From: GOPUSA Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010
"This bill is unconstitutional and it cannot be fixed. It must be repealed. The battle for health care freedom is not over...."
Those are the words of Senator Jim DeMint, and in spite of what you may be hearing to the contrary, DeMint is 100 percent right. The battle to stop the government takeover of our nation's health care system is not over... it's just beginning.
Yes, we can still defeat ObamaCare and the time to act is now.
Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi bent the rules... they stomped all over the 10th Amendment... they bribed, manipulated and strong-armed federal legislators... they plotted and schemed behind closed doors... and they used every trick in their leftist playbook to bring ObamaCare back from the grave and shove it down your throat.
And when their quest to impose government-run health care on the American people was apparently lost, they refused to accept defeat. They resurrected ObamaCare from the grave and forced it on the American people.
But now that the shoe is on the other foot... now that they appear to have the advantage... they'd love for you to believe that the battle is over... that they can impose their twisted leftist agenda on the American people at any time... for any reason.
Well... we've got news for Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi and their far-left allies. If they can turn an apparent defeat into a victory, the American people can most certainly do the same. If they can resurrect ObamaCare from the dead, we can most certainly drive a stake through the heart of this liberty-crushing legislation. Defund ObamaCare And Then, Repeal It.

"This bill is unconstitutional and it cannot be fixed. It must be repealed. The battle for health care freedom is not over...."
Those are the words of Senator Jim DeMint, and in spite of what you may be hearing to the contrary, DeMint is 100 percent right. The battle to stop the government takeover of our nation's health care system is not over... it's just beginning.
Yes, we can still defeat ObamaCare and the time to act is now.
Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi bent the rules... they stomped all over the 10th Amendment... they bribed, manipulated and strong-armed federal legislators... they plotted and schemed behind closed doors... and they used every trick in their leftist playbook to bring ObamaCare back from the grave and shove it down your throat.
And when their quest to impose government-run health care on the American people was apparently lost, they refused to accept defeat. They resurrected ObamaCare from the grave and forced it on the American people.
But now that the shoe is on the other foot... now that they appear to have the advantage... they'd love for you to believe that the battle is over... that they can impose their twisted leftist agenda on the American people at any time... for any reason.
Well... we've got news for Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi and their far-left allies. If they can turn an apparent defeat into a victory, the American people can most certainly do the same. If they can resurrect ObamaCare from the dead, we can most certainly drive a stake through the heart of this liberty-crushing legislation. Defund ObamaCare And Then, Repeal It.
Do you want to know what Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and their far-left allies in Congress actually fear the most?
What they fear most and the very last thing they want is to be perpetually forced to thwart demands by the American people to repeal ObamaCare. They fully understand that every day they are forced to deny the will of the American people brings the extreme-left one day closer to defeat in November.
And they know that if the left is defeated in November... ObamaCare is effectively finished too. Political pundit Dick Morris explained it this way:
"Defund: Once we get the majority in both chambers, defund appropriations for the Obamacare program. The bill passed by the Congress and signed by the president is simply an authorization measure. Funds must be appropriated for it each year by Congress. Through zero funding these changes, we can cripple them before they take full effect."
Simply put, ObamaCare can be effectively stopped and if we value our freedoms and our liberties, we have only one clear course of action.
We must demand the repeal of ObamaCare. And when Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid thwart the will of the American people and defeat the repeal effort in the Halls of Congress... we must continually demand the repeal of ObamaCare again... and again... and again... and again, if necessary.
If we do that, there WILL be real change... ObamaCare WILL eventually be de-funded and repealed.
Don't Believe The Naysayers. ObamaCare Can Still Be Defeated But It's Time To Start Thinking Outside The Box.
Probably the most moronically sickening proclamation to come out of Washington lately is that a fight to repeal ObamaCare would be fruitless because Democrats have the majority in Congress and Barack Obama has the power of the veto.
Sadly, even some conservative pundits are repeating the mantra. Some are going so far as to say that ObamaCare can't be repealed because a program of this magnitude has never been repealed.
'It can't be done because it's never been done before'...? Such a statement seems to make sense until you really think about it. The fact that no one has had the guts or will to attempt to do something before is not relevant. It has no bearing on whether the task is do-able or not.
Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi know better. In fact, they probably smirk behind the scenes and jump up and down with glee when they hear this mantra of futility repeated because it plays right into their hands.
