Posted on ProLifeBlogs.com by Josh Brahm on Right to Life of Central California Th.23Jul09
In case you missed it, Jon Stewart recently hosted former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee on his popular Comedy Central program "The Daily Show." Huckabee had previously been a guest, and Stewart invited him to return to discuss and issue of his choice. Mike chose the abortion issue. Click here to watch the entire unedited interview. (If you haven't seen it, I would encourage you to consider watching it before reading this article.)
First, as inflammatory as the title might be, I actually am a fan of the Daily Show. It's funny, and I think Jon Stewart is probably one of the brightest political commentators in the country. I also believe that pro-lifers need to stay in touch with how we're perceived by the other side. (Sometimes it's deserved, and sometimes it's not.)
Second, in general, I think this was a great discussion. Both Jon and Mike went into the dialogue with the mindset that this is a tough issue and not all people on the opposite side are wackos. Neither side was demonized and the discussion was very respectful.
That said, people have been attacking Mike for having the gall to even talk about this issue, so I'm going to balance this out a little, not by attacking Mr. Stewart, but by analyzing Stewart's arguments a little deeper. I recognize that Mr. Huckabee couldn't have used all of my talking points since time is a major factor in settings like this, but I will offer several for your consideration. Let's take a look...
Click here to read the article, complete with Jon & Mike's comments in full text and additional in depth narrative by Josh Brahm (bio), author of this post.
From: http://huckabeefanclub.livejournal.com/ posted at ProLifeBlogs on Th.23Jul09
Mike Huckabee is by far the strongest Pro-Life future President America will ever have.
Thousands of Huckabee Fans from coast to coast, from the North, South, East and West are rallying around Mike Huckabee for U.S. President in 2012.
>>> Google it to find out: Huckabee Fan Club, 50 States of Huckabee Fans that span 351 Counties in America and expanding daily. That's more than 11% of every single county in every single state of America already! By the time 2012 rolls in, there will be a Huckabee Fan in every county of every state in America. This gigantic network of connected Huckabee Fans will build phenomenal momentum for Mike Huckabee going into the Presidential Elections.
Ronald Reagan came back with a historic landslide victory against a sitting President from his 1976 loss to his huge win in 1980 to become one of the America's best President.
Both Mike Huckabee and Ronald Reagan share so many similiar attributes.
1. Both long term governor’s of their state
2. Both had their TV shows
3. Both had their Radio shows
4. Both are strong Pro-Life conservatives
5. Both are for tax reform (Supply side and Fair Tax)
6. Both came into a recession economy
7. Both of them the establishment didn’t jump on board with right away
8. Both of them are Charismatic leaders
9. Both are for limited government
10. Both are Great Communicators
So all you pro-lifers, stop by the "Huckabee Fan Club" today to help the innocent unborn children out there have a future life by helping Mike Huckabee build this gigantic momentum before the 2012 Presidential Elections. No hill is too high for a Huckabee Fan to climb! Onward Huckabee Fans!
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