From: Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 Pro-Life News Report Pro-Life News Report
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit |
• Pelosi Aide: Health Care Summit a Trick, Strategy on Pro-Abortion Bill Decided
• White House Faith Office Director: Still Working on Plan to Reduce Abortions
• Dawn Johnsen May Receive Recess Appointment, Perhaps Supreme Court Seat
• Poll: Majority of Americans Say Abstinence Effective, Want Parents Involved
• Planned Parenthood Abortion Center in Alabama on Probation, Hid Sexual Abuse
• Cartoons Poke Fun at Pro-Abortion Opposition to Tebow Pro-Life Commercial
• Wife of Jailed Chinese Forced Abortion Opponent Granted Brief Prison Visit• Controversy Continues on USCCB Official's "Involvement" in Pro-Abortion Group
• California Governor Schwarzenegger, Jack O'Connell Should Back Abstinence• Ohio House Speaker Backs Down, Will Allow Pro-Life Teen to Receive Award• Rockford, Ill Places Proposed Abortion Bubble Zone Limiting Pro-Lifers on Hold
• Pro-Life News Briefs
--> Thanks for the good start to our $37,000 Winter fundraising campaign. With your help, we are over 11.7 percent of the way to our goal of responding to 37 years of unborn children killed in abortion.
You can make an online donation using the donation button on the left-hand side of You can also send a check to, PO Box 270841, Fort Collins, CO, 80527. Thank you!
Pelosi Aide: Health Care Summit a Trick, Strategy on Pro-Abortion Bill Decided
Washington, DC ( -- President Barack Obama has proposed a bipartisan health care summit for later this month that Republican detractors bill as a publicity stunt designed to generate more support for the flailing pro-abortion health care bill. Now, an aide to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi essentially admitted that's the case.
In comments reported by Congress Daily, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's top health care aide Wendell Primus admitted top Democrats have already decided on the strategy to pass the Senate's pro-abortion, government-run health care bill.
Primus explained that the Senate will use the controversial reconciliation strategy that will have the House approve the Senate bill and both the House and Senate okaying changes to the bill that the Senate will sign off on by preventing Republicans from filibustering.
"The trick in all of this is that the president would have to sign the Senate bill first, then the reconciliation bill second, and the reconciliation bill would trump the Senate bill," Primus said at the National Health Policy Conference hosted by Academy Health and Health Affairs.
"There's a certain skill, there's a trick, but I think we'll get it done," he said.
Conservative columnist Connie Hair noted Primus' remarks and called the reconciliation strategy and the White House health care summit two big "rope-a-dope" plays that are "just another in a long charade of dog and pony shows." Full story at

In comments reported by Congress Daily, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's top health care aide Wendell Primus admitted top Democrats have already decided on the strategy to pass the Senate's pro-abortion, government-run health care bill.
Primus explained that the Senate will use the controversial reconciliation strategy that will have the House approve the Senate bill and both the House and Senate okaying changes to the bill that the Senate will sign off on by preventing Republicans from filibustering.
"The trick in all of this is that the president would have to sign the Senate bill first, then the reconciliation bill second, and the reconciliation bill would trump the Senate bill," Primus said at the National Health Policy Conference hosted by Academy Health and Health Affairs.
"There's a certain skill, there's a trick, but I think we'll get it done," he said.
Conservative columnist Connie Hair noted Primus' remarks and called the reconciliation strategy and the White House health care summit two big "rope-a-dope" plays that are "just another in a long charade of dog and pony shows." Full story at

The faith office last held a meeting in May to discuss how to reduce abortions and promote adoption, and that meeting produced significant skepticism from pro-life advocates that the Obama administration was serious about reducing abortions.
In fact, one top Obama staffer admitted that the goal of the office and its eventual plan is not to reduce abortions but to reduced the "need" for them.
In an exclusive interview with CBN News lead correspondent David Brody, Joshua DuBois, the director of the office, sought to reassure pro-life advocates that a plan is forthcoming.
"It's very much a priority of the President to find common ground on this difficult issue," DuBois told Brody.
