lights, first aid supplies, and personal  hygiene items -- especially toilet paper.  Trust me, during times of intense and prolonged disaster, toilet paper could become more  valuable than money. I also suggest you never run out of lighters or matches.  You never know when you'll need to build a fire -- and during a prolonged survival situation, fire could save your life. If you live in a cold weather climate, you probably already have some sort of wood stove or fireplace.
         Obviously, you need to take stock of your clothing.  Do you have clothes suitable for extended outdoor activity?  What about boots?  During a disaster, you would trade your best suit from Neiman Marcus for a good pair of boots.  Do you have gloves?  Insulated underwear?  What about camouflage clothing?  These could become essential outerwear in the right conditions.  Plus, any "bug-out" bag will need to include spare clothing.  And as most folks here in Montana know, "cotton kills." For extended outdoor wear in cold weather, wool is the only way to go!
         Communication and medical provisions are also a high priority in any kind of emergency.  How will you communicate with your loved ones when the phones (including cell phones) go down?  Portable ham radios are a very valuable resource. But the time to buy (and train to use) one is NOW! A preordained rally point (or safe house) might be something to  think about. And what about medical supplies?   Do you have enough to take care of routine (and not-so-routine) emergencies?  What about your prescription drugs?  How long could you function if you were cut off from your druggist for any length of time?  Also, seriously consider learning about natural, herbal medicines.  Those plants growing in your "back forty" might just cure a headache, stop bleeding, or even save your life. Think about it now.
         And one more suggestion, while we're on this subject: the best resources in the world are of little use if one is physically incapable of making good use of them. In other words, GET IN SHAPE.  During any kind of emergency situation, physical exertion and stamina become immensely important.
         I suggest you have at least some cash on hand.  Just about any and all disasters will result in banks being closed for extended periods of time.  That also means credit card purchases being suspended.  You need to have enough cash to be able to purchase essential goods (if they are even available) for an undetermined amount of time.
         Of course, some survival gurus insist that during any cataclysmic climate, precious metals will become the only reliable currency.   A little gold and silver could go a long way in a prolonged emergency. 
         For that matter, with the way our fiat money system is coming unraveled, you may want to seriously consider moving your IRA accounts into precious metals, if for no other reason than to better protect your savings.  Ask yourself, how much money have I already lost at the hands of these banksters in the Federal Reserve and their toadies in the stock market?
         If you are i nterested in converting an IRA into precious metals or simply purchasing precious metals, I personally recommend that you contact my friend Chuck Coppes.  He is honest and trustworthy -- and no one that I know can match his overhead and profit margins. And, yes, Chuck is one of my supporters. And I am proud to return the favor.  To learn more, go to:
         In fact, in a disaster, what is considered a valuable commodity can change rather quickly, as the barter system takes a life of its own.  What is valuable is determined by what you need and how badly you need it.  In a prolonged disaster, simple things such as toilet paper,  canned goods, ammunition, and clothing could become extremely valuable; while cars, video games, televisions, etc., could be reduced to junk status. In antiquity, wars were fought over things such as salt.  You might be surprised to learn that there are already active barter groups in your area. I suggest you establish a relationship with these people now!
         Speaking of cars, remember that during a prolonged "national emergency" that might involve some sort of nuclear attack or widespread civil unrest, an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) might be employed; in which case, most every late model vehicle would be completely inoperable.  Accordingly, if one can keep an older, pre-computer-age vehicle in good working order, he or she might be driving the only non-government vehicle capable of going anywhere.  Of course, you might not want to drive it to town!
         Needless to say, during any kind of disaster, your safety and protection will be completely up to you.  If you really think that the police are going to be able to protect you during an upheaval, you are living in a dream world.
         In both the New Orleans and Los Angeles disasters, police protection was non-existent. Lawless gangs quickly took control of the streets, and people were left to either defend themselves or swiftly become the helpless prey of violent marauders. In fact, in New Orleans, some of the policemen actually abandoned their oaths to uphold the law and  joined with the criminals, turning their weapons upon the public.
         Face it, folks: in any kind of disaster, you must be able to defend yourself, or you and your family will be meat for these animals of society that will quickly descend without mercy upon the unprepared, unsuspecting souls around them.  This requires that you be armed!  It also requires that you be skilled enough to be able to efficiently use your arms.  Therefore, I strongly suggest that you purchase firearms
    sufficient to keep you and your family safe, and also that you practice sufficiently to know how to use them.
         Now, when it comes to a discussion of which firearms are preferable for self-defense, the suggestions are as varied as the people who proffer them. These are my suggestions:    I believe every man (along with his wife and children of adequate age) should be proficient with the following weapons: a handgun in .38 caliber or above, a .22 rifle, a center-fire bolt-action hunting rifle, a semi-automatic battle rifle, and a shotgun.
