It is a sad commentary on America today when individuals are intimidated by the state, where Life has no value, when families are fearful of walking the streets, when being armed 'marks you' as a "domestic terrorist", when government believes it knows what is best against the will of the people ... America is rapidly being 'dumbed down' to a 3rd world tribal area where mau-mau like mobs rule our streets and work their voodoo in the halls of government. There was a time when 'frontier citizen justice' kept much of our Country free for God-fearing, law abiding, families. Now radicals, and their fellow travelers, claiming to represent 'oppressed' minorities clamor to disarm American citizens. The misguided "progressives socialists" realize they can not gain complete control unless each citizen is disarmed and can not resist. Congress' leftist politicians and the radicalized White House are perpetuating the failed "Great Society" welfare state that has been indoctrinated into generations with the false belief that America "owes" them. These 'wanna-be Robin Hood' bought-and-paid-for politicians and the Marxist socialist cronies behind them are corroding American values under the guise of 'multi- culturalism' and progressive liberalism (communism / socialism / muslim extremism.) They are eating away, piece by piece like cannibals, our Judaeo-Christian Values, America's True Heritage, all the while mocking and scorning Patriotism. It must be considered that a point may come where Americans rise to remove these enemies within ...if they have not been disarmed beforehand having their will to resist crushed by the State. When a Congress stampedes ...legislating against the peoples' freedoms and social re-engineering on a massive scale, encouraging 'street organizations' to "transform" America away from its Founding Values, every person who can vote needs to do so at every opportunity in order to herd the destructive forces out of office, flush illegals out, and quench the fires of anti-American socialist, Marxist and Muslim radical ideologies infecting our Nation's mores. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are not ever changing to the wiles of some 'johnny-come-lately demagogue' whose self-centered delusional concept of a "transformed" society may lead to a 'street mob' controlled country. If we allow the infection to spread, America may soon be no more. - RFH "Place your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark." -- Robert Anson Heinlein, (American novelist and science fiction writer, 1907–1988) quotes about Guns: view/comment -- From more Robert A. Heinlein quotes ![]() more "American Founding Fathers' & Traditional American Values" quotes at: I recently attend a law enforcement round table in Palm Springs. The subject was L.A. 'Blood' gangs targeting homes that display flags on private residences. I'm sharing this information because I thought it sure serve as a warning to my Law Enforcement brothers. The gang members who were recently arrested for home burglary said in their de-brief that they target homes displaying the American Flag. It was their experience that most in Law Enforcement or prior Military Service personnel display flags. And they have found that these homes typically have weapons in the home. While its not science it sure made sense to me. |
Is it time to discuss impeachment?
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