He said his office, "along with the Domestic Policy Council in which we sit and The White House council on Women and Girls met with a range of organizations are now pulling together a lot of information to present to the President so that he can eventually talk about where the administration will go in this important area so that's still very much on the table." Full story at
Dawn Johnsen May Receive Recess Appointment, Perhaps Supreme Court Seat

Meanwhile, conservatives Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski, write in a new editorial that Obama could be grooming Johnsen for an appointment to either the Supreme Court or the most influential appeals court in the nation.
Republicans, joined by Nebraska Democrat Ben Nelson, have been successful in holding off Johnsen's nomination with a filibuster.
As a result, Obama told reporters this week that he may consider appointing Johnsen via a recess appointment.
"I respect the Senate's role to advise and consent, but for months, qualified, non- controversial nominees for critical positions in government, often positions related to our national security, have been held up despite having overwhelming support," Obama said.
"If the Senate does not act …, I will consider making several recess appointments during the upcoming recess because we can't afford to let politics stand in the way of a well functioning government," Obama said. Full story at
Poll Shows Majority of Americans Say Abstinence Effective, Want Parents Involved
Washington, DC ( -- A new Rasmussen poll shows a majority of Americans believe abstinence education programs are effect and a commanding majority would rather have parents than schools teaching sex education. The survey follows on a new study showing abstinence more effective than sex education.
According to the Rasmussen poll, released yesterday, 50 percent of American adults believe abstinence-only education programs are at least somewhat effective in preventing teen pregnancy. Some 15 percent say they are very effective.
Just 42% of Americans disagree and a smaller 13 percent take the strongest position saying they are not at all effective.
Overall, 68% of adults nationwide approve of health education classes teaching children about sex or abstinence while only 21 percent of Americans disapprove of teaching kids abstinence and 11 percent remain undecided.
"Adults with children are slightly less supportive than those without children of sex education classes in school. Most adults with children at home see abstinence education as effective, while those without children are evenly divided on the issue," the polling firm pointed out. Full story at

According to the Rasmussen poll, released yesterday, 50 percent of American adults believe abstinence-only education programs are at least somewhat effective in preventing teen pregnancy. Some 15 percent say they are very effective.
Just 42% of Americans disagree and a smaller 13 percent take the strongest position saying they are not at all effective.
Overall, 68% of adults nationwide approve of health education classes teaching children about sex or abstinence while only 21 percent of Americans disapprove of teaching kids abstinence and 11 percent remain undecided.
"Adults with children are slightly less supportive than those without children of sex education classes in school. Most adults with children at home see abstinence education as effective, while those without children are evenly divided on the issue," the polling firm pointed out. Full story at
Planned Parenthood Abortion Center in Alabama on Probation, Hid Sexual Abuse
Birmingham, AL ( -- A Planned Parenthood abortion business in Birmingham, Alabama that was found in an undercover video hiding a potential case of sexual abuse has been placed on probation by state officials. The video also showed a Planned Parenthood employee telling a woman posing as a teenager how she can evade the state's parental consent law.
As reported last July, the video showed a staffer at Planned Parenthood telling a woman who appears to be a victim of statutory rape that "we bend the rules."
The Birmingham Planned Parenthood counselor tells pro-life advocate Lila Rose, who pretends to be a 14-year-old statutory rape victim, that it "does sometimes bend the rules a little bit" rather than report sexual abuse to state authorities.
Now, state health officials told the Associated Press today the abortion center has been placed on probation.
They indicated the Planned Parenthood abortion facility has until next week to submit a plan to the state health department on how it will fix the problems of not properly reporting potential cases of sexual abuse of minors to authorities as required by state law.
The request came after investigators for the department found Planned Parenthood files showing girls aged 13-15 having abortions even though they are obviously victims of statutory rape. Full story at

As reported last July, the video showed a staffer at Planned Parenthood telling a woman who appears to be a victim of statutory rape that "we bend the rules."
The Birmingham Planned Parenthood counselor tells pro-life advocate Lila Rose, who pretends to be a 14-year-old statutory rape victim, that it "does sometimes bend the rules a little bit" rather than report sexual abuse to state authorities.
Now, state health officials told the Associated Press today the abortion center has been placed on probation.
They indicated the Planned Parenthood abortion facility has until next week to submit a plan to the state health department on how it will fix the problems of not properly reporting potential cases of sexual abuse of minors to authorities as required by state law.
