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"It is a principle incorporated into the settled policy of America, that as peace is better than war, war is better than tribute."
-- James Madison (letter to the [Muslim] Dey of Algiers, August 1816) Reference: Madison, III, page 17
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"If you were a liberal 20 years ago, without changing your positions on any issues, today you would be a conservative." -- KD, 2010

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Friday, March 28, 2014

o'mam - Israel at odds with US over visas + o'illegal OKs "limited" terrorists into U.S. & o'mam OKs Muslim Brotherhood to enter U.S. bypassing security

A story from AP Mobile

In new row, Israel at odds with US over visas

thumbnailby Aron Heller, AP Jerusalem at: and
TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - With the United States irked at Israel over its settlement policies and
In this March 17, 2003 file photo,
 an Israeli border policemen guards
 the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv as other
 Israelis line up for U.S. visas.
 To ease the travel of its citizens,
 Israel is pressing to join 38 other
 countries in the U.S. Visa
 Waiver Program, a prestigious
 club of nations whose citizens don’t
 need a preapproved visa to visit America.
 (AP Photo/Eitan Hess-Ashkenazi, File)
the lack of progress in peace talks, an obscure diplomatic classification has emerged as a new sticking point between the two close allies.     To ease the travel of its citizens, Israel is pressing to join 38 other countries in the U.S. Visa Waiver Program - a prestigious club of nations whose citizens do...

Read Full Story TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - With the United States irked at Israel over its settlement policies and the lack of progress in peace talks, an obscure diplomatic classification has emerged as a new sticking point between the two close allies.

To ease the travel of its citizens, Israel is pressing to join 38 other countries in the U.S. Visa Waiver Program - a prestigious club of nations whose citizens don't need a preapproved visa to visit America.  So far, their efforts have not only been rebuffed, but Israel has seen a spike in the number of young people and military officers rejected entry to the U.S.

Washington says Israel has not been let into the program simply because it has not met the requirements - and has pointed in part to Israel's treatment of Arab-American travelers, drawing sharp denials by Israeli officials of any discrimination.  U.S. officials say there is no policy in place to make it more difficult for Israelis to get "B'' visas, which allow a 90-day stay in the United States for business or travel purposes.

Figures show that the percentage of Israelis whose visa requests are rejected is lower than that of many other countries, and other countries' rejection rates have grown as well amid an overall stricter approach taken by American Homeland Security officials . For example, in 2013 Belarus had a rejected rate of 20.7 percent, Bulgaria's was 19.9 percent and Ireland's was 16.9 percent.

Even so, Israel saw its visa rejection rate jumped to 9.7 percent last year, up from 5.4 percent the year before - a startling 80 percent increase.

Sen. Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat, has called on the State Department to "end its widespread, arbitrary practice of denying young Israelis tourist visas."  Other pro-Israel members of Congress have also pressed for answers.  Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Zeev Elkin said some Congress members are pushing for legislation that would exempt Israel from the requirements to qualify for the waiver program altogether.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki responded this week by saying that Israelis are still overwhelmingly granted entry.

"Over 90 percent of Israeli applicants for tourist visas to the United States are approved.  For young Israelis, over 80 percent of visa applicants are approved for a visa," she said at a briefing.

The 90-day visas are either approved or rejected after a brief interview with a U.S. embassy official in the applicant's country of origin.  Americans do not need a visa to enter Israel, though Americans of Palestinian origin often face problems and cannot enter through Israel's Ben Gurion International Airport, instead entering either through Jordan or Egypt.

The visa issue brings another irritant in U.S.-Israeli ties at a time of strains over Secretary of State John Kerry's stagnating peace efforts.  The Obama administration has been critical of Israel for continuing to press forward with Jewish settlements in the West Bank while Kerry has been brokering peace talks over a future Palestinian state.

Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon recently called Kerry "obsessive" and "messianic" over making peace between Israelis and Palestinians and dismissed a U.S. security plan for the region as worthless.   He also called the U.S. weak when it comes to its stance on Iran's nuclear program and questioned Washington's commitment to Israel's security.

During the same briefing last week, Psaki said the U.S. was disappointed that Yaalon has yet to apologize for his "offensive" remarks.

Among younger Israelis, the visa issue has put a damper on plans for a post-army trip to America, a common rite of passage after completing three or more years of compulsory military service.  For this demographic, the American concern appears to be less a matter of security and rather a fear that they will abuse their tourist visas to work illegally and peddle products at malls.

Yoav Rosenbaum, 23, said he had no such intention.  He and three friends just wanted to go on a 10-day trip to the New York area to see a comedy festival.  But even though he holds down a hi-tech job, rents an apartment in Tel Aviv and lived in the U.S for the three years when he was younger, he was immediately rejected at the American embassy.

"I brought documents, showed my return flight and the tickets to the festival, paid the fee and the guy just looked at me and said 'it's not going to happen,'" he recalled, saying the official told him he didn't have enough ties to Israel to be trusted to return.  "I wasn't that shocked because I knew that they give a hard time to people of my age group."

