From: baja Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010
A quote from, "A word of caution: Obama is nothing more than a Pied Piper in a cheap suit. Read this. The children's story of the Piped Piper rings true today. The Pied Piper of Hamelin played a tune on his flute which caused the children from across the land to fall under a spell spun from the melody which he played. The children would blindly follow the piper to their ultimate destruction. The people from the countryside were powerless to stop the Pied Piper, they had hired him to rid the town of rats, using his magic flute he did, but then the children fell under the spell of the Pied Piper as well."
"In the 1990s, the rhetoric of class
struggle has given way to the language of sustainable growth and economic justice."
McCain, Su.11Oct09, referred to o'bamanomic's "Trickle Down Economics" stimulus concept as "To Big to Fail, To Small to Save." "..referencing big business, cronies, banks, unions, and 'sweet-heart' relationship bail-outs ...while 'John Q. Citizen', the "little guy", has a load put on his back and then gets tossed out in to the cold by Congress Democrats." "Talk about 'vodoo economics'!" - rfh
"Obama's problem is that he does not know who the enemy is. To him, the enemy does not squat in caves in Waziristan, clutching automatic weapons and reciting the more militant verses from the Koran: instead, it sits around at tea parties in Kentucky quoting from the US Constitution. Obama is not at war with terrorists, but with his Republican fellow citizens. He has never abandoned the campaign trail." -- Gerald Warner , The Telegraph (U.K.)
Read this from over a year ago, 17Oct08, ...before the election and compare it with what's happening right now out of the o'who? White House! (Other e.g.'s of socialist/communist/facist goals: coal, cap'n tax, health bill, foreign treaties, abortion, gun control, school propaganda, social engineering, ... etc. etc...)
Socialists usually telegraph their ambitions because they're so enamored with their philosophical idealism that it becomes necessary for them to proselytize their phony economics. In the current political climate, "vodoo" leaps to the fore and "zombies" is apt to describe o'minions in Congress, the 'fringe media' and his 'boots on the ground' myriad of front-organizations whose coffers are being filled with 're-distributed' wealth, read 'your money.' -- rfh |
1940 film "The Ghost Breakers"
Director George Marshall starring Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard and Richard Carlson |
"Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny." -- Edmund Burke
"It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones." -- Calvin Coolidge (1873-1933), 30th US President
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