Did you know that the Obama Administration wants to cut off your ability to respond to its accusations against you?
Did you know that the Obama Administration is trying to take over the Internet and shut down conservative talk radio in order to accomplish that goal?
"It is unclear if either bill will be passed into law; nonetheless, a correlation may exist between the potential passage of gun control legislation and increased hoarding of ammunition, weapons stockpiling, and paramilitary training activities among rightwing extremists," the report said.
Why are they worried? Because since November, more than 7 million people have applied for criminal background checks in order to buy weapons. And as far as the Obama administration is concerned, buying guns equals "weapons stockpiling," buying ammo equals "hoarding of ammunition," and expressing concern about Congress passing gun control legislation qualifies YOU as part of an "extremist group."
Therefore, you and I are now being viewed as dangerous rightwing extremists that local law enforcement officials need to be monitoring!

It's right there in black and white -- and it's obvious that the Obama Administration, and especially the DHS, is trying to demonize political dissent. And it's no big surprise who's directly in their crosshairs: CONSERVATIVES, including anyone who is "antagonistic toward the new presidential administration and its perceived stance on a range of issues, including immigration and citizenship, ...and restrictions on firearms ownership and use."
Oh, and throw in anyone who rejects "federal authority in favor of state or local authority," or is "dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration." And don't forget the always-to-be-feared "disgruntled military veterans"!
Who is funding this kind of nonsense? Believe it or not, YOU ARE. Why would your government spend your money attacking YOU, instead of spending your money PROTECTING you?
That's a good question. And it's a question that you need to be asking your representatives in Congress!
This calls for grassroots action, on a HUGE scale!
As if that first report wasn't bad enough... the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Intelligence and Analysis -- the same unit that produced the report on alleged "right-wing extremists" -- also released a report, entitled the "Domestic Extremism Lexicon," meant to define terms used when analyzing dozens of supposedly "extremist ideologies" inside the United States.
So what did this "dictionary" of extremist groups cover? Well, for starters: Jewish extremists, animal rights extremists, black separatism extremists, anti-abortion extremists, anti-immigration extremists, anti-technology extremists, Cuban independence extremists, and tax resistance extremists, to name a few.
That's right: Whites and blacks, Christians and Jews, Cubans and Mexicans, along with anti-big government everyday Americans, are ALL in DHS' "Domestic Extremism Lexicon."
The first DHS report also said that Congressional debates about immigration and gun control make "extremist groups" suspicious and give them a rallying cry:
According to the federal government, characteristics of members of the suspect group of people include those who:
- Oppose restrictions on firearms
- Oppose lax immigration
- Oppose the policies of President Obama regarding immigration, citizenship and the expansion of social programs
- Oppose continuation of free trade agreements
- Oppose same-sex marriage
- Fear Communist regimes
- Oppose one world government
- Bemoan the decline of U.S. stature in the world
- Is upset with the loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs to China and India

This report was released "hot on the heels" of another (state) government agency report in February: the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) report titled, "MIAC Strategic Report: The Modern Militia Movement." In this horrific "law enforcement sensitive" secret police report, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon; John Britt, Director of the Missouri Department of Public Safety; James Keathley, Colonel, Missouri State Highway Patrol; and Van Godsey, Director of MIAC, categorize certain citizens as being potential violence-prone "militia members."
According to the MIAC report, if you oppose any of the following, you could qualify for being profiled as a potential dangerous "militia member":
- The United Nations
- The New World Order
- Gun Control
- The violation of the Posse Comitatus Act
- The Federal Reserve
- The Income Tax
- The Ammunition and Accountability Act
- A possible Constitutional Convention
- The North American Union
- Universal Service Program
- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
- Abortion
- Illegal Immigration
As ridiculous as that report seems, it was distributed to law enforcement officials all across the state of Missouri. And it wasn't until the state government was FLOODED with protests from patriotic Americans across the country that they finally came out and retracted the MIAC report.
Now, it's happened again -- but this time, at the Federal level! Our own government is turning against us, and unless there is a HUGE outpouring of outrage from every part of this nation, it will just keep getting WORSE!

This shouldn't be too surprising: both of these reports are similar to several other reports currently circulating around various State police agencies, courtesy of DHS-sponsored "Fusion Centers." MIAC is one of those Centers, sponsored by DHS!
So now, even veterans are targets of our own government: The Homeland Security assessment specifically says that "rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat."
PLEASE, don't think we're making a "big deal" out of nothing! Homeland Security spokeswoman Sara Kuban specifically told the press, "This is nothing unusual," and added that the Homeland Security Department did this "to prevent another Tim McVeigh from ever happening again."
The authors of the DHS assessment are pushing an "Us against Them" philosophy. You and I are being marginalized -- labeled as "rightwing extremists," so that it will be easier to violate our liberties and take away our political rights in the future.
Think of it: The Obama administration is quickly developing its own "Enemies List" of who it needs to target, to shut down opposition to its radical socialist agenda.
So how do Obama's leftist minions propose to shut us down?
SIMPLE: Cut off our ability to respond to such accusations and official "assessments," by TAKING OVER THE INTERNET and SHUTTING DOWN CONSERVATIVE TALK RADIO.

