From: RenewAmerica Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010
February 18, 2010
Latest columns | ![]() February 18, 2010 NEWSMAX — With polls and recent elections suggesting a possible comeback for Republicans, a group of prominent conservatives unveiled a statement of principles Wednesday called Constitutional Conservatism that they hope will guide a new era of governing... (more) ![]() February 17, 2010 PEDRO PRIMAVERA — The economy seems to have settled in somewhat from the disaster of 2008. Every indication is the economy is poised for a rebound ![]() February 17, 2010 NEWSMAX — A new grassroots-conservative organization will kick off an ambitious campaign Thursday morning called "One Million Speak in One Week" ![]() February 17, 2010 JOHN STOSSEL — The government-school establishment has said the same thing for decades: Education is too important to leave to the competitive market. If we really want to help our kids, we must focus more resources on the government schools... (more) ![]() February 17, 2010 NEWSMAX — A majority of Americans now believe President Barack Obama doesn't deserve re-election in 2012, according to a new CNN poll released Tuesday... (more) ![]() February 17, 2010 NEWSMAX — The Republican National Committee has pulled off the Web a site that some tea party leaders saw as evidence the GOP is trying to "hijack" the grass-roots conservative movement. The decision to pull off the Web apparently stems from a meeting Tuesday between RNC Chairman Michael Steele and 50 conservative activists... (more) ![]() February 17, 2010 ROBERT BARNES — Is there a right to secede from the Union, or did the Civil War settle that? Certain Tea Partiers have raised the possibility of getting out while the getting's good, setting off a round of debate on legal blogs. The more cerebral theorists at the smart legal blog The Volokh Conspiracy question whether such a right exists... (more) ![]() February 17, 2010 BOBBY SCHINDLER — During my family's battle to save my sister Terri Schiavo from death by dehydration, a tremendous amount of debate raged over whether or not she was in what the medical profession refers to as a persistent vegetative state (PVS)... (more) ![]() February 17, 2010 RODNEY A. SMITH — The Supreme Courts ruling in Citizens United v. the Federal Election Commission restored free speech to corporations, unions and special interest groups by allowing them to spend unlimited amounts of money via independent expenditures advocating the election or defeat of clearly identified state and federal candidates... (more) ![]() February 17, 2010 TERENCE P. JEFFREY — After he signed a law last week authorizing the U.S. Treasury to borrow an additional $1.9 trillion, President Barack Obama delivered a characteristically sanctimonious speech. It was about his deep commitment to frugality... (more) ![]() February 17, 2010 NANCY MORGAN — For the first 39 years of my life, I was a walking, talking useful idiot. I believed without question what I saw on TV, and adopted as fact whatever I saw in the newspaper headlines. Armed with this information, I figured I knew it all. There were no questions I couldn't answer and no opinions I wouldn't espouse... (more) ![]() February 16, 2010 ROBERT MAGINNIS — America's military is being destroyed by a readiness-busting political correctness (PC) because those wearing stars too often lack the courage to tell their civilian bosses "no." That lack of courage has led to a long string of cultural PC crises ![]() February 16, 2010 WORLDNETDAILY — A book for high-school students glorifies communists, socialists and at least one activist who has called for "resistance" against the U.S. government, WND has learned. The work, "Americans Who Tell the Truth," has been used in schools across the U.S., according to its author. The book, however, does not inform readers of the extremist backgrounds of the personalities upheld as heroes... (more) ![]() February 16, 2010 WASHINGTON TIMES — President Obama kicks off what might be called his "Save the Senate" tour this week, heading west to campaign for two embattled Democrats trailing badly against Republican challengers - including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada... (more) ![]() February 16, 2010 JUDICIAL WATCH — Fed up lawmakers in a Mexican border state plagued with huge numbers of illegal immigrants are increasingly taking matters into their own hands by passing laws to control the crisis long neglected by the federal government... (more) ![]() February 16, 2010 ASSOCIATED PRESS — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says his country is not planning a war with Iran, and has criticized Tehran's talk of such a conflict as a reaction to the threat of tougher sanctions... (more) ![]() February 16, 2010 FOX NEWS — Only 15 months after being left for dead, the Republican Party suddenly finds itself not just with a pulse, but within reach of reclaiming the U.S. Senate... (more) ![]() February 16, 2010 WESLEY PRUDEN — You can fool some of the people some of the time, as Abraham Lincoln observed, and you even can fool all the people some of the time... (more) ![]() February 16, 2010 WALTER WILLIAMS — The Census Bureau estimates that the life cycle cost of the 2010 Census will be from $13.7 billion to $14.5 billion, making it the costliest census in the nation's history. Suppose you suggest to a congressman that given our budget crisis, we could save some money by dispensing with the 2010 census... (more) ![]() February 15, 2010 WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Because of two back-to-back snowstorms, this city of Washington and your federal government were shut down for four days in a row. You can bemoan or celebrate that |
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