It hasn't stopped dozens of others from lining up outside the American embassy in Tel Aviv to seek visas on a daily basis.

For the Israeli government, the larger issue is membership in the Visa Waiver Program.

As one of America's closest allies, Israel wonders why countries like Slovakia, Iceland and Latvia qualify while they are left out.

U.S. diplomats say it is merely a matter of countries meeting stringent conditions, such as issuing biometric passports, properly reporting lost or stolen documents and allowing the free access of Americans into their country.

Psaki said American authorities "remain concerned with the unequal treatment that Palestinian Americans and other Americans of Middle Eastern origin experience at Israel's border and checkpoints, and reciprocity is the most basic condition of the Visa Waiver Program."

Elkin, the Israeli deputy foreign minister, rejected long-standing accusations that Arabs were unnecessarily targeted with aggressive questioning, long luggage examinations and strip searches, saying that U.S. Homeland Security had just as tough techniques for people - including Israelis - of Middle Eastern descent.

He told The Associated Press that Israel had addressed all matters under its control to be able to qualify for the program.  He said it will now allow Palestinian-Americans to begin entering the country through the airport.

The only obstacle remaining was the rate of Israelis rejected for U.S. visas, which needs to drop below 3 percent before Israel can be considered for the program.

"That depends on the Americans.  If they wanted, a creative solution could be found," Elkin said. "Israel is among the friendliest countries to the U.S. and there is no reason why we shouldn't be part of the program."

Immigration rules change for people with ‘limited’ terrorist links
by By , 10Feb14
The Obama administrations has loosened the immigration rules for asylum seekers, refugees and other immigrants seeking to come to the United States or stay here but are barred because they gave “limited” support to terrorists or terrorists organizations in the past.
The Department of Homeland Security and the State Department issued a notice last week, announcing that immigrants who've provided “limited material support” to a terrorist or terrorist organization will now be allowed into the U.S. but only if they don’t pose a threat to national security or public safety.
Immigrants who are already in the U.S. and want to change their immigration status, including those whose green card applications have been on hold for years, will also benefit after passing all relevant background and security checks.
The immigration rules change applies to a provision in immigration law known as “terrorism-related inadmissibility grounds.”  The provision was implemented following the Sept. 11 attacks to determine what individuals should not be allowed entry into the U.S.  The grounds for inadmissibility include people who are engaged or are likely to engage in terrorist activity after entering the U.S.
But after consulting with the U.S. Attorney General, DHS and the State Department determined that those grounds of inadmissibility “bar certain aliens who do not pose a national security or public safety risk from admission to the United States and from obtaining immigration benefits or other status.”
The change comes after President Barack Obama announced during his recent State of the Union address that he plans to bypass Congress and take action by executive order on several issues.  This is one of his first executive actions related to immigration.

Reaction to immigration rules change

Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, supports the change.  He said the current law barring admission of people who’ve provided “material support” to terrorists and terrorist organizations “has led to the unfair and irrational exclusion of tens of thousands of refugees.”
“For years, I have worked to reform our policies governing so-called material support for terrorism,” Leahy said in a statement.  “The existing interpretation was so broad as to be unworkable.  It resulted in deserving refugees and asylees being barred from the United States for actions so tangential and minimal that no rational person would consider them supporters of terrorist activities.”
But not everyone thinks the change is a good idea.  Republicans are criticizing the change, saying it could open the door for terrorists to come into the U.S.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) said he is “deeply concerned” with the change.  He called it a “naïve” move by the Obama administration given today’s global terrorist threats.
“President Obama should be protecting U.S. citizens rather than taking a chance on those who are aiding and abetting terrorist activity and putting Americans at greater risk,” he said in a statement.
Goodlatte added that he is afraid the change “provides bad actors an opportunity to easily manufacture reasons that ‘forced’ them to provide material support to terrorists.”
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, also disagrees with the change.  He pointed to a 2009 internal audit of immigration procedures, obtained by the House Judiciary Committee from DHS, that reveals at least 70 percent of asylum applications showed signs of fraud.
“In light of these and other facts, it is thus deeply alarming that the Obama Administration would move unilaterally to relax admissions standards for asylum-seekers and potentially numerous other applicants for admission who have possible connections to insurgent or terrorist groups,” Sessions said in a statement.

Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars.comJanuary 20, 2014
     A newly released document obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request confirms that the State Department ordered the Department of Homeland Security to spare members of the Muslim Brotherhood [MB] traveling to the US in 2012 a TSA pat down or any kind of secondary screening.
     The one page document (PDF), obtained by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, shows that members of a Muslim Brotherhood delegation traveling through Minneapolis Airport, New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport and Dulles Airport were handed expedited entry known as “port courtesy,” which is normally reserved for high ranking government officials and dignitaries.  At the time, the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate Mohamed Morsi, later deposed, had not been elected president.
     The document contains four separate entries which include a directive that Muslim Brotherhood members, “not be pulled into secondary upon arrival at a point of entry.” As well as a TSA pat down, secondary screening involves carry on luggage being inspected by hand and the use of puffer explosive detectors.
     Two following entries confirm that Muslim Brotherhood members traveled through both JFK and Dulles Airports “smoothly” and “without incident” after the DHS had been alerted about “port courtesies”.
     Another entry reads; “MB delegate departure: In response to a request from the MB, the desk worked with the office of Foreign Missions to arrange for TSA to escort the last member of the visiting MB delegation, Abdul Mawgoud Dardery, through security at Minneapolis Airport and JFK Airport on April 15.  We did not hear anything further from the MB, so we assume the departure went smoothly.   In the coming days, we’re going to write down a list of procedures for dealing with MB visits to the United States.”
     The delegate was given privileged access despite one of their members being linked to a previous child pornography investigation in the United States.  In addition, the Muslim Brotherhood, which has now been declared a terrorist organization by the Egyptian government after bombing a police HQ last month, is closely affiliated with Al-Qaeda and has long been cited as the foundational inspiration for both Al-Qaeda and Islamic Jihad.
     The IPT also highlights the fact that individuals traveling from Syria to give speaking tours in the United States, people like Sheik Osama al-Rifai, that have openly endorsed Al-Qaeda militant groups under the banner of the the Islamic Front, are being handed visas by the State Department with no questions asked.
     While completely innocent Americans continue to be subjected to invasive TSA grope down procedures and placed on no fly lists for no reason whatsoever, members of a group with direct links to terrorism were given VIP treatment by the State Department, the TSA and the Department of Homeland Security.
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  Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison  He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos.  Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

nostalgia - comedy: The Stick (video 4m8s: Jonathan Winters, Jack Paar Show, 1964 + video 28m28s, EG Centre 2007)

From: bebop Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Subject: The Stick
This is a classic..... It is nearly 50 years old and as funny today as it was on that night in 1964 when Jack Paar handed a simple stick to Jonathan Winters without a script.
Jonathan Winters' Improvisation: "The Stick"

Jonathan Winters shows us why he was such a great comedian as he performs "The Stick" with Jack Paar in 1964.  The ability to improvise and create comedy is one that very few comedians are truly gifted with and Jonathan Winters was one of the best.  I can only imagine the laughs he provided for his fellow Marines that he served with in the Pacific during World War Two.  I'm sure heaven just got a whole lot funnier as I have no doubt Jonathan talked his way past Saint Peter and the pearly gates.
YouTube video URL:
Posted on YouTube by  Aladdinjaz on Jan 12, 2009
"just a stick.... and woooooo there he goes....."

eg May1-3, 2014 
eg May 1-3, 2014, Published on Apr 12, 2013 by EG
  Jonathan spoke at the EG Conference at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, 4 December 2007.  A poignant, bittersweet, funny reflection on his life.

Sedona International Film Festival, Lifetime Achievement Award, to Jonathan Winters, 2011 (11m39s, HD)

Wikipedia, a history of Jonathan Winters:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

o'humor - The Eagle is Gone! The skunk is here.

From: rapa Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Subject: The Eagle is Gone!
The Eagle Is Gone!  The skunk has replaced the Eagle as the new symbol of the American Presidency.  It is half black, half white, and everything it does stinks.

Monday, March 24, 2014

o'speaks-with-forked-tongue - Why Do We Tolerate Lying Politicians Who Violate Their Oath Of Office?

