"The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money."-- Alexis de Tocqueville [Alexis Charles Henri Maurice Clerel, le Comte de Tocqueville] (1805-1859) French historian
The U.S. Deficit in 2007 was $9,007,653,372,262.48
The federal government has accumulated more new debt -- $3.22 trillion ($3,220,103,625,307.29) — during the tenure of the 111th Congress than it did during the first 100 Congresses combined, according to official debt figures published by the U.S. Treasury."
-- By Terence P. Jeffrey, CNSNews.com
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Click Here for videos, graphs, movie & U.S. National Debt totals.
3 years ago: The Debt ~ $125T+! Then Obama: Up $22T+ in only 3 years! $22T to $26T+ by 2015! Since November 2011 to January 2013 he has added $2 Trillion to the deficit! States' Unfunded: $3.2T+! (Dec10) From Jan'09 the deficit: $10.2T→$14.6T up $4.3T/42%! -- Federal unfunded liabilities total $84 trillion .. equal to 5.7 percent of the present value of all future GDP, which translates into about 31 percent of the long run federal revenue estimate,” the report states. “Thus federal revenues would have to rise immediately and permanently to 24.1 percent of GDP to cover the fiscal imbalance.” (source: http://dailycaller.com/2012/07/16/report-federal-unfunded-liabilities-total-84-trillion/)
Many Americans actually pay $1 out of ever $2 earned to some form of tax while ~50% of people pay no taxes! Do you pay your bills? The Fed takes $3 in and spends $5. Debt per citizen: $51,985 - Debt per taxpayer: $142,513! (13Dec12)
Also, see the blog videos below at http://harrolds.blogspot.com/2009/09/national-debt-how-come-how-much-who-do.html
What were you doing in the last hour while the U.S. Gov't spent $188 Million Dollars of our money! (Every Hour, Every Day!) (Apr11) In 8 years, President Bush added $5 trillion to the national debt; President
Obama, according to a revised Dec11 GAO report, added $4T+ to the U.S. deficit
in 2011 alone! The GAO estimates the deficit, including o'scamcare & mandates, may grow from $15T+ to over $26T+! UPDATE:
A little-noticed event occurred at approximately midnight on Monday, October 31, 2011. The National Debt exceeded the GDP! Imagine what these numbers are going to be now that Obama is reelected! (src)
A trillion seconds pass in 31,688 years. At $1/sec it would take 41,194 years just to pay off o'tax'n spend's new Feb12-Feb13 added debt - 538,696 years to pay only the national debt or 4,404,632 years to settle the debt+unfunded liabilities!
"Over the last four years our national debt has risen nearly $6 trillion, and just last week the debt topped an astounding $16 trillion. To put that in perspective, $16 trillion is enough money to fund the US military, along with the military of every NATO country combined… for the next sixteen years! Government spending is projected to hit $3.8 trillion this year alone. Even after every tax dollar paid by Americans has been counted, the government will still overspend by another $1.13 trillion.
Every single second of the day our government spends over $12,000. So in the time it takes you to read this article, roughly five minutes, our government has spent $3.6 million. It take four seconds for the government to spend what the average American earns in an entire year."
(source: by Tim Phillips 17Sep12 at TownHall.com)
stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that is good." -- George Washington |
If possible,I would love for Ted to run for president.He's not politically correct, he's just honest.He does have to lie & take bribes, all he has to do is tell the truth.He speaks like the people who used to run this country did-he parrots the people.
ReplyDeleteHe can picture the 70 million dead,aborted babies, since the 70's and feel awful, like I do.
He'll know-like I do that who ever took part in killing those babies will have some explaining to do, to their creator--much like hitler, whose smoke I can smell as he burns in hell.
It's infanticide, we are shooting poison into 6 month old in uteral babies heads, crushing their little skulls,and sucking them out,& ripping up the remains-and justifying it.
We are letting sitting senators, govenors,judges,take bribes, lie, cheat, steal, sell senate seats,belong to prostitution rings,and we PAY them to do it...I say make them all take a lie detector test on the important things-the rest is fluff.
But nooooo- we have to waste MORE tax payers money,by them appealing their cases--just so they can resume living their lying,unworthy lives on my buck.
Ted, a rock star, makes more sense than any politician breathing right now.
As far as my right to defend myself-whether it's a gun or a sharp knife in the eye, I'll choose both.You gun-less morons can let YOUR daughters be raped or killed, with out a gun.not mine. .