Pro-Life News Update - Sunday, August 9, 2009
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Current Headlines
• White House: Snitch on People Who Oppose Pro-Abortion Health Care Bills
• AP Reverses Itself, Admits Health Care Bills Include Abortion Funding
• Obama Vows to Pass Pro-Abortion Health Care Bill, Americans Opposed
• Senate Confirms Ambassador to Vatican Who Backed Pro-Abortion Pols
• Catholic Bishop of Sponsor of "Common Ground" Abortion Bill Opposes It
• New Gallup Poll: Because of Obama, More Americans Still Pro-Life on Abortion
• Study: Have Fewer Children to Help Environment, May Lead to More Abortions
• Obama Advisor, Health Care Architect, Criticized as Backing Rationing for Disabled
• Associated Press Misleads Readers on Abortion, Health Care, and President Obama
• Pro-Life Advocate: Catholics Must Do More to Remove Abortion From Health Care
• Nancy Pelosi Again Avoids Question of Abortion in Government-Run Health Care
• Terri Schiavo's Brother Concerned by Rationing in Congressional Health Care Bills
• Pro-Life Group Renews Planned Parenthood Debate Challenge on Health Care
• Obama Staffer Says Abortion Compromise Coming Soon, Pro-Lifers Skeptical
• State and International Pro-Life News Headlines
White House: Snitch on People Who Oppose Pro-Abortion Health Care BillsWashington, DC ( -- The White House is not happy with the millions of Americans who oppose the pro-abortion government-run health care plan Congress is considering. In a new post on the White House web site, Obama administration officials ask people to become tattletales on groups and people who oppose the health care bill. In a post titled "Facts Are Stubborn Things" that is quickly generating nationwide controversy, Obama's staff are asking for people to turn in anyone who says anything "fishy" about the pro-abortion health plan. With the abortion funding and insurance mandates for abortion that are in the bill, and the Obama's administration and pro-abortion groups insisting that pro-abortion components are not present, that could wind up at the top of the list. "There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end-of-life care," the White House says. "These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain e-mails or through casual conversation." "Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an e-mail or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to," the Obama web site says. Full story at
ACTION: Contact members of the House and Senate and urge strong support for any amendment to exclude abortion from their health care bills. Ask them to oppose any health care bill that allows abortion funding. Call 202-224-3121 or go to and for specific contact information.
Associated Press Reverses Itself, Admits Health Care Bills Include Abortion FundingWashington, DC ( -- Two days after exposed an Associated Press article that mislead its readers on the abortion funding contained in the government-run health care plans, AP has backtracked. The news service is now reporting that the bills Congress is considering will result in taxpayer-funded abortions. AP features a new article today with the headline, "Gov't insurance would allow coverage for abortion." Reporter Ricardo Alonsozaldivar writes, "Health care legislation before Congress would allow a new government-sponsored insurance plan to cover abortions, a decision that would affect millions of women and recast federal policy on the divisive issue." That's a far cry from the weekend story where AP writer Charles Babington wrote a "fact check" that claimed it is "not clear" if abortion funding is included in the legislation. The Babington story was so bad that Douglas Johnson, the legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee, told, "We respectfully ask that AP retract this distorted" article. While the first AP piece claimed the health care bill "could create a government-run insurance program, or insurance 'exchanges,' that would not involve Medicaid" that could involve abortion funding, the new piece says that is now the case. Full story at
Associated Press Misleads Readers on Abortion, Health Care, and President Obama
Full story at
Obama Vows to Pass Pro-Abortion Health Care Bill, Poll Shows Americans OpposedWashington, DC ( -- President Barack Obama on Wednesday vowed to pass a government-run health care bill, although both of the proposals in the House and Senate currently require abortion funding. Despite his pledge, a new poll finds Americans don't support how Obama is handling health care. Obama in Indiana on Wednesday to revive grassroots support for his efforts to have government-run health care. "I promise you, we will pass reform by the end of this year because the American people need it," Obama said. "We're going to have to make it happen." But the American people don't want it, at least not in the fashion that Obama is attempting to get through Congress. As other polls show Obama's approval rating slipping to the lowest levels of his presidency, a new Quinnipiac University poll on Wednesday found 52 percent of voters disapprove of Obama's handling of health care while just 39 percent approve. That was a shift from 46 percent approval against 42 percent disapproval in a July 1 survey form the college's polling institute. Full story at