These two new bills are both part of what's being called the "Cybersecurity Act of 2009." The Act would create a new bureaucracy, the "Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor," which would be charged with "defending the country from cyber attack"... and would report directly to Barack Obama.
But that's not all it would do: it would also grant the Secretary of Commerce access to all privately owned information networks deemed to be "critical" to the nation's infrastructure, "without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule or policy restricting such access."
Did you read that? The Secretary of Commerce, reporting directly to Mr. Obama, would be able to snoop through ANYTHING connected to the Internet that a President decides is "critical" to look at. And it doesn't matter what the law says -- they get to do this whenever and wherever a President wants them to.
Talk about UNCONSTITUTIONAL! We MUST NOT let Barack Obama's cronies in Congress get away with this!
The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution states:
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
It's clear: giving the U.S. Department of Commerce oversight of the "critical" networks -- like banking records -- would give the federal government access to confidential, private information obtained without cause or warrant, which is a CLEAR violation of the U.S. Constitution's prohibition against unlawful search and seizure!
What exactly are these "critical infrastructure networks" that Barack Obama would have the power to "take offline" whenever he wants to? The examples they give are things like "banking, utilities, air/rail/auto traffic control, and telecommunications."
Exactly HOW do you take the telecommunications networks off of the Internet, when that's what the Internet is comprised of? And if YOUR bank gets taken offline, don't you think you might go into your branch and ask for all of your deposits in cash? Don't you think EVERYONE might do that?
According to one Senate document that attempts to "explain" the bills, this Act "addresses our country's unacceptable vulnerability to massive cyber crime, global cyber espionage and cyber attacks that could cripple our critical infrastructure."
In a statement explaining the bill's introduction, liberal Democratic West Virginia U. S. Senator Jay Rockefeller said, "We must protect our critical infrastructure at all costs - from our water to our electricity, to banking, traffic lights and electronic health records - the list goes on."
Senator Olympia Snowe, a liberal Republican from Maine who is co-sponsoring the bill, gave us this dire warning: "If we fail to take swift action, we, regrettably, risk a cyber-Katrina."
In other words, we need to give up our freedoms and liberties in order for the government to give us "security."
What was it that Benjamin Franklin once said? "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Why would anyone push such a bill? Because if Obama controls the Internet, he can cut off our ability to respond to his administration's attacks on YOU, ME and every other person in America who opposes his radical, left-wing, agenda!
NO, we're not paranoid -- because you're not paranoid if they really ARE out to get you!
However, it doesn't stop there -- also in Obama's bull's eye is one more form of "alternative media" that he is intent on silencing: Conservative Talk Radio. And he's very clear about HOW he's going to shut it down:
The Fairness Doctrine.
The "Fairness Doctrine" -- a federal regulation requiring broadcasters to present both sides of any "controversial" issue -- was enforced by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from 1949 to 1987. The FCC adopted it as a regulation, but it was never a law enacted by Congress.
When the rule was in place, radio and TV stations could face huge fines if their stations aired controversial statements on public affairs without providing "equal time" to opposing viewpoints. The result was self-censorship by broadcasters who avoided politics to escape any potential government retaliation.
When this rule was dropped in 1987, under President Ronald Reagan, it led directly to the rise of conservative talk radio that enabled average citizens to have their voices heard across America. If it weren't for the Reagan administration dropping the "Fairness Doctrine," we would never have heard of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Michael Savage, Michael Reagan, Janet Folger, or the hundreds of other conservative talk radio hosts that dot the land and expose the lies and misdeeds of the Left.
And THAT is why Barack Obama and his left-wing friends want to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine" -- this time, as a LAW. Because, if they can get it passed as a LAW, they can silence one of our biggest means of responding to their attacks, and disproving their LIES!
Up until 1987, the Fairness Doctrine mandated that when a broadcast station presented one viewpoint on a "controversial" public issue, it also had to air the opposing viewpoint. Sounds "fair," right?

