From: Fr. Frank Pavone Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Subject: What they did to this little girl must NEVER happen again!
I've sent you this extremely urgent email for one specific reason: The youngest members of our human family need you to step forward and become a Freedom Rider for the Unborn! To do so -click here and fill out the form at the bottom of the page! Then click here and send Priests for Life the largest gift you can so that we can recruit, train, and mobilize more Freedom Riders for the Unborn! If you do this - and if every other member of our Priests for Life family does so as well - then I am confident we will advance our pro-life cause to the point where abortion will once again be not only illegal, but also unthinkable!But it all begins with YOU ... today ... right now. As a Freedom Rider for the Unborn, you will be following the simple instructions Christ gave us in His first sermon. That's when He told us that He came ..."To proclaim liberty to the captives!" As Christ's disciples and members of the People of LIFE, that's what we must do today. And that's exactly what Priests for Life is going to do through our upcoming Freedom Ride project and what you will be doing as a Freedom Rider for the Unborn. Together, we will FREE America from the chains of abortion and achieve VICTORY in our fight to end legalized abortion! Believe me when I tell you that our Pro-life Freedom Ride events will take America by storm! Our message will be new. It will be fresh. It will re-energize our movement's base. And it will ignite the pro-life embers that lie smoldering in the hearts of our fellow Americans. Best of all, as I told you in an email I sent you a few days ago ... ... our Freedom Ride project has the potential to create a national outcry against abortion that will be so loud and so forceful than no one can ignore it! Not judges! Not politicians! Not reporters! Not corporate executives! Not teachers! Not Church leaders! Not teenagers! NO ONE!!!! They won't be able to ignore us for the simple reason that .... ... we'll be talking about FREEDOM!!! That's going to make all the difference in the world because it's going to turn the tables on the abortion extremists who cry "Right to Choose" when what they really mean is "Right to Kill." To show you why, let me take you back a few years to a cold January day. It was the first time our full-time Pastoral Associate Dr. Alveda King walked with me in Nellie Gray's March for Life. Alveda comes from a line of civil rights champions. Her late father was Rev. A. D. King. And her uncle was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As we strode up Constitution Avenue together toward the Capitol, with tens and hundreds of thousands of fellow pro-life Americans all around us, I turned to Alveda and asked her, "Does this remind you of the marches in the civil rights movement?" Without missing a beat Alveda looked at me and declared: "Fr. Frank, this IS the civil rights movement!" She's right. The Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and our Pro-Life movement of today have the same heart and soul; namely, a longing for equal justice for everyone, based on the inherent dignity of every human life. In a word, both movements are all about FREEDOM ... ... FREEDOM from the lies and the deceit that allow abortion to continue! Just as Alveda's father and uncle shouted for all the world to hear: "Let my people go!"... FREEDOM from the fear of speaking up and taking action for the unborn! ... FREEDOM from the despair that leads people to the abortion mills! ... FREEDOM from the shame and guilt of past involvement in abortion! ... FREEDOM from the political oppression that tramples on human rights and denies equality before the law! ... FREEDOM from all the violence and death of abortion. Alveda will join me as we proclaim: "Let our babies live!" And not just our babies, but our mothers and daughters and sisters! Our fathers and sons and brothers! Our grandmothers and grandfathers! Even our very nation itself! What's more, just as I am inviting you to become a Freedom Rider for the Unborn today, so we will invite people all across the country to take an active role in our Pro-life Freedom Rides and become Freedom Riders for the Unborn! That's because our Priests for Life family must lead the way and set the example for others to follow. We must be out front carrying the banner of LIFE and calling the people of life to follow us and join us as we win FREEDOM FROM ABORTION for all Americans! And just as the Freedom Riders of the sixties fought segregation in America until it ended, ... so the Freedom Riders for the Unborn will fight legalized abortion in America We will do so because we will bring together our entire pro-life movement and proclaim for all to hear that ours is a movement to be reckoned with!until it ends! Those proclamations will be made at the major events scheduled to take place in cities wherever our Freedom Ride buses go. Even as you read this, Freedom Ride plans are being finalized. The cities we'll be visiting. The