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Current Headlines
• Democrats Reach Deal on Pro-Abortion Health Care Bill, Fall Vote
• Pro-Life Group: Sonia Sotomayor Will Back Abortion on Supreme Court
• Pro-Life Group Runs "Harry and Louise" Ad Against Pro-Abortion Bill
• Obama Science Advisor Holdren Also Said Newborn Baby Net Fully Human
• Catholic Groups Questioned About Support for Health Care Bills
• Opposition Builds to Sotomayor, Democrats Getting Fewer GOP Votes
• New United Nation Treaty Obama Favors Targets Unborn With Abortion
• Pregnant Woman Killed, Unborn Child Taken From Her Body
• Mormons More Likely Pro-Life on Abortion Than Evangelicals
• Terri Schiavo Documentary Wins More Awards, Schindlers Help Disabled
• IRS Postpones Case Against Pro-Life Pastor Who Endorsed McCain
• Norma McCorvey Tells Pelosi to Stop Pro-Abortion Health Care
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House Democrats Reach Deal on Pro-Abortion Health Care Bill, Fall Vote ExpectedWashington, DC ( -- Democrats in the House of Representatives have reached a deal on a health care bill that had the backing of party leaders but opposition from moderate members. The new deal paves the way for a committee vote this week, but a full House vote is not expected until the fall. With the Senate also waiting until after the August Congressional recess to vote on its health care restructuring bill, pro-life advocates have more time to generate support for amendments to the bill or opposition if those changes fail to materialize. The pro-life movement opposes the government-run health care plan as the bills in Congress currently stand. There are dual concerns that the bills would promote taxpayer funding of abortions and insurance coverage mandates and other concerns that it would lead to health care rationing for seniors and the disabled. Lawmakers in both the House and Senate have proposed more than 30 amendments to the bills and pro-abortion Democrats have opposed those amendments each time. Full story at
National Pro-Life Group: Sonia Sotomayor Will Back Abortion on Supreme CourtWashington, DC ( -- Should the Senate confirm appeals court Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, they will be adding another abortion advocate to its ranks. That's the gist of a new letter the National Right to Life Committee sent members of the Senate in an attempt to defeat her nomination. Yesterday, Sotomayor received a 13-6 vote from members of the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of her nomination to replace retiring pro-abortion Justice David Souter. With a vote in the full Senate expected as early as next week, NRLC wants senators to know the kind of nominee they will be considering and the potential ramifications of adding her to the Supreme Court. The National Right to Life letter acknowledges that "Sotomayor has encountered little in the way of abortion-related litigation, either at the district court or the court of appeals" during her tenure as a judge. "Yet, there are many troubling indications that Ms. Sotomayor believes that it is the proper role of the U.S. Supreme Court to construct and enforce constitutional doctrines on social policy questions," the letter explains. NRLC notes that Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision in 1973 that allowed virtually unlimited abortions, "was imposed by seven Supreme Court justices" in "an exercise in judicial legislation." "The evidence indicates that Ms. Sotomayor approves of the Roe ruling and approves of the type of judicial activism that produced it," the letter says. Full story at
Pro-Life Group Runs "Harry and Louise" Ad Against Pro-Abortion Health Care BillWashington, DC ( -- A national pro-life organization has launched an advertising campaign in five select states to warn about the pro-abortion dangers associated with the health care restructuring plans in Congress. The Family Research Council says the bills could mandate abortion coverage and taxpayer-funded abortions. During a live webcast Tuesday night, which FRC officials tell 49,000 pro-life advocates viewed, FRC president Tony Perkins unveiled a new television ad. The ad features an elderly couple reminiscent of the famous Harry and Louise ad that targeted the Clinton health care plan. "And to think that Planned Parenthood is included in the government-run health care plan and spending tax dollars on abortions," a man says to his wife. "They won't pay for our surgery, but we are forced to pay for our abortions." The commercial will run in five states, including Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Alaska, Louisiana, and Nebraska and is meant to generate calls and emails to members of the House and Senate. Full story at
Obama Science Advisor John Holdren Also Said Newborn Baby Net Fully HumanWashington, DC ( -- John Holdren, the Science Czar chosen by pro-abortion President Barack Obama, has already come under criticism for backing population control and forced abortions. Now, new information is appearing showing Holdren didn't believe that newborn infants are fully human. Holdren co-wrote a 1973 book ,"Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions," with infamous population control advocate Paul Ehrlich in which his view supporting forced abortion appears. Holdren's office later denied he held those views. In another manuscript, Holdren also says a newborn child "will ultimately develop into a human being" if properly fed and socialized. "The fetus, given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, will ultimately develop into a human being," Holdren wrote. Obama chose Holdren to become the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Full story at
Catholic Groups Questioned About Support for Pro-Abortion Health Care BillsWashington, DC ( -- Three Catholic organizations are facing questions from pro-life advocates for their support for the current health care restructuring bills in Congress. Although Catholics traditionally support expanded health care coverage, they also hold fast to pro-life teachings against abortion. That generate an inherent conflict whereby a government-run health care bill Catholic groups may normally endorse is generating opposition because there are no protections on abortion. As currently written, both he House and Senate bills pave the way for taxpayer-funded abortions and insurance mandates on abortion. Yet, Catholic Charities USA, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Catholic Health Association have banded together to promote the legislation. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul and Catholic Charities USA sent out an action alert asking members to contact their legislators immediately. Full story at
