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Current Headlines
• Analysis Shows 52 Million Abortions Since Supreme Court's Roe Decision
• March for Life Sees Pro-Life Americans Flood Capital Opposing Abortion
• Barack Obama the Most Pro-Abortion President Ever Pence Says
• Poll Shows Youngest Americans More Pro-Life Than Baby Boomers
• Majority of Americans Want Congress to Halt Pro-Abortion Health Care Reform
• Huckabee Bests Palin and Romney, Leads in 2012 Poll Against Barack Obama
• Chris Smith March for Life Speech: End Abortion, Protect Women, Children
• Pro-Life Groups Mark 37 Years of Abortion Under Roe v. Wade Decision
• Remembering Roe: A Forgotten Warning From President Ronald Reagan
• Abortion Advocates Gripe and Moan: Pro-Life Advocates Watering Down Roe
--> Listen to Life editor Steven Ertelt's interview with Josh Brahm of Pro-Life Podcast here. Steven and Josh talk about successes of the pro-life movement and what we can do on key issues like abortion, stem cell research and assisted suicide.
Analysis Shows 52 Million Abortions Since Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade Decision
Washington, DC ( -- Read any commentary on the contentious abortion debate and you'll likely find a wide variety of numbers attempting to estimate the number of abortions that have taken place since the Supreme Court's infamous Roe v. Wade abortion decision since 1973.
Now, a new analysis from the National Right to Life Committee based on hard data and estimates for the most recent years finds 52 million unborn children have been killed in abortion since the Roe decision.
Any analysis of abortion stats and figures starts with the understanding that the Centers for Disease Control has never tabulated accurate numbers of abortions. The CDC relies on figures from state health departments, some of which rely on voluntary reporting -- and it hasn't had data from some states such as California and New Hampshire for more than a decade.
In its survey of abortion numbers, NRLC goes to the source by relying on the Guttmacher Institute, the former research arm of Planned Parenthood, which receives numbers directly from abortion centers themselves.
Digging into the numbers, the NRLC analysis shows abortion numbers rising in the 1970s and, in the 1980s, abortion eventually mainstreamed itself to the point that about 1.55 million abortions were done annually until the early 1990s. To calculate the overall number of abortions, NRLC includes the hard figures from 1973-2005, the estimates for the last few years and also includes the Guttmacher Institute's admission that its own figures are likely about three percent lower than the actual totals because of potential errors in reporting.
National Right to Life estimates that, as the nation marks the 37th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, there have been 52,008,665 abortions using either surgical or the abortion drug (RU 486) method since Roe v. Wade. Full story at
March for Life Sees Pro-Life Americans Flood Nation's Capital to Oppose Abortion
Washington, DC ( -- Americans of all ages and races flooded the nation's capital today for the annual March for Life to express their opposition to the destruction of more than 52 million unborn children. They carried a plethora of signs ranging from "Defend Life" to "Abortion is Not Health Care" to "Stop Abortion Now."
Congressman Chris Smith has long been regarded as the nation's top pro-life advocate on Capitol Hill and his speech was well-received.
"For all of us, all human life is precious and sacred and in urgent need of protection. We welcome and deeply respect everyone including the weak, the vulnerable and the disenfranchised," he said. "We especially admire and honor the extraordinarily courageous post-abortive women who are silent no more. Their voice and witness show the path to reconciliation for all women who have been first deceived, then victimized by abortion," he added.
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, the head of the Catholic bishops Committee on Pro-Life Activities introduced some of his fellow pro-life bishops.
"Unfortunately, in our culture we have grown into the chains that bind us and hold us fast in a grip of deadly attitudes about human life, about the human person, especially in the moments of his or her beautiful but fragile beginnings and in those vulnerable times of old age and illness," he said. Full story at
Barack Obama the Most Pro-Abortion President Ever Congressman Pence Says
Washington, DC ( -- Congressman Mike Pence of Indiana is a rising star in the political world and he has a message for the pro-life advocates at the March for Life. Pence is reminding pro-life advocates that President Barack Obama is the most aggressively pro-abortion president to ever occupy the White House.
Obama's record promoting abortion is lengthy and includes taxpayer funding of abortions in various circumstances, key pro-abortion appointments and leaving a pro-abortion legacy on the Supreme Court. In comments obtained, Pence described that record.
He noted how 52 million Americans have lost their lives to abortion since Roe, "And the events of the past year prove that this is the most pro-abortion president to ever occupy the White House."
"After just three days in office, President Obama allowed federal tax dollars to flow to organizations that promote and provide abortions abroad," he said. "The longstanding Mexico City Policy ensured that America provided international aid in a way that is both fiscally responsible and consistent with the values of pro-life taxpayers. President Obama repealed this common sense policy and disregarded the moral values of millions of Americans," Pence explained.
"Less than two months later the president continued his executive disregard for the right to life. In March, the president moved to strip conscience protections for health care providers who refuse to perform abortions because of their deeply held moral beliefs," Pence continued. Full story at
Poll Shows Youngest Americans More Pro-Life on Abortion Than Baby Boomers
Washington, DC ( -- As hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans young and old participate in the March for Life in Washington today, a new poll finds most marchers will likely be from the millennial generation or Generation X. The most recent Marist survey finds them the most pro-life on abortion.
Conducted by Marist Institute for Public Opinion in late December and early January, the new poll finds Americans of all generations are pro-life on abortion. But it is Americans who are under the age of 44 who oppose abortion more than older Americans.
The survey, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, finds Baby Boomers (those aged 45-64) are the least pro-life, with 51 percent saying abortion is "morally wrong."
The good news for the pro-life movement is the next two generations of Americans are pro-life. Millennials, those young Americans between the ages of 18-29, have 59 percent of their generation saying abortion is morally wrong. Members of Generation X (30-44 years of age) say abortion is morally wrong at a 60% clip. Full story at
Majority of Americans Want Congress to Halt Pro-Abortion Health Care Reform
Washington, DC ( -- Now that the election of Scott Brown has rocked the political world and change the dynamics of the voting on health care in Congress, a new Gallup poll shows a majority of Americans believe Washington should pull back on trying to pass a pro-abortion, government-run health care bill.
Gallup found 55 percent of Americans favor Congress' putting the brakes on its current healthcare reform efforts and considering alternatives that can obtain more Republican support.
Four in 10 Americans (39%) would rather have House and Senate Democrats continue to try to pass the current pro-abortion health care bill.
According to the poll, most self-identified Democrats (67%) want Congress to continue working toward passage of the bill. However, an even larger majority of Republicans (87%) call for suspension of Congress' current work on the bill.
The majority of political independents, whose support has been crucial to recent Republican election victories in Massachusetts, Virginia, and New Jersey, would also prefer to see the reform efforts put on hold rather than moved forward. The support halting the bill on a 56-37 percent margin.
The poll also found that the election of Brown, which saw voters in Massachusetts send a Republican to the Senate for the first time since 1972 reflects many Americans' frustrations with the attempt by Congress and the Obama administration to push the pro-abortion health care bill. Some 72 percent agreed with that sentiment while 18% believe it is merely a reflection of political conditions in Massachusetts. Full story at
Huckabee Bests Palin and Romney, Leads in 2012 Poll Against Barack Obama
Washington, DC ( -- Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee fares the best against pro-abortion President Barack Obama in a polling of voters previewing potential 2012 presidential election matchups. This is the first time in the PPP poll that any of the potential candidates has led Obama.
The Public Policy Polling firm, which is Democratic by respected for fairly accurate results, found Obama trails a pro-life opponent for the first time.
Huckabee has a 45-44 advantage over Obama, aided largely by a 44-38 lead with independents.
The former governor's 35/29 favorability breakdown, with 35 percent of all voters saying they have a favorable view of him and 29 percent saying an unfavorable one, is actually slightly better than it was in November.
Mitt Romney does the next best against the pro-abortion president, trailing Obama 44-42. His favorability is 36/32 and he's the most popular Republican among independents (41/32). Full story at
Chris Smith March for Life Speech: End Abortion to Protect Women and Children
Washington, DC ( -- The following is the text of the speech to pro-life advocates at the March for Life 2010 that took place today in Washington, DC. Smith, the head of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, is one of several members of Congress to address the March for Life crowd.
Thank you one and all for being an important part of the greatest human rights struggle on earth -- the right to life movement.
By the grace of God, we stand behind, with and unabashedly for both victims of abortion -- women and children.
For all of us, all human life is precious and sacred and in urgent need of protection. We welcome and deeply respect everyone including the weak, the vulnerable and the disenfranchised. We especially admire and honor the extraordinarily courageous post-abortive women who are silent no more. Their voice and witness show the path to reconciliation for all women who have been first deceived, then victimized by abortion.
And President Obama--the abortion president—should know this: even though you have unleashed the full might and power of your administration in the ignoble promotion of abortion on demand both in the United States and around the world, especially in Africa and Latin America, we do pray and fast for you, even as we tenaciously fight your anti-life policies. Full story at
Pro-Life Groups, Leaders Mark 37 Years of Abortion Under Roe v. Wade Decision
Washington, DC ( -- As Americans mark 37 years of legalized abortion under the Roe v. Wade decision, pro-life groups of all stripes have released statements condemning the Supreme Court case that allowed the destruction of 52 million unborn children and injuring millions of women.
Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser: According to recent national surveys a majority of Americans now consider themselves pro-life. They have made their voice heard on the health care bill. We will see evidence of this tidal wave of opinion in important Congressional races this November 2nd.
Troy Newman, Operation Rescue president: Public opinion is on our side. Polls show that the majority of Americans identify themselves as "pro-life" for the first time in decades. That trend is especially noteworthy among young people. Not only is pro-life sentiment rising, but sympathy for the "pro-choice" position is plummeting.
Demand for abortion is decreasing. Along with changing attitudes toward abortion has come a decline in the number of abortions nationwide, a decrease in the number of abortion clinics, and a lack of replacement abortionists for those who quit or retire.
The recent political shift in our nation favors life. Obama's popularity has taken a nosedive. With the activation of the grassroots angered by a Congress that is forcing tax funding of abortion on them through an unwanted healthcare plan, there is hope that the 2010 mid-term elections will eclipse the success of the 1994 Republican Revolution. Full story at
Remembering Roe v. Wade: A Forgotten Warning From President Ronald Reagan
by Dr. Paul Kengor
Given the somber anniversary of Roe v. Wade -- source of 40 million abortions since 1973 -- I thought I'd share an excellent but forgotten speech by President Ronald Reagan. The speechwriter was Peter Robinson, featured guest of our Reagan Lecture this year.
Reagan's remarks, made in July 1987 to pro-life leaders, are moving to read and watch. They are prescient in light of the widening abortion abyss we face under the Obama administration and Pelosi-Reid Congress.
Reagan began with a reminder I often share with my secular-liberal friends. He told the pro-life activists: "[M]any of you, perhaps most, never dreamed of getting involved in politics. What brought you into politics was a matter of conscience, a matter of fundamental conviction."
That point cannot be underscored enough. Few things rile me more than demands that pro-lifers—especially those motivated by their faith—keep out of politics. Quite the contrary, many did just that, quietly going to church and reading their Bibles, until one day they awoke to learn the Supreme Court had passed Roe v. Wade … and the hellacious assault was on. They entered pro-life activism reluctantly, as a reaction to what was thrust upon their culture and country. The last thing they wanted was to get involved in politics. The Death Culture came to them.
Reagan next added: "Many of you've been attacked for being single-issue activists or single-issue voters. But I ask: What single issue could be of greater significance?"
Agreed. For me, the life issue is my starting point, of far greater value than where a politician stands on social security or the minimum wage. Obviously, other issues matter. The right to life, however, is the first and most fundamental of rights, without which other rights are impossible. And if you, personally, are unsure when life begins, consider Reagan's recommendation: "If there's even a question about when human life begins, isn't it our duty to err on the side of life?" Full story at

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards led the griping and moaning about pro-life advocates and their feverish efforts to protect as many women and children as possible.
"Thirty-seven years ago today, the Roe v. Wade decision solidified the right to choose for American women," she said in a statement obtained. "However, a women's right to make personal health care decisions is under continuous assault by anti-choice organizations and individuals."
She called pro-life educational and legislative efforts to reduce abortions "harassment and intimidation tactics" that "deter women from seeking health care and doctors from providing it." Full story at
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