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"It is a principle incorporated into the settled policy of America, that as peace is better than war, war is better than tribute."
-- James Madison (letter to the [Muslim] Dey of Algiers, August 1816) Reference: Madison, III, page 17
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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

2nd - Calif: NRA-ILA Update on Anti-Gun Activities in Sacramento

Gun Control's Killing of the Second Amendment - "Death by a Thousand Cuts"
From: NRA-ILA Alerts  Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 Subject: California: Update on Anti-Gun Activities in Sacramento

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California: Update on Anti-Gun Activities in Sacramento

Your state legislators MUST hear your OPPOSITION to these anti-gun bills
The assault on our Second Amendment rights continues with anti-gun bills moving through the California Legislature.  Unfortunately, there are several anti-gun bills that have been scheduled to be considered on the state Senate and Assembly floor with more anti-guns bills scheduled to be heard in their respective state Senate and Assembly committee.  Please call and e-mail your state Senator and Assemblyman, along with members of the respective state Senate and Assembly committee urging them to OPPOSE the anti-gun measures below.
The anti-gun bill below is expected to be heard in the state Assembly Appropriations Committee this Wednesday, May 15.  Please call AND e-mail members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee TODAY urging them to OPPOSE SB 48. Contact information for the Assembly Appropriations Committee here.
Assembly Bill 48 (Skinner) revises the definition of "large-capacity magazine" to mean any ammunition feeding device with the capacity to accept more than ten rounds, including a disassembled large-capacity magazine that is readily restorable, as defined, to accommodate more than ten rounds of ammunition, and an oversize magazine body that appears to hold in excess of ten rounds but has not been permanently altered to only accommodate ten round of ammunition or less and requires a state license to sell ammunition in California.
The following anti-gun bills have passed in their house of origin and are pending committee assignment or a committee hearing in the opposite legislative chamber.
Senate Bill 475 (Leno) requires the prior approval of the board of supervisors of both the County of San Mateo and the City and County of San Francisco to allow a gun show at the Cow Palace.  SB 475 passed in the state Senate by a 25 to 13 vote on May 2nd and is now waiting to be scheduled for a hearing date in the state Assembly Public Safety Committee.  We will inform you when this date becomes available.
Assembly Bill 169 (Dickinson) BANS the sale of handguns not on the state-approved roster. This bill is so flawed that the provisions will BAN the sale of millions of old and used handguns CURRENTLY owned by Californians by dealers and PRIVATE PARTY transfers.  AB 169 passed in the Assembly by a 43 to 27 vote on May 2and is now waiting to be scheduled for a hearing date in the state Senate Public Safety Committee.  We will inform you when this date becomes available.
The following anti-gun bills are awaiting a vote on the Assembly floor and could be heard at anytime.  Please contact your state Assemblyman and respectfully urge him or her to OPPOSE these anti-gun bills.  Contact information for your state Assemblyman can be found here.
Assembly Bill 180 (Bonta) repeals California?s firearm preemption law by granting Oakland an exemption to enact unique laws regarding possession, registration, licensing and subjecting gun owners to unknowing criminal liability when travelling through Oakland.
Assembly Bill 231 (Ting) expands the law for Criminal Storage of Firearms and child access.  Another bill that will do nothing to reduce California's violent crime problem and only turn law-abiding gun owners into criminals whether or not anything harmful actually happens, and regardless of whether there was any misconduct on the part of the gun owner.  Ultimately, AB 231 is an ill-conceived proposal that places drastic and unprecedented liability on those who choose to exercise their fundamental rights to keep and bear arms.
Assembly Bill 711 (Rendon) BANS the use of all lead ammunition for hunting.  For more information about AB 711, click here.  AB 711 passed in the Assembly Appropriations Committee by an 11 to 5 vote on May 8 and will now move to the full state Assembly for consideration.
The following anti-gun Senate bills are awaiting a vote on the Senate floor and could be brought up at any time.  Please contact your state Senator and respectfully urge him or her to OPPOSE these anti-gun bills.  Contact information for your state Senator can be found here.
Senate Bill 108 (Yee) requires mandatory locked storage of firearms within a locked house regardless of whether anyone is present.