The request came after investigators for the department found Planned Parenthood files showing girls aged 13-15 having abortions even though they are obviously victims of statutory rape. Full story at
Washington, DC ( -- The following are two cartoons that poke fun at the pro-abortion opposition to the Focus on the Family Super Bowl commercials featuring Pam Tebow and her son Tim Tebow. The ads aired before and during the Super Bowl and reached 106 million people during the game and polls show half of Americans heard about Tebow's non-abortion story prior to the game thanks to the mountains of free publicity and discussion. Full story at
Wife of Jailed Chinese Forced Abortion Opponent Granted Brief Prison Visit

Yuan Weijing typically finds herself chased by population control officials and confined by their thugs to home detention.
But Radio Free Asia indicates Yuan was given 10 minutes to visit with Chen at the Shangdong Linyi Jail last Thursday.
Yuan has not seen her husband in over a year and they guarded their conversation topics because they were monitored by prison officials for the duration of the visit.
Chen's wife told RFA that he suffered from diarrhea but didn't mention any other specific health concerns. She said Chen seems much older and grayer than he did when she last saw him.
Yuan says Chen has suffered from diarrhea since September 2008 but is not getting proper medical care because he is blind and can't work in the labor camp as other prisoners do. Full story at
Controversy Continues on USCCB Official's "Involvement" in Pro-Abortion Group
Washington, DC ( -- The controversy over allegations by a coalition of pro-life groups that a USCCB official has been involved in an organization (whose primary purpose isn't promoting abortion but supports abortion anyway) continues. John Carr finds himself still under question though pro-life leaders have come to his defense.
The American Life League and other pro-life groups charge that John Carr, of the USCCB Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development, held leadership roles in the Center for Community Change, which supports abortion.
The controversy also centers on the fact that Carr oversees the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), which has been found to be financially supporting organizations with pro-abortion views. has repeatedly requested comment from Carr or the USCCB and has not received a response.
Neither has the National Catholic Register, which reported on the matter on Tuesday with the blaring headline, "USCCB Still Refuses to Comment on Carr Allegations."
Father Frank Pavone, the director of Priests for Life, came to Carr's defense in a blog posting that contained comments from Carr.
"My experience with CCC was that it focused on poverty, housing and immigration and had no involvement in issues involving abortion," Carr says according to a quote posted on Pavone's blog. "When I served, the board never discussed or acted on any position involving these matters and if they had, I would have vigorously opposed any advocacy for access to abortion," Carr continues. Full story at
California Governor Schwarzenegger, Jack O'Connell Should Back AbstinenceBut Radio Free Asia indicates Yuan was given 10 minutes to visit with Chen at the Shangdong Linyi Jail last Thursday.
Yuan has not seen her husband in over a year and they guarded their conversation topics because they were monitored by prison officials for the duration of the visit.
Chen's wife told RFA that he suffered from diarrhea but didn't mention any other specific health concerns. She said Chen seems much older and grayer than he did when she last saw him.
Yuan says Chen has suffered from diarrhea since September 2008 but is not getting proper medical care because he is blind and can't work in the labor camp as other prisoners do. Full story at
Controversy Continues on USCCB Official's "Involvement" in Pro-Abortion Group

The American Life League and other pro-life groups charge that John Carr, of the USCCB Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development, held leadership roles in the Center for Community Change, which supports abortion.
The controversy also centers on the fact that Carr oversees the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), which has been found to be financially supporting organizations with pro-abortion views. has repeatedly requested comment from Carr or the USCCB and has not received a response.
Neither has the National Catholic Register, which reported on the matter on Tuesday with the blaring headline, "USCCB Still Refuses to Comment on Carr Allegations."
Father Frank Pavone, the director of Priests for Life, came to Carr's defense in a blog posting that contained comments from Carr.
"My experience with CCC was that it focused on poverty, housing and immigration and had no involvement in issues involving abortion," Carr says according to a quote posted on Pavone's blog. "When I served, the board never discussed or acted on any position involving these matters and if they had, I would have vigorously opposed any advocacy for access to abortion," Carr continues. Full story at
by Randy Thomasson

It's time to respect science and employ abstinence education to help save teens and pre-teens from sexually transmitted diseases that are at unacceptable levels. In light of these facts, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jack O'Connell should immediately drop their out-of-date prohibition of abstinence-only education in California public schools.