Repealed by an FCC vote of 4-0, it was concluded that the "Fairness Doctrine" had begun to inhibit political discourse, rather than enhance it.
The Democrats in Congress tried to reinstate the doctrine, but President Reagan vetoed their attempt. Again, in 1991, another attempt to revive the doctrine failed when President George H. W. Bush threatened a veto.
Now, with Barack Obama in the White House, and with liberal Democrats Senator Harry Reid and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi reigning over a Democrat-controlled Congress, they're already talking about trying to SILENCE TALK RADIO AGAIN -- and this time, they just might succeed... unless YOU AND I take action to stop them NOW, before they are able to mobilize liberal support for this insidious attempt to SILENCE CONSERVATIVES!
Nothing frightens those who peddle lies more than the cold hard light of TRUTH. They react to exposure of their deceits the way vampires react to a crucifix held up in front of them.
Ever since the birth of conservative talk radio and the Internet ended the liberals' total monopoly over the news, the left has been simmering with rage -- because of the loss of their absolute control over what Americans are allowed to see and hear, and the Left's inability to do anything about it!
Time and time again, liberal attempts to sell the nation their shoddy goods have been frustrated when talk-radio hosts have taken to the airwaves and warned their millions of listeners that they were about to be taken to the cleaners.
It wasn't until the McCain/Kennedy fatally flawed "immigration reform" (AMNESTY) bill -- that seemed destined for passage -- was derailed by an army of angry voters recruited by talk radio hosts and conservative Internet websites, that the left understood both the incredible power of the "new media", and their utter helplessness in the face of it.
Clearly, the Left felt that something had do be done. And that's when they came up with the idea to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine" -- but this time, as a LAW.
Really, what they're trying to do shows just how desperate the liberals have become. Without conservative talk radio, and conservative internet websites, to keep an eye on them, the Left's failure to accomplish their stated goals since winning control of the Congress would have been covered up by the liberal controlled "mainstream media."
Conservative voices on talk radio and the Internet are the left's worst nightmare -- their monitoring of the liberals' activities have been shining the light of truth on the Left's attempts to deceive the nation, so now the Left is trying to do whatever it takes to silence any opposition to the Obama agenda!
Like all Marxists, the liberals won't stop trying to LIE their way into power. As a result, they won't stop trying to destroy conservative talk radio, conservative internet sites, and groups like The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) -- those of us who are more than willing to ACTIVATE the grassroots to help EXPOSE the Left's lies. You can be certain that they'll push HARD for a new "Fairness Doctrine" or for some other way to silence the voices of common sense and truth in America.
But you can be just as certain that we will NOT let them succeed!
As grassroots conservatives, we MUST take action to stop them NOW, before they are able to mobilize liberal support for this insidious attempt to SILENCE CONSERVATIVES!
Just piece the whole puzzle together: the Obama administration releases reports that label any Conservative as a potential "rightwing extremist"... the Obama administration wants to be able to completely take over the Internet during whatever he proclaims is an "emergency"... the Obama administration wants to shut down talk radio to silence its strongest critics...
It's plain to see: Conservatives like YOU and ME are on Obama's ENEMIES LIST!
The only thing that will put a STOP to this utter nonsense is a huge public outcry opposing it. If we do nothing, it may soon be too late to do anything. We either stop it NOW, or it will grow into an out-of-control monster that will monitor and control the personal opinions and speech of every man, woman, and child in this country.
The Obama Administration is coming after all of us. As patriotic Americans, we need to DEMAND that these outrageous DHS reports be CONDEMNED by our Representatives in Congress, and RETRACTED by the Obama administration; and we must demand that Congress REJECT any attempt to bring back the so-called "Fairness Doctrine." Please, CLICK HERE NOW to send Blast Faxes to EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF CONGRESS, telling them to take action on these issues TODAY!
It's ironic, isn't it, that Barack Obama's friend, William Ayers, is a convicted leftwing terrorist bomber -- but nothing in that DHS report suggests monitoring HIS activities. And that bringing back the "fairness doctrine" would affect talk radio on commercial AM stations -- but liberal newspapers, network news departments, and NPR can continue to spew their leftist pap without ANY recourse.
Don't be fooled into thinking that they aren't serious about trying to take over the Internet, and reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, to get YOU AND ME out of their way. Barack Obama recently claimed that he "isn't interested" in bringing back the Fairness Doctrine -- but that just means he'll use a different name for new laws that do the SAME THING. Whether it's "localism," "media ownership," or any one of a dozen other liberal "pet names" -- you can BET THE FARM on the fact that they desperately want to SHUT DOWN conservative talk radio!
And the new bills discussed above would give any President "emergency authority" to halt web traffic and access private data -- in other words, to shut down the Internet and snoop into YOUR computer. We CANNOT let Congress give anyone this kind of dictatorial power!
Help STOP the Obama administration's attempts to defame and defang conservatives in America! Sincerely,

Gary Kreep, Executive Director
United States Justice Foundation
932 D Street Suite 2 - Ramona, CA 92065 US
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