Senate Bill 299 (DeSaulnier) turns victims of firearm theft into criminals for failing to report the loss of their firearm within 48 hours.
The following bills have been placed on the state Senate Appropriations Committee suspense file.  These bills are not dead and are expected to be heard May 23 or 24.  Call AND e-mail members of the state Senate Appropriations Committee urging them to OPPOSE the bills below.   Contact information for the state Senate Appropriations Committee can be found here.
Senate Bill 47 (Yee) expands the definition of "assault weapons" to BAN the future sale of rifles that have been designed/sold and are equipped to use the "bullet button" or similar device, requires NEW - "assault weapon" registration of ALL those semi-auto rifles that are currently possessed to retain legal possession in the future, and subjects these firearms to all other "assault weapons" restrictions.
Senate Bill 53 (DeLeon) requires persons to buy an annual ammunition purchase permit, requires the registration and thumbprint of the purchaser for each ammunition purchase, and bans online and mail order sales of ammunition to Californians.
Senate Bill 293 (DeSaulnier) BANS the sale of conventional handguns, if the state Department of Justice approves the sale of "Owner Authorized - Smart" handgun technology.
Senate Bill 374 (Steinberg) expands the definition of "assault weapons" to BAN the future transfer of all semi-auto rifles that accept detachable magazines (including those chambered for rimfire cartridges) and virtually all semi-auto rifles with fixed magazines (primarily those chambered for rimfire cartridges), requires NEW "assault weapon" registration, requires registration of ALL those semi-auto rifles that are currently possessed to retain legal possession in the future, and subjects these firearms to all other "assault weapon" restrictions.
Senate Bill 396 (Hancock) BANS the POSSESSION of any magazine with a capacity to accept more than ten cartridges, including currently legally possessed "grandfathered large capacity" magazines.
Senate Bill 567 (Jackson) expands the definition of shotgun for "short-barreled shotguns" that are illegal to own.  The current definition in the proposed law is so flawed it can include reclassify handguns shooting "Shot-shells" as shotguns.
Senate Bill 755 (Wolk) expands the list of persons prohibited from owning a firearm, including persons who have operated cars and boats while they are impaired commonly referred to as DUI.
The following anti-gun bills have been placed on the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee suspense file.  These bills are not dead and are expected to be heard May 23 or 24. Contact information for the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee can be found here.
Assembly Bill 187 (Bonta) imposes an addition ten percent sales tax on ammunition.
Assembly Bill 760 (Dickinson) imposes a sales tax of .05 cents per ammunition component (complete cartridge, bullet or case).
You can write your representative here urging them to OPPOSE the anti-gun bills listed above.  Please feel free to also copy and paste all the bill information to ensure your state legislators know which bills to OPPOSE.
You can also send a letter to all elected officials in California here.  Please feel free to copy and paste all the bill information above to ensure the elected officials of California know which bills to OPPOSE.
You can also find information about anti-gun and pro-gun legislation in California at
Help NRA Get Californians Connected with NRA's California Resources
Help the NRA expand its California network to keep all pro-Second Amendment Californians better informed about legislation in Congress, Sacramento, and locally that threatens your right to keep and bear arms, as well as developments in Second Amendment litigation and regulatory enforcement actions.  Please forward this email to your family, friends and fellow gun owners, whether they belong to the NRA or not!  Encourage them to sign up for California NRA's Stayed Informed e-mails here. And follow NRA through these additional connections:
The NRA recognizes that California is one of the most active Second Amendment "battleground states," so for decades NRA has devoted substantial resources to fighting for the right to keep and bear arms for Californians. The NRA has full-time legislative advocates in its Sacramento office fighting ill-conceived gun ban proposals. NRA coordinates a statewide campaign to fight ill-conceived local gun bans and regulations. And NRA has been litigating cases in California courts to promote the right to self-defense and the Second Amendment for many years. NRA's California legal team continues to work pro-actively to strike down ill-conceived gun control laws and ordinances, and to protect the Second Amendment rights of California firearms owners. For information about NRA's litigation efforts, see
To donate to help support the NRA?s California efforts, please click here.