Children are not sexual animals, but are precious human beings created in the image of God with the ability to think and make healthy choices.
Policymakers need to get beyond their own opinions and biases and recognize empirical research showing abstinence education plays a very valuable role in helping young people stay healthy. Full story at
Ohio House Speaker Backs Down, Will Allow Pro-Life Teen to Receive Award

However, Budish refused to allow Trisler on the House floor to accept a legislative resolution.
The resolution, authored by Rep. John Adams, a Republican, honors her accomplishment as the National Right to Life Oratory Contest winner last year. ( editor Steven Ertelt was an officiating judge at the contest).
Budish spokesman Keary McCarthy told the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper on Monday that Budish pulled the plug on the event on February 3 after becoming uncomfortable with the "politically sensitive" nature of the award because it was sponsored by a pro-life group. Burdish, a Democrat, has changed his mind and now hopes Trisler can come to the legislature to receive her award next week. Full story at
Rockford, Illinois Places Proposed Abortion Bubble Zone Limiting Pro-Lifers on Hold
Rockford, IL ( -- Officials with the city of Rockford, IL have placed on hold a proposed bubble zone that would limit the free speech rights of pro-life advocates to protest or sidewalk counsel outside abortion centers. The idea comes after Chicago officials signed off on a similar measure there.
Rockford officials have tabled its recently proposed "bubble zone" ordinance for two months as they consider new objections from the Chicago-based Thomas More Society and local pro-life advocates.
Yesterday, attorneys from the Thomas More Society, a pro-life legal group, sent a letter to Rockford's mayor and aldermen urging them to reject the bubble zone measure as ill-advised and unconstitutional.
Additionally, pro-life activists assert that enacting the bubble zone ordinance would overlook and validate the grossly objectionable activities on the part of the Northern Illinois Women's Center, Rockford's abortion clinic with its notorious history of displaying obscene images and harassing pro-life people. Full story at
Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum Opens Its Doors to the Public
Adams, MA ( -- The Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum will hold its official ribbon cutting ceremony on Sunday, February 14. The occasion celebrates the completion of the restoration of the birthplace of pro-life women's suffragist Susan B. Anthony. The home was named to the National Registry of Historic Places and is located in Adams, Massachusetts. The event coincides with the national celebration and 90th Anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, giving women the right to vote. The Amendment is named The Susan B Anthony Amendment. Senator Marian Walsh, a Democrat, will address the dignitaries and guests at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. "We are honored to have Senator Walsh address the Susan B. Anthony Ribbon Cutting Ceremony," Sally Winn, the director of the birthplace home museum, told yesterday. The home, built by Susan's father Daniel Anthony in 1818, was purchased by pro-life advocate Carol Crossed in 2006 and has undergone extensive renovations over the past three years. Contemporary, cutting-edge technology has been used to restore the home to its original colors and condition. The museum's mission is to preserve the house and memorialize Anthony who was born in the home's south parlor in 1820. The exhibits focus on the 19th century, wide-ranging legacy of Anthony including Quaker life, temperance, opposition to slavery and abortion, women's suffrage, and The Susan B Anthony Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Scott Roeder, Who Killed George Tiller, Has No Regrets, Seeks New Trial
Wichita, KS ( -- The convicted killer of Kansas abortion practitioner George Tiller tells a Des Moines activist that he has no regrets and has little sympathy for the family of his victim. In a 10-minute interview with Des Moines activist Dave Leach, who supports abortion-related violence, Scott Roeder says reports that he asked for God's forgiveness shortly after shooting Tiller last year are incorrect. "Obviously I didn't do anything wrong," he said. "So I would not have to ask forgiveness." Roeder was convicted Jan. 29 of shooting Tiller to death last May. He faces life in prison when sentenced on March 9. In discussing his trial, Roeder was highly critical of those who sought to keep the issue of abortion out of the proceedings altogether, saying it was like asserting that the trial for abolitionist John Brown was not about slavery. Meanwhile, there may be another round of court hearings in the Scott Roeder murder case. His attorneys are now asking for a new trial or an order of acquittal. In a motion, defense lawyers cite adverse rulings by the trial judge, including his refusal to let the jury consider a lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter.