Did they ever say... 'Oh gosh... ObamaCare can't be passed... no one has ever passed legislation of this magnitude in opposition to the American people... I guess we should just give up?'
Of course not.
They KNOW their agenda can still be defeated and they desperately want the American people to stop fighting because the sooner the American people stop fighting the sooner the American people will forget what they just pulled... the most egregious aspects of ObamaCare, after all, don't take effect for some time.
They desperately need the anger to subside... as soon as possible... because federal elections are less than eight short months away.
That's why Barack Obama is back on the campaign trail attempting to sell his ObamaCare fiasco to the American public.
People who believe they've won the battle don't keep fighting. And if Obama is still fighting, then we must keep fighting.
Some Of Our Elected Officials Know The Score. Now Is The Time For Patriotic Americans To Stand In Solidarity With Them.
Fortunately for the American people, some of our elected officials are thinking outside of the box. They understand what is happening, they know how to fight ObamaCare and they've thrown down the gauntlet.
Senator DeMint recently said: "Americans lost this battle with their elected leaders in Washington but the war is not over. If we're willing to the fight to save freedom..."
Representative Michele Bachmann, who is actually introducing legislation to repeal ObamaCare, tells us that "government answers to the people, not the other way around, and the fight for the soul of this nation continues on."
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell recently said that the American people "are tired of being treated more like obstacles to be overcome than constituents to be respected and heard. But they will be heard."
"The war is not over" ... "The fight for the soul of this nation continues on" ... "But they will be heard" .... These are not empty pontifications but proclamations from conservative champions who know the battle to defeat ObamaCare (and the entire Obama agenda for that matter) can be won.
That's why some of our legislators are continuing to fight.
Senator Charles Grassley introduced an amendment to the ObamaCare reconciliation bill that would have required President Obama, Senate leaders and their senior staff members to participate in ObamaCare.
Yes, you read that right. Some of our elected leaders in Washington actually had the nerve to exempt themselves and their senior staff from ObamaCare.
And when Senate proponents of ObamaCare defeated the amendment, Grassley quite aptly said: "The message to the people at the grassroots is that it's [ObamaCare] good enough for you, but not for us."
Republicans introduced other amendments that would have prohibited predators from receiving 'enhancement treatments' on the taxpayers' dime and done-away with the sweetheart deals such as Senator Mary Landrieu's 'Louisiana Purchase.' As expected, ObamaCare supporters in the Senate soundly defeated those amendments.
Make no mistake, these legislators didn't introducing these amendments under the hope that they would actually pass, or merely to provide material for negative campaign ads in the fall (as the mainstream media is telling you)... but rather to keep bringing the fight to the proponents of ObamaCare.
They're keeping the fight alive by illustrating the moral bankruptcy of ObamaCare to the American people and they're forcing ObamaCare supporters to stand up and defend the many idiotic provisions of the bill.
Patriotic Americans, like us, have an obligation to stand beside them and add our voices to their voices. And we can stand beside these legislators and do our part by sounding a clarion call for the repeal of ObamaCare.
ObamaCare Was Never About Health Care. It Was, And Is, About Control.
Senator DeMint recently said: "Americans lost this battle with their elected leaders in Washington but the war is not over. If we're willing to the fight to save freedom..."
Representative Michele Bachmann, who is actually introducing legislation to repeal ObamaCare, tells us that "government answers to the people, not the other way around, and the fight for the soul of this nation continues on."
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell recently said that the American people "are tired of being treated more like obstacles to be overcome than constituents to be respected and heard. But they will be heard."
"The war is not over" ... "The fight for the soul of this nation continues on" ... "But they will be heard" .... These are not empty pontifications but proclamations from conservative champions who know the battle to defeat ObamaCare (and the entire Obama agenda for that matter) can be won.
That's why some of our legislators are continuing to fight.
Senator Charles Grassley introduced an amendment to the ObamaCare reconciliation bill that would have required President Obama, Senate leaders and their senior staff members to participate in ObamaCare.
Yes, you read that right. Some of our elected leaders in Washington actually had the nerve to exempt themselves and their senior staff from ObamaCare.
And when Senate proponents of ObamaCare defeated the amendment, Grassley quite aptly said: "The message to the people at the grassroots is that it's [ObamaCare] good enough for you, but not for us."