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Saturday, June 08, 2013

America Is Over. Here's How I Can Tell. (by Ann Barnhardt, 11May13,


reposted from ANN BARNHARDT's - MAY 11, ARSH 2013 post on her
     First, a quick link to the wonderful Lord Christopher Monckton.  When Lord Monckton echoes everything you have said nearly word-for-word, it is an edifying feeling.  The U.S. is over.  He even recommends buying metals.
     I know that America is toast and there will be no miraculous deliverance any time soon based off of one excruciatingly simple observation that anyone can make.  It is simply this: is there or is there not sorrow and repentance for the sins of the nation?  
     Not only is the answer to that question a resounding "no", it is beyond that.  We have plowed through the "zero" and are now delving into the negative.  This culture relishes in and is proud of itself for being morally degenerated, perverse, murderous and satanic.   This culture uses its parabolic descent into evil as the proof set of its own self-righteousness.
     And may I just say that the opposition is tepid to the point of being utterly pathetic - the quintessence of lukewarmness.  And we all remember what Our Lord said about the lukewarm.  He will VOMIT the lukewarm out of His mouth.
     And here is where I offend my readership.  (No cries of "She's a sellout!" here, thank you.)
     You people are doing NOTHING to fight any of this.  I'm sorry, but having a fun outing wherein a bunch of people get together, do a fun activity, eat yummy food, socialize, say a prayer or two, and then distribute t-shirts proudly proclaiming that "WE RODE OUR BIKES THROUGH ESTES PARK AND THEN HAD A PICNIC ... TO END ABORTION" is frankly narcissistic to the point of being nauseating.
     When the angel in the Third Secret of Fatima is screaming "Penance, Penance, Penance!" while waving a massive sword of fire, he isn't talking about having a bike ride, a movie night, a "march" followed by a fabulous 2.5 hour lunch, a softball game, a potluck dinner or a bakesale.  And no matter how many t-shirts you have printed up, and no matter how frequently you wear your "I walked in a two mile circle with my friends this one Saturday to end abortion" t-shirt, you aren't doing JACK SQUAT to end, or even SLOW DOWN the parabolic descent into hell of your culture.  You are NOT saving any lives.  In fact, your benignity and lukewarmness is actually encouraging to the Enemy and those walking the line, because they know that if they choose evil, your response will be some ridiculous non-response response.
     This far and no farther! One more step, one more legalization of baby killing, one more mandate that I must pay for child slaughter, one more ratification of sodomy and I'll ... I'll ... I'll HAVE A SUPERFUN SOCIAL GATHERING WITH MY FRIENDS!
     The United States of America is O.V.E.R.  It is hopeless.  It will implode and be destroyed, and it deserves to implode and be destroyed. The only way this satanic culture will end is if it is done by force.  You know what my prayer is?  My prayer is that it is God who does it Himself and that angels with massive fire-swords are dispatched, because the alternative is that He uses the traditional scourge of sinful Christian nations, which is of course the musloid hordes.  Oh, I'll take the angels any day.  Angels don't rape.  They chastise in the ferocious burning charity of the Lord.
     And now, just to show you how it is done, I give you the third chapter of the book of Jonah:
And the word of the Lord came to Jonas the second time, saying: Arise, and go to Ninive the great city: and preach in it the preaching that I bid thee.  And Jonas arose, and went to Ninive, according to the word of the Lord: now Ninive was a great city of three days' journey.  And Jonas began to enter into the city one day's journey: and he cried, and said: Yet forty days, and Ninive shall be destroyed.  And the men of Ninive believed in God: and they proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth from the greatest to the least.
And the word came to the king of Ninive; and he rose up out of his throne, and cast away his robe from him, and was clothed with sackcloth, and sat in ashes.  And he caused it to be proclaimed and published in Ninive from the mouth of the king and of his princes, saying: Let neither men nor beasts, oxen nor sheep, taste any thing: let them not feed, nor drink water.  And let men and beasts be covered with sackcloth, and cry to the Lord with all their strength, and let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the iniquity that is in their hands.  Who can tell if God will turn, and forgive: and will turn away from his fierce anger, and we shall not perish?  And God saw their works, that they were turned from their evil way: and God had mercy with regard to the evil which He had said that He would do to them, and He did it not.
     When abortion is a capital offense and sodomy is a felony, you let me know.  Otherwise, I'll be in the van down by the river praying for God's Perfect Justice to rain down upon the U.S. This evil has to end.  This cannot go on.  To be delivered from God's Wrath with no correction of the culture is too horrific to fathom.  Bring it, O Lord.  Bring it now.  So be it.
The repentance of the people of Nineveh:

