From: ConservativeActionAlerts Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2010
Americans Are Fighting Back From Outside-The-Beltway Against Elitist Washington Democrats To Protect Civil Rights. State AG's Are Preparing to Stop The Unconstitutional OBAMACARE Power Grab Enforcement by the IRS.
ALERT: State lawmakers and attorneys general are lining up to challenge the constitutionality of ObamaCare and wage an outside-the-Beltway war against it in the courts. The new IRS mandate with ObamaCare is to enforce penalties and
collections making Americans buy health insurance. If you're due a refund or some other federal benefit, and you didn't obtain qualified insurance, your refund or benefit will be tapped for your fee.
The IRS is not a bill collector, insurance is not a tax and the IRS lacks the authority to enforce the collection of insurance premiums but the mandate effectively creates a back door tax for government run healthcare.
Florida Leads 10 States To Sue Over Health Care Bill Passage
Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum will file a lawsuit against the U.S. government over passage of ObamaCare. With 10 states joining Florida in this proposed lawsuit, Alabama, Texas, South Carolina, Utah, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Washington, North Dakota and South Dakota, the lawsuit will challenge if the passage of the bill is constitutional.
"The health care reform legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives last night clearly violates the U.S. Constitution and infringes on each state's sovereignty," McCollum said during a news conference.
The lawsuit will be filed once Obama signs ObamaCare into law. McCollum expects the lawsuit to end up in the Supreme Court's hands. Massachusetts is painfully aware of the destruction a healthcare insurance mandate does. It is the only state in the nation to currently require mandatory health insurance for its residents. The failed healthcare plan has all but bankrupted the state.
Voters in Massachusetts know this and took back the Kennedy seat in the Senate by electing Scott Brown. Now America is outraged that Democrats by passed the people of and the 41st vote against ObamaCare in the Senate. Americans were ignored when Democrats in the House accepted Pelosi's bribes of power, money, promises of committee positions and getting better office space to sell out America and destroy the best healthcare system in the world.
Americans Must Fight Back From Outside The Beltway Against Washington Democrats To Protect Civil Rights.
Obama truly made history by betraying America and has become a Progressive Dictator ruling from the extreme liberal left with his own agenda.
It will cost the IRS $5 billion to $10 billion over 10 years to handle the new workload.
Democrats ignored the 60% of Americans that do not want ObamaCare. Democrats ignored a mountain of more than 1,346,016 faxes from AmeriPAC supporters and phone calls that virtually shut down the Congressional switchboard. Democrats told Americans that their government does not listen to them. Now it is time to make them listen to the will of the people.
I need you to FAX all 50 State Attorneys General and urge them all to join Florida and the 10 current states to have the Supreme Court protect your constitutional and civil rights and STOP The OBAMACARE Power Grab.
Your voice can be heard - we need your urgent help at AmeriPAC. Even smaller donations are going to help. Any amount - $1000, $500, $250, or even $100 will help us fight the battle in Congress to STOP OBAMACARE. It's time we stood up and said enough is enough! Please join us with your AmeriPAC donation TODAY. Thank you. DONATE NOW. Stop ObamaCare!
For more information, visit
Alan Gottlieb, Chairman, AmeriPAC
Please make checks payable to AmeriPAC: American Political Action Committee (AmeriPAC), PO Box 1682, Dept Code 3978, Bellevue, WA 98009-1682
Paid for by AmeriPAC, a federally-authorized and qualified multicandidate political action committee. Contributions to AmeriPAC will be used in connection with federal elections. Maximum contribution per individual per calendar year is $5,000. Contributions from foreign nationals and corporations are prohibited. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
ALERT: State lawmakers and attorneys general are lining up to challenge the constitutionality of ObamaCare and wage an outside-the-Beltway war against it in the courts. The new IRS mandate with ObamaCare is to enforce penalties and

The IRS is not a bill collector, insurance is not a tax and the IRS lacks the authority to enforce the collection of insurance premiums but the mandate effectively creates a back door tax for government run healthcare.
Florida Leads 10 States To Sue Over Health Care Bill Passage
Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum will file a lawsuit against the U.S. government over passage of ObamaCare. With 10 states joining Florida in this proposed lawsuit, Alabama, Texas, South Carolina, Utah, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Washington, North Dakota and South Dakota, the lawsuit will challenge if the passage of the bill is constitutional.
"The health care reform legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives last night clearly violates the U.S. Constitution and infringes on each state's sovereignty," McCollum said during a news conference.
The lawsuit will be filed once Obama signs ObamaCare into law. McCollum expects the lawsuit to end up in the Supreme Court's hands. Massachusetts is painfully aware of the destruction a healthcare insurance mandate does. It is the only state in the nation to currently require mandatory health insurance for its residents. The failed healthcare plan has all but bankrupted the state.
Voters in Massachusetts know this and took back the Kennedy seat in the Senate by electing Scott Brown. Now America is outraged that Democrats by passed the people of and the 41st vote against ObamaCare in the Senate. Americans were ignored when Democrats in the House accepted Pelosi's bribes of power, money, promises of committee positions and getting better office space to sell out America and destroy the best healthcare system in the world.
Americans Must Fight Back From Outside The Beltway Against Washington Democrats To Protect Civil Rights.
Obama truly made history by betraying America and has become a Progressive Dictator ruling from the extreme liberal left with his own agenda.
It will cost the IRS $5 billion to $10 billion over 10 years to handle the new workload.
Democrats ignored the 60% of Americans that do not want ObamaCare. Democrats ignored a mountain of more than 1,346,016 faxes from AmeriPAC supporters and phone calls that virtually shut down the Congressional switchboard. Democrats told Americans that their government does not listen to them. Now it is time to make them listen to the will of the people.

I need you to FAX all 50 State Attorneys General and urge them all to join Florida and the 10 current states to have the Supreme Court protect your constitutional and civil rights and STOP The OBAMACARE Power Grab.
Your voice can be heard - we need your urgent help at AmeriPAC. Even smaller donations are going to help. Any amount - $1000, $500, $250, or even $100 will help us fight the battle in Congress to STOP OBAMACARE. It's time we stood up and said enough is enough! Please join us with your AmeriPAC donation TODAY. Thank you. DONATE NOW. Stop ObamaCare!
For more information, visit

Please make checks payable to AmeriPAC: American Political Action Committee (AmeriPAC), PO Box 1682, Dept Code 3978, Bellevue, WA 98009-1682
Paid for by AmeriPAC, a federally-authorized and qualified multicandidate political action committee. Contributions to AmeriPAC will be used in connection with federal elections. Maximum contribution per individual per calendar year is $5,000. Contributions from foreign nationals and corporations are prohibited. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
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