         My personal preference for a self-defense handgun is either a .45 ACP 1911 (either Colt or Kimber), a Glock .45, or a .40 S&W. In the .40 caliber, my favorite is a Glock 23. In the 1911, I like the Commander size configuration. I prefer either the Model 21 or the Model 30 in the Glock .45.  And I will also admit to sometimes carrying a 9mm Glock 19 or a Smith & Wesson .357 revolver. My two favorites in this caliber are the Model 66 with a 2 1/2-inch barrel and the Model 586 with a 4-inch barrel.  My wife prefers to carry a Smith & Wesson .38 caliber revolver in the snub-nose, J-frame configuration.  But this is primarily due to the reduced weight of these weapons for carry purposes.  If needed, she could make a good accounting of herself with the Glock 19. If you are someone who has never owned and seldom fired a handgun, I recommend you buy a Glock.  They are as simple as revolvers to operate, reliable, and almost indestructible.   Plus, they provide increased magazine capacity, and are safe.  They are also very easy to disassemble and clean. Of course, in dangerous game territory, you will need the power of a 10mm (the Glock 20 shines here), .45 Long Colt, .44 Special or .44 Magnum, or even a .454 Casull.  These calibers are not for the limp-wristed, but when one is facing a brown bear or mountain lion, it is what one will need to survive.  Plus, when your life is on the line, you'll never feel the recoil.
         For a .22 rifle, I really like the Ruger 10/22.  A Marlin tube-fed .22 is also very effective. The CZ bolt-action .22 just might be the most accurate .22 on the market. For a hunting rifle, my suggestion is either a .270 or .30-06 caliber bolt-action rifle. I prefer the Remington Model 700 BDL or Browning X-Bolt, but there are several fine weapons in this configuration and caliber by numerous manufacturers.  In dangerous game territory, a Marlin .45-70 could be a lifesaver.  For a battle rifle, I suggest an AR-15-style weapon (I prefer Bushmaster) in .223 caliber or a .308 Springfield M1A. For a shotgun, I suggest a 12-gauge pump. Here I prefer a Winchester Model 1300, which is not made anymore.  So, you'll probably have to choose between Mossberg and Remington.  For ladies, however, a 20-gauge shotgun is probably a better choice, and at "bad breath" range (where a shotgun shines, anyway), it is just as lethal.
         Whatever you choose, practice with it to the point that you are able to use it proficiently. And be sure you stock up on ammunition.   A gun without ammo is reduced to being either an expensive club or a cumbersome paperweight.
         Go to your local independent sporting goods store (I don't recommend the large national chain stores to do your firearms shopping) and get to know your hometown firearms dealer.  Most of these
    people are kind and helpful folks who will be more than happy to assist you in finding exactly what type of firearm is suitable for you and your family.
    Spiritual Power:
         I firmly believe that man is created to have fellowship with his Creator-God. I really don't know how people can face the uncertain future that we currently face without the spiritual knowledge, wisdom, comfort, and power that is made available through Jesus Christ.  I believe the maxim is true: "Wise men still seek Him."  I strongly suggest that you seek to possess a personal relationship with God's only begotten Son.  In truth, spiritual preparation is far and away the most important preparation of all.  Accordingly, be sure to pack a copy of God's Word in your survival gear.
         And if you have not been able to find a local church where the pastor isn't afraid to deal with the kind of issues like I am dealing with in this column, I invite you to worship online with us at Liberty Fellowship.  People all over America who are tired of these 501c3, establishment churches -- who have no clue as to what is going on and who wouldn't take a stand if they did -- are tuning in to hear my messages at Liberty Fellowship every Sunday afternoon.  To tune in this Sunday, go to:
         That we are facing challenging days is a certainty.  Exactly what that means is yet to be determined.  I trust that some of my suggestions will help you be better prepared for what lies before us.  Plus, here  is an excellent online Survival Blog chock-full of great suggestions and resources for all things survival.  Check it out:
         And if you are considering relocation, please check out Joel Skousen's web site at:
         And if you think you may want to relocate to the Flathead Valley of Montana, George Hudson, a man at Liberty Fellowship who "escaped" from California to locate here -- and who is now helping scores of  people from all over the country to resettle in our beautiful valley -- may be contacted at:
         Please give George a few days to email you back, but he will be happy to try to answer any questions you have about moving here.
         I am sure that I have left out several items that others more qualified than me would include.  I welcome their suggestions, as I am always desirous to learn from those who are wiser and more experienced.  In the meantime, remember your Boy Scout motto:  "Be Prepared."
         *If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order.  Use this link:
    -- Chuck Baldwin
         Chuck Baldwin is a syndicated columnist, radio broadcaster, author, and pastor dedicated to preserving the historic principles upon which America was founded.  He was the 2008 Presidential candidate for the Constitution Party. He and his wife, Connie, have 3 children and 8 grandchildren.  See Chuck's complete bio at:
         To subscribe, click on this link and follow the instructions   Chuck Baldwin's commentaries are copyrighted and may be republished, reposted, or emailed providing the person or organization doing so does not charge for subscriptions or advertising and that the column is copied intact and that full credit is given and that Chuck's web site address is included.   Editors or Publishers of publications charging for subscriptions or advertising who want to run these columns must contact Chuck Baldwin for permission.  Radio or television Talk Show Hosts interested in scheduling an interview with Chuck should contact   Readers may also respond to this column via snail mail.  The postal address is P.O. Box 10, Kila, MT 59920.  When responding, please include your name, city and state. And, unless otherwise requested, all respondents will be added to the Chuck Wagon address list.   Please visit Chuck's web site at
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    Monday, October 24, 2011

