From: The Daily Caller Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 Subject: TheDC Links
Limbaugh: Obama Easter Sunday church presence inspired pastor's racism [AUDIO]
On his Monday broadcast, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh took a call from a listener who suggested that pastor's use of the word Republican was "code for white." Limbaugh reacted to the call by saying that the caller may be right that the president's appearance inspired the pastor's comments.
"That's an interesting take, that the president inspires it, inspires racism. It may well be the case. I'm sure that the person there — the Episcopalian person, Luis Leon — I'm sure he knew that Obama was coming in advance. You know he'd have to for security and all that. So he probably said, 'All right, I'm going to really rev it up now.' So Obama's presence inspires this guy to go all divisive, all racist and start jamming on the Republicans for wanting blacks in the back of the bus and women back of the kitchen, when he can't name a single person who does."
"But the president of the United States, you may be right, may have inspired that in this preacher, and then sat there and listened to it — and, by definition, approvingly so, by not getting up and leaving it, and by not criticizing it when he walks out, which does not surprise me," he continued. "I know that this president's not interested in unifying people. But a lot of people think he is."
Obama's Easter Sermon Replaces Faith With Filth
In his Easter sermon today, Rev. Luis Leon said, "It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back ... for blacks to be back in the back of the bus ... for women to be back in the kitchen ... for immigrants to be back on their side of the border." Rev. Leon spewed this revisionist history in front of President Obama and his family.
But if by the "right" Rev. Leon means Republicans, he needs to learn his history. The people who sent my grandparents to the back of the bus were Democrats, not Republicans.Democrats passed discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws. It was the Democrats who, just a few years ago elected former Klansmen, Sen. Robert Byrd president of the Senate. It was Alabama's Democratic Governor, George Wallace who stood in front of the doors of the University of Alabama, blocking blacks from entering the school. And now it's Democrats in Alabama who are, ironically, fighting to keep poor black kids in failing schools. Even the Democrat's own party website is devoid of specific examples of the "advances" they claim to have made for "civil rights." The Democratic Party of slavery and segregation can't hold a candle to the Republican's history on civil rights.
And it's not just the history.
No, today, the person pushing blacks to the back of the economic bus is President Obama who's presiding over an abysmal 13.8% black unemployment rate. Even female unemployment is higher than when Obama took office. Obama's failures here have even drawn criticism from NAACP President, Ben Jealous who admitted that blacks are still "doing worse" under Obama. And when they're not encouraging blacks to be helpless victims, dependent on government for food, housing, and transportation, it's the Democrats who are pushing a pro-abortion agenda, akin to genocide, and which results, annually, in hundreds of thousands of dead black babies.
These are the facts that Rev. Leon may not have known today, before he went on his false and filthy rant. It is President Obama and his party encouraging a backwards agenda of hopelessness and dependency and a liberal, if it feels good, do it philosophy that will bankrupt America as it has America's culture.
Otherwise, Happy Easter!
bcc'd: "red diaper babies", fellow travelers, appeasers, quislings, o'commiecrats, RINOs and weak sisters.
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