To start the New Year, I've just concluded a series of planning meetings with my accountants and executive staff.
The results have left me excited but frustrated.
Although the National Association for Gun Rights has grown by leaps and bounds, the gun control crowd is preparing to launch a massive assault on all fronts.
The fact is, your right to keep and bear arms is threatened by too many gun control schemes and NAGR just doesn't have the funds to fight them all.
Right now, I'm faced with difficult decisions that won't be easy to make. And so I've decided to write NAGR members like you and seek your advice.
Enclosed with this letter is your 2010 NAGR Membership Directive. I need you to fill it out and return it to me IMMEDIATELY.
I need to know which battles are most important to you.
With the most anti-gun President in the history of the country and with gun-grabbers dominating Congress, we're facing more gun control schemes than ever before.
I want you to know up front that unless I can raise a significant amount of money very soon, I will be forced to make serious cuts.
I'd rather quit some fights (even though we could win!), than risk losing everything.
But before I cut anything, I want to be sure to receive your advice.
Here's what's at stake:
*** H.R. 45 Barack Obama's National Gun Control Package National Gun registration. A two-day waiting period. A ban on ALL private sales. New "testing requirements" to buy a gun. New taxes on firearms. This dangerous bill is a catch-all for gun control schemes;
*** Ratification of the United Nations Firearms Ban, designed to register, ban and CONFISCATE firearms owned by private citizens like YOU at the behest of Hillary Clinton and the United Nations;
*** A PERMANENT so-called "Assault Weapons" Ban on virtually ALL semi-automatic weapons (including shotguns and handguns) which -- unlike the Clinton ban -- will NEVER expire;
*** H.R. 2159, Eric Holders Patriot Disarmament Bill. Having labeled gun owning, freedom loving Americans as "Domestic Terrorists," Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, now wants the power eliminate your Second Amendment right, if he determines you might be a terrorist.
And unless you and I start fighting back immediately, that may not even be the end of it.The gun control crowd isn't hurting for funds.
The new Congress has already been flooded with plenty of cash from anti-gun groups.
The number of politicians bought off by the gun control crowd is staggering.
And of course, billionaire New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg still has plenty of cash to spend on gun control schemes.
That's why your immediate advice is so important. You see, I don't want to quit fighting anywhere.
Honestly, I'd rather jump off a cliff than be forced to watch gun-grabbers like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer ham it up for the news cameras right after they ram some assault on our gun rights into law.
I'm sure you feel the same way. I know you treasure our Second Amendment rights just as much as I do.
I also know that without your financial support, there would be no National Association for Gun Rights.
That's why I need YOU to tell me where to focus.
But, believe me, there's no easy choice. Let me lay out the options.
Should we concentrate on efforts to stop Barack Obama's Gun Control Package?
This dangerous legislation would establish a NATIONAL gun registry database.
You and I both know it -- gun registration lays the groundwork for totalitarian confiscation of all firearms by a central government power -- all in the name of "safety," of course.
But H.R. 45 isn't just about registering guns.
Barack Obama's gun control package would also require a two-day waiting period, hike taxes on gun sales, federally ban ALL private firearms sales, and FORCE you to take a written exam just to prove you're "fit" to own a firearm.
Personally, just the thought of Barack Obama's Gun Control Package becoming law makes my stomach churn.
But then there's Hillary Clinton's attempt to make the United Nations "Small Arms Treaty" the law of the land.
We've seen this monster before, but now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is trying to push this anti-gun attack on U.S. sovereignty through the United States Senate.
I'm sure you don't need to be told how the United Nations would LOVE to disarm American gun owners and strike down our sovereignty at the same time.
The UN and Hillary Clinton are counting on Sarah Brady's willing accomplices in the United States Senate to strip away our rights.
I'm sure you can see why I'm so torn. But even that's not the end of it!
You see, just in the past several weeks, we've heard public comments from the Attorney General, the Secretary of State and now a leading U.S. Senator that a new, PERMANENT "Assault Weapons" Ban is in the works.
Please understand this could include almost any semi-automatic firearm in America -- even handguns and shotguns.
Anti-gun politicians just like the term "assault weapon" because it sounds scary.
And now Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry think Mexico's inability to control their own thugs gives them the perfect excuse to ram a new ban through Congress.
You see, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and the rest of the gun-grabbers in Washington think YOUR GUNS are the real culprits.
Shame on you for helping the Mexican druglords!
The truth of the matter is I can't even imagine letting a new, permanent "Assault Weapons" Ban pass -- especially now that it looks like this fight is extremely winnable.
But again, this isn't the only assault we face.
Now that the gun-grabbers are in charge of the modern anti-terror police state, they're looking at ways to take advantage of this new federal power.
H.R. 2159, the Patriot Disarmament Act, is the most disgusting abuse of federal power I've seen in years.
Remember all those DHS reports released shortly after Barack Obama was sworn in that classified pro-life, pro-gun, pro-Constitution Americans as potential "Domestic Terrorists?"
Even a gesture as simple as placing a pro-gun bumper sticker on your car makes you a domestic threat in the eyes of some folks now running our government.
And now they want to grant Eric Holder, the most anti-gun member of the Obama administration, the power to arbitrarily eliminate an individual's right to keep and bear arms if he decides you might be a terrorist.
What's worse is that Holder won't even be required to show evidence to prove his allegations. The due process clause and the Second Amendment will both be eliminated in one fell swoop.
The truth is, this isn't about preventing real terrorism, a threat we're all too well aware of.
H.R. 2159 is nothing more than a blatant political power grab that could result in the targeted disarmament of patriotic American citizens.
But unless we raise a significant amount of money very soon, we won't be able to afford to take on H.R. 2159 and stop H.R. 45, the UN's "Small Arms Treaty," AND a new, PERMANENT "Assault Weapons" Ban.
And that doesn't even take into account our offensive battles to pass legislation protecting our gun rights like the Firearms Freedom Acts sweeping state legislatures across the country and Real Concealed Carry laws in states like Iowa.
That is why your advice is so critical. If cuts must be made, I want your advice before I act.
Of course, there's another option included on the enclosed 2010 Membership Survey.
But please recognize how serious this is.
Unless you and other loyal National Association for Gun Rights members make a special contribution of $100 or $250, I just won't have the resources to fight back everywhere.
In fact, I'm afraid that without an immediate contribution of at least $25, I won't have the resources necessary to battle even one of these gun control schemes.
So please fill out and return your 2010 Membership Survey today along with a generous contribution.
And if a contribution of $250 or $100 isn't possible, please make every effort to give at least $50 or $25.
Believe me, I know this is a tremendous amount to ask.
Whether you send $100 or $250 -- or if $25 or $50 is as much as you can give -- please be as generous as you are able.
Your action, and your advice, will make all the difference.
In Liberty,

P.S. The tough economic times are affecting us all -- and the National Association for Gun Rights isn't immune. Without an influx of funds, your National Association for Gun Rights is going to be forced to make devastating cuts. So I need your IMMEDIATE advice. Please rush back the enclosed 2010 Membership Survey along with your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or at least $25. Please act TODAY!
To help the National Association for Gun Rights grow, please forward this to a friend. To view this email as a web page, please click this link: view online. Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun Rights!
To help the National Association for Gun Rights grow, please forward this to a friend. To view this email as a web page, please click this link: view online. Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun Rights!
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