Capitol Hill -- trading one threat to America for another -- but ending up with both?

September 27, 2009
MARIE JON, RA ANALYST — While trying to make sense of our world's current political and social disarray, many are led to believe that something extraordinary is about to happen. We could use some good news for a change... (more)
September 27, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — Dozens of pastors around the nation are challenging an Internal Revenue Service rule that anti-Christian activists often invoke when they want to silence the message of churches, according to the Alliance Defense Fund... (more)

September 26, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — Israel is looking like the new leader of the Free World. The previous leader, the United States, resigned this role last week at the United Nations to take the position of global community organizer... (more)

September 26, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — House Democrats are considering a tax on high-cost insurance plans to help pay for health care overhaul that tops President Barack Obama's domestic agenda... (more)

September 26, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — The chief of the House Financial Services Committee today moved into line with hundreds of other members of Congress behind a plan by U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, to audit the Federal Reserve, which oversees U.S. monetary policy... (more)

September 26, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Nearly a year after California voters overturned same-sex marriage, voters in three other states will weigh in this fall on whether to reverse gay rights initiatives ranging from anti-discrimination measures to marriage benefits... (more)

September 26, 2009
WASHINGTON POST — President Obama's charge that Iran is constructing a secret nuclear fuel facility brought years of confrontation over the country's alleged nuclear weapons program to a new crisis point Friday, as he joined with the leaders of Britain and France to warn that international patience is waning fast... (more)

September 26, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — A private activist organization apparently is picking up where the federal government left off when the Department of Homeland Security issued its "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment" warning that returning veterans and people in a long list of other categories were potential terrorists... (more)

September 25, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — A Boston judge today refused the Massachusetts Republican Party's request for an injunction that would delay the installation of longtime Kennedy family friend Paul Kirk as a temporary replacement for the late Sen. Edward Kennedy... (more)

September 25, 2009
NEWSMAX — Sen. David Vitter tells Newsmax that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is "thumbing his nose" at the American people by refusing to push for stern action against scandal-plagued ACORN... (more)

September 25, 2009
CNSNEWS.COM — Even though the Border Patrol now reports that almost 1,300 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border is not under effective control, and the Department of Justice says that vast stretches of the border are "easily breached,"... (more)

September 25, 2009
NEWSREAL — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu minced no words yesterday when he told the UN General Assembly that it must stop accommodating "the forces of terror." And he properly scolded those who had remained in the room to hear the Holocaust-denying Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's "anti-Semitic rants" the day before... (more)

September 25, 2009
MICHAEL REAGAN — ...We are not facing the end of the press, but a necessary and perhaps even desirable evolution in the particular form and style of our media sources. Journalism is diversifying, not dying. This is the free market at work... (more)

September 24, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — School children in New Jersey have been taught to both chant and sing praises to President Barack Obama, with a YouTube video revealing them singing, "Mr. President, We Honor You Today" to the tune of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic"... (more)

September 24, 2009
NEWSMAX — It's not just conservatives who accuse the media of showing a liberal bias. A new survey from the Sacred Heart University Polling Institute shows that 89.3 percent of Americans believe the national media played a sizable role in helping to elect President Obama... (more)

September 24, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — A former aide to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy was named Thursday to take the late Massachusetts lawmaker's Senate seat. Paul G. Kirk Jr., a Democrat, was named interim successor by Gov. Deval Patrick and will fill the seat until voters choose a senator in a special election scheduled for Jan. 19... (more)

September 24, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — Liberals and conservatives alike harshly criticized a new Obama administration policy designed to make it harder for the government to hamper lawsuits against it by invoking a "state secret" claim, and even the support from privacy-rights groups was tepid and cautious... (more)

September 24, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Bullet makers are working around the clock, seven days a week, and they still can't keep up with the nation's demand for ammunition... (more)

September 24, 2009
LIFENEWS.COM — Pro-life advocates in California and Florida have launched campaigns to get state voters to approve personhood amendments targeting abortion... (more)
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