values - NAME HER NIGEL. (by Ann Barnhardt, 17Apr13)

reposted from ANN BARNHARDT's - April 17, ARSH 2013 post on her

Ten Unique Boneyards! BP LCHS see last one.

From:  drude Sent: Friday, June 07, 2013  Subject: Ten Unique Boneyards... !!!!

Ten Unique Boneyards
Have you ever wondered what happens to decommissioned machines and other similar facilities that people once used? Some of these objects are being recycled, and
many of them are piling up on the so-called Object Graveyards and there waiting to be completely eaten by the ravages of time. Places of natural decomposition of
such objects can be unusual tourist destinations and sites to capture amazing photos.
 1. Aircraft Boneyard , USA
The 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG), often called The Boneyard is located near Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson , 
Arizona. For those of you that have never seen it, it's difficult to comprehend the size of it.
The number of aircraft stored there and the precision in the way they are parked is impressive. Another important fact is that they are all capable of being
returned to service if the need ever arises.
AMARG is a controlled-access site, and is off-limits to anyone not employed there without the proper clearance. The only access for non-cleared individuals is 
via a bus tour which is conducted by the nearby Pima Air & Space Museum . Bus tours are Monday through Friday only. Both the museum and the Bone
Yard are very popular attractions in the Arizona desert.
2. Ship Graveyard , Mauritania
The city of Nouadhibou is the second largest city in Mauritania and serves as the country's commercial center. It is famous for being the location of one
of the largest ship graveyard in the world. Hundreds of rusting ships can be seen all around, in the water, and on beaches.
One of the most commonly read explanation for that situation is that Mauritanian harbor officers were taking bribes and allowing ships to be discarded
in the harbor and around the bay. This phenomenon started in the 80's after the nationalization of the Mauritanian fishing industry, numerous uneconomical
ships were simply abandoned there.
The city of Nouadhibou is one of the poorest locations in the world. Right over these phantom beaches there are people living inside the huge merchant boats.
3. Train Cemetery , Bolivia
One of the major tourist attractions of southwestern Bolivia is an antique train cemetery. It is located 3 km (1.9 MI) outside Uyuni and is connected to it
by the old train tracks. The town served in the past as a distribution hub for the trains carrying minerals on their way to the Pacific Ocean ports.
The train lines were built by British engineers who arrived near the end of the 19th century and formed a sizable community in Uyuni. The rail
construction started in 1888 and ended in 1892.
The trains were mostly used by the mining companies. In the 1940s, the mining industry collapsed, partly due to the mineral depletion. Many trains
were abandoned thereby producing the train cemetery. There are talks to build a museum out of the cemetery.
4. Vozdvizhenka Aircraft Graveyard , Russia
Littered with at least 18 gutted Tupolev Tu-22M Backfires of the 444th Heavy Bomber Regiment, Vozdvizhenka air base resembles a post-apocalyptic
landscape. Entering this barren place, located nearUssuriysk in the Primorsky Krai region of Far East Russia , 60 miles (95 km) north of Vladivostok
and 40 miles (65 km) from the Chinese border, is like taking a step back in time.
The 444th Regiment was disbanded in 2009, with some aircraft transferred to the Belaya air base, and others dismantled (removed engines, equipment,
and with holes cut in the fuselage).
The aircraft carcasses are awaiting final metal cutting. Currently based at the airfield is the aviation commandant of Khurba airbase and the 322
Aircraft Repair Factory.
5. Anchor Graveyard , Portugal
Among the dunes of Tavira Island , in Portugal , there's an impressive anchor graveyard called the Cemitério das Âncoras. It was built in remembrance