Opposition Builds to Sonia Sotomayor, Democrats Getting Fewer GOP VotesWashington, DC ( -- Now that the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor moves to the full Senate from the Senate Judiciary Committee, opposition is building to her nomination. Senate Democrats are acknowledging that more lawmakers oppose her bid for the Supreme Court. Sen. Bailey Hutchison, who is battling pro-life Gov. Rick Perry in the Republican primary for governor next year, announced her opposition today. Hutchinson said "her judicial philosophy is an area of great concern to me." "I am also concerned about her statements in a speech that the Federal appellate courts are where policy is made. I believe judges should interpret the law, not make it," she said. Richard Burr, a pro-life North Carolina senator, also announced his opposition. "I am concerned with Judge Sotomayor's ability to adhere to long-standing case precedent and apply the law according to a strict interpretation of the Constitution. I am troubled by her decisions in cases where she appears to have relied on something other than well-settled law to come to a decision," he said. Full story at
New United Nation's Treaty Obama Favors Targets Disabled Unborn With Abortion by Cliff Kincaid President Barack Obama's much-anticipated pro-United Nations treaty campaign has been launched with a White House ceremony declaring support for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. But despite the title and language of the treaty, including the affirmation of a "right to life," it is doubtful whether the treaty would protect the rights of unborn children with disabilities, such as those with Down syndrome. Through its affirmation of "sexual and reproductive health"-a phrase that clearly means access to abortion and abortion rights-the treaty also supports abortion, even though it has been estimated that over 90 percent of pregnancies in the United States with a diagnosis of Down syndrome are terminated through abortion. This controversial aspect of the seemingly non-controversial treaty has been completely ignored in the many stories hailing Obama's endorsement of the "legally binding" measure. However, it explains why a pro-abortion administration would support such a measure. This treaty, for the first time in history, establishes an international right to abortion. Full story at
Pregnant Woman in Massachusetts Killed, Unborn Child Taken From Her BodyWorcester, MA ( -- A pregnant women in Massachusetts was apparently killed on Monday and the assailant in the incident killed Darlene Haynes purposefully because she was pregnant. The attacker stole Haynes' unborn child after slicing open her womb following the attack. Haynes, 23 and who was eight months pregnant at the time, was discovered on Monday wrapped in a comforter in her second-floor apartment. A search is underway both for the baby who was taken from her and for the killer who is responsible for her death. Roberto C. Rodriguez, the ex-boyfriend of the slain woman and the father of the unborn child, told news agencies on Wednesday that he is devastated by the news and hopes authorities apprehend the assailant quickly and that the baby is found safely. "Turn yourself in or keep running," he said. "The Lord is going to catch up to you. Drop the kid off. Drop the kid off at a hospital." Full story at
Mormons More Likely to Take Pro-Life View on Abortion Than EvangelicalsWashington, DC ( -- A new survey by the Pew research forum finds that Mormons are more likely to take a pro-life view against abortion than the public in general and members of other religions. The Pew poll also finds Mormons have more conservative views as a whole and are more likely to back the Republican Party. The recently-released Pew survey and analysis compared Mormons to various religious groups and Americans as a whole. Pew found the general population learned slightly in favor of keeping abortions legal, which contrasts with five polls taken in April and May showing a pro-life majority or movement in the pro-life direction. Mormons, however, had a very strong pro-life position. Fully 70% say abortion should be illegal in most or all circumstances, compared with 42% among the general population, Pew found. They are also more pro-life (70-61 percent) than evangelical Christians. Full story at
Terri Schiavo Documentary Wins More Awards, Schindler Family Helps DisabledSt. Petersburg, FL ( -- The Terri Schiavo Story, a highly-regarded documentary on the life and euthanasia death of the disabled Florida woman, continues to rack up new awards. Meanwhile, the Schindler family continues to help disabled patients whose lives are threatened by doctors or families. Schiavo was killed in a painful starvation and dehydration euthanasia death over the course of nearly two weeks when her former husband won a court order to kill her and the documentary presents facts that the mainstream media distorted. Earlier this year the Terri Schiavo Story won the 2009 Jubilee Award at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival. Now, the film has won the 2009 Crown Award for Best Documentary at the ICVM conference (International Christian Visual Media). In addition, the Dove Foundation, known for their high standards in family entertainment and their "Family Approved" Seal, has given "The Terri Schiavo Story" its highest rating of five stars. Full story at
IRS Postpones Case Against Pro-Life Pastor Who Endorsed McCain Over ObamaMinneapolis, MN ( -- The Internal Revenue Service has postponed a case against a pro-life pastor in Minnesota who endorsed John McCain over pro-abortion presidential candidate Barack Obama. Pastor Gus Booth of Warroad Community Church participated in a special event during the election. A group of pastors issued endorsements for McCain in late September as a part of an effort to overturn a decades-long rule prohibiting endorsements from the pulpit. Aided by the pro-life law firm Alliance Defense Fund, they say the rules violate their free speech rights. More than 33 pastors across the United States were involved in the endorsement effort, including Booth. Booth told his congregation, "We need to vote for the most righteous of candidates. And it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that out. The most righteous is John McCain." Full story at
Norma McCorvey, of Roe v. Wade, Tells Pelosi to Stop Pro-Abortion Health CareWashington, DC ( -- Norma McCorvey, the former Jane Roe of the infamous Roe v. Wade case that allowed unlimited abortions, visited the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to urge the Congressional leader to support efforts to make the health care bills in the House abortion neutral. McCorvey joined with two dozen pro-life advocates at Pelosi's office on Tuesday but got no further than an aide and was not able to meet with Pelosi herself. After getting the aide to write down a note meant for Pelosi, McCorvey spoke with the media and said Pelosi should not receive communion because she is a pro-abortion Catholic. "[Pelosi] shouldn't be allowed to take communion," the recent Catholic convert said. "What I said was that Nancy Pelosi, since I'm a Catholic [like Pelosi], should not receive Holy Communion because she's pro-abortion and she doesn't deserve to receive the Holy Eucharist since she believes in killing children," McCorvey added. Full story at
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