By Roy Beck, Thursday, December 24, 2009
I'll be honoring my Missouri Ozarks roots on Christmas Eve, accompanying Christmas caroling at my church on a banjo! For all of us who are attending religious services in our faith tradition during the holidays, we can expect to be reminded of bedrock values and aspirations. But for some of you, your clergy will exploit the season (and there are quite a few who do it every year) to make the case against national communities and for virtually open immigration. I want to remind you of the gift of community that all the members of NumbersUSA have offered throughout the year.
Stung by Criticism He's Abandoning Black Poor, Pres. Obama Ignores Easiest & Biggest Solution

By Roy Beck, Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Acknowledging that unemployment among Black Americans is agonizingly high, Pres. Obama says it would be inappropriate to do anything aimed just at Blacks. He says he must help Blacks with actions that also help other Americans and that he continues to look for those solutions. Like all people blinded by ideology, Mr. Obama is his own worst enemy in not seeing that reducing overall immigration is in fact a magic solution that meets all his criteria.
Senators In The AMNESTY BUBBLE Who Need Special Attention

By Roy Beck, Monday, December 21, 2009
One of our members called this morning wanting the list of Senators in the 'amnesty bubble' -- those who are most susceptible to changing their action on the potential amnesty vote in early 2010. Those of us who made it to the office in the middle of the DC blizzard shutdown today came up with this list of one-third of the U.S. Senators . . .
Senate Proceeds on Health Care Without Considering Sessions' Amendment
The Senate passed its version of health care reform after completely ignoring an immigration amendment offered by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.). The Senate version does include stronger verification language than the House version, but a few loopholes could allow illegal aliens to access affordability credits or purchase a plan on the health care exchange.
With the two chambers passing different versions, the burden falls back on the House. It can either accept the changes made by the Senate or request a conference to rectify the differences. Should House Leaders choose the second option, we're ready to fight any provisions that would allow illegal aliens to access taxpayer-funded benefits under a revised plan.
With all the focus on health care, it's been a fairly quiet week, but look for some major news from us early next week. In the meantime, check out the right-hand column for some recent videos you may have missed. And everyone at NumbersUSA wishes you and your families a happy and safe holiday season!
Chris Chmielenski
Website Content Manager

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