Senate Confirms Catholic Ambassador to Vatican Who Backed Pro-Abortion PolsWashington, DC ( -- The Senate has confirmed the nomination of Miguel Diaz, a Catholic professor President Barack Obama nominated to become the next Vatican ambassador. However, some pro-life advocates opposed Diaz's nomination because he supported Obama and other pro-abortion politicians. Diaz is a professor of theology at the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph, and St. John's University in Collegeville, both in Minnesota and is the first Hispanic named to represent the U.S. to the Holy See. He issued a statement thanking the Senate and Obama "for the confidence he has invested in me." "I am honored to be given the responsibility of representing the people of the United States to the Holy See," he said. "I very much appreciate the support of all those who have reached out to me and to my family with their prayers and best wishes during this process." However, pro-life advocates doubt that Diaz could effectively represent a pro-abortion administration to the Catholic Church, which has longstanding pro-life teachings. They point out that Diaz was a member of Obama's Catholic advisory team during the 2008 presidential campaign and helped cover up his pro-abortion record during the campaign. Full story at
Catholic Bishop of Sponsor of Fake "Common Ground" Abortion Bill Opposes ItWashington, DC ( -- The Catholic bishop of the formerly pro-life congressman who is sponsoring a bill he says is a "common ground" measure on abortion opposes the legislation. Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan has introduced what he calls a pro-life bill that sends more money to the Planned Parenthood abortion business. Persuaded more the effect than the intent of the legislation, Youngstown Bishop George Murry, the leading Catholic official in Ryan's district, says he opposes the measure. "This act is based on the mistaken belief that greater access to contraception reduces abortions and, in addition, some contraceptives may have an abortifacient effect," Bishop Murry said in a statement the Catholic Key blog released. "Numerous studies as well as life experiences have shown that taxpayer support of contraception does not reduce unintended pregnancies and abortions. For example, a 2006 study by the Alan Guttmacher Institute presents evidence that those States which are aggressive in promoting contraception also have the highest abortion rates," Murry explained. Full story at
New Gallup Poll: Because of Obama, More Americans Still Pro-Life on AbortionWashington, DC ( -- Following on the heels of a survey showing a majority of Americans calling themselves pro-life for the first time in over a decade, a new Gallup survey out today shows more Americans say they are pro-life on abortion than "pro-choice." The poll found a 47 percent plurality of Americans say they are pro-life compared with 46 percent who say they support abortion. Another seven percent of the people polled couldn't say whether they aligned themselves more with the pro-life movement or the pro-abortion position. Editors at Gallup say the trend towards the pro-life position is due to the pro-abortion record of President Barack Obama. Although the figure is lower than the 51 percent who called themselves pro-life in the May Gallup survey, Gallup editor Lydia Saad admitted that "both 2009 readings show more Americans labeling themselves 'pro-life' than has been the case in recent years." The May 7-10, 2009, Gallup survey found a significantly higher percentage of Americans identifying themselves as "pro-life" by a 51-42 percent margin. The Gallup Poll Daily tracking from May 12-13 found a similar result. The new poll is the first one to have been conducted after the shooting death of late-term abortion practitioner George Tiller, which received considerable media coverage. The shooting, allegedly done by someone who has no ties with the pro-life movement, likely temporarily deflated the number of Americans who call themselves pro-life. Full story at
Study: Have Fewer Children to Help Environment, May Lead to More AbortionsWashington, DC ( -- A new study that claims overpopulation exists and that it hurts the environment has an answer for parents: have fewer children. The study could lead to more abortions and promote euthanasia, since it says children who live longer in more developed countries pose a bigger environmental threat. The report comes at a time when other documentaries are showing underpopulation problems in many areas of the world. The latest junk science report to say people are a problem comes from statisticians at Oregon State University. The OSU researchers claim the adverse impact of couples having a second child is 20 times more adverse to the environment than helpful practices they could engage in such as recycling, driving a low-mileage car or using energy efficient light bulbs. Murtaugh complained that having a child normally results in that person having offspring and the combined effects of the people -- who may otherwise be killed in abortions -- is worse for the environment. The statistician also said that having an additional child in the United States or other developed nations is worse than having an extra baby in a place like China, where the nation's government already has a forced-abortion one-child policy per couple rule in place. Full story at