Republicans introduced other amendments that would have prohibited predators from receiving 'enhancement treatments' on the taxpayers' dime and done-away with the sweetheart deals such as Senator Mary Landrieu's 'Louisiana Purchase.' As expected, ObamaCare supporters in the Senate soundly defeated those amendments.
Make no mistake, these legislators didn't introducing these amendments under the hope that they would actually pass, or merely to provide material for negative campaign ads in the fall (as the mainstream media is telling you)... but rather to keep bringing the fight to the proponents of ObamaCare.
They're keeping the fight alive by illustrating the moral bankruptcy of ObamaCare to the American people and they're forcing ObamaCare supporters to stand up and defend the many idiotic provisions of the bill.
Patriotic Americans, like us, have an obligation to stand beside them and add our voices to their voices. And we can stand beside these legislators and do our part by sounding a clarion call for the repeal of ObamaCare.
ObamaCare Was Never About Health Care. It Was, And Is, About Control.
Just in case the rhetoric that you will hear from Barack Obama and his willing stooges in the mainstream media starts to get to you, here are some things to remember.
According to Connie Hair with Human Events, at least one key supporter of ObamaCare mistakenly removed his "mask" and admitted that ObamaCare is, and always was, about more government "control" over our lives.
"Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.) pulled off his mask on Monday when he told Detroit WJR News/Talk 760 radio talk show host Paul W. Smith that Democrat 'reforms' wouldn't be in place until 2014 because it takes time for the government to get control over people."
"'The harsh fact of the matter is when you're going to pass legislation that will cover 300 [million] American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people,' Dingell said.
"Control the people. That's a stunning admission. It's what opponents of this government takeover have warned all along: This was never about health and it most certainly isn't about care. It's about cradle-to-grave government control over 'the people.'"
Terence P. Jeffrey, also writing for Human Events posed the following:
"Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, the senior Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, about the constitutionality of the healthcare bill's individual mandate. 'If that is held constitutional ... for them to be able to tell us we have to purchase health insurance ... then there is literally nothing that the federal government can't force us to do,' he said. 'Nothing.'"
They Promised Us Universal Health Care. They'll Give Us Pain And Misery.
The Congressional Budget Office just released a report that should have been front-page news across the country. For the first time ever, the United States paid out more in Social Security benefits than it took in.
There are actually a few reports highlighting this shocking development. One of them is posted on a website called
"Social Security payouts are at risk after the Congressional Budget Office declared it will pay out more in benefits than it receives in taxes. This is unprecedented and early, and it wasn't expected to happen until 2016. ...
"The Social Security administration blames the recent problem on the recession. Unemployment is still at its highest and workers are still losing their jobs. There are more than 15 million people out of work in the United States.
"This was accompanied by a fall in revenue. Fewer jobs meant that fewer paychecks could be levied with taxes and thereby lesser revenue. If this path continues, the revenue that is accumulated will start to dwindle."
The approaching Social Security insolvency only illustrates that Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi may be promising health care to every American but it's a promise that they cannot conceivably keep.
Medicare and Social Security are approaching insolvency. Real unemployment is well into double-digits and when it comes to our present recession... there's no light at the end of the tunnel... in fact, we're simply going deeper into the tunnel.
Simply put, we can't pay for this ObamaCare scheme. We have no hope of being able to pay for it and that means that instead of bringing us all health care, Obama and Pelosi are bringing us health care rationing, higher taxes, bankruptcy and insolvency.
They're bringing us a world in which they'll make our health care decisions for us. 'The government can't afford to pay for that heart operation... there's a two-year wait for that procedure... here, just take two of these for the pain and we'll get around to treating you when we can.'
Far-fetched? Not on your life. That's pretty much the norm in countries that has already instituted government-run health care.
It would be advisable to remember the words of former-President Gerald Ford: "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have."

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to Barack Obama and the Republican and Democratic Leaders of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send over 530 urgent, personalized faxes to Barack Obama and all of the Members of the House and Senate. Tell them that the battle to defeat ObamaCare is not over. Tell them you want ObamaCare repealed. Tell them that the American people will continue to push this issue again and again and again if we have to, until the job is done.
If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.
Center for Individual Freedom, 917-B King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 703-535-5836 Fax:703-535-5838 CFIF is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit constitutional advocacy organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights. Contributions to CFIF are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions may be deductible as a business expense. Powered by GrassTopsUSA
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