Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 Subject: Stop Government From Investigating ObamaCare Opponents
~~ added by rfh
Remember that Medicare was written to force taxpayers to pay the 1st 80% of all medical bills for people over 65 (mandatory) while insurance companies continue to charge full premiums for the remaining 20% ...and will cancel you in a heart beat. That was a huge con on tax payers. I would expect the o'who? Democrat led healthcare shell-game that's underway, mostly behind 'closed doors' hidden from public scrutiny, to be just as much of a rip-off. Mandatory, fines, penalties, higher taxes, less coverage, paying for irresponsible people's abortions, covering illegals, and rationing care to the elderly, and yes companies will be rewarded for writing the bill for our "representatives."
Congress & the President's Phone & Fax Lookup
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The word is out... the game is played... the man behind the curtain has been exposed... and it's now as plain as the nose on your face. Obama and the leftists in Congress don't want you to know what's in ObamaCare... they just made it clear that they just may try to hide all the sordid details from you.
But what's even worse, Obama and the leftists in Congress may even be trying to muzzle, and intimidate, those who dare to speak out against ObamaCare.
It's becoming more and more apparent that Obama and the leftists in Congress don't want the American people to know... or read... or hear anything negative about ObamaCare... and that they may be willing to shut-down debate by any means necessary.
One thing is certain, Obama and the leftists in Congress are leaving the door wide open to enact ObamaCare in the dead of night... under the cover of darkness... shove it down our throats before any of us are any the wiser.
When Senator Jim Bunning offered an amendment that would have required that the language of the bill be made available to the American people 72 hours prior to a vote, Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee squashed it.
Michael Franc, writing for the Heritage Foundation's blog, The Foundry gives us the sordid and sickening details:
"During the Senate Finance Committee mark up of the Baucus health bill ... Senator Bunning of Kentucky put forth an innovative amendment. This amendment stipulated that before voting on the measure in Committee, legislative language would have to be accessible to the public for 72 hours and that the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) would need to publish an official tally of how much this bill will cost the American people and what the real impact will be on health costs."
Franc continued:
"The amendment failed 11-12 on nearly a party line vote. Senator Blanche Lincoln (AR) was the sole Democrat to support this attempt at transparency. The bottom line: when the committee completes its work on this re-make of one-sixth of our economy, Senators will have voted on a phantom - a bill that does not exist with costs that are unknowable until, that is, the unelected legislative draftsmen write the real bill in some back room on Capitol Hill."
If nothing else that has transpired up to this point has convinced you that ObamaCare must be rejected... thrown aside... taken off the table... these shenanigans should.
It's time to tell our elected officials that no good can come from ObamaCare... that's it's rotten to the core... and that it must be scrapped.
Sit Down And Shut Up. ObamaCare Is None Of Your Business... When We Pass It, You Can Learn To Live With It.
It's bad enough when our federal legislators vote on bills they have not even bothered to read....
But to actually start "negotiations" on 200 pages of notes and ideas... on a bill that has not even been written....
To squash an amendment that would require them to give you 72 hours to read what will likely be thousands of pages before they vote on it... what's going on here?
It's as if they're saying, We Ain't Gonna Read It And We Don't Want You Reading It Either.
The American people are not children to be scolded or bullied.
This is the United States... not the old-Soviet Union.
And yet, ObamaCare may actually pass because the willingness of some Republican Senators to "negotiate" is keeping it on life support.
It's possibly the only thing keeping it alive right now. If Republican Senators simply walked away... if they left it alone... ObamaCare would likely just wither on the vine.
You can only scratch your head and ask why?
Why negotiate over something the American people have soundly rejected?
And furthermore, in consideration of the tactics being employed by the proponents of ObamaCare, why negotiate with a bully... even a 10 year-old knows better than to do that?
But you can do something other than just scratch your head.
You can send all of these Republican Senators a loud and clear message that it's time to stop negotiations. It's time to stand firm in opposition to ObamaCare and defeat ObamaCare once and for all. Is Obama's Department of Health And Human Services Stomping On The First Amendment... Threatening Those Who Oppose ObamaCare.
But Obama and the leftists in Congress are not simply trying to keep you in the dark when it comes to ObamaCare.
It's worse... they're actually trying to squash attempts by some who dare to tell the truth about ObamaCare.
Did you hear about what just happened to Humana?
Humana published a letter to its members warning them of potential drastic cuts to Medicare (specifically the Medicare Advantage program) under ObamaCare and urged its members to contact Congress.
Specifically, Humana said; "if the proposed funding cut levels [in the current health care legislation] become law, millions of seniors and disabled individuals could lose many of the important benefits and services that make Medicare Advantage health plans so valuable."
It was a very valid point to raise... such proposals are on the table... and it makes all the sense in the world to alert people to what is going on and motivate them to call their elected officials... but it didn't take the long for our government to come down hard on Humana.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) initiated an investigation and sent an ominous gag-order to Humana:
"As we continue our research into this issue, we are instructing you to immediately discontinue all such mailings to beneficiaries and to remove any related materials directed to Medicare enrollees from your Web sites."
And Senator Max Baucus demanded that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services launch an "investigation" against Humana as well, claiming the letter put forth "false information," Baucus rhetorically asked, "does the first amendment include lies?"
Of course, there's just one small problem with Baucus' ranting accusation. Humana was voicing an opinion that was well grounded in fact. Even the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) made the point.
Bob Ellis with "Even the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) confirms what the White House doesn't want to get out, with CBO head Douglas Elmendorf telling the Senate this on Tuesday."
The Internet website, in an article titled, Obama Violates the First Amendment, goes so far as to say that the HHS action "smacks of fascism."
"[T]his past week the Obama administration violated its oath to uphold the Constitution by issuing a decree abridging the First Amendment right to speech."
"In a memo to private health insurers from a senior official at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) the Obama administration issued a decree ordering them to stop informing Medicare beneficiaries that health reform legislation before Congress could hurt them and curtail their benefits if enacted. The memo went on to say that the government might take legal action against insurers that are mobilizing opposition to the legislation by sending 'misleading and confusing' messages to seniors.
"Say what you will about insurance companies, this is by no means a defense of them. It is instead a rebuke of an administration that is playing fast and loose with basic rights guaranteed to all Americans, including corporations. ... Humana has as much right to speak out for or against federal legislation as I do. Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court have no power to abridge Humana's right to free speech. Obama should know this, given that he is a constitutional lawyer."
And yet, in spite of these shenanigans, Senate Republicans are still bending over backward to play Let's Make A Deal. Are they under some delusion that they can somehow make ObamaCare better or soften the blow if they "negotiate?"
If so, we must disabuse them of that notion here and now. We must tell them that instead of negotiating on ObamaCare, they need to focus their efforts on stopping ObamaCare.
We need to tell them to stand firm... twist some arms... pick-off some Democrats from conservative states and bring them into the fold... dare Harry Reid to shove the reconciliation process down our throats and pass ObamaCare with a simple majority (he'll do it at the risk of destroying his own party).
The battle to stop ObamaCare is winnable... all these Senators need is a little back-bone.
.. barrage Barack Hussein Obama and each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate with your personalized faxes. Make no mistake, you're not going to change America with a couple of faxes or letters or phone calls only directed at your two Senators. Each of us needs to barrage each and every one of these Republican Senators with a mountain of faxes. They all need to see that the American people are united. Only then will they wake up and smell the coffee.
Tell them that you believe that the only thing keeping ObamaCare alive is the willingness of some Republicans to negotiate and that ObamaCare would be defeated once and for all if they all stood firm in total opposition to ObamaCare. Tell them that no amount of so-called "compromise" will make government-run health care acceptable to the American people. Let them know that if they spent the same amount of energy to defeat ObamaCare as they are spending negotiating, the job would be done. Demand, once and for all, that they stop negotiating and win this fight against socialized health care for the American people .
What If They're Lying To Us Now... What Will Stop Them From Lying To Us Again... And Again... And Again?
It's clear, someone is not being straight with the American people, and such a display of mendacity simply leads us to ask more questions.
Can a government that is unwilling to act with transparency... a government that initiates investigations against those with opposing views... be trusted to act in the best interests of the American people... of you... of me?
If ObamaCare is egregious now, what will it look like in a year... or two years... or five years... will they even bother to tell us... or will every change to ObamaCare be made behind closed doors in a smoke-filled room?
Do we really want to empower the same government that is fouling-up cash-for-clunkers... the same government that is fouling-up our economy by effectively taking control of private companies... the power to foul-up our health care?
Do we really want to empower that same government to determine which life-saving treatments we will receive... that our loved-ones will receive... or don't receive?
Do we really want government end-of-life counselors who would probably exhibit the compassion of IRS agents counseling us or our loved ones on life and death decisions?
Of course not. But too many of our so-called leaders still don't get it. They don't see the bigger picture.
Instead of scrapping ObamaCare... throwing it onto the ash-heap of history... they're quibbling over what type of government-run health care they believe to be best for you and your family... and no one is fighting for you... for us... for the American people.
When Baucus unveiled his new and improved (and unwritten) version of ObamaCare, legislators (Republicans and Democrats alike) piled on... in no time flat, over 560 amendments (to an unwritten bill that was nothing more than 200 pages of notes and ideas) were put forward.
Senator Lindsey Graham perhaps said it best; "we're making this up as we go... they're trying to buy votes... the vision here is to pass something... they don't give a damn what it is and nobody understands what they're doing."
The American people for months have been sending the message loud and clear that they want no part of ObamaCare, period, regardless of what form it takes.
The American people have been telling politicians in Washington that no amount of so-called "compromise" will make Obama's government-run health care scheme acceptable or palatable.
And yet, these politicians keep talking... they keep amending... they keep "negotiating" ... they keep trying to "compromise" and reach "consensus" .. in short, they continue to waste time on something that no one wants.
Is that ridiculous, or what?
Floyd Brown,
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