Canada Institute Releases Research Paper Opposing Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia
Ottawa, Canada ( -- The Quebec government will begin a provincial consultation on the legalization of euthanasia on February 15. A new paper released today by the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada offers research for consideration in the area of legalized assisted suicide/euthanasia. Analyst Derek Miedema compiles research that shows those who experience an accident resulting in spinal cord injury can rehabilitate and experience a self-defined high quality of life after the passage of time. Early stages of accident recovery almost always include requests for death, however, the research shows these are almost always overcome by happiness at being alive. The legalization of assisted suicide, therefore, may in effect capitalize on a period of depression after an accident. One study found, for example, that 92 per cent of those who have suffered a spinal cord injury say they are glad to be alive. This research has broader applicability, says Miedema. "We cannot impose our own understanding of a 'life worth living' onto any person with a disability. And any discussion of legalized assisted suicide should be aware of the long term nature of injury recovery," he concludes. Read the paper here.

Rockford officials have tabled its recently proposed "bubble zone" ordinance for two months as they consider new objections from the Chicago-based Thomas More Society and local pro-life advocates.
Yesterday, attorneys from the Thomas More Society, a pro-life legal group, sent a letter to Rockford's mayor and aldermen urging them to reject the bubble zone measure as ill-advised and unconstitutional.
Additionally, pro-life activists assert that enacting the bubble zone ordinance would overlook and validate the grossly objectionable activities on the part of the Northern Illinois Women's Center, Rockford's abortion clinic with its notorious history of displaying obscene images and harassing pro-life people. Full story at
Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum Opens Its Doors to the Public
Adams, MA ( -- The Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum will hold its official ribbon cutting ceremony on Sunday, February 14. The occasion celebrates the completion of the restoration of the birthplace of pro-life women's suffragist Susan B. Anthony. The home was named to the National Registry of Historic Places and is located in Adams, Massachusetts. The event coincides with the national celebration and 90th Anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, giving women the right to vote. The Amendment is named The Susan B Anthony Amendment. Senator Marian Walsh, a Democrat, will address the dignitaries and guests at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. "We are honored to have Senator Walsh address the Susan B. Anthony Ribbon Cutting Ceremony," Sally Winn, the director of the birthplace home museum, told yesterday. The home, built by Susan's father Daniel Anthony in 1818, was purchased by pro-life advocate Carol Crossed in 2006 and has undergone extensive renovations over the past three years. Contemporary, cutting-edge technology has been used to restore the home to its original colors and condition. The museum's mission is to preserve the house and memorialize Anthony who was born in the home's south parlor in 1820. The exhibits focus on the 19th century, wide-ranging legacy of Anthony including Quaker life, temperance, opposition to slavery and abortion, women's suffrage, and The Susan B Anthony Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Scott Roeder, Who Killed George Tiller, Has No Regrets, Seeks New Trial
Wichita, KS ( -- The convicted killer of Kansas abortion practitioner George Tiller tells a Des Moines activist that he has no regrets and has little sympathy for the family of his victim. In a 10-minute interview with Des Moines activist Dave Leach, who supports abortion-related violence, Scott Roeder says reports that he asked for God's forgiveness shortly after shooting Tiller last year are incorrect. "Obviously I didn't do anything wrong," he said. "So I would not have to ask forgiveness." Roeder was convicted Jan. 29 of shooting Tiller to death last May. He faces life in prison when sentenced on March 9. In discussing his trial, Roeder was highly critical of those who sought to keep the issue of abortion out of the proceedings altogether, saying it was like asserting that the trial for abolitionist John Brown was not about slavery. Meanwhile, there may be another round of court hearings in the Scott Roeder murder case. His attorneys are now asking for a new trial or an order of acquittal. In a motion, defense lawyers cite adverse rulings by the trial judge, including his refusal to let the jury consider a lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter.
Canada Institute Releases Research Paper Opposing Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia
Ottawa, Canada ( -- The Quebec government will begin a provincial consultation on the legalization of euthanasia on February 15. A new paper released today by the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada offers research for consideration in the area of legalized assisted suicide/euthanasia. Analyst Derek Miedema compiles research that shows those who experience an accident resulting in spinal cord injury can rehabilitate and experience a self-defined high quality of life after the passage of time. Early stages of accident recovery almost always include requests for death, however, the research shows these are almost always overcome by happiness at being alive. The legalization of assisted suicide, therefore, may in effect capitalize on a period of depression after an accident. One study found, for example, that 92 per cent of those who have suffered a spinal cord injury say they are glad to be alive. This research has broader applicability, says Miedema. "We cannot impose our own understanding of a 'life worth living' onto any person with a disability. And any discussion of legalized assisted suicide should be aware of the long term nature of injury recovery," he concludes. Read the paper here.
