Obama You Can Keep the "Change" - Activate All Gun Owners NOW!
I Support the Second Amendment!
Alert: Extreme Left Wing Anti-Gun Liberals are on the march. It is time to Activate All Gun Owners to stop the anti-gun movement lead by Barak Hussein Obama.
Obama lied when he said "I'm not going to take your guns away" and "Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear...I think people can take me at my word." Yet Obama's agenda has a national gun owner registration scheme to authorize the government to ban firearm possession for any person by merely adding that person's name to the terror watch list.

Select Here To Reject AG Gun Ban Fax Obama All 100 Senators
CCRKBA Is Fighting Obama The Greatest Threat To Gun Ownership.
Law-abiding gun owners cannot believe Obama and must take action to stop his agenda or risk becoming criminals if they own sport-utility rifles, semiautomatic shotguns, handguns and any other firearm that Obama and his anti-gun attorney general don't like. Just look at some of what is already happening.
- Obama directed Attorney General Holder to aggressively detail the Obama anti-gun agenda in Holder's public statements before the Senate Judiciary Committee
- Obama Supports a UN Treaty to invalidate the Second Amendment and put the UN in charge of US gun control
- Obama wants Holder to enact a national, permanent gun registration system.
- Obama wants Holder to enact a new federal authority to prohibit any person on the federal watch list (reported to be 400,000 names) from buying guns and supports confiscating guns from those on the list who possess them.
- Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are renewing the push for the Senate to ratify CIFTA, an international treaty that would create a national registry of American gun owners and make that registry available to other signatory countries. As an added bonus, American citizens in the database accused of wrongdoing in other countries would be eligible for extradition.
The latest Rasmussen poll shows waning support for stricter gun laws. Among Americans polled, 75% said the Constitution guaranteed the right to own a gun. The percentage of "yes" answers was higher among Republicans (92%) and lower among Democrats (64%). Among others, 71% answered yes. And, 57% of those polled cited fear of increased government restrictions as the reason for a spike in gun sales. Americans like you who understand what our Founding Fathers envisioned for our nation...and who are willing to fight to defend our Constitution and for what it stands.
Keep calling your Senators today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121 AND REGISTER YOU'RE OUTRAGE at ongoing efforts to take guns away! CALL PRESIDENT Obama, 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your disdain and ABSOLUTE REJECTION of all GUN BANS. DO NOT BE SILENCED - MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!
We need TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes and PHONE CALLS and EMAILS delivered to ALL Senators right away! Together, we can preserve the Constitutional rights our Founding Fathers intended our people to have forever. For more information about CCRKBA go to http://www.ccrkba.org/ Thank you. I know I can count on you.
Keep calling your Senators today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121 AND REGISTER YOU'RE OUTRAGE at ongoing efforts to take guns away! CALL PRESIDENT Obama, 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your disdain and ABSOLUTE REJECTION of all GUN BANS. DO NOT BE SILENCED - MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!
We need TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes and PHONE CALLS and EMAILS delivered to ALL Senators right away! Together, we can preserve the Constitutional rights our Founding Fathers intended our people to have forever. For more information about CCRKBA go to http://www.ccrkba.org/ Thank you. I know I can count on you.
Sincerely, Alan Gottlieb, Chairman, Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
For our projects to be successful, we must count on the voluntary financial support from individuals like you who care. So please, help the Citizens Committee and me defeat those who wish to gut and trash the United States Constitution. Help me flood the U.S. Senate with a sea of FAXES big enough to drown each and every Senator willing to vote away the Second Amendment. Please, send your Donation and FAX TODAY! Fax NOW - Get Your Name Off The List. STOP Lautenberg's Attorney General Gun Grab. Select Here to Reject AG Gun Ban and Fax All 100 Senators Your contribution of $20 or $25 is urgently needed today. Your donation for just $10 will help so much. If you can afford to send $50 or $100 or more it would truly be a godsend. Remember, protecting our freedom is not inexpensive. But then, it's impossible to put a price tag on freedom. SELECT HERE to DONATE NOW. The rights you save may be your own! If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to: The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, 12500 NE Tenth Place, Dept Code 3603, Bellevue, Washington 98005
With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one of the nation's premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States. Contributions are not tax deductible. The Citizens Committee can be reached by phone at (425) 454-4911, on the Internet at www.ccrkba.org or by email to InformationRequest@ccrkba.org
For our projects to be successful, we must count on the voluntary financial support from individuals like you who care. So please, help the Citizens Committee and me defeat those who wish to gut and trash the United States Constitution. Help me flood the U.S. Senate with a sea of FAXES big enough to drown each and every Senator willing to vote away the Second Amendment. Please, send your Donation and FAX TODAY! Fax NOW - Get Your Name Off The List. STOP Lautenberg's Attorney General Gun Grab. Select Here to Reject AG Gun Ban and Fax All 100 Senators Your contribution of $20 or $25 is urgently needed today. Your donation for just $10 will help so much. If you can afford to send $50 or $100 or more it would truly be a godsend. Remember, protecting our freedom is not inexpensive. But then, it's impossible to put a price tag on freedom. SELECT HERE to DONATE NOW. The rights you save may be your own! If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to: The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, 12500 NE Tenth Place, Dept Code 3603, Bellevue, Washington 98005
With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one of the nation's premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States. Contributions are not tax deductible. The Citizens Committee can be reached by phone at (425) 454-4911, on the Internet at www.ccrkba.org or by email to InformationRequest@ccrkba.org
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