National health care Bill Does Not Exclude Abortions
Congress is out of session now for August recess, but the national health care debate continues to rage on.
Currently, both versions of the health care bill in the House and Senate will require abortion coverage funded or subsidized by your tax dollars. And unfortunately, all attempts so far to exclude abortion and include conscience protections for medical professionals who do not want to provide abortions have been defeated.
Your legislators are back home, and while there, many will be hosting town hall meetings to talk with constituents about what is going on in our nation's capital. This is a prime opportunity for concerned citizens to meet with their legislators and let them know what they'd like to see happen with health care reform.
These meetings will be especially important for those of us who are pro-life because this is our chance to let our legislators know that we do not want our tax dollars to be used to pay for abortions in federally mandated health care.
There are two things that we at Focus on the Family Action™ would like to ask you to do during this congressional recess.
Take Action
Contact your U.S. senators' and representative's district offices and ask them to specifically exclude abortion from the health care reform plan, as well as include specific protections for health care providers' rights of conscience.
Then while you have their office on the phone see if they will be hosting a town hall meeting near you that you could attend.
Contact information for your representative is available in our Action Center.

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