From: jb Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 Subject: THIS WILL KNOCK YOUR SOX"S OFF! Is this REALLY our AMERICA??????
I will vote against them.This piece of garbage is reason to throw any and all who vote for this bill out of office. You must listen to understand what lies ahead for the people.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch. You have to watch this video. If you can't get it on your computer Please send it to someone who can and go see it. We have to do something and NOW.
originated by Patriots Park the 1NationUnder1God3in1's Channel Update: THE PDF.OF THE BILL HR3200 NOTED AT THE END OF THE VIDEO IS NO LONGER VALID. HERE IS THE UPDATED LINK TO THE PDF: I am well aware of the type-O's in this video, I apologize but It's too late to fix it now. We are now at a stage where the House and the Senate must merge their ideas on their healthcare bills into one. If you would like the pdf. for these bills find them online. The FACTS in this video on bill H.R. 3200 still hold true in comparison to the House and Senate bills which have been passed, unfortunately. The House bill passed with a stipulation that will not fund abortion with our scarce and hard earned money. The Senate bill is worse and does intend on killing babies with our scarce and hard earned money. These two bills will be merged together and it is my common sense guess that they will go behind closed doors and merge these bills together with the forced option to fund abortion using YOUR money. Please people PRAY that this whole thing will miraculously get shot down. And know this, that no matter what way it passes, abortion funding or not, HEALTHCARE WILL NEVER BE FREE!! We will be forced to purchase it and those who do not or cannot purchase it will be fined or jailed. What a caring government huh? Even in our sick economy (caused by this same government might I ad) we will be expected to purchase this. No matter what, you better believe that with everything else these Washington thugs do, they will go behind closed doors and do whatever they choose to do. AMERICA IT IS TIME TO TAKE ACTION!! Healthcare is only a powerful stepping stone to their government takeover plan. Open your eyes America, they don't care what "we the people" want or need, which is affordable and decent healthcare, they simply want control. Aug. 2009 Original Bill (Video) :This is a point by point description of the Government Healthcare plan taken from the ACTUAL proposed bill H.R.3200 Though not opposed to healthcare reform most Americans do not want this KIND of reform which is a dangerous UN-AMERICAN UNCONSTITUTIONAL We want reform that makes sense and that is helpful for all not a destructive death warrant for the unborn and the elderly. We want government to stay out of our personal life decisions period. This is America !! Category: News & Politics | ![]() video: I had stopped the comments on this video for many reasons, for example: racist rants, death threats, calling out for murder, accusing me of things that are just not true (as if you liberals somehow have ESP and know what I am all about.) Get over yourselves! Thanks to all the people who do get it, you are out there, keep spreading accurate information as most of us can agree we are not being shown the truth. 1. I did not create this video, buckrush wanted everyone to spread this video, buckrush's account has been closed since. 2. Both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of legislating poor policies that negatively affect us for generations to come. Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and the Post Office are not doing well, they are on the verge of bankruptcy. 3. Anyone who is in the health care field understands why this reform is not going to do anything but grow the government and raise the cost of health care. Anyone who is not, thinks they know best. 4. Big government is not the solution as it is unsustainable. Government needs to be run like a business not a service, they need a reduction in force. Any company designed like our federal government would be long gone by now unless, of course, they had unlimited access to the taxpayer's wallet. 5. Contrary to all who think that being "unenrolled" somehow prevents me from voting any way I would like, again, in my state I can. 6. Most of the absolute anger, death threats and name calling has come from the left, real grown up guys. 7. This experience has woken me up to the sad fact of how Obama got in office, you believe what you want and reject anything that paints your "man" in a negative light. As if "well, where were you when Bush was in office?" is a valid argument. Wake up! 8. Many of the Tea party goers I met were unhappy with the over-reaching hand of the government, regardless of political affiliation. 9. If you voted for Hope and/or Change, you should just stick to American Idol. There is a reason they call it "Chicago Politics" 10. They want us to be divided, as long as we are they will remain in power to do as they wish with our lives, our money and our freedom. 11. The fact that some members of Congress are breaking laws that would end us up in prison, should have you motivated to demand they step down, but you probably don't even know who Charlie Rangel is. Thanks to ElitestPirate, comments for this video are back on. |
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