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Current Headlines
• Speaker Nancy Pelosi Releases Misleading Factsheet on Abortion, Health Care
• John McCain Wants to Stop Democrats' Health Care Reconciliation Move
• NBC Joins ABC in Refusing to Air Ad Critical of Health Care Measure
• Catholic Health Assn: Not Endorsing Health Care Bill, Wants Abortion Out
• Physicians, Black Pro-Life Group Sue Obama for Health Care Snitch Email
• Ex-Employees Note Unsafe Conditions at LeRoy Carhart's Abortion Center
• Ezekiel Emanuel, Obama's Rationing Czar, Says We Have Too Much Health Care [sic: rationing]
• Pro-Life Advocates Should be Upset by Veterans Guide Pushing Euthanasia
• Alaska Pro-Life Advocates Kick Off Campaign for Parental Consent on Abortion
• Star Parker: Alaska Parents Deserve the Truth on Their Daughters' Abortion
• Ohio Man Tries to Hide Statutory Rape of Pregnant Teenage Girl With Abortion
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Speaker Nancy Pelosi Releases Misleading Factsheet on Abortion, Health CareWashington, DC ( -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has released a misleading factsheet perpetuating the myth that the House version of the government-run health care plan does not included taxpayer-financed abortions. Pelosi's "Daily Mythbuster" contains an analysis that has been rebutted by various media outlets and an independent political watchdog. Pelosi issued a factsheet that, ironically, contains few facts about HR 3200 and the various ways in which the bill will allow government-funded abortions. According to Pelosi, "the bill clearly spells out that no federal funds can be used to pay for abortions." However, the Capps amendment the House Energy and Commerce Committee adopted specifically authorizes the government-run public plan to pay for elective abortions. The public plan collects premiums from taxpayers that are, in turn, used to pay for abortions. Pelosi also says, referring to the Hyde amendment that prohibits abortion funding in Medicare, that "the bill preserves the status quo in abortion policy." "The latest version of the House bill continues longstanding federal policy, which currently bars federal funding for paying for abortions ," she says. While the Hyde amendment is not overturned by the health care restructuring bill, it only applies to Medicare and would not limit abortion funding in any aspect of the government-run health care system. Full story at
ACTION: Contact members of the House and Senate and urge strong support for any amendment to exclude abortion and rationing from their health care bills. Ask them to oppose any health care bill that allows abortion funding or rationing. Call 202-224-3121 or go to and for specific contact information.
John McCain Wants to Stop Democrats' Possible Health Care Reconciliation MoveWashington, DC ( -- Senator John McCain is hoping to bring back as many elements of the Gang of 14 as possible to stop a move by Senate Democrats to use a procedural process to railroad through the health care bill that contains taxpayer-funding for abortions and rationing. The Gang of 14 was a bipartisan group of lawmakers who blocked efforts to filibuster votes on President George W. Bush's judicial nominees. McCain says a similar bipartisan group of elected officials is needed to stop Senate Democrats from using the reconciliation process, meant for important budget items, to stop Republicans from exercising their right to filibuster the pro-abortion government-run health care plan. Last night, McCain told Fox News host Sean Hannity that the 60-vote principle is important for the Senate and that he will fight the reconciliation strategy on health care on those grounds. "I think it destroys, in many respects, the unique aspects of the institution in the Senate which is the 60-vote principle," McCain said. "But the fact is that if they go this way in the so-called, quote, 'reconciliation,' I think that you will see a backlash in the United States Senate and across this country. The institution of the Senate works on the 60-vote basis in many occasions." Full story at
NBC Joins ABC in Refusing to Air Ad Critical of Pro-Rationing Health Care MeasureWashington, DC ( -- NBC has joined ABC in refusing to air a conservative group's ad that talks about the rationing concerns present in the government-run health care plans Congress is considering. While ABC rejected the ad outright, NBC is demanding the organization make revisions to it. As reported, the League of American Voters had planned to air the commercial that is already airing on local networks in 12 states. Bob Adams, the director of the group, told he was "stunned" when ABC officials told him they would not air the ad. Although CBS has approved the ad for airing and LAV staff are working with Fox to run the commercial on its stations, NBC has questioned some of the facts in the ad. "We have not rejected the ad," spokeswoman Liz Fischer told Fox News. "We have communicated with the media agency about some factual claims that require additional substantiation. As always, we are happy to reconsider the ad once these issues are addressed." The ad features neurosurgeon Dr. Mark J. Cuffe, who says that the Obama plan would be so costly that health care rationing will ensue. Full story at