Obama Advisor, Health Care Architect, Criticized as Backing Rationing for DisabledWashington, DC ( -- Most Americans have probably never heard the name Ezekiel Emanuel, but he could have the power to shape the health care landscape for the disabled. Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, is an Obama advisor and a chief architect of the Congressional health care plan. Emanuel is the health-policy adviser at the Office of Management and Budget and a member of Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research. One respected pro-life advocate says Americans should be worried because Emanuel appeared to support rationing health care for disabled Americans. That could lead to euthanasia. Bradley Mattes, the director of Life Issues Institute, says Emanuel was quoted in 1996 saying medical benefits of a government-controlled healthcare plan would not be given to "individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens." Emanuel clarified his stance by adding, "An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia." As Mattes says, "If you don't think the healthcare plan of Barack Obama and the leaders in Congress will result in widespread rationing of medical services," then he urges Americans to pay attention to Emanuel. Full story at

Nancy Pelosi Again Avoids Question of Abortion in Government-Run Health CareWashington, DC ( -- The House and Senate bills for government-run health care pave the way for taxpayer-funding of abortion and abortion mandates in insurance. Yet, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has twice dodged a question about whether she supports including abortion funding in the health care plans. One week ago, CNN's John King asked Pelosi if the government-run health plan should cover abortions. Pelosi stammered, saying, "That's not--that's not the issue. The issue is people go out there to--we'll be working on that issue. But that's not the issue." At a Friday press conference, a Cybercast News Service reporter asked "Could you please give me a yes-or-no answer on whether or not you personally, Speaker Pelosi, support expressly prohibiting the funding of abortion through the federally subsidized health plan created by the health-care reform bill." Pelosi was slightly more articulate but still failed to give a yes or no answer. "Well, my position on a women's right to choose is well known," Pelosi responded. "This issue, however, will not stand in the way of us advancing the health-care legislation." Full story at
Terri Schiavo's Brother Concerned by Rationing in Congressional Health Care BillsWashington, DC ( -- Bobby Schindler, the brother of Terri Schiavo, knows a thing or two about health care rationing. Forced to sit idly by as his sister's estranged husband deprived her of food and water for a period of 13 days before she died, Schindler is concerned the government-run health bills in Congress will foster rationing. In a new editorial, appearing on the conservative web site Townhall, Schindler talks about the problems associated with the health care restructuring bills. Schindler responds to a comment from Republican party chairman Michael Steele who said the rationing components are so bad that they will "make the Terri Schiavo case look like a walk in the park." He wrote that he found "Steele's remarks and his concern regarding a government-controlled health care system" to be "ironic." "What happened to Terri is a perfect example of what he and Republicans are now trying to prevent from happening and what so many health care experts are warning us will happen if President Obama gets his way and establishes a system of health care rationing that would inevitably lead to countless premature deaths," Schindler warns. Full story at
Pro-Life Group Renews Planned Parenthood Debate Challenge on Health CareWashington, DC ( -- The Family Research Council is renewing its challenge to Planned Parenthood to debate whether or not the government-run health care bills Congress is debating cover abortions. FRC released a television ad blasting abortion's inclusion and Planned Parenthood has been on the attack ever since. Planned Parenthood has aggressively attacked FRC since it released the television ads and its president, Cecile Richards, continued the attacks on Monday. In a scathing editorial appearing in the pro-abortion blog Huffington Post, claiming, "Family Research Council has never been known to let the facts get in the way of good, old-fashioned hysteria." Richards claims it is a myth that taxpayer money would be used to pay for abortions in the government-run health care plan. Perkins challenged Richards to debate the health care bills and whether they pave the way for abortion funding. Richards has yet to respond and Perkins is renewing his challenge. "Last week, I couriered a letter to Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards inviting her to debate the question of taxpayer-funded abortion and whether or not citizens would be forced to fund abortion under the current health care reform bills," he told Full story at
Obama Staffer Says Abortion Compromise Coming Soon, Pro-Lifers SkepticalWashington, DC ( -- President Barack Obama's top staffer for faith-based issues says the abortion compromise proposal his office is crafting is coming soon. But one pro-life advocate who was involved in the discussions is very skeptical that the White House will craft a real proposal that legitimately reduces abortions. Joshua DuBois, head of The White House Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships gave an interview to David Brody of CBN News. In it, he talked about what can be expected from the Obama administration in the next three to six months concerning the compromise proposal. "The good thing is that the President has been extraordinarily clear about this. He knows that there are very clear perspectives on both sides of this difficult issue,' DuBois said. "But he thinks there's a lot of area in the middle that we can potentially find some agreement on whether it's strengthening the institution of adoption or making sure that pregnant women have the health care and the care and support to bring a pregnancy to term,' DuBois added. Full story at
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