Should You Talk to the Police?
Dear NAGR supporter, Are you prepared?Do you know how to use the Fifth Amendment to defend yourself?
What What happens if some DHS lackey doesn't like your pro-gun bumper stickers or your support for Constitutional candidates like Ron Paul or Chuck Baldwin? Or if some ATF or FBI agents pay you a visit armed with a handful of trumped up charges?
Do you know how to use your Constitutional rights to defend yourself in court?
We've been conditioned by cop shows on TV and movies to believe that full and immediate disclosure of all facts involved with the police is always in our best personal and legal interest.
But I'm here to tell you the truth.
It's not. Under no circumstances.
It may sound inflammatory, but it's true: No law-abiding citizen should ever answer police questions without an attorney present.
The Fifth Amendment, the right of a citizen not to incriminate himself, was intended as a defense for law-abiding citizens -- not criminals.
If you ask me, the Founding Fathers really got this one right.
James Duane, a law professor at Regent University, has recorded a lecture outlining exactly why law-abiding citizens like you and me should never speak to the police.
This twenty minute video could be the best twenty minutes you spend online this year. In all my years as a shooter and a political consultant, I've never heard such a succinct presentation of the Fifth Amendment.
Professor Duane outlines exactly why you shouldn't speak to the police and how to use the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution to protect yourself.
click here to watch the video.
Part 1 of 2 Parts | Part 2 of 2 Parts |
In Liberty, Dudley Brown, Executive Director, National Association for Gun Rights
P.S. Remember that the National Association for Gun Rights survives on the donations of grassroots gun rights activists like you.
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