A special message from NumbersUSA: Below is a fax that you can send for FREE to your 2 Senators and Congressman, by merely pressing the button below.
Tell President Obama You Support Arizona's Enforcement Law!
Arizona's new bill cracking down on the presence of illegal aliens -- S.B.1070 -- is supported by 70 percent of Arizona residents. And legislation similar to the Arizona bill is preferred by a majority of Americans, over proposals that would give illegal aliens amnesty and rewards for violating our nation's immigration laws.
The new Arizona bill only reaffirms our existing immigration laws that have existed for years. President Obama can show he is serious about securing our borders by enforcing our immigration laws, which has been such a low priority for numerous Presidents before him. Please send this critical message to President Obama today, urging him to better enforce Federal immigration laws.ROY BECK, NumbersUSA President: PRESS HERE TO SEND A NO-COST FAX.
Arizona has just passed the most sweeping, pro-American and pro-legal immigrant immigration enforcement law in the country, and you should follow suit by making sure all states enforce America's immigration laws.
Arizona's new piece of legislation, SB 1070, does even more to keep its residents safe. The legislation:
- allows police officers to ask for proof of residency if they suspect an individual is in the country illegally
- allows illegal aliens to be jailed and fined up to $2500
- bans "soft" immigration policies at local police agencies that prevent officers from asking about a suspect's immigration status
- allows Arizonans to sue if they feel a government agency has adopted a policy that hinders the enforcement of illegal immigration laws
- prohibits people from blocking traffic when they seek or offer day-labor services on street corners
- and makes it illegal for people to transport illegal aliens if the drivers of vehicles know their passengers are in the country illegally and if the transportation furthers their illegal presence in the country
Sincerely, (Your Name Will Appear Here)

"As long as the people of the United States are well informed and virtuous, so long they will be free and their government uncorrupted. It is in their power to remedy the evils arising from having wicked and designing men at the head of government -- they can lift up and pull down at pleasure. If government be not wisely administered, the fault must be in the people; for the frequent election of every branch of the national legislature, if wisely executed is a sufficient remedy to all the mischiefs arising from a corrupt administration." -- Cyprian Strong (1799) [1743-1811]
more "American Founding Fathers' & Traditional American Values" quotes at: http://harrold.org/quotes
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