article original source: Posted by | 3.22.2010 at 2:31 PM on
3.22.2010 Labels: Socialism Confessed Al Sharpton Obama Change Socialist Democrat Party -
ObamaCare has removed any pretense of moderation the Democrat Party has been trying to maintain. The mask is off. Did any of you ever watch the old TV series "V" (or the newer version?) We're now at the stage where America is finally seeing what is actually behind the mask Obama wore during the 2008 campaign, the mask most of the Democrat party has also been wearing.
To anyone who remains unconvinced that Obama is indeed a "Socialist", just listen to one of the most prominent members of the Democrat Party, Al Sharpton. Today he told us flat-out...
"The American public overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they elected President Obama." -- Al Sharpton 3/22/10
"I think that this began the transforming of the country the way the President had promised. This is what he ran on." - Al Sharpton 3/22/10
"I think that this began the transforming of the country the way the President had promised. This is what he ran on." - Al Sharpton 3/22/10
reposted on Harrold's blog at
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