routes we'll be taking. The events we'll be holding. In every instance, each Freedom Ride event will be tailored to maximize effectiveness and ... ... UNIFY the local pro-life community But that's only the beginning.... RECRUIT more activists into our ranks ... FIRE UP the "old guard" to renew their passion for the battle ... TRAIN the next generation of pro-life leaders ... ACTIVATE the clergy - Catholic, Protestant, Jewish ... all of them! ... ENERGIZE the local churches to rise up and lead the fight to end abortion ... ESTABLISH "abortion free zones" in minority neighborhoods ... SHOW people the grisly consequences of abortion ... and more! To maximize the impact of these events, at the same time that we hold Freedom Ride rallies and events in selected cities around the country, Freedom Riders for the Unborn will be carrying out special pro-life projects and events in their own cities and towns. That will give each Freedom Ride event a national flavor. As you can see, it's going to take a lot of coordination and forward planning to pull this off. It's also going to take a lot of money ... literally hundreds of thousands of dollars. That money is needed to: - Charter Freedom Ride buses. Buy fuel. Hire drivers. Purchase insurance. - Print all the materials we will be giving away during our travels. These will include:
- Buy advertising space on radio stations, in local newspapers, and on the Internet to promote Pro-Life Freedom Ride appearances and events. - Rent whatever equipment we'll need at our various events (for example, microphones, sound systems, speakers, overhead projectors and the like). - Pay for food and lodging as our Pro-Life Freedom Ride makes its way from city to city along our mapped out routes. This is why it is so critically important that you click here and send Priests for Life the largest gift you can! In order to get a better idea of just how massive this project is - and why your financial support is so vital - Priests for Life has put together a document that will give you a clearer understanding of all that's involved in this undertaking. That document includes: 1. An Overview of the Freedom Ride project. 2. A call from Dr. Alveda King to be a "Freedom Rider for the Unborn." 3. The "Project / Event Structure." 4. And the overall "Timetable" we're following as we put this historic project together. I invite you to click here and go to our "Freedom Ride" home page to view this document. Near the top of the page you'll see these words: ?Click here for the Freedom Rides Report.? Click on that and you will be taken to the overview of the entire project. Although I encourage you to read through the entire report, what I really need you to focus on right now is the last section ... the one with the word "Timetable" at the top. Please click here and do that now. As you can see, the first two months - October and November of this year - are already behind us. It is now December and the item for this month that concerns me the most is the sixth and final one: "Deposits due for event components - buses, venues, permits, etc." Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of the Priests for Life family, those outstanding bills I told you about in my last email have been paid down enough so that we are able to move forward with the whole Freedom Ride project. Unfortunately, Priests for Life still doesn't have enough money to do that and sustain all of the other life-saving work that we're currently engaged in. That work includes ... ... producing our "Defending Life" series that airs on EWTN ... producing pro-life spots that are carried on Catholic and Protestant radio stations ... conducting pro-life parish visits ... inspiring local pro-life groups all across the country to persevere in the fight ... saving lives out in front of the abortion mills ... energizing the clergy to take the lead in the fight to end abortion ... supplying the pro-life movement with the materials needed to defeat abortion ... maintaining our Priests for Life website - the largest pro-life website in the world! ... sending out email alerts to pro-life activists ... distributing pro-life newsletters to priests and seminarians ... conducting retreats for women and men who have been ravaged by abortion ... bringing healing to women who have been victimized by abortion ... and so much more. Complicating matters is the fact that, as much as I'd like to, I'm not at liberty to announce the exact date when our first Freedom Ride bus will hit the road, nor even tell you what city it will go to. I have to withhold that information because, as you can imagine, many of our enemies in the abortion movement will read this email or go to our website and see what we have planned. If they know the precise dates and times and places of our Freedom Ride too far in advance, they will be able to disrupt our plans and minimize our impact. Moreover, I have to finalize the involvement of the local leaders before announcing details. What I can tell you is that if all goes according to plan - and I am confident it will - the