Catholic Health Association: Not Endorsing Health Care Bill, Wants Abortion OutWashington, DC ( -- The Catholic Health Association released a statement on Friday saying it is not officially endorsing the government-run health care bills currently pending in Congress. The CHA says it can't endorse either the House or Senate bills because they do not specifically exclude abortions. The head of the CHA says in a statement received that her group would like to support health care "reform" but says legislation can't be supported if it expands abortions. "Our message has always been clear," says Sister Carol Keehan, president of the group. "Health care must respect and protect human dignity from conception to natural death. In that spirit, coverage for everyone is a moral imperative and a matter of social justice." "To date, CHA has not endorsed any health care reform bill, but our message to lawmakers is unchanged," Keehan added. "Health reform should not result in an expansion of abortion, and it must maintain conscience protections for health care providers who do not want to participate in abortions or other morally objectionable procedures," Keehan stressed. Full story at
Physicians, Black Pro-Life Group Sue White House for Health Care Snitch EmailWashington, DC ( -- An organization for physicians and a black pro-life group have banded together for a new lawsuit against the Obama administration. They are suing the White House over the email address set up for backers of the pro-abortion health care bills to snitch on opponents. Obama officials caused a furor earlier this month when they unveiled the email address meant for "fishy" claims about the president's health care proposal. Last week, the White House quietly disabled the email and sent people who filed complaints to an official factsheet promoting the government-run health care plan that has abortion funding and will lead to rationing. Now, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) and the Coalition for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), which takes a pro-life position, has filed suit against Obama and other White House officials. In a statement sent to, the groups said the Obama administration has "unlawfully collected information on political speech, thereby illegally using the power of the White House to chill opposition to its plans for health care reform." "Although the White House slightly revised its data collection procedure last week, the email address still exists, the illegal activity continues, and is part of an unlawful pattern and practice to collect and maintain information on the exercise of free speech," the groups maintain. Full story at
Ex-Employees Note Unsafe, Illegal Conditions at LeRoy Carhart's Abortion CenterOmaha, NE ( -- Earlier this week, Nebraska-based late-term abortion practitioner LeRoy Carhart laid off nearly half his staff as he faces a potential investigation from state officials. Now, the former staffers are coming forward to describe what they call illegal and unsafe conditions at his Bellevue abortion center. The former abortion facility employees say they participated in abortions that were done without proper licensing. Two of the unnamed women who assisted in Carhart's abortions say they started IVs for him even though they are not registered nurses or certified licensed practical nurses, as required by state law. A third former employee, who was fired about six years ago, also confirmed that she frequently administered medication intravenously although she wasn't a certified LPN. Three of the women directly contacted pro-life groups, including Operation Rescue and Rescue the Heartland and a fourth woman is working directly with a pro-life attorney to tell her knowledge of illegal and unsafe conditions at Carhart's clinic. The women also allege that general unclean conditions, including dried blood on surgical instruments, were the norm at Carhart's center. The women also told of missing narcotics, illicit drug use by employees, and illegal post-viability abortions. Full story at
Ezekiel Emanuel, Obama's Rationing Czar, Says We Have Too Much Health Care