of the glorious tradition of tuna fishing with large nets fixed with these anchors, a fishing technique already invented by the Phoenicians.
Tavira used to be a place devoted to the tuna fishing. They built up this anchor graveyard to remember those who had to quit their occupation when
the big fish abandoned the coasts.
6. Soviet Tank Graveyard , Afghanistan
On the outskirts of Kabul , Afghanistan there's a massive collection of abandoned Soviet battle vehicles left behind after the failure of a massive
eastern bloc military occupation of the country in the 1970's and 1980's.
The Soviets left in a hurry and couldn't be bothered to find a way to get broken-down tanks back home, so now they sit, partially stripped and covered in graffiti.
Afghanistan has few recycling facilities, so this cemetery of tanks will likely remain where it is for many more years as a reminder of the Russian invasion.
7. Submarine Graveyard , Russia
The area around Nezametnaya Cove, close to the town of Gadzhiyevo , in Murmansk Oblast on the Kola Peninsula, is a cemetery where is located
a lot of old Russian submarines. After serving their duty underwater, the submarines were brought to this restricted-access zone in the 1970s and then forgotten.
Locals said that some of the old submarines were used for target practice in military exercises and often sunk, an employment of the old "out of sight,
out of mind" strategy. Others were simply left in the bay to rust and rot, floating to the surface like so many whale carcasses.
8. Moynaq Ship Graveyard , Uzbekistan
Moynaq is a city in northern Karakalpakstan in western Uzbekistan . Home to only a few thousand residents at most, Moynoq's population has been
declining precipitously since the 1980s due to the recession of the Aral Sea .
Once a bustling fishing community and Uzbekistan 's only port city with tens of thousands of residents, Moynoq is now a shadow of its former self,
dozens of kilometers from the rapidly receding shoreline of the Aral Sea .
For travelers the main reason to visit Moynaq is to see the ship graveyard, a collection of rusting hulks that were once the town's fishing fleet.
It's an image that perfectly illustrates the disaster - once proud vessels beached in a sandy desert.
Unfortunately there aren't many left, as scrap metal companies made short work of them before the tourism authorities forbade it. In one
final kick for a local population already downed, the money didn't go to the people who owned the boats; it was divided up between the scrap companies and government officials.
9. Taxi Graveyard , China
Thousands of scrapped taxis are abandoned in a yard in the center of Chongqing , China . Traffic congestion and pollution have worsened
dramatically in Chinese cities because the country's long-running economic expansion has allowed increasing numbers of consumers to make
big-ticket purchases such as cars, which means many no longer have to rely on taxis or public transportation.

10. Phone Booth Graveyard , UK
This phone booth graveyard is located between Ripon and Thirsk, near the village of Carlton Miniott , UK . There are located hundreds of disused telephone booths.
Decommissioned old red booths are systematically replaced by new modern booths, and deposited in one site near this English village.

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- Psalms 43 KJV, 42 Douay Rheims

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A Speaker GIF Image. My Sentiments: Soon, What We All (Are?) Will Be Doing. (benddown.wav, 47kb) A Speaker GIF Image.
Badges? speaker gif  (89kb) Voice of: Alfonso Bedoya Evans Law of Inadequate Paranoia: "No matter how bad you think something is, when you look into it, it's always worse." -- M. Stanton Evans, author "Black Listed by History, The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy" (published 2007) source: Glenn Beck TV show, Th.24Jun10 interview ( of Occupy protesters arrested counter
Tea Party Arrests=0

Now the U.S. Owes $175+ Trillion Dollars! (25Sep17) Up daily since o'tax'n spend was elected!