Faith and Flowers Offers Pro-Life Way to Send Valentine's Day Flowers
Washington, DC ( -- Sending flowers anywhere in the world this Valentine's day? offers you the opportunity to send beautiful hand delivered bouquets nationally and internationally and promote the Culture of Life through your purchase. With every hand delivered bouquet Faith and Flowers will direct a portion of each purchase to help build the Culture of Life. Half of the donated proceeds will be used to place impactful pro-life ads and the other half of the donated proceeds will be used to help bring the light of Christ to those in need through the charitable works of Saint Vincent De Paul. This quarter, Faith and Flowers is working with Virtue Media to place the "Pregnancy Help" commercial in various markets. This ad, which recently appeared on MTV and BET, reached 22,000 women and babies in one month! And, in a January ad campaign, the "Pregnancy Help" ads resulted in over 11,000 abortion vulnerable women reaching out for help. Given this amazing response to the commercials, through God's grace, we are expecting great results again.
Washington, DC ( -- Sending flowers anywhere in the world this Valentine's day? offers you the opportunity to send beautiful hand delivered bouquets nationally and internationally and promote the Culture of Life through your purchase. With every hand delivered bouquet Faith and Flowers will direct a portion of each purchase to help build the Culture of Life. Half of the donated proceeds will be used to place impactful pro-life ads and the other half of the donated proceeds will be used to help bring the light of Christ to those in need through the charitable works of Saint Vincent De Paul. This quarter, Faith and Flowers is working with Virtue Media to place the "Pregnancy Help" commercial in various markets. This ad, which recently appeared on MTV and BET, reached 22,000 women and babies in one month! And, in a January ad campaign, the "Pregnancy Help" ads resulted in over 11,000 abortion vulnerable women reaching out for help. Given this amazing response to the commercials, through God's grace, we are expecting great results again.
Wisconsin Right to Life Welcomes Archbishop Jerome Listecki as Trustee
Milwaukee, WI ( -- Wisconsin Right to Life welcomes Archbishop Jerome Listecki as a Trustee of our Veritas Society. The pro-life group told "We are deeply honored that Archbishop Listecki has agreed to serve in this capacity. He is a man of great faith and is truly an inspiration to so many in our state." The positive right-to-life ads seen on television throughout Wisconsin for the past 14 years are a project of Wisconsin Right to Life's Veritas Society. In 2009, Veritas ads achieved almost 68 million ad viewings by Wisconsin residents. The impact is phenomenal in reaching the goal of changing hearts and minds to cherish human life. WRTL adds: "Not only are Veritas Society ads targeted to the correct population, messages are carefully researched before ads are produced. Then, ads are aired on programs watched by women 18-34. We estimate that 81,964 babies have been saved, cumulatively, from abortion in Wisconsin since 1995 when Veritas Society ads began running." Veritas Society television ads have become a staple in Wisconsin homes.
Milwaukee, WI ( -- Wisconsin Right to Life welcomes Archbishop Jerome Listecki as a Trustee of our Veritas Society. The pro-life group told "We are deeply honored that Archbishop Listecki has agreed to serve in this capacity. He is a man of great faith and is truly an inspiration to so many in our state." The positive right-to-life ads seen on television throughout Wisconsin for the past 14 years are a project of Wisconsin Right to Life's Veritas Society. In 2009, Veritas ads achieved almost 68 million ad viewings by Wisconsin residents. The impact is phenomenal in reaching the goal of changing hearts and minds to cherish human life. WRTL adds: "Not only are Veritas Society ads targeted to the correct population, messages are carefully researched before ads are produced. Then, ads are aired on programs watched by women 18-34. We estimate that 81,964 babies have been saved, cumulatively, from abortion in Wisconsin since 1995 when Veritas Society ads began running." Veritas Society television ads have become a staple in Wisconsin homes.
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