by Betsy McCaughey Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, health adviser to President Barack Obama, is under scrutiny. As a bioethicist, he has written extensively about who should get medical care, who should decide, and whose life is worth saving. Dr. Emanuel is part of a school of thought that redefines a physician's duty, insisting that it includes working for the greater good of society instead of focusing only on a patient's needs. Many physicians find that view dangerous, and most Americans are likely to agree. The health bills being pushed through Congress put important decisions in the hands of presidential appointees like Dr. Emanuel. They will decide what insurance plans cover, how much leeway your doctor will have, and what seniors get under Medicare. Dr. Emanuel, brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, has already been appointed to two key positions: health-policy adviser at the Office of Management and Budget and a member of the Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research. He clearly will play a role guiding the White House's health initiative. Dr. Emanuel says that health reform will not be pain free, and that the usual recommendations for cutting medical spending (often urged by the president) are mere window dressing. Full story at
Pro-Life Advocates Should be Upset by Veterans Guide Pushing Euthanasia
by Bradley Mattes First there were angry senior citizens at town hall meetings, literally fearing for their lives. They're worried that under the President's proposed health care plan they'll be denied critical life-saving services because of their age. There's good reason for their concern. And what's come to light since then won't make them sleep any easier. The Obama administration now seems to have our nation's veterans in the crosshairs. Perhaps you've heard about the booklet Your Life Your Choices—also known as the Death Book for Veterans. This book is particularly alarming, so I want to share some detail you may not have heard. I have the book on my desk. Part of it consists of reasonable dialogue on the importance of sharing your wishes regarding potential future medical treatment with trusted family members or friends. I agree that communication before a health crisis arises is key. But look at one section titled "What makes your life worth living?" It lists 18 potential physical conditions, and the veteran is required to check which column reflects his outlook on life. One of those columns is "not worth living." I'm all for personal autonomy in choosing appropriate health care, but this booklet clearly crosses the line. Full story at
Alaska Pro-Life Advocates Kick Off Campaign for Parental Consent on AbortionJuneau, AK ( -- A pro-life group that is spearheading a signature campaign to place a parental consent on abortion measure on the state ballot has kicked off its efforts. The Alaskans for Parental Rights campaign began Thursday night to give parents the right to be required to okay or deny their teenage daughter's abortion. Earlier this month, Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell certified the initiative and its sponsors began the campaign to collect signatures from 32,734 Alaskans so the initiative can appear on the ballot. The kickoff event took place at ChangePoint Church in Anchorage and it saw pro-life African-American leader Star Parker join other pro-life advocates in urging state residents to sign petitions for the measure. Parker said she doesn't want young women to have the same regret about an abortion as she does. Full story at
Star Parker: Alaska Parents Deserve the Truth on Their Daughters' Abortion
by Star Parker Currently 35 states have laws that require either parental consent or notification in order for a teenage girl to receive an abortion. Alaska passed one in 1997. However, after ten years on the books, in 2007 the Alaska Supreme Court, arguing that sharing this information with parents violated the privacy of their teenage daughters, found the law unconstitutional. So now a 13 year old can get an abortion without the knowledge of her parents. A large percentage of these abortions are paid for with state Medicaid funds, but no one seems to think that parents' privacy is being violated using their tax funds to pay for these. Research shows the remedial benefits of parental involvement when a pregnant teenager considers abortion. And research shows the profound psychological damage caused by teenage abortion. Full story at
Ohio Man Tries to Hide Statutory Rape of Pregnant Teenage Girl With AbortionCincinnati, OH ( -- Ohio has had two recent lawsuits associated with the use of abortion as a means of trying to cover up sexual abuse. Now, a third Ohio man says he attempted to get an abortion for a girl less than half his age in order to hide evidence of the sexual abuse for which he is allegedly responsible. Police in Cincinnati say 29-year-old Christopher Ryan Fears had sex with an unnamed 14-year-old girl in May when he was drunk. Fears has reportedly admitted to raping the teenager and told officials he is sorry for his actions and tried to pay for the girl to have an abortion. The mother of the girl filed a police report when she learned her daughter had sex with Fears. Fears, of Golf Manor is held at the Hamilton County jail on $100,000 bond. Golf Manor Police Lt. Chris Campbell says news of the statutory rape came to light after the girl informed her mother she is pregnant. When the mother confronted Fears, he said he would pay for an abortion. Full story at
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