"The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money."
-- Alexis de Tocqueville [Alexis Charles Henri Maurice Clerel, le Comte de Tocqueville] (1805-1859) French historian
The U.S. Deficit in 2007 was $9,007,653,372,262.48
The federal government has accumulated more new debt -- $3.22 trillion ($3,220,103,625,307.29) — during the tenure of the 111th Congress than it did during the first 100 Congresses combined, according to official debt figures published by the U.S. Treasury." -- By Terence P. Jeffrey, (Read The Full Story)
Click Here for videos, graphs, movie & U.S. National Debt totals.
3 years ago: The Debt ~ $125T+! Then Obama:  Up $22T+ in only 3 years! $22T to $26T+ by 2015!  Since November 2011 to January 2013 he has added $2 Trillion to the deficit!  States' Unfunded: $3.2T+! • (Dec10) From Jan'09 the deficit: $10.2T→$14.6T up $4.3T/42%! -- Federal unfunded liabilities total $84 trillion .. equal to 5.7 percent of the present value of all future GDP, which translates into about 31 percent of the long run federal revenue estimate,” the report states.  “Thus federal revenues would have to rise immediately and permanently to 24.1 percent of GDP to cover the fiscal imbalance.” (source:
Federal obligations exceed world GDP! Is the US Gov't Bankrupt?Unfunded a myth?
Deficit: $ national debt Totals Source: http://www.usdebtclock.orgUnfunded Liabilities: $ 107,599,889,000,000 (25Sep17)
Many Americans actually pay $1 out of ever $2 earned to some form of tax while ~50% of people pay no taxes!  Do you pay your bills?  The Fed takes $3 in and spends $5.  Debt per citizen: $51,985 - Debt per taxpayer: $142,513! (13Dec12)
Also, see the blog videos below at
What were you doing in the last hour while the U.S. Gov't spent $188 Million Dollars of our money!  (Every Hour, Every Day!) (Apr11)   In 8 years, President Bush added $5 trillion to the national debt; President Obama, according to a revised Dec11 GAO report, added $4T+ to the U.S. deficit in 2011 alone!  The GAO estimates the deficit, including o'scamcare & mandates, may grow from $15T+ to over $26T+!  UPDATE: A little-noticed event occurred at approximately midnight on Monday, October 31, 2011.  The National Debt exceeded the GDP!  Imagine what these numbers are going to be now that Obama is reelected! (src)
A trillion seconds pass in 31,688 years.  At $1/sec it would take 41,194 years just to pay off o'tax'n spend's new Feb12-Feb13 added debt - 538,696 years to pay only the national debt or 4,404,632 years to settle the debt+unfunded liabilities!

"Over the last four years our national debt has risen nearly $6 trillion, and just last week the debt topped an astounding $16 trillion.  To put that in perspective, $16 trillion is enough money to fund the US military, along with the military of every NATO country combined… for the next sixteen years!  Government spending is projected to hit $3.8 trillion this year alone.  Even after every tax dollar paid by Americans has been counted, the government will still overspend by another $1.13 trillion.  Every single second of the day our government spends over $12,000.  So in the time it takes you to read this article, roughly five minutes, our government has spent $3.6 million.  It take four seconds for the government to spend what the average American earns in an entire year."  (source: by Tim Phillips 17Sep12 at
    "Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself.  They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that is good." -- George Washington
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." (Ecclesiastes 10:2)
Bishop Sheen Audio Library small animated speaker "For ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise." [2 Cor 11:19] Psalm 109:8
"[W]e ought to deprecate the hazard attending ardent and susceptible minds, from being too strongly, and too early prepossessed in favor of other political systems, before they are capable of appreciating their own." -- George Washington, letter to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, 1795
small animated speaker Fulton Sheen's "Talk to American Soldiers - The Centurions of Rome 'West Point' (alt src)
Bishop Sheen Radio small animated speaker
President Obama Job disapproval/approval (daily, interactive)
ElectionProjection dot com election results
+ Pre-6Nov12 Polls
Who Won Who Lost
(punctuation optional)
Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11
     It has been suggested that o'who?, the clown, and 'those who surround him' are not the bumbling fools they appear to be.  Nor are they one of the 'Three Stooges' but rather are shrewd implementation/drivers and fellow-travelers of policies designed to disarm the citizenry & collapse the American economy.  Why?  o'nocchio's grandiose scheme to "fundamentally transform America" is more than simple campaign rhetoric as can be seen by his use of "enabling acts" to circumvent the Constitution of the United States.  As Ollie used to say, "Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into."