From: Doug Giles, Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 Subject: Nicer Than Jesus: Why Do We Tolerate Lying Politicians Who Violate Their Oath Of Office?
Screen Shot 2014-03-24 at 8.46.55 AM NICER THAN JESUS: Why Do We Tolerate Lying Politicians Who Violate Their Oath Of Office? Every single politician who has ever held public office has lied at one time or another, but now lying, it seems, is a given. Laws against false campaign advertising raise other issues.  "What sort of  ...READ MORE
Screen Shot 2014-03-24 at 9.03.29 AM HOPE & BS: No Charges from DOJ Against Woman Who Voted 6Times for Obama Last week Al Sharpton embraced convicted vote fraudster Melowese Richardson at a "voting rights" rally in Cincinnati.  The United States Department of Justice under Eric Holder has done nothing to Melowese Richardson 410 days ... READ MORE
Screen Shot 2014-03-24 at 9.06.47 AM BAD NEWS FOR OBAMA'S BUDDIES: Egypt Sentences 529 of the Muslim Brotherhood to Death CAIRO - A court in Egypt sentenced 529 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood to death Monday as part of a mass trial that highlights ongoing attempts to squash the Islamist movement.  More than 150 of   ...READ MORE
Screen Shot 2014-03-24 at 8.26.51 AM EPIC FAIL: Libya is a Disaster We Helped Create, Obama Just Walks Away It's called the pottery store rule: "you break it, you own it".  But it doesn't just apply to pots and mugs, but to nations.  In the build-up to the catastrophic invasion of Iraq, it was ...READ MORE
Screen Shot 2014-03-24 at 8.18.12 AM THE BLESSING: Did Russell Crowe Finally Get The Pope's Blessing on the Movie, "NOAH"? After two failed attempts, Russell Crowe has finally met with Pope Francis and had the Holy Father's blessing for his latest film Noah.   According to JustJared, Crowe, 49, had a brief meeting with the Pontiff  ...READ MORE
Screen Shot 2014-03-24 at 8.25.28 AM BIG PIMPING: Obama Most Well-Traveled, Expensive President In History President Barack Obama has spent more time traveling abroad than other U.S. president in history at this point in their presidencies, according to a forthcoming study from the National Taxpayer Union Foundation (NTUF) provided ...READ MORE
Boot_Print_Vector_by_ZombiePoppa Putin's Boot Prints Proliferating on the World Stage Vladimir Putin's takeover in Crimea remains in the forefront of the news.  That is, unless commentary about illegal butt-enhancing injections or whinging about media blackouts of FLOTUS and her daughters - China vacation  ...READ MORE
immigrants Bogus!  Arizona Lawman Calls Out Obama Deportation Statistics by Jim Kouri Clash Daily Guest Contributor: During an interview with Fox News Channel's Neil Cavuto on Friday, the man known by many as - "America's Toughest Sheriff" said he believes that the Obama ....READ MORE
Fisheye Scorn - You're in Deep Trouble Democrats Baselessly Accuse Tea Party, Make Excuses for Iran and Russia Charlie Rangel recently issued baseless accusations against the Tea Party even as his Democratic Party makes excuses for Iran and Russia, thus revealing who Democrats view as their greatest enemy and just how irreconcilably ...READ MORE
obama putin Mr. Pouty Face Meets Mr. Putin By Allen Clash Daily Guest Contributor:  "As a red white and blue American, I never thought in a million years that I would ever be singing the praises of a Russian President. In comparing Manly.."...READ MORE
Screen Shot 2014-03-23 at 8.31.02 AM Biblical: Elijah "Now Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the settlers of Gilead, said to Ahab, 'As the LORD, the God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, surely there shall be neither dew nor rain these .. '"...READ MORE
Copyright © 2014. is a member of Liberty Alliance.  All rights reserved.  147 Ponderosa Trail, Dallas, GA 30132

o'appeaser - Europe & Ukraine abandoned

Spineless Obama Concedes Europe To Putin:
U.S. "Doesn't View Europe As A Battleground Between East And West," Ukraine
Hat Tip:

rfh -- Though o'clown posse's foreign policy is feckless at best, I reluctantly concede that it is past time that European countries start "pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps" militarily, that we should close down many of our massive overseas military posts that are within major friendly countries, e.g. Germany, England, Spain, Italy, maybe even Qatar.  We should cutoff foreign aid to enemy states. We should bolster Israel with massive forces and armament and, if we commit to another mid-east conflict, go in with "Shock & Awe" such that the sand-to-glass parking lots that we create strikes a lasting fear in enemy hearts.  A weak America only invites enemies to strike us and our allies.  A strong America, at home, is a strong America everywhere.  The old Roman adage, We I go, Rome is goes should be our motto.  A Christian Bible amongst American troops in muslim combat zones is our prerogative, not the enemy's.  Civilian casualties are never wanted; however, in most muslim terrorist enclaves, peoples there know the killers amongst them.  If innocents choose not to distance themselves from the 'bad guys' so beit.  And, here at home, we should develop our natural resources, coal, nuclear, gas, oil, water, fusion, solar, wind, off-shore, the preserves, the Canadian shale, ...all energy sources such that the mid-easterners who hold us hostage to their oil can drink it to their hearts content.  If we need it, in the future, it will still be there.

o'gut military - o'no Tomahawk or Hell Fire missiles

Obama Seeking To Kill Navy's Tomahawk, Hellfire Missile Programs… 
China and Russia Continue to Build Up
Hat Tip: RedFlag News
Via Free Beacon:
     President Barack Obama is seeking to abolish two highly successful missile programs that experts say has helped the U.S. Navy maintain military superiority for the past several decades.
     The Tomahawk missile program—known as "the world's most advanced cruise missile"—is set to be cut by $128 million under Obama's fiscal year 2015 budget proposal and completely eliminated by fiscal year 2016, according to budget documents released by the Navy.
     In addition to the monetary cuts to the program, the number of actual Tomahawk missiles acquired by the United States would drop significantly—from 196 last year to just 100 in 2015. The number will then drop to zero in 2016.
     The Navy will also be forced to cancel its acquisition of the well-regarded and highly effective Hellfire missiles in 2015, according to Obama's proposal.
     The proposed elimination of these missile programs came as a shock to lawmakers and military experts, who warned ending cutting these missiles would significantly erode America's ability to deter enemy forces.
     "The administration's proposed budget dramatically under-resources our investments in munitions and leaves the Defense Department with dangerous gaps in key areas, like Tomahawk and Hellfire missiles," said Rep. Randy Forbes (R., Va.), a member of House Armed Services Committee.
Keep reading… Source

o'no joy - Top 50: failed the cut, NBC apoplectic

NBC Shocked Obama Not On List of 50 Greatest Leaders
Hat Tip:

Via Washington Examiner:
     This week's Mainstream Media Scream features NBC's Today show hosts expressing surprise that Fortune Magazine's new list of the 50 greatest leaders didn't include President Obama.


o'capitulator - In E.U.: cutting U.S.military

Obama Lands in Europe and Announces He's Gutting US Military
Hat Tip:
     President Obama highlighted his European roots in an interview with Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant, pointing out that the United States was firmly committed to the security of Europe.
During the interview, Obama was asked if his understanding of Europe was different since he lived in Indonesia as a boy and talked about pivoting his attention to Asia.
     "We're linked by heritage and history, with millions of Americans tracing their roots to Europe, including me," Obama said. "Yes, I was born in Hawaii and spent part of my youth in Indonesia. But it's also true that through my mother I can trace my ancestry to Europe — to Ireland and Great Britain." [...]
     "As we have told our European allies many times, we want to see more European nations meeting their commitments when it comes to defense spending," he said. "In the United States, after two wars, we are moving toward a leaner military."
H/T Weasel Zippers

Saturday, March 22, 2014

o'illegal - Racist Fence? Remember, fences work both ways.

Obama Judge: Border Fence Is Racist
Hat Tip: Red Flag News
(Judicial Watch) -- 
     A Homeland Security initiative to put fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border could discriminate against minorities, according to an Obama-appointed federal judge who's ruled that the congressionally-approved project may have a "disparate impact on lower-income minority communities."
     This of course means that protecting the porous — and increasingly violent — southern border is politically incorrect.  At least that's what the public college professor at the center of the case is working to prove and this month she got help from a sympathetic federal judge.   Denise Gilman, a clinical professor at the taxpayer-funded University of Texas-Austin, is researching the "human rights impact" of erecting a barrier to protect the U.S. from terrorists, illegal immigrants, drug traffickers and other serious threats.

Read more at the article's source

o'Mrs. Pinocchio - A prisoner in the W.H. "Cry Me A River" [ab absurdo, ad infinitum, ad nauseam]

Michelle Obama in China: "Rare I have the chance to travel"
Hat Tip: RedFlag News

"A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money," Senator Everett Dirksen]
Abroad: Obama's Cost Taxpayers $1.4B, British Royal Family $58M
"Because it can sometimes be a little confining, living in the White House is sometimes like living in a “really nice prison,” First Lady Michelle Obama.  “No, there are prison elements to it,” Mrs. Obama responded.  “But it’s a really nice prison, so –”  “But with a chef,” former First Lady Laura Bush reminded the crowd.  
“You can’t complain,” Michelle Obama said. “But there is definitely elements that are confining.” (source:
     'Abroad' :-) Obama's Cost Taxpayers $1.4B, British Royal Family $58M
     (Maggie's Notebook) -- Other than Michelle Obama's trips to Kenya with her husband before he ascended to the Oval Office, I wonder how many opportunities she had to travel outside the U.S.  I doubt there were many until she was graced with taxpayer funding.  By mid 2013, Michelle had visited 14 foreign countries.  In 2013, American taxpayers spent $1.4 billion on "perks" for the Obamas — "biggest staff in history at highest wages ever."  The British taxpayers were hit with only a mere $57.8 million to entertain their royal family.  Don't miss the Daily Caller info below.  Remember who Michelle Obama was just before coming to Washington D.C. to received her taxpayer-paid make-over?
     During her visit to China, first lady Michelle Obama pointed out that the ability to travel outside of the United States was "rare" but that she chose China for a reason.
     "It's very rare that I have the opportunity to travel outside of the United States, and it's even more rare to have the opportunity to travel with three generations — with my daughters, and with my mother," she said.  "And it is no accident that one of our first trips as a family is here to China."
     By July 3, 2013, Michelle Obama had traveled to Britain, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, Italy, Vatican, Ghana, Denmark, Norway, Haiti, Mexico, Spain, Indonesia, Brazil, Chile, El Salvadore, Ireland, Botswana, South Africa, The Bahamas, Senegal, and Tanzania — a total of 14 trips abroad by mid-2013.  Seven of these trips are considered personal travel (which may have included Michelle arriving early or staying later).
     Read more at the article's source