    1st Audit of Federal Reserve?

    From: rapa Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 Subject:  FIRST EVER-Audit of Federal Reserve
    To read the GAO report, click here.
    This might make your blood boil!  Inflation ...wonder why.
         The first ever GAO audit of the Federal Reserve was carried out in the past few months due to the Ron Paul, Alan Grayson Amendment to the Dodd-Frank bill, which passed last year.  Jim DeMint, a Republican Senator, and Bernie Sanders, an independent Senator, led the charge for a Federal Reserve audit in the Senate, but watered down the original language of the house bill (HR1207), so that a complete audit would not be carried out.  Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, and various other bankers vehemently opposed the audit and lied to Congress about the effects an audit would have on markets.  Nevertheless, the results of the first audit in the Federal Reserve nearly 100 year history were posted on Senator Sanderâs webpage earlier this morning.
    What was revealed in the audit was startling:
    $16,000,000,000,000.00  (TRILLION) had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations and foreign banks everywhere from France to Scotland.
         From the period between December 2007 and June 2010, the Federal Reserve had secretly bailed out many of the worlds banks, corporations, and governments.  The Federal Reserve likes to refer to these secret bailouts as an all-inclusive loan program, but virtually none of the money has been returned and it was loaned out at 0% interest.
    Why the Federal Reserve had never been public about this or even informed the United States Congress about the $16 trillion dollar bailout is obvious the American public would have been outraged to find out that the Federal Reserve bailed out foreign banks while Americans were struggling to find jobs.  To place $16 trillion into perspective, remember that GDP of the United States is only $14.12 trillion.  The entire national debt of the United States government spanning its 200+ year history is only $14.5 trillion.
         The budget that is being debated so heavily in Congress and the Senate is only $3.5 trillion.  Take all of the outrage and debate over the $1.5 trillion deficit into consideration, and swallow this Red pill: There was no debate about whether $16,000,000,000,000 would be given to failing banks and failing corporations around the world.  In late 2008, the TARP Bailout bill was passed and loans of $800 billion were given to failing banks and companies.  That was a blatant lie considering the fact that Goldman Sachs alone received 814 billion dollars.  As is turns out, the Federal Reserve donated $2.5 trillion to Citigroup, while Morgan Stanley received $2.04 trillion.  The Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank, a German bank, split about a trillion and numerous other banks received hefty chunks of the $16 trillion. ****
         When you have conservative Republican stalwarts like Jim DeMint (R-SC) and Ron Paul (R-TX) as well as self-identified Democratic socialists like Bernie Sanders all fighting against the Federal Reserve, you know that it is no longer an issue of Right versus Left.  When you have every single member of the Republican Party in Congress and progressive Congressmen like Dennis Kucinich sponsoring a bill to audit the Federal Reserve, you realize that the Federal Reserve is an entity onto itself, which has no oversight and no accountability.
         Americans should be swelled with anger and outrage at the abysmal state of affairs when an unelected group of bankers can create money out of thin air and give it out to megabanks and super-corporations like Halloween candy.  The list of institutions that received the most money from the Federal Reserve can be found on page 131 of the GAO Audit and are as follows:
    • Citigroup: $2.5 trillion($2,500,000,000,000)
    • Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
    • Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
    • Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
    • Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion* ($868,000,000,000)
    • Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
    • Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
    • Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000)
    • JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
    • Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)
    • UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
    • Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
    • Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
    • Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000)
    • BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)