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It's a race against time.

"You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for independence." -- Charles Austin Beard (1874-1948)

2nd, Founding, Traditional American Values, & ProLife Quotes:

Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers

"If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary." -- James Madison, The Federalist No. 51, Independent Journal, Wednesday, February 6, 1788
Anti-Federalists and Federalists Papers
The Federalist Papers
Maintained by "Silent Calvin"
The Constitution Society
The Anti-Federalists' Papers
Maintained by Jon Roland of the Constitution Society at:
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When Men Were

When Men Were Men - "Scots Wha Hae" Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 Listen to the poem A Speaker GIF Image. "Scots Wha Hae"

Values:   "Scots Wha Hae"  1] poem lyrics..text of "Bruce before Bannockburn" also known as "Scots wha hae", written by Robert Burns
Robert Burns b.1759-d.1796, 8May1794, The Morning Chronicle)  1] "Supposed to be addressed by Bruce to his soldiers before the Battle of Bannockburn against Edward II."
Listen A Speaker GIF Image. to the poem "Scots Wha Hae" read by Doug Robertson [3m55s],  Music by Steve McDonald from 'Bannockburn' [Stone of Destiny]" (.mp3, 3.7MB)
• alternate A Speaker GIF Image. ScotWha2.ram Stream in Real Audio (rm, 3m55s) re [ Robert Bruce's March to Bannockburn, Robert I, the Bruce (1274-1329) also know as Robert the Bruce, "The Hammer of the Scots" ] plus A Speaker GIF Image. "Scots, wha hae Wi' Wallace Bled," (midi, Scottish Songs) & .midi sequenced with lyrics [src] ***
and A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae (bagpipes) by the 48th Highlanders of Canada (7MB, .mp3, 3m14s)
and A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae, bagpipes solo (1.3MB, .mp3, 1m22s)
and A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae (2.7MB, .mp3, 3m4s; 'The Corries' ["Battle songs of Scotland", sung by Ronnie Browne solo] & A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae with pipes (4.3MB, .mp3, 4m29s)
Material published on Harrold's blog is collected from email forwards, public articles, and my opines or those submitted by users.  I try to avoid copyrighted material.  If anything on this site has been copyrighted by you, please contact me so it can be removed or give you credit. -- Robert Harrold small envelope • cite info:
"As a nation we have been asleep for years.  Lulled by affluence and self-indulgent apathy, our collective awareness has grown dim.  This has created an opening for our enemies, one that may ultimately prove fatal.  This is the truth and what we do, or don't do, will determine the consequences, for better or worse.  It is time to decide." --
The Manhattan Declaration

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El Centro, California, United States
mailto: Robert Harrold formerly dba AERC, El Centro, CA, US 92243

Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta, ab homine iniquo et doloso erue me.
Do me justice, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy; rescue me from the deceitful and unjust man.
- Psalm 43 KJV, 42 Douay Rheims  (

There are certain universal truths.  There is right and wrong.  Life is, choice Isn't.  The 2nd Amendment is for you and me, not the government.

"We failed to react appropriately to them and, instead, displayed weakness.  And, the weak are always beaten."  ~~ Vladimir Putin

"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - George Orwell on a BBC broadcast, April 4, 1942

"An armed society is a polite society." -- Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988) American writer

Before you sign anything, ask an Indian first.
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