first Freedom Ride bus will be fired up and on the road in the Spring of 2010. In order for that to happen, however, I'm counting on you to click here and rush Priests for Life the largest contribution you can send ... and I need you to do this right now - before you move on to your next email because time is running short! In asking this of you, I know I'm placing a heavy burden on your shoulders. But I have no choice. Victory over abortion will only come about through the sacrifices of the People of LIFE. Of that much I'm absolutely certain. That's why everyone here at Priests for Life gives of themselves every hour of the working day to advance the cause of life. They do so because they know that's what it will take to end legalized abortion in America. But they do so for another reason, too. And that is this: They know how much you sacrifice to send Priests for Life the dollars that you do. Without question, we're all in this together. Each of us has a role to play. And part of your duty as a Freedom Rider for the Unborn is to make whatever sacrifice is necessary so that the youngest members of our human family can one day enjoy the gift of life that we have been blessed to know. Make no mistake. Our Freedom Rides have the power to rouse our fellow Americans from their slumber and get them to join us as we fight to win back the RIGHT TO LIFE for all Americans! And here's something else I want you to keep in mind right now ... or rather someone else. You may remember my telling you about this child several months ago. Perhaps not. In either case, her tragic story bears repeating so that we never forget why it is we belong to the People of LIFE and give so much of ourselves to the fight against abortion. This past February a tiny baby girl was born alive during a botched abortion. But rather than be protected and nurtured, this living breathing little girl was mercilessly stuffed in a plastic biohazard bag and callously thrown out with the trash. Think about that defenseless, helpless little girl. Then do what I did: GET MAD and vow to do whatever it takes to make sure that never happens again to another innocent, defenseless child!!! Never!!! For the sake of that little girl and all those who suffer from the violence of abortion, click here and become a Freedom Rider for the Unborn! Then click here and make whatever sacrifice is necessary to send Priests for Life the largest gift you can to support our upcoming Freedom Ride and all our work to end abortion. Remember: Without your help, we are powerless to act. But with it, we can - and will - win the fight against abortion. So please be as generous as you possibly can. And if I may ask you one more favor. Each year I survey our supporters to learn how we can serve their needs more effectively. After giving your donation, would you take a moment and fill out the short survey I've placed at It is very important to me to know what you're thinking about our ministry! Thank you. And know that in thanksgiving for your support, I will remember you at each Mass that I offer; as will the other priests here at Priests for Life. God bless. Sincerely yours in Christ, ![]() PS Here's another reason why our upcoming Freedom Rides are so important. In addition to providing us with the opportunity to write the Gospel of Life on the hearts of our fellow Americans, they will also activate, mobilize and educate VOTERS so that they can advance the Culture of LIFE in the voting booth next November. It's a key aspect of freedom to live under a government that secures the rights of the people rather than snuffs them out! NOTE: If you prefer to send a check, please make it out to Priests for Life and send it to us at PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314. If you have any questions, call us toll-free at 888-735-3448. x232 | Pro-Life News Report Friday, December 11, 2009
Current Headlines • House Approves Omnibus Spending Bill That Funds Abortions in Nation's Capital • Ben Nelson Still Backs Filibuster of Senate Bill Without Abortion Funding Ban • Opposition to Health Care Bill Shoots Up After Abortion Funding Ban Defeated • Report: Senators Get More Money From Pro-Abortion Than Pro-Life Groups • Govt Funds Wisconsin Planned Parenthood That Misled Women on Abortion • Congressman Chris Smith: Human Rights Day Should Include China, Abortion • Abortion at Charlotte, North Carolina Center May Have Killed Woman, Video Taken • Canada's National Post Paper Promotes China's One-Child, Forced Abortion Policy • Chinese Delegation Pushes Population Control at Copenhagen Climate Change Mtg • New Whole Life Pro-Life Group Upset by Barbara Mikulski's Pro-Abortion Facade • Another Major Problem With the Senate Health Care Bill: Sex Education Promotion
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--> Is your Right to Life group or pregnancy center looking for an affordable speaker? Need a speaker for a conference, convention, church presentation or on short notice? Consider Editor Steven Ertelt. Email us for details.
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