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    A Speaker GIF Image. My Sentiments: Soon, What We All (Are?) Will Be Doing. (benddown.wav, 47kb) A Speaker GIF Image.
    Badges? speaker gif  (89kb) Voice of: Alfonso Bedoya Evans Law of Inadequate Paranoia: "No matter how bad you think something is, when you look into it, it's always worse." -- M. Stanton Evans, author "Black Listed by History, The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy" (published 2007) source: Glenn Beck TV show, Th.24Jun10 interview ( of Occupy protesters arrested counter
    Tea Party Arrests=0

    Now the U.S. Owes $175+ Trillion Dollars! (25Sep17) Up daily since o'tax'n spend was elected!

    "The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money."
    -- Alexis de Tocqueville [Alexis Charles Henri Maurice Clerel, le Comte de Tocqueville] (1805-1859) French historian
    The U.S. Deficit in 2007 was $9,007,653,372,262.48
    The federal government has accumulated more new debt -- $3.22 trillion ($3,220,103,625,307.29) — during the tenure of the 111th Congress than it did during the first 100 Congresses combined, according to official debt figures published by the U.S. Treasury." -- By Terence P. Jeffrey, (Read The Full Story)
    Click Here for videos, graphs, movie & U.S. National Debt totals.
    3 years ago: The Debt ~ $125T+! Then Obama:  Up $22T+ in only 3 years! $22T to $26T+ by 2015!  Since November 2011 to January 2013 he has added $2 Trillion to the deficit!  States' Unfunded: $3.2T+! • (Dec10) From Jan'09 the deficit: $10.2T→$14.6T up $4.3T/42%! -- Federal unfunded liabilities total $84 trillion .. equal to 5.7 percent of the present value of all future GDP, which translates into about 31 percent of the long run federal revenue estimate,” the report states.  “Thus federal revenues would have to rise immediately and permanently to 24.1 percent of GDP to cover the fiscal imbalance.” (source:
    Federal obligations exceed world GDP! Is the US Gov't Bankrupt?Unfunded a myth?
    Deficit: $ national debt Totals Source: http://www.usdebtclock.orgUnfunded Liabilities: $ 107,599,889,000,000 (25Sep17)
    Many Americans actually pay $1 out of ever $2 earned to some form of tax while ~50% of people pay no taxes!  Do you pay your bills?  The Fed takes $3 in and spends $5.  Debt per citizen: $51,985 - Debt per taxpayer: $142,513! (13Dec12)
    Also, see the blog videos below at
    What were you doing in the last hour while the U.S. Gov't spent $188 Million Dollars of our money!  (Every Hour, Every Day!) (Apr11)   In 8 years, President Bush added $5 trillion to the national debt; President Obama, according to a revised Dec11 GAO report, added $4T+ to the U.S. deficit in 2011 alone!  The GAO estimates the deficit, including o'scamcare & mandates, may grow from $15T+ to over $26T+!  UPDATE: A little-noticed event occurred at approximately midnight on Monday, October 31, 2011.  The National Debt exceeded the GDP!  Imagine what these numbers are going to be now that Obama is reelected! (src)
    A trillion seconds pass in 31,688 years.  At $1/sec it would take 41,194 years just to pay off o'tax'n spend's new Feb12-Feb13 added debt - 538,696 years to pay only the national debt or 4,404,632 years to settle the debt+unfunded liabilities!

    "Over the last four years our national debt has risen nearly $6 trillion, and just last week the debt topped an astounding $16 trillion.  To put that in perspective, $16 trillion is enough money to fund the US military, along with the military of every NATO country combined… for the next sixteen years!  Government spending is projected to hit $3.8 trillion this year alone.  Even after every tax dollar paid by Americans has been counted, the government will still overspend by another $1.13 trillion.  Every single second of the day our government spends over $12,000.  So in the time it takes you to read this article, roughly five minutes, our government has spent $3.6 million.  It take four seconds for the government to spend what the average American earns in an entire year."  (source: by Tim Phillips 17Sep12 at
        "Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself.  They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that is good." -- George Washington
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    "[W]e ought to deprecate the hazard attending ardent and susceptible minds, from being too strongly, and too early prepossessed in favor of other political systems, before they are capable of appreciating their own." -- George Washington, letter to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, 1795
    small animated speaker Fulton Sheen's "Talk to American Soldiers - The Centurions of Rome 'West Point' (alt src)
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    Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11
         It has been suggested that o'who?, the clown, and 'those who surround him' are not the bumbling fools they appear to be.  Nor are they one of the 'Three Stooges' but rather are shrewd implementation/drivers and fellow-travelers of policies designed to disarm the citizenry & collapse the American economy.  Why?  o'nocchio's grandiose scheme to "fundamentally transform America" is more than simple campaign rhetoric as can be seen by his use of "enabling acts" to circumvent the Constitution of the United States.  As Ollie used to say, "Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into."



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    When Men Were Men - "Scots Wha Hae" Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 Listen to the poem A Speaker GIF Image. "Scots Wha Hae"

    Values:   "Scots Wha Hae"  1] poem lyrics..text of "Bruce before Bannockburn" also known as "Scots wha hae", written by Robert Burns
    Robert Burns b.1759-d.1796, 8May1794, The Morning Chronicle)  1] "Supposed to be addressed by Bruce to his soldiers before the Battle of Bannockburn against Edward II."
    Listen A Speaker GIF Image. to the poem "Scots Wha Hae" read by Doug Robertson [3m55s],  Music by Steve McDonald from 'Bannockburn' [Stone of Destiny]" (.mp3, 3.7MB)
    • alternate A Speaker GIF Image. ScotWha2.ram Stream in Real Audio (rm, 3m55s) re [ Robert Bruce's March to Bannockburn, Robert I, the Bruce (1274-1329) also know as Robert the Bruce, "The Hammer of the Scots" ] plus A Speaker GIF Image. "Scots, wha hae Wi' Wallace Bled," (midi, Scottish Songs) & .midi sequenced with lyrics [src] ***
    and A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae (bagpipes) by the 48th Highlanders of Canada (7MB, .mp3, 3m14s)
    and A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae, bagpipes solo (1.3MB, .mp3, 1m22s)
    and A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae (2.7MB, .mp3, 3m4s; 'The Corries' ["Battle songs of Scotland", sung by Ronnie Browne solo] & A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae with pipes (4.3MB, .mp3, 4m29s)
    Material published on Harrold's blog is collected from email forwards, public articles, and my opines or those submitted by users.  I try to avoid copyrighted material.  If anything on this site has been copyrighted by you, please contact me so it can be removed or give you credit. -- Robert Harrold small envelope • cite info:
    "As a nation we have been asleep for years.  Lulled by affluence and self-indulgent apathy, our collective awareness has grown dim.  This has created an opening for our enemies, one that may ultimately prove fatal.  This is the truth and what we do, or don't do, will determine the consequences, for better or worse.  It is time to decide." --
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    Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta, ab homine iniquo et doloso erue me.
    Do me justice, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy; rescue me from the deceitful and unjust man.
    - Psalm 43 KJV, 42 Douay Rheims  (

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