High-Flying Obamas Send Taxpayers $7,396,531.20 Tab
article source
     Just when you thought that it couldn’t get any worse, President Obama has set a new record for lavish gallivanting at taxpayer expense.  Newly released travel records obtained by Judicial Watch from the U.S. Department of the Air Force reveal that on just three trips taken in 2013, the high-flying Obamas stuck the taxpayers with an astounding tab of $7,396,531.20.  And that was just for flight expenses alone!
     First some background.   From December, 21, 2012, to January, 5, 2013, the Obama family, as is their custom, spent their Christmas vacation in Honolulu, Hawaii, with the president briefly flying back to Washington to work on a budget deal before returning to enjoy his fun in the sun. In early August, 2013, Obama flew to California to dine privately with high-dollar fundraiser DreamWorks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg in the presidential suite at the Hilton Woodland Hills Hotel and to appear for the sixth time on the Jay Leno “Tonight Show.”  Also in August, 2013, the Obama family spent eight days vacationing in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, at the $7.6 million home of David Schulte, founder of the private equity firm Chilmark Partners.
     And what was the taxpayer tab for all of this? The records came in response to Freedom of Information lawsuit filed after the stonewalling of requests filed in August 2013:
  • The outbound flight to Honolulu for the Obama 2012 – 2013 Christmas vacation cost taxpayers $2, 214, 393.60. The return flight to Washington was $1,871,961.60. The total price for flight expenditures alone came to $4,086,355.20.
  • The outbound flight to California in August, 2013 for Obama to dine with high-dollar fundraiser Jeffrey Katzenberg and appear on the “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” cost taxpayers $1,209,926.40. The return flight to Washington was $935,980.80.   The total price for flight expenditures alone came to $2,145,907.20.
  • The outbound flight to Martha’s Vineyard for the Obama family August vacation cost taxpayers $890,323.20.  The return flight to Washington was $273,945.60.  The total price for flight expenditures alone came to $1,164,268.80.
     That’s $7,396,531.20 — in flight expenses alone – for just three of the Obamas’ leisure/political trips.
     In recent years, Judicial Watch has repeatedly gone to court to obtain information about taxpayer funding of lavish vacations for the president and his family.  In October, 2011, Judicial Watch obtained documents pertaining to the full costs of the June 21-27, 2011 trip taken by Michelle Obama, her family, and her staff to South Africa and Botswana.  According to the records obtained from the United States Air Force through a FOIA lawsuit, during the six-day trip, the First Lady and her entourage spent $668.702.01, including hotel and lodging costs of $430,614.18.  This was in addition to the $424,142 taxpayers were billed for the cost of the flight alone, according to earlier documents obtained by Judicial Watch.
     In April, 2012, Judicial Watch obtained documents through a FOIA lawsuit from the United States Air Force and the United States Secret Service detailing costs associated with what the press described as Michelle Obama’s “whirlwind tour on Spain” in August, 2010.  According to a Judicial Watch analysis, the trip, which included visits to coastal towns, shopping and a lunch date with the country’s King and Queen, cost the taxpayers at least $467,585.
     Judicial Watch also obtained records for Michelle Obama’s 2012 Aspen ski outing on Presidents’ Day Weekend.  The total cost for the February, 2012 vacation was at least $83,182.99.  The bill for the Secret Service alone, including accommodations at the deluxe Fasching Haus Condominium and The Inn at Aspen, was $48,950.38. noted that the trip was the 16th vacation in three years taken by the Obama family.
     The fact is, the Obamas are abusing the public trust and the taxpayers with unnecessary luxurious vacations and travel.  These staggering costs show why these documents were covered-up and we had to sue in federal court to get them.  Another transparency fail for the Obama gang, but thanks to our federal lawsuit it is another accountability win for the American taxpayer.

[ab absurdo, ad infinitum, ad nauseam (latin phrases, source)]
“In my own life, in my own small way, I have tried to give back to this country that has given me so much,” she said.  “See, that’s why I left a job at a big law firm for a career in public service,“ Michelle Obama. 

First Lady .. Requires 26 Servants
By Dr. Paul L. Williams (Bio and Archives)  Tuesday, July 7, 2009, Updated August 17, 2009 

“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it” 
—Albert Einstein

By the staff of thelastcrusade at

We were wrong.
Little did American voters realize the call for “change”  would result in the establishment of an Obama oligarchy.

Recession, Depression, What, Michelle Worry?  Mrs. Obama Demands Small Army of Attendants
     Michelle Obama, as we reported on July 7, is not served by twenty-two attendants who stand by to cater to her every whim.
     She is served by twenty-six attendants, including a hair dresser and make-up artist.
The annual cost to taxpayers for such unprecedented attention is approximately $1,750,000 without taking into account the expense of the lavish benefit packages afforded to every attendant.
     No, Michele Obama does not get paid to serve as the First Lady and she doesn’t perform any official duties.  But this hasn’t deterred her from hiring an unprecedented number of staffers to cater to her every whim and to satisfy her every request in the midst of the Great Recession.  Just think Mary Lincoln was taken to task for purchasing china for the White House during the Civil War.  And Mamie Eisenhower had to shell out the salary for her personal secretary.
     How things have changed!  If you’re one of the tens of millions of Americans facing certain destitution, earning less than subsistence wages stocking the shelves at Wal-Mart or serving up McDonald cheeseburgers, prepare to scream and then come to realize that the benefit package for these servants of Miz Michele are the same as members of the national security and defense departments and the bill for these assorted lackeys is paid by John Q. Public:

  1. $172,2000 - Sher, Susan (CHIEF OF STAFF)
  6. $90,000 - Medina, David S. (DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF TO THE FIRST LADY)
  7. $84,000 - Lelyveld, Catherine M. (DIRECTOR AND PRESS SECRETARY TO THE FIRST LADY)
  20. $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (STAFF ASSISTANT TO THE SOCIAL SECRETARY)
  21. Bookey, Natalie (STAFF ASSISTANT)
 Paul L. Williams, Ph.D., is the author of such best-selling books as The Day of Islam, The Al Qaeda Connection, Osama’s Revenge: The Next 9/11, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Crusades and The Vatican Exposed. An award-winning journalist, he is a frequent guest on such national news networks as ABC News, CBS News, Fox News, MSNBC, and NPR. - articles by Dr. Paul L. Williams

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Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta.
Do me justice, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy.
- Psalms 43 KJV, 42 Douay Rheims

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    Alan Keyes, "He must be stopped or the United States will cease to exist."..."We are in the midst of the greatest crisis this nation has ever seen...chaos, and civil alleged usurper...destroying our borders...infanticide...this is insanity...we are claiming that a bankrupt government can save a bankrupt banking system...this is insanity.." (19Feb09)    
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A Speaker GIF Image. My Sentiments: Soon, What We All (Are?) Will Be Doing. (benddown.wav, 47kb) A Speaker GIF Image.
Badges? speaker gif  (89kb) Voice of: Alfonso Bedoya Evans Law of Inadequate Paranoia: "No matter how bad you think something is, when you look into it, it's always worse." -- M. Stanton Evans, author "Black Listed by History, The Untold Story of Senator Joseph McCarthy" (published 2007) source: Glenn Beck TV show, Th.24Jun10 interview ( of Occupy protesters arrested counter
Tea Party Arrests=0

Now the U.S. Owes $175+ Trillion Dollars! (25Sep17) Up daily since o'tax'n spend was elected!

"The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money."
-- Alexis de Tocqueville [Alexis Charles Henri Maurice Clerel, le Comte de Tocqueville] (1805-1859) French historian
The U.S. Deficit in 2007 was $9,007,653,372,262.48
The federal government has accumulated more new debt -- $3.22 trillion ($3,220,103,625,307.29) — during the tenure of the 111th Congress than it did during the first 100 Congresses combined, according to official debt figures published by the U.S. Treasury." -- By Terence P. Jeffrey, (Read The Full Story)
Click Here for videos, graphs, movie & U.S. National Debt totals.
3 years ago: The Debt ~ $125T+! Then Obama:  Up $22T+ in only 3 years! $22T to $26T+ by 2015!  Since November 2011 to January 2013 he has added $2 Trillion to the deficit!  States' Unfunded: $3.2T+! • (Dec10) From Jan'09 the deficit: $10.2T→$14.6T up $4.3T/42%! -- Federal unfunded liabilities total $84 trillion .. equal to 5.7 percent of the present value of all future GDP, which translates into about 31 percent of the long run federal revenue estimate,” the report states.  “Thus federal revenues would have to rise immediately and permanently to 24.1 percent of GDP to cover the fiscal imbalance.” (source:
Federal obligations exceed world GDP! Is the US Gov't Bankrupt?Unfunded a myth?
Deficit: $ national debt Totals Source: http://www.usdebtclock.orgUnfunded Liabilities: $ 107,599,889,000,000 (25Sep17)
Many Americans actually pay $1 out of ever $2 earned to some form of tax while ~50% of people pay no taxes!  Do you pay your bills?  The Fed takes $3 in and spends $5.  Debt per citizen: $51,985 - Debt per taxpayer: $142,513! (13Dec12)
Also, see the blog videos below at
What were you doing in the last hour while the U.S. Gov't spent $188 Million Dollars of our money!  (Every Hour, Every Day!) (Apr11)   In 8 years, President Bush added $5 trillion to the national debt; President Obama, according to a revised Dec11 GAO report, added $4T+ to the U.S. deficit in 2011 alone!  The GAO estimates the deficit, including o'scamcare & mandates, may grow from $15T+ to over $26T+!  UPDATE: A little-noticed event occurred at approximately midnight on Monday, October 31, 2011.  The National Debt exceeded the GDP!  Imagine what these numbers are going to be now that Obama is reelected! (src)
A trillion seconds pass in 31,688 years.  At $1/sec it would take 41,194 years just to pay off o'tax'n spend's new Feb12-Feb13 added debt - 538,696 years to pay only the national debt or 4,404,632 years to settle the debt+unfunded liabilities!

"Over the last four years our national debt has risen nearly $6 trillion, and just last week the debt topped an astounding $16 trillion.  To put that in perspective, $16 trillion is enough money to fund the US military, along with the military of every NATO country combined… for the next sixteen years!  Government spending is projected to hit $3.8 trillion this year alone.  Even after every tax dollar paid by Americans has been counted, the government will still overspend by another $1.13 trillion.  Every single second of the day our government spends over $12,000.  So in the time it takes you to read this article, roughly five minutes, our government has spent $3.6 million.  It take four seconds for the government to spend what the average American earns in an entire year."  (source: by Tim Phillips 17Sep12 at
    "Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself.  They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that is good." -- George Washington
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." (Ecclesiastes 10:2)
Bishop Sheen Audio Library small animated speaker "For ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise." [2 Cor 11:19] Psalm 109:8
"[W]e ought to deprecate the hazard attending ardent and susceptible minds, from being too strongly, and too early prepossessed in favor of other political systems, before they are capable of appreciating their own." -- George Washington, letter to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, 1795
small animated speaker Fulton Sheen's "Talk to American Soldiers - The Centurions of Rome 'West Point' (alt src)
Bishop Sheen Radio small animated speaker
President Obama Job disapproval/approval (daily, interactive)
ElectionProjection dot com election results
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Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11
     It has been suggested that o'who?, the clown, and 'those who surround him' are not the bumbling fools they appear to be.  Nor are they one of the 'Three Stooges' but rather are shrewd implementation/drivers and fellow-travelers of policies designed to disarm the citizenry & collapse the American economy.  Why?  o'nocchio's grandiose scheme to "fundamentally transform America" is more than simple campaign rhetoric as can be seen by his use of "enabling acts" to circumvent the Constitution of the United States.  As Ollie used to say, "Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into."



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"You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for independence." -- Charles Austin Beard (1874-1948)

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Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers

"If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary." -- James Madison, The Federalist No. 51, Independent Journal, Wednesday, February 6, 1788
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When Men Were

When Men Were Men - "Scots Wha Hae" Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 Listen to the poem A Speaker GIF Image. "Scots Wha Hae"

Values:   "Scots Wha Hae"  1] poem lyrics..text of "Bruce before Bannockburn" also known as "Scots wha hae", written by Robert Burns
Robert Burns b.1759-d.1796, 8May1794, The Morning Chronicle)  1] "Supposed to be addressed by Bruce to his soldiers before the Battle of Bannockburn against Edward II."
Listen A Speaker GIF Image. to the poem "Scots Wha Hae" read by Doug Robertson [3m55s],  Music by Steve McDonald from 'Bannockburn' [Stone of Destiny]" (.mp3, 3.7MB)
• alternate A Speaker GIF Image. ScotWha2.ram Stream in Real Audio (rm, 3m55s) re [ Robert Bruce's March to Bannockburn, Robert I, the Bruce (1274-1329) also know as Robert the Bruce, "The Hammer of the Scots" ] plus A Speaker GIF Image. "Scots, wha hae Wi' Wallace Bled," (midi, Scottish Songs) & .midi sequenced with lyrics [src] ***
and A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae (bagpipes) by the 48th Highlanders of Canada (7MB, .mp3, 3m14s)
and A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae, bagpipes solo (1.3MB, .mp3, 1m22s)
and A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae (2.7MB, .mp3, 3m4s; 'The Corries' ["Battle songs of Scotland", sung by Ronnie Browne solo] & A Speaker GIF Image. Scots Wha Hae with pipes (4.3MB, .mp3, 4m29s)
Material published on Harrold's blog is collected from email forwards, public articles, and my opines or those submitted by users.  I try to avoid copyrighted material.  If anything on this site has been copyrighted by you, please contact me so it can be removed or give you credit. -- Robert Harrold small envelope • cite info:
"As a nation we have been asleep for years.  Lulled by affluence and self-indulgent apathy, our collective awareness has grown dim.  This has created an opening for our enemies, one that may ultimately prove fatal.  This is the truth and what we do, or don't do, will determine the consequences, for better or worse.  It is time to decide." --
The Manhattan Declaration

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El Centro, California, United States
mailto: Robert Harrold formerly dba AERC, El Centro, CA, US 92243

Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta, ab homine iniquo et doloso erue me.
Do me justice, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy; rescue me from the deceitful and unjust man.
- Psalm 43 KJV, 42 Douay Rheims  (

There are certain universal truths.  There is right and wrong.  Life is, choice Isn't.  The 2nd Amendment is for you and me, not the government.

"We failed to react appropriately to them and, instead, displayed weakness.  And, the weak are always beaten."  ~~ Vladimir Putin

"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - George Orwell on a BBC broadcast, April 4, 1942

"An armed society is a polite society." -- Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988) American writer

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