From: RenewAmerica Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 25, 2010
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — The U.S. Supreme Court struck a huge blow for freedom by effectively saying to the jack boots, "You will not shut-up those who dissent from your perceived wisdom"... (more)
![]() January 27, 2010 NEWSMAX — President Obama may have inadvertently touched off a clash between the separate branches of government in his State of the Union speech Tuesday, by scolding the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on campaign-finance reform in front of both houses of Congress. Obama objected to the Supreme Court's ruling last week that the First Amendment does not allow Congress to restrict the rights of corporations and unions to run political advertising... (more) ![]() January 27, 2010 NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE — Everything changes except President Obama. His agenda doesn't change. He has had no second thoughts about the wisdom of his health-care policies, or any of his policies; resistance is always and only a reason for redoubling. Also unchanging is the condescension with which he articulates his agenda... (more) ![]() January 27, 2010 ASSOCIATED PRESS — Giving up on health care overhaul is not an option, the top House Democrat said Wednesday as lawmakers looked to President Barack Obama for guidance in his State of the Union address on how to revive the stalled legislation... (more) ![]() January 27, 2010 MICHELLE MALKIN — There are more loopholes in President Obama's proposed "spending freeze" than in an Olympic volleyball net. Gargantuan government entitlements (Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid) are exempt... (more) ![]() January 27, 2010 JOHN CHAPMAN — Senator-elect Scott Brown offers such a perfect roadmap for Republicans in 2010 that it is worth deconstructing his campaign to draw the key lessons for the next nine months. First, the stakes are huge... (more) ![]() January 27, 2010 ASSOCIATED PRESS — Rep. Jason Chaffetz, Utah Republican, on Tuesday submitted legislation in the House of Representatives that would overturn a D.C. bill allowing gay marriage. Gay marriage is not yet legal in the District of Columbia, but the D.C. Council passed a bill in December allowing the unions in the city... (more) ![]() January 27, 2010 BILLY HALLOWELL — Rock the Vote (RTV) is one of the nation's most influential youth-targeted non-profits, describing itself as a non-partisan initiative whose "...mission is to engage and build the political power of young people in order to achieve progressive change in our country"... (more) ![]() January 27, 2010 SEN. JAMES INHOFE — President Obama's health care bill is on life support, and his destructive cap-and-trade energy tax proposal on Capitol Hill is also all but dead. Of course, this is no surprise to those who follow the politics of cap-and-trade... (more) ![]() January 27, 2010 CARLY FIORINA — Conservatism, an optimism grounded in great faith in each individual, rests on the fundamental principle that people will make better choices for themselves and their families than others can make for them... (more) ![]() January 27, 2010 NEWT GINGRICH — "If the First Amendment has any force, it prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens, or associations of citizens, for simply engaging in political speech." These are the words of Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the majority in a historic Supreme Court decision that began with a man, a movie, and a message that bothered the bureaucratic Washington machine... (more) ![]() January 27, 2010 TONY BLANKLEY — As I was preparing to write a column on the ludicrous maligning of the Tea Party movement by liberals, Democrats and the mainstream media (which I hope to write next week, instead), I started thinking about one of the key objectives of the Tea Party people ![]() January 27, 2010 PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS — Former U.S. Rep. Pat Toomey has opened up a 14-point lead among likely voters in his bid to deny U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter a sixth term, according to the latest Daily News/Franklin & Marshall Poll... (more) ![]() January 26, 2010 KEN BLACKWELL — Dawn Johnsen is President Obama's nominee to head the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel (OLC). It's arguably the most important office at the Department of Justice. OLC sets policy for the entire federal government... (more) ![]() January 26, 2010 NORVELL ROSE — From Barack Obama and his well-oiled propaganda machine, we have come to realize that truth can be found only in the opposite of what's said. So, when the President announced his new initiatives to help the country's struggling middle class, I knew that, in fact, the all-out war on the middle class had formally been declared... (more) ![]() January 26, 2010 DICK MORRIS — Highly informed sources on Capitol Hill have revealed to me details of the Democratic plan to sneak Obamacare through Congress, despite collapsing public approval for healthcare "reform" and disintegrating congressional support in the wake of Republican Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts... (more) ![]() January 26, 2010 NEWSMAX — President Barack Obama is the most polarizing president in American history, according to a poll released by the Gallup organization Monday. The average difference in Obama's approval ratings between Democrats and Republicans turned out to be 65 percent ![]() January 26, 2010 CLIFF KINCAID — Dennis Howard told EWTN television network on the day of the March for Life in Washington, D.C. that legalized abortion is the equivalent of 260 Haiti disasters on American soil. The death toll from abortion in the U.S. is over 52 million... (more) ![]() January 26, 2010 WASHINGTON TIMES — The mood among pro-lifers who were in town for the annual March for Life on Friday was ebullient and optimistic, owing to the failure of the Senate's health-care reform bill, which opponents said expanded federally subsidized abortion and included no conscience protections... (more) ![]() January 26, 2010 WASHINGTON TIMES — President Obama has decided to take on the banking industry with the most intrusive regulatory and tax package since the New Deal of the 1930s. If the president's failed freshman year didn't convince the O Force of his own fallibility, confronting Wall Street should bring him back down to Earth... (more) |
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