If you’re a frequenter of the Obamacare exchange and have had occasion to call the hotline and ask questions about the program, then this phone number is a familiar one:
Writer Discovers National Obamacare Hotline Phone Number Spells 1 800 F1U CKYO
But it might come as a surprise what the hotline number becomes when corresponding keypad letters are substituted, as one writer has discovered (Warning: Rough language ahead):
Fun fact: if you exclude the 1 (no associated letters), the federal Obamacare hotline is 1-800-FUCK-YO https://t.co/3j7vpxZqWe
Writer Discovers National Obamacare Hotline Phone Number Spells 1 800 F1U CKYO
Lachlan Markay
Among the caveats in this interesting observation is that the number 1 on most phone keypads has no letters associated with it, so in essence one seeking help with Obamacare is dialing 1-800-F1U-CKYO.
Also, the crucial “U” is missing from the end this number, but the similarity is ironic at least.
So one might say Obamacare officials just missed out on a pretty entertaining possibility when they didn’t remove the unassigned number 1 and chose not to place an 8 at the end, but if you want to commit the number to memory, this isn't an ineffective method.
Conservatives, however, might say the phrase is closer to a Freudian slip. (Fehlleistungenparapraxes or 'slip of the tongue'.)